Because the deluded fools will always be among us, it is only natural that the unscrupulous would learn to exploit them to their own selfish ends.
Although this has been going on a long time with defacto Republican Party leader, Rush Limbaugh, the effort to control the minds of the deluded fools is at it's most active ever with creeps like Glenn Beck pushing their message of hate on the deluded hoards.
After listening to the brainwashing bullshit spewed by the Becks and Limbaughs and Professor Donald Douglases, the deluded then begin repeating the same nonsense about pinkos and socialism to whomever happens to be unfortunate enough to be near them. The poor deluded fools believe they are speaking intelligently and pretend to be informed when in fact, they are only repeating what their subliminal masters have programmed them to think and say.
These poor deluded, brainwashed fools seek each other out so they can congratulate one another on how good they call progressive thinking, informed, intelligent, caring Americans like yours truly, "commie, pinko liberals."
Eventually, right wing media brainwashes these poor deluded fools into attending a large gathering of fellow deluded right wing fools. They call these events "Tea Parties."
Saturday, September 5, 2009
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TRUTH SHALL RULE, Yes truth did rule this morning with the dumping of that slime bag Van Jones.
Now on with getting rid of the rest of the Marxist Freak Show.
And notice how this happened at 3:00 in the morning on Labor Day weekend.
Buried on page 91 in the New York Slimes.
Good morning defenders of the Constitution and Glenn Beck. Great news about the coward Van Jones and his resignation. As my Mom used to say "Good riddance to bad rubbish". I do think he will continue as an adviser to Mr. Obama. He'll just fly under the radar. On another note, I think it's time to mount a campaign to let the other "news" organizations know what we think of their refusal to cover the controversies in the White House. Their silence on the issues covered by Glenn is deafening and tells us everything we need to know. Have a great day all. You too Truth101
I was wondering why the media wasn't covering all the unseemly acts Glenn Beck committed in the 90's myself My Thoughts.
Thanks for exposing the mainstream news media for the sissies they are.
What does that have to do with OBAMA appointing a COMMIE to be one of HIS advisers?
Typical Liberal horse-shit, change the subject and make the message bearer the bad guy.
I'm sorry I mistook you for a caring American My Thoughts. I thought you were lamenting the sissy mainstream media for ignoring or hiding from powerful stories. Apparently you only want them to report on stuff embarrassing to the President while leaving liers and scumbags like Beck and his drug addled buddy Limbaugh alone.
An avowed racist, hater, and Communist that claims whitey is poisoning colored people and Dean calls his ouster 'America's loss'?
And YOU call Glenn Beck a scumbag for his work on getting rid of this piece of excrement.
Whats wrong with this picture?
But That's Just My Opinion asked what's wrong with the picture?
Exactly how many blog personalities are you?
You came to my blog this morning as "MY VIEW" then answered my comment to MY VIEW as "BUT THAT'S JUST MY OPINION" and then deleted it after you realized your mistake [I have the comment in my blog's email].
Perfect example here of a phoney who uses so many disguises, it can't remember who it is. Ha!
Suggestion: Stick to one personality so you can remember what you're lying about.
BTW, Glenn Beck is an undereducated ninny and Barack Obama is the President of the United States of America and the leader of the free world. God Bless him.
We're not concerned with the doings of a deranged clown like Beck.
Van Jones gone? Too bad. The Obama administration will appoint another Liberal to replace him.
And Glenn Beck will still be an idiot.
I am starting to think that there is one blogger with about 20 identities.
The way they all talk is exactly the same. EXACTLY the same. Misspellings and all.
Limbaugh is not the defacto leader of the party. The party is still in shambles and slowly being reassembled. Beck is not a creep. But Matthews and Olbermann are total creeps.
I know it's beyond you people to understand that the Republican party has plenty of independent thinkers and analysts, but there must be some reason that support is shifting. It can't just be hate and anger, can it? Of course not.
When you consider that the media is pretty much in bed with this administration, why again is opinion and support shifting?
I will concede that President Obama has made several tactical errors. I know it's still early in his administration BPB and others, but after this Van Jones debacle, it may be time to take another look at Axlerod. No excuse for Jones, who has a history of statements the opposition can and will exploit, to ever be nominated or have any contact at all with this administration.
The lamentable truth is that we've put ourselves in a bad situation with the imbalance between the legislature and the executive branches of government. Things always seem to be better when we have one party in control in one branch and another party in control of the other.
