Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Now that the hullabaloo has subsided a bit, I don't have a problem with Serena Williams going off on the line judge at the U.S. Open Tennis Tournament.
If you're serious about any activity and you don't get pissed at bad calls or your own mental errors, you're not really serious.
We all tell our kids to work hard and play harder. Our kids knocks hell out of the other kid with a tackle or a hard slide we cheer and give him/her a high five. They spike the ball over the volleyball net for the kill and we're all as proud as can be.
We want them to be winners on the field and in life. But here is a supremely talented lady who works as hard as anyone to be the best at her sport and the same people that demand hard work and intensity vilify her for getting pissed at a bad call when she's withing two points of being knocked out of her sports biggest tournament.
For whatever reason the crowd was for her opponent and against Serena. Her opponent had a warm story and certainly deserved to win the match and the tournament. But Serena is fighting her opponent. A crowd made up of her fellow Americans. And a bad call. I don't blame her a bit for going off. I've blown my stack when the situation was a thousand times, hell, infinitely less important and prestigious than what Serena faced.
Many will still say what a bad sport or unclassy Serena Williams was. I saw an intensely driven athlete and a fellow American showing great emotion. That showed me she cared. I wasn't big on Serena Williams one way or another before. I always rooted for her sister Venus. But now I am a Serena fan.


Anonymous said...

She acted like the asshole she is!

Beaux said...

Her ass is ALMOST as big as Michelle Obama's is. ALMOST, but not nearly .

But her attitude is as big as her FAT ASS is.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Spoken like the two losers Beuax and Anonymous obviously are.

Anonymous said...

Oh Truth, (sigh)

I gotta disagree with you on this one, it reminds me a lot of the Tiger thread not too long ago. I've competed in competitions and games throughout my life. (gymnastics, soccer, softball, and even tennis) Of course it is nowhere near the level that these athletes compete on. I understand the adrenaline that takes a hold of you in the heat of competition but I can honestly say that the closest I came to having a temper tantrum was by throwing my helmet, when I struck out. I was more mad at myself than the ump. Of course, I was warned if I did it again, I would be kicked out of the game, so I didn't do it anymore. I'm a quick learner! :-)

They are without a doubt playing for higher stakes than just a check in the win column. I've never liked McEnroe, not because of his tennis playing ability, but because of his attitude. I don't put up with temper tantrums from my boys so I am not going to put up with it from a grown adult. You can ask my boys they will tell you.......LOL

TAO said...

Whew! Is that outfit to improve the aerodynamics of her game or what?

I will plead the fifth amendment in regards to any conversation on sportsmanship....lets just say that Jennifer beats me in that department.

Did I tell you that I think Michelle Obama is HOT?! She's got class!

Anonymous said...

LOL @ TAO....No, you can't possibly be telling me that you were anything less than the composed man I know? I'll never believe it! :-)

TAO said...


Thank God I am old, Thank God there were not cell phones back then...

Thank God I was smart enough, even when angry to not fight the refs on the court but wait until they were in their locker rooms... :)

Or, the one time during half time catch one in the bathroom...

Or, I could show your sons how to get a rebound, start a fast break (and all the attention is on the ball) and then have your opponent behind you and throw him an elbow that sends him to the floor and then no one notices anything until your team has scored and they realize that the other team only have four guys standing...

Anonymous said... the key is to do it while no one is looking!!

The Thin Blue Line said...

Sportsmanship? I wouldn't use tat word in the same sentence with Serena Williams!!!!!
In case you live under a rock, Serena Williams is the uncouth half of an amazing pair of tennis superstar sisters.

Years ago when they first came on the scene I routed for the both of them because I’ve always loved the underdog in sports. They were the first blacks in many years to become a major threat in the world of tennis. But as time went by and their distinctly different personalities emerged, I realized that shall I say they were a bit Unhinged, arrogant, and nasty!
Venus Williams is a class act: quiet, respectable, professional and dignified.

