Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Professional football player, Plaxico Burress, was just sentenced to two years in prison for carrying an unlicensed gun and accidentally shooting himself.
Of course, the righties will insist he got what he deserved. "He broke the law, dammit!"
But I wonder if Mr. Burris was white if they would be saying the same thing? They will deny that of course. But before long, the news story of the day will change and outrage will be directed elsewhere. Like at one of the popular Tea Partys. You know. The ones where some 2ND. Amendment loving guy demands freedom to own and carry a gun. The one that says President Obama and liberal America haters like Truth 101 want to take our weapons and do background checks and make gun show vendors find out if the person they're selling a gun to is sane and not a felon.
I'm sorry folks. I know New York has tough gun laws and Mr. Burris is paying the price for an act of really stupid judgement. But I can't help but ask where are all the gun rights advocates demanding Mr. Burris be freed because the 2ND. Amendment takes precedence over any law made by a state?
Look once again at the picture of Plaxico Burris and I think you will have the answer.


Unknown said...

I don't think that owning and carrying a gun should be a crime. That said, if Plaxico voted for people that were against such draconian gun control, he might not be in jail. Just a thought.

The idea that legal owners of guns are committing crimes on the whole is foolish to say the least.

Call it racism if you want, but understand that it's more likely bad gun laws.

TAO said...

Football players donate big bucks to republicans; its something like 6 million to 600,000...

But then again most football players retire broke...

As far as "why do hetro white conservatives like screwing black men?"

I guess its because they respond to the tap in the bathroom stall...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I call it pandering to bigots BPB. When the NRA does a commercial and presents Plaxico Burris as a victim of bad law, I'll change my tune.

Satyavati devi dasi said...

NY does have really tough gun laws, and I guess that's for a reason.

That being said, I think Plax makes a great poster boy for NY: 'Look how tough our laws are, we don't hesitate to put even a hugely famous football player away.' If they hadn't, or if they'd smacked him on the hand, they'd be hearing allegations that they were soft on him because of the money. I think in some ways for NYS it's a no-win situation-either they're racists or they're soft on big names.

I guess you could argue that having the gun go off in a crowded place was a potentially huge hazard, and I think that if you have a gun and you cross a state line you have an obligation to know what the gun laws are in the state you're going to and to abide by those laws (which, I believe, was that his permit wasn't valid in NY).

I don't see this as a racist thing as much as I see it being made an example of for the edification of the general populus: 'if we did it to him, we're sure as shit gonna do it to you'.

I do think it's kind of suspect that none of those 2A folks were out protesting his right to bear arms, though. And whether or not that has racist connotations is a whole other box of rats.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I agree that Burris' conviction were not based on race Saty.

I'm just using Burris' plight as an example of my premise the the right panders to bigots by not taking up his cause when so many of them shouted and carried signs at Tea parties exhoriating the 2ND Amendment.

Anonymous said...

Well, as a white conservative, I personally like my Italian guy. :-)

As far as guns go, I'm not a huge fan. I don't own one but I don't have problems with other responsible adults owning a gun. I feel there should be legitimate regulations so that those that aren't stable should not be able to buy one.

I could care less if he was purple with orange spots, if someone breaks the law they should be held accountable. I don't waver on my opinions based on someone's color.

As far as shooting yourself, that is just really stupid ass thing to do and I am sure he is feeling that way too.

I think your suggestion that it is because of his color that those that are for the 2nd amendment are not protesting this, is flat out wrong. Always looking for a race issue does nothing for solving the racism that exists.

ablur said...

If it wasn't a high profile black man we would have never heard about it.

When some white guy does something this stupid it doesn't even make the news. No one cares.

The gun laws in NY or stupid and people complain about them all the time. Just because you don't hear about it doesn't mean it isn't happening. NY is very liberal conservative 2nd amendment types are out numbered in the voting booth.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I don't want to look for racism but for some reason, it's ugly head comes up all the time.