Government inactivity works out well for the American people who have to now suffer the fools from the Democratic party without respite.
But, LL, traditionally it switches anyway.
Even though the democrats are trying to excuse it, they know they will lose their majority in both houses.
The difference this time needs to be a little more of a focus from Republicans. They also need to be cognizant of the fact that their constituents will want them to be more conservative. At least fiscally. Because after this last republican was a nightmare.
I would be worried if there were reasonable republicans that were the spokespeople and leaders of the party. But like it, or admit it or not, your spokespeople and leaders are people like Rush, Beck, Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman. That doesn't bode well for your party. How can the sane part of the electorate take the republican party seriously when these people are the defacto leaders?
Nothin wrong with Michelle Bachman. You guys don't like conservative women anyway. They could be strippers and you would find something wrong.
Rush isn't the leader of the party no matter how hard you guys try to spin it.
Far be it for you give credit for people coming up with the same ideas independently. Oh,'s because they are based on what people want.
So just who is the leader of the republican party BPB? Michael Steele? Newt Gingrich? McConnell? Beck? McCain? The shadow figures at the Heritage Foundation? Cheney? Former President Bush?
Nice gallery to choose from.
That type of sneering attack might work on some of these people. None of the people you mentioned would be horrible people.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with Heritage Foundation, and they aren't a shadow government, nor are they controlling anything.
Steele is the RNC leader and for now, I think that's enough. If someone outstanding comes along in the meantime, it won't come out of any of the people you mentioned.
So lemme fire that back at you. Who is the leader of the democrats? Dean? He is always out in front shooting his mouth off. Pelosi? obama? The shadowy people controlling things from HuffPo?
Barack Obama is the leader of the Democratic Party.
I still submit that Rush is the leader of the Republican Oarty BPB. Any outsider, no matter how reasonable and intelligent, if he/she doesn't tow the Rush line, he's done. Rush is first and foremost an entertainer, but no Republican better call him that. Remember what happened to your "leader" Michael Steele, and others. "I'm sorry I said truthful things about you Rush. Please stop beating me up."
Hey, Rush is a force to be reckoned with, no doubt. But, I think it's funny that a guy with hardly any experience is who you consider the leader of your party.
obama is the leader of obama. He doesn't care about you or me or the democrats.
Ah BPB, you delete my comment and leave your reponse to a deleted comment stand...
Interesting way to prove you got balls to Right Is Right...
Rush leads your party right now because everyone in the Republican Party who dares to differ from him ends up apologizing for the Faux Pas...
But you are right, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are just the Ernst Julius Röhm's of your 21st century brown shirts...
Now Poodle boy, go run along and let your reactionary right buddies admire your velcro balls...
If you really want a woman who can dominate you then you need to bow at the altar of "My Thoughts" she can ball bust a man like you without one single cuss word...
Now, go on and get yourself a good free education from your GI Bill while I pay taxes for your fat ass to run your mouth about your service to this country and what this country owes you...
Michelle Bachman is a crazy bigoted hypocritical idiot.
Crazy: "I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out, are they pro-America or anti-America?"
Bigot: Supports both a federal and state constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and legal equivalent, and is a critic of any type of civil union for gay couples.
Hypocrite: denounced a public health option as a "government takeover of health care" and compared it to Cuba. In 2009, she ranked eighth of 435 members of congress in campaign contributions from donors in the insurance industry.
Idiot: "Hoot-Smalley"??
(source for all info unless another link provided: wikipedia)
Michael Steele's recent comment to a woman whose mother died because she couldn't afford her prescription chemotherapy medications is further proof that the Republicans are looking out for health insurance company profits, and not the American people. He had to accuse her of "pulling antics to get on TV" -- that, or be truthful and tell her that the Republican party doesn't give a damn about you if you aren't rich.
The typical deleuded republican would just say it's a great example of freedom when some poor sap with no health insurance dies becuase he couldn't afford treatment WD. Then the deluded republican would go to a tea party wearing his flag pin while shouting "One nation under God dammit!"
Jesus loves them.
To be honest, I'm not liking anybody out there, Republican or Democrat. There is no one that I see that can get this country going back in the right direction. I just hope that someone will start showing some potential. 2012 is still a good bit away, but it takes time to mount a presidential run.
I wonder if there is ANYBODY in government that is worthy to represent this country!
Dennic Kucinich and Ron Paul.
There. I said it and I'm glad.