Serena Williams is a retard: braggadocios, unsportsman-like, arrogant and LOUD SPOILED BRAT..
This lunatic in the guise of a female went BERSERK!! She started cussing at the judge and threatened to shove the ball down the judge’s throat. She was penalized a point and lost the match to Kim Clijsters. Where in the world of tennis has anything such as that ever happened before? Sure you can say that John McEnroe was arrogant, but he wasn’t nasty like this. He didn’t have shit-for-brains like Serena Williams.

All this because she saw she was on the verge of losing. And being the typical sore-loser and crooked player (one who uses tricks like intimidation to win), she threw out the biggest distraction she could think of. This makes me think of that other sore looser classless act, disrespectful, and unprofessional jerk Tiger Woods.
Fining her only $1,000.00 is like a slap on the wrist, they should throw her out of the Tennis Association for 3-5 years.
Yup, it’s official. Serena Williams is a PSYCHOPATH. And she probably voted for Obama.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Serena Williams is a PSYCHOPATH. And she probably voted for Obama.

Behold the mind of an extremist.

Like Gasbag Limbaugh in his idiotic claim that President Obama is responsible for schoolboys' bad behavior on school buses, Thin Blue Line felt compelled to connect Serena Williams' bad behavior to Mr. Obama.

By Thin Blue Line's skewed logic, we must then assume that spoiled brat tennis star, John McEnroe and other execrable characters who misbehaved in every sport played in the early '80s, must certainly have voted for Ronald Reagan.

TOOKIE said...

She pulled the " Jonny Mac or the Conners" , it is a old school tennis move .

I agree but am not shocked . I really think tennis at that level is about as competitive as anything and people make mistakes .

p.s. : I was a huge Mac fan

The Thin Blue Line said...

Shaw said:'By Thin Blue Line's skewed logic, we must then assume that spoiled brat tennis star, John McEnroe and other execrable characters who misbehaved in every sport played in the early '80s, must certainly have voted for Ronald Reagan.'

Well maybe he did?

I'm not condoning him either. Not like you folks think that Blacks can't do anything wrong.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Who didn't look forwrd to a good tantrum from Ilie Nastase back in the day TBL?. McEnroe's antics brought loads of attention to the sport. Bjorn Borg was boring with McEnroe.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You would appreciate my boy TAO. He wasn't the best player necesarily but he was the best at getting even for his team mates.

TAO said...

Truth 101 and THE ENFORCER!

(I was FAIR when my teammates needed and 'education' I was the one doing the educating! :) )

Beaux said.. said...

The Thin Blue Line guy said,Serena Williams is a bit Unhinged, arrogant, and nasty!

Maybe so, but she has a nice big ass.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It's solid and that's what counts Beaux.

Now run along and work on your trolling technique young lady. Your amateurism is unworthy of this blog network.

Unknown said...

There is nothing wrong with Serena's ass. It's very nice and it keeps the attention of the rest of the sports world normally.

Unknown said...

By the way, the picture under your title is funny. he he!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Unlike her, I do appreciate your years of military service whether or not I agree with what you say BPB.

Grung_e_Gene said...

That is one fine keister, but Serena is far too muscular for my tastes. I'm fairly intimidated by a woman sporting bigger guns than I...

TAO said...

Grung, respect women who are built like that because they could hurt you!

Truth, would have a picture of RIR in something a little more revealing or maybe in some tight leather?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

RIR is a wholesome republican lady TAO. I'm surprised she wasn't wearing a turtleneck and veil.

Throwing Stones said...

Serena Williams is a stupid spoiled bitch, why are people afraid to say it!
She acted like a 6 year old not getting her way, busting her rackets and violently threatening other people..
she said she didn't threaten the line judge. Well, where I come from, saying that one is going to stuff ones ball down another one's least, when holding a tennis ball...has never been considered a playful line. Especially when it's said by a screaming, angry, horse tranquilizer-filled crazed athlete.

TAO said...

"Especially when it's said by a screaming, angry, horse tranquilizer-filled crazed..."

Coming from a guy that just posted to Right is Right?

Great description for the whole bunch of folks we gently refer to as the reactionary right...