I really don't believe Glen Beck, Rsh Limbaugh, Cheney or any other mouthpiece or party bigshot is a bigot in that they hate because of the color of someone's skin. I just think they exploit racism to gain votes.

In a twisted, political hack way, one has to admire the way the bigots are played by the right.

Carl Wicklander said...

I don't own a gun, but I am definitely a believer in the 2nd amendment and generally against gun control.

During this whole ordeal, I've been sympathetic towards Plaxico Burress because I think it is an issue of the 2nd amendment. It was just a few years ago that Washington Redskins player Sean Taylor was murdered in his own home. If Plax thought he should have a gun to protect himself even if he didn't have a permit for it, I would call him wise in that regard. Shooting himself, however, not so much.

I don't think this is necessarily racial. It seems to me that when rich and famous people are caught doing something stupid and/or illegal, Americans are relatively unsympathetic. Martha Stewart, Michael Vick, and Paris Hilton come to mind so it may have more to do with Plaxico Burress' status as a famous football player that has generated so little public outcry.

Anonymous said...

Because he's a Yankee fan?

TAO said...

Always was told by the NRA that if we just ENFORCED THE LAWS ON THE BOOKS we would not have a gun problem...

So, the rules were enforced and what? Supposed to feel sorry for a guy that shoots himself?

I say throw the book at him....

I personally wish it had been Brett Favre...and that was said as only a diehard Packer fan can say it.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I don't think this was so much racial as it was punishing celebrity. We Americans have a love/hate relationship with celebs. We love to hear about them and we love to hate them and see them fail. Kind of makes you happy to be just a schmuck.

I do find it ironic that he went to jail after shooting himself. That's kind of like your parents hitting you again because you made them mad enough to hit you in the first place. This is a good example of government over-regulating behavior.

Good day, sir.

Carl Wicklander said...


You're a Packers fan, too, huh? I thought that I was the only one in BG. Imagine that.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm in agreement with you in regards to Mr. Burris's situation Law Teacher.

I disagree with TAO in that I think Burris's punishment was too severe.

I'll rethink, hell, I hope Wayne the Frnech guy president of the NRA takes up Burris's cause and proves me wrong on my premise of the right pandering to bigots. I'd rather have the right stand up for guys that are wronged according to it's beliefs than be correct in a theory.

Grung_e_Gene said...

This is purely a New York State-of-Mind thing. In Chicago when our High Profile Black Athletes make multiple Gun Violations, we applaud and ensure they get to play in the Super Bowl.

Here's Tank Johnson:

Police raided his Gurnee home for:
Guns and Drugs

Then Tank helped his bodyguard William Posey get shot and killed at the Chicago club the Ice Bar

After the Super Bowl, well then the Bears had to waive Tank!

TAO said...


I actually went to games at Lambeau Field when Lombardi was coaching the Packers. At 9 I got his autograph...

I fell out with the Packers when Bart Starr became coach and got on the Christian thing...

When you have seen games in Green Bay back in the 60's when it was 40 below zero windchill you are a fan for life!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You'd like my oldest sister TAO. She's ap. the same age as you. She used to cry when the Packers lost. My brother would tell her the Packers lost even when they didn't just to make her cry.

Anonymous said...

Plaxico Burress, was/is an idiot ot do what he did. Does he think that he's above the Law?

WHY EVEN bring Black or white into this?

Conservatives? Do they have a monopoly on this?

That moron Plaxico Burress brought this on himself, he didn't have anyone else to blame But YOU have to bring Conservatives into it. Just goes to show how your sick brain works

Anonymous said...

How dumb can you get? That's what happens when a street thug get rich.
The guy's a total moron.
The Giants have done everything but wipe this guy's ass the past 2 seasons. This latest incident seals his fate as a Giant. I say screw him the Giants and the rest of the world will get by without this classless piece of Ape-shit. The Giants can win without him.
Burress is a tool, I hope his career in New York is over with.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Famous guy wants to go out but worries about some nutty stalker or crazed fan of another team wanting to harm him. He carries a gun to protect himself. He commits an act of careless stupidity by shooting himself and gets two years in jail. His career ruined.