Our country is dysfunctional...we do not someone running government but rather we want to WIN! Then we end up with half the country beating on the other half until the next election.
Partisanship is about winning and advantage, compromise is about governing...
Tao, I always knew you were a gutless piece of shit. Since I wasn't talking to you, I find it interesting that you are still trying to get my attention.
Since I'm paying taxes, I feel comfortable using my GI Bill, especially since I paid into it 20 years ago, but you wouldn't know anything about that because you're just trying to make me angry. No more.
Rush is not the defacto leader of anything. How's the hope and change working? Schools stopping the obama speech in class, van jones let go, and healthcare in the toilet. Have fun with the no substance and the insults.
Oh yeah, just a couple of weeks ago you were never going to post to this blog again...and guess what? You're back!
Van Jones? Hmm, Green Jobs Czar...that a major position in the White House! Got a sneeky suspicion that he was less a threat to your side in the White House than he will be outside...
Bet he has got an ax to grind right now and he is a smart guy I would watch him..
I suspect after all the broo haha settles on the speech thing most moderates and independents will see through your bunch of crazies; it was brillant of Obama to let you all go ape shit over his speech and then he releases his speech the night before he gives it...what can you say?
Then you realize that obama will get a healthcare bill through congress and with his speech he will be able to take credit for it...which pretty much makes him a winner on that front and his poll numbers will go up and you will be miserable again...
But you like enjoy yourself for the rest of the year!
Its not the battles that matter but the WAR...and since Obama is still popular with the minorities and young people you are at best fighting nothing more than a rear guard action as part of a retreat.
As a conservative you should know that Americans really don't give a shit about the deficit, good lord you have proved it in 20 out of the last 28 years!
I think the liberals need to start painting conservatives as 'soft on terrorism' with George Will's recent comments....
Nothing like fighting fire with fire...Chicago Politics versus Fox News Politics....
That's why all your rightie brethern consider you a poodle...
by the way I posted your whining post to Right is Right about being picked on my blog....
Seeing how you folks love to delete things and rewrite history...
And I thought Rush was the leader of the Republicans, or is it Will now?
I honestly don't care about those people if they can't handle anything past swearing every fifth word.
I really don't care what you post about me. Just shows how angry and hateful you really are.
It makes no difference who leads...I just want to bury what you represent as quickly as possible and get this country moving again...
I would use George Will like you used Van Jones...
You know there will be a healthcare reform bill this year and Obama will get credit for it regardless of what the bill ends up looking like...
So, 47 million Americans without healthcare will see Obama as their Messiah and that is a big voting block locked in for 2010 and 2012.
Wait till after the healthcare bill and he goes after the financial system....that is where he paints the picture of bringing back fiscal sanity by re establishing regulation that was not enforced or watered down...
He will never mention Bush but all the voters will hear is Bush, Bush, Bush...
On one hand you want to claim that Obama has no experience and on the other you want to claim that he is a crooked Chicago contradict yourself.
On one hand you want to claim that Obama has no experience and on the other you want to claim that he is a crooked Chicago contradict yourself.
Funny, I don't remember using that combination of words. Anywhere.
Why the hate, Tao? What exactly did I do that pisses you off so much that you think you can destroy me? My GI Bill? My service that I don't talk about as much as you claim? That I'm not taking the bait?
Come on, dude. There is no reason for all of this.
George Will was never thought of as a leader of the republicans because like William Buckley, he's too much of an egghead. Republicans demand either ignorance or shifty character in their leadership. Rush Limbaugh possess both of these characteristics. That's why he's the defacto leader BPB.
Really? Does that make Cindy Sheehan the leader of the Democratic Party?
Rush has a following, but hey, in the absence of leadership...
That still doesn't make him the leader.
I don' hate you...good lord I don't even know you and I do not judge a man by his words but rather by looking him the eye and shaking his hand...
Actually, you do show the potential to think rather than drink the kool-aid blindly. So, think of it as a compliment...if you were totally a dumbass reactionary right talking points idiot who had no other redeeming qualities I wouldn't pay you one bit of attention...
I am smart enough not to waste my time...
I have never knocked your service to this country...but I will knock the benefits that you believed were earned because I know lots of people who served their employers with dedication and hardwork for a lot longer than 20 years and they were made guarantees that were not kept.
A country that aspires to greatness must have citizens that believe that all promises are solemn oaths...all I want you to do is to think why you believe it is okay for corporations to go bankrupt to escape their promises to their employees and why you believe your employer, the US governemnt, which is bankrupt, will not do the same?