So, how did you come up with the horse tranquilizer-filled thing? Experimented with it?

Throwing Stones said...

TAO said...
"So, how did you come up with the horse tranquilizer-filled thing? Experimented with it?"

If that's the very best come back you can do, I better go play with GROWN UP'S instead of wasting my time and valuable witt and wisdom with you.
Now go back to your sandbox..

TAO said...

Run along and go cover RIR's back....

Like the internet is some sort of War Games or something...


How to make a Instant Asshole Cocktail, take Kanye West and just add alcohol.

Anonymous said...

Can't decide which is scarier, Serena or the RIR lady.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Truth, this blog has become a real joke.
For the record, this blog stinks. All I read about is ramblings and other nonsense especially when your buddy TAO tries to out wit someone that is far brainier than he is. Not that it takes much to be in that position.
His and some of the others like Aurthur's comments are so childish and foolish that it really is a shame to even waste cyberspace on.
I wouldn't even acknowledge it's existence; much less comment here any longer.

My advice to you is to SHUT IT DOWN and start over under another name. .

TAO said...

Rude and Arrogant Ass...

You have had an 'identity' since August 2009 and all of the sudden you are posting to Truth Shall Rule and you haven't got a single post on your own blog?

So, do tell...who were you last week? You obviously have a slightly higher command of english then some of your compatriots...

Anonymous said...

TAO said...

Rude and Arrogant Ass...

You have had an 'identity' since August 2009 and all of the sudden you are posting to Truth Shall Rule and you haven't got a single post on your own blog?

So, do tell...who were you last week? You obviously have a slightly higher command of english then some of your compatriots..

Huh? I don't get it!

I started a blog only so that I would be able to comment with my name, rather than make an anonymous comment. I have no intentions of blogging.
But thank you.
I only follow a handful of blogs. Your was one of them at one time, of course, if I find the subject material inspiring, or engaging, I will definitely follow. I checked yours out and at one time I found it to be very interesting but frankly it's getting to be a bit boring as I said before.
And now I don't think I have the time or inclination to follow and read it any more.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hi Rude Dude.

It's funny because the original Rude and Arogant guy was a friend of mine from the car business years ago. You showed up right after he did a couple of posts. I though he was funny if not tasteless. You're neither funny or tasteless Rude Dude#2. You're just an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Rude and Arrogant Ass#2... I don't think so..
And you Sir are a Foolish name calling juvenile, who serves no productive purpose other than to cause trouble and upset people.
Just remember what goes around comes around.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You are but a puny ant and I am a giant can of Raid Rude Dude#2. You are but a small flea on the largest elephant in Africa.

Your lame attempts at humor and relevance cause me no irritation or even a minor annoyance.

You're so pathetic you don't even warrent the pseudo honor of me labeling you a deluded right wing fool. You, Rude Dude #2 are simply an idiot.

Thank you for visiting Truth Shall Rule. And tell Right is Right Truth 101 said hi.

Anonymous said...

Truth101, you are really LIAR101.

I don't know why you link me with your obvious obsession to RIR who I really don't hardly know at all. But You can have your stupid way id you like. And by the way, I am the one and only Rude and Arrogant Ass, the story you told about another one is FALSE!! And you know it!!
Of course as in all of your other posts that attacked me for no reason at all, you have no substance to stand behind any argument. So you attack my character. Go ahead if you think it will make you feel better and show your friends a bit of comic relief. I personally think that you come off as some sort of Egotistical Puny Little Man, who is NO match for my superior brain.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

TRUTH 101 said... RIR is a wholesome republican lady TAO. I'm surprised she wasn't wearing a turtleneck and veil.

That isn't an actual picture of RIR. Looks to me like a picture of Heather Locklear (who is a republican BTW).

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

This lady has gone through so many profile pictures she doesn't remember what she looks like WD.

Hey Rude Dude#2: Come up with something better than a below average third grader could come up with and I'll be glad to debate you. Your wit is lacking and your intelligence is less than the minimum required to even have an IQ.