Anonymous said...

TRUTH 101 said...

Famous guy wants to go out but worries about some nutty stalker or crazed fan of another team wanting to harm him. He carries a gun to protect himself. He commits an act of careless stupidity by shooting himself and gets two years in jail. His career ruined.

You gets what you deserve!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I brought the analogy up because I know people just like you Brooklyn Guy. Well meaning but lacking empathy unless a situation hits you in the face. You also anonymous guy.

If either of you had a friend who was a rich celebrity and he told you nuts and stalkers were looking for him so he carrys gun you'd both probably say "good idea So would I."

Unknown said...

So are you empathetic? Is that what you're saying? We can all go by that label at some point or another.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Empathy is one of the positive characteristics I share with President Obama BPB. Your right wing friends, assuming the mean Right is Right lady hasn't chased them all off, should try it.

The Rattler - III said...

Yo, I actually came to his defense when the verdict was given. Stupid yes, criminal by definition of the constitution NO. The NRA needs gun laws to stay in business. Think about it. They talk tuff but they have compromised most gun legislation starting in 1968 with Nazi copied (look it up) gun bill sponsored by Kennedy and supported by the NRA. No friend of our rights.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The Rattler said: "The NRA needs gun laws to stay in business"

Well said Rattler. And this line of reasoning applies to many other issues and groups as well. I pointed out long ago that the right needs abortion to stay legal to keep the evangelicals in their fold. I hadn't thought about the NRA angle until you just brought it up. Very keen of you.

Unknown said...


You may have empathy for those that fit into your version of American life, but not everyone else.

Pamela Zydel said...

I am a proud SAFE gun owner. When I heard about this Plastico, whatever his name is, guy I thought how absolutely STUPID a person has to be to shoot himself! Why would anyone get a gun and stick it in his pant leg when he doesn't even know how to properly use the darn thing! THAT is beyond DUMB and he should go to jail just for being a moron!

I heard the other day that he has a pregnant wife and at least one little kid. What is he doing going to clubs anyway? He's a FATHER and HUSBAND for crying out loud! He SHOULD be home with his family, not trapising around in night clubs!

This is NOT a race issue, it's a lack of sense issue.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

My question is not whether Burris is an idiot for shooting himself. He is. I question the sincerity of the NRA and many other Tea Party 2ND Amendment fanatics for not jumping to Burris' defense.

I will admit that I have come across a few bloggers that have attacked Burris' punishment as excessive. Most of them are Libertarian and either support or are sympathetic to Ron Paul. I don't consider these people righties in the sense I would an irrational and hateful righty like the mean Right is Right lady.

coldoc said...

TRUTH 101 said...

I brought the analogy up because I know people just like you Brooklyn Guy. Well meaning but lacking empathy unless a situation hits you in the face. You also anonymous guy.

If either of you had a friend who was a rich celebrity and he told you nuts and stalkers were looking for him so he carrys gun you'd both probably say "good idea So would I.

BS, thats the reason why he has a crew of THUGS acting like bodyguards with him wherever he goes. You breaks the law, you goes to jail- it works for everybody else, why not him!!!!!

Hey, you did the crime, you do the time. Period.. It applies to everyone else..

Pamela Zydel said...

Truth: I am a defender of the 2nd Amendment and as such I believe that one needs to know gun SAFETY BEFORE purchasing and handling a gun, therefore I will NOT support anyone who shoots himself with his own weapon.

The Rattler - III said...

In Vermont, if you can legally purchase a gun, you can carry one concealed. Ages 16 and older. No training classes needed. Do they have a higher rate of accidents per capita than states that require training?