One thing I learned from studying Japanese companies is that they keep their promises to their employees and they do the right thing by their employees which has a lot more to do with them not being unionized than the fact that they locate in right to work states...
I know a Japanese company here in town that sends its managers to employees homes that have been hurt on the job to apologize to the employee and to assist the employee and their family....
Brillant move on the part of management...just brillant.
Now go and think outside the box...
Tao, I can tell you that government control = stagflation. You are old enough to remember the 70s. No getting around the fact that government control and the so-called bailouts will only serve to stagnate the markets which were hyper inflated in the first place.
If you don't hate me, why go tattle on me to reactionaries? That doesn't show class at all. I never erase posts, by the way. Everything is saved in case I need it later. Reposting to someone you know doesn't like me is pretty classless. It also shows that you are just trying to crush me. Fortunately, the blogger world is a much larger world than our little circle.
Having me in a least you know our money isn't going to waste.
Why call me fat? Actually, I'm in pretty good shape for 40. That's saying alot in this country of lard asses. I can still do my 2 mile in 14:30. Wait, are you outside? Bad!
I am interested in your comparison of Beck and Limbaugh to Ernst Rohm. I am very interested in German history of the twenties and early thirties, and I don't see the parallel. This isn't an attempt to bait you- I would really like to know. Are you referring to the organizing job he did as head of the SA, which resulted in his murder after Hitler took total power? Or his incitement of violence; in which case one would think that a comparison to someone like Goebbels or Alfred Rosenberg would be a more apt comparison.
Again, this is not a challenge. I would really like to know what you meant.
Green Eagle,
In the 20's and the 30's Germany was a mess; besides the worldwide depression they were also burdened with the Versailles treaty payments and had been humiliated beyond belief.
Then you had a parlimentary form of government that just could not govern...election after election, nothing changed. Then you had the SA who were just a small band of thugs who kept things stirred up.
While at the time they did most of their hell raising in the streets and while they were never a serious threat they were able to produce the feeling and or create newsclippings that gave the impression of unease and unrest to and among the general population.
They were malcontents that did not represent the majority nor anything closely resembling popular opinion.
Most Germans including Hindenburg considered Hitler a clown and did not take him seriously but with the daily protests in the streets amongst the communists, socialists, and unemployed Hindenburg finally had no choice but to give Hitler a chance because at the time everything else was tried and nothing else and no one else worked.
Once in power the first thing Hitler does is murder Roehm because he realized that the SA could very easily turn on him.
Roehm saw himself as the KING MAKER and believed that Hitler was nothing without him...
Now, exactly what roll does the reactionary right play in society? When they troll what is their purpose? Are they debating an opinion or a position or are they just being disruptive?
When and if someone new pops up on the political horizon how will they gain any credibility without the support of Limbaugh and or a Beck? Because realistically this rising star will have to come from the right as all that is going on right now is creating a general perception that moderates and liberals cannot govern.
How long can this sense of incompetence on the part of government go on before Americans get tired of it and long for a government that works.
How then can anyone govern when you have this group sitting on the sidelines doing nothing but being disruptive? When you are a minority people like Limbaugh, Beck, and all of the other malcontents that create their hate and dissatisfaction make you appear larger and more powerful than you really are.
But malcontents are malcontents and they are never going to be satisfied so it is only a matter of time before they turn on politicians they once supported.
If you really want to learn anything about Hitler and the Nazi then you have to go back and study how this little group of misfits was able to gain power without ever winning a majority.
You have to ask yourself, "how could a country and people as intelligent, liberal, and developed as Germany fall for someone as obviously lacking as Hitler?"
Rosenberg, Goebbels, played a small part in the beginning it was Roehm who created the perception amongst most Germans that their country was ungovernable and created a mentality of wanting peace and stability...the best way to do that is to create your own disturbances...
Right now the reactionary right is creating the same type of environment in the United States. Do the astroturfers go to Republican town hall meetings? No, they just disrupt democrats..why? to give the impression that democrats cannot rule and are out of control.
Look at the romantic use of symbolism with the US Flag, the waving of the Founding Fathers, and the Constitution around....
The SA would sing german anthems and paint pictures of the greatness of Germany.
Roehm had no intention of allowing his 'dittoheads' to be incorporated into the Nazi Party and wanted to maintain his independence...
Obama idol and Venezuelan communist, Hugo Chavez, announced over the weekend that *we must help Obama.* Chavez has turned off free radio in his nation, so it's not a reach to assume he is instructing Obama in the ways of becoming dictator of the United States. Hollywood's Oliver Stone is aiding and abetting.
Bluepitbull is right,
Obama's associates and idols tell us all we need to know about this anti~American president. We will lose our country unless he is stopped. Oppps, I guess that's racist.
No, Mel, it not just racist, it's batsh*t lunacy.
And we're accustomed to that sort of rhetoric coming from your camp.
But thank you, anyway, for a glimpse into the mindless claptrap that passes for political insight with people like you.
We need a good laugh to keep us going and confidence that ultimately TRUTH SHALL RULE.
Shaw Kenawe said...
No, Mel, it not just racist, it's batsh*t lunacy.
And we're accustomed to that sort of rhetoric coming from your camp.
But thank you, anyway, for a glimpse into the mindless claptrap that passes for political insight with people like you.
We need a good laugh to keep us going and confidence that ultimately TRUTH SHALL RULE.
Who the Hell are YOU?
Who died and made you Queen?
You are as embarrassing to this country as Obama is.... The President says one thing, AG says another, both are against the will of the have to ask yourself, who are these people loyal to if they willingly disgrace the U.S. at every turn?
It's bull s***. It's disgraceful. You wonder which side they're on.
Your lame and insulting comments are not only just moronic but extremely disappointing. I always thought that liberal like YOU could do much better at spinning and insulting people that they disagree with. You really let me down and disappointed me.
Losers like you should spend a little time in the military and learn what it’s all about. And get some first hand experience of dealing with terrorist nations! Instead of sitting back behind your computer and blasting and insulting people who are INTERESTED in the safety and betterment of this country. What is wrong with you....This Administration is Frightening and so are the dummies that support him..... How quickly we forget..Really Who’s side are you on?
There was not one thing that I stated in my post that was not true.. So don’t go and refute my post with your false claims ...The best you can come up with is a put down about me.
You will not change my mind nor will I change yours.
However, I consider your own personal agenda like Obama’s is to turn this country into a socialist state. And you and your ilk will have to do so over my dead body.
It seems that anyone that disagrees with your liberal agenda is Ignorant and or confused. .
Just like both Pelosi and Obama have said people should stop protesting and get out of the way and Pelosi has called them un-patriotic. Well I for one am at least as patriotic as the lot of you and most likely more so. You keep blaming my side for this mess. You have the House, Senate and White House, when are you going to take some responsibility for this mess? Or is it STILL Bush’s fault! It seems that drowning out and putting down any opposing views is un-American – unless Our Dear Wonderful Leader does it.
Truth.....I'll check out both of your suggestions and get back to you.
Trust me, you don't want people like that in the military. There are many of them already and it's gotten us into trouble in combat zones.
Ignoring the mistakes of past military leaders and extending a hand to those that bite is a very typical mistake of lefty military leadership and it gets people killed.
There is a common ground in all of this. People are missing the full picture here, and I fear now that both sides are getting played by this clown of a president. Perhaps it's time to decrease the ad hominems and compare how special interest groups and businesses on both sides are being pandered to in keeping poll numbers even.
When you ask students to write a letter to the president on how we can help you with your new ideas, that is leading the students in an effort to push the president's agenda.
And as far as what YOU said in YOUR blog about Laura Bush. I really don't give a **** what she has to say.
And how come YOU do? You always seemed to have had noting but hatred for her and her husband and now all of a sudden your quoting her?
Well I think that Laura Bush has taught you leftist's a lesson. Laura Bush is showing the stupid left that you can disagree with a person who is in a official office WITHOUT being so low down crass and rude. Something YOU know nothing about.
She showed that you can disagree with a persons opinion without calling them a LOSER like Harry Reid and Al Gore did of Pres George Bush or calling them a monkey, Hitler,and Lord knows all the other names that Pres Bush was called.. And like your good buddy Truth101 still does.
Laura, you are lovely and a very fine lady. we love and respect you and president bush. but please stay out of this, we do not want this clown speaking to our children, nothing, now being a school teacher i see where you stand, but you also know obama is trying to bring our country down and cast our children in his brown shirt army, go back to Texas and take care of president bush, let vice president Dick do the talking, he has the guts too.
While our Dear Leader Obama kisses the ass’s of foreign enemies in Iran, Venezuala, and Russia.