This may come one day but do you need a license to write a blog or a letter to the editor. I know that seems far fetched but it is a right in the Constitution. So is the Second and it is the only amendment to say "shall not be infringed". Not with a permit or after taking a state/fed safety course (with these they can always be denied if you don't measure up to a determined standard. But a right. Yes some people should take a class for safety reasons. But that is a personal responsibility and not the role of the collective.

Anonymous said...



JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Rattler said: "But that is a personal responsibility and not the role of the collective."

We have laws to protect the collective from the brutish and irresponsible acts of individuals. And sometimes groups. To say that we want individualism but still expect society as a hole to come to our aid when wronged is rather hypocritical. We're all in this together. "One Nation, under God" as so many love to quote. Not 310 million people living under 310 million flags.

The Rattler - III said...

My point is it is an individual right. Yes, the federal government has the collective duty to protect us with such things as an attach from foreign enemies. It is one nation under God so long as the government doesn't try to play god. Or our president. With personal freedom comes personal responsibility. It isn't a free for all though. We do have the Constitution as our framework for the greatest society.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The argument since our Nation was born has been less vs. more. Some wanted a strong federal government. Others didn't. We're still fighting over the right amount. Makes for interesting blogging though.

The Law said...

Well, I'm a HUGE football fan, and a big Giants fan, even tho my team is the Jets ( - my blog for when I need to cool my politics jets! (no pun intended haha) )

This isn't racism. This is Plax being reeeeeeally stupid. He maintained his innocence (which I do to some extent believe since he shot himself and wasn't using the gun to hurt or scare others) but he KNEW he was gonna be the poster child for tough NY gun laws! (There's a reason why violence in NYC has dramatically dropped from a decade ago). Plax HAD the opportunity for a bargain in which he'd have a few months of jail time, probation, fines, and suspension. He declined ALL of that because he thought he'd see no jail time, and here he is, heading to jail. Stupid stupid STUPID decision. The Giants will be ok w/o him eventually... Steve Smith is shaping up to be a helluva receiver...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Burris's conviction was not race based and I never implied or menat to imply it was. My premise is that right leaning pro gun rights groups have and won't use his case to spread their message. They know it won't sit well with the bigots the right panders to.

I do admit as The Rattler pointed out, the left is also guilty of this type of targeting. Should any righty wish to flog my with any examples I am prepared. I don't call myself Truth 101 because I hide from it.

Pamela Zydel said...

Rattler: I didn't say I WANTED a gun safety law. Gun safety is just common sense. But as we all know, common sense isn't common. My point is that if you're going to purchase, own and potentially shoot a gun, then you SHOULD know how to use it safely.

Truth: Of course no one is going to run to Pastico's defense. Did you really think they would? Whether it's race related is debatable. Personally, I don't think the NRA would've gotten involved if it was a white football player either. They don't want to soil their hands with something like this. No one does.

The Law said...

I'm inclined to agree with Pamela on this one. If Burris has a legal gun in a holster, and for some reason it tripped, and *then* the NRA didn't speak up, then I think you're on to something. But illegal gun possession is something the NRA would very much not wanna deal with, especially considering the guns at town hall meetings bonanza.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Give me an example of the NRA portraying a black man as victim of overzealous gun laws and I will concede.

Hany Kapony said...

There are a lot of truths in what you have to say regarding the incident, and the use screaming of racism as the knee jerk reaction is problematic in that there is a crying wolf syndrome that is attached to the use of the term racism. I also stand to reason that the police have an incredibly thankless job and most do there job and do it well. The problem is that in many places (NYC especially) police walk around with the attitude that since they have a badge and a gun they have a right to do whatever they wish. Racist or not the law was broken and Burris MUST obey the law like anyone and everyone else.
I am from NY and I can tell you that there are much to many gun shooting and killings because of stupid people like him. He is not above the law just because he has a famous name. Do the crime, do the time.

So I don't have any sympathy for him or anyone else that brakes the law.
To many of these Football and Basketball players think they are above the law, when they are no more than common street thugs.

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