MEL SCREAMED: "And how come YOU do? You always seemed to have had noting but hatred for her and her husband and now all of a sudden your quoting her?"
Poor thing. You can search high and low on my blog and find no criticism of Mrs. Bush. I actually like her. It would lend more validity to your rant if you knew what your were talking about.
And, my dear, you give me far too much power when you rant like this:
"You are as embarrassing to this country as Obama is....However, I consider your own personal agenda like Obama’s is to turn this country into a socialist state. And you and your ilk will have to do so over my dead body."
This is what is known as turgid rhetoric and exemplifies the seething anger that is at the core of conservative extremism.
Mel came onto this blog and bellowed this:
"Chavez has turned off free radio in his nation, so it's not a reach to assume he is instructing Obama in the ways of becoming dictator of the United States."
That doesn't deserve a polite answer; it deserves contemptuous scorn, since the basis for it is rooted in lies and fear.
More paranoia:
"Obama's associates and idols tell us all we need to know about this anti~American president. We will lose our country unless he is stopped. Oppps, I guess that's racist."
When I countered "Mel" and gave him/her an answer to his/her hysteria, he/she went beserk and came back at me with more furious delirium.
No facts, no reasoned ideas, just more of the same nonsensical mania that apparently has a choke hold on too many nonthinking Americans.
Oh, bluepitbull, once again you want to believe that the government plays us for its own vested interests...
If your treasury secretary comes from Wall Street do you really believe he will not have their vested interests at heart when he makes policy?
Who is working to write healthcare reform? In the Senate there are three Dems and three Reps. How many of them are from typically liberal states? Baucus? Grassley? Enzi? Montana, Iowa, and Wyoming and then you have Maine, New Mexico, and North Dakota...
Ever see any of them marching for Acorn? Speaking out for some minority group?
Not a wild eyed bleeding heart liberal in the bunch....the president will make his speech on Wednesday and take the lead on healthcare reform and you will find that the public option was just a stick that was used to get compromise...
You might want to see obama as a clown but that just might be an underestimation of his political abilities...even Neal Boortz sees the school speech thing realistically.
Forget about 2010 and 2012 Obama is a different breed and he is not stupid. Remember, he beat Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Machine before he even went against the Republicans and now she works for him.
Respect your adversary....
By the way, Van Jones will come back to haunt you, Glenn Beck, and the reactionary right...
I did not put it as eloquently as Arianna Huffington but she writes about it today....
Should have kept the commie in the White House at least there he was controlled...
Maybe if you listen, you just might hear what we are saying!
My question to America is what has pres. Obama accomplished for the American people not special interests since he has been in office..the answer is "noda" sad but true.
He has been in our pockets from day one pushing his agenda
We on the right agree we need to fix health care, we just don't thinkg that making 85% of the people with health care have to give up so much.
with just a few regulations changes (requiring all to carry it and allow it to be sold across state lines to start) and rasing the poverty level so the truly poor that fall between poor now and the 12 or so million that can't afford can get it through medicaid is the best way to start.
As we have all seen, when ever government takes over some thing, the costs sky rocket and the services get worse.
The problem with socialism is you eventually run out of other people's money to take.
TAO said...
“By the way, Van Jones will come back to haunt you, Glenn Beck, and the reactionary right...
I did not put it as eloquently as Arianna Huffington but she writes about it today....
Should have kept the commie in the White House at least there he was controlled..”
And I agree with you.
Is it a great victory for The People, maybe, maybe not... . Are our voices are being heard and change is happening? Maybe and maybe not... Because I agree, Van Jones will not be gone. .
It may be wishful thinking that this, person, is out of the picture. He has too much of a radical past and passion for radical change not to be involved somehow. It would be nice if those driving this Progressive agenda believe him too much damaged goods and stay away from him.
But no, I agree that he is NOT gone, No, Van Jones is not “gone” -- he merely resigned; resignation is the tactic by which the president does not admit the nominee (selected by Obama and Valerie Jarrett) is not suitable. This allows the president to claim (to his friends and followers) that he still personally believes in Jones's weird ideas. Jones may well show up with a new title (perhaps adviser to the president without portfolio) and will be talking with the president in the quiet hours of the evening when real decisions are hammered out.
My World..
Does Van Jones represent THE PEOPLE?
Sure he does otherwise he would not have received the appointment that he did.
Does he represent people like me? Does he represent people like you?
Probably not. But he does represent one sector of this thing that you refer to as "the voice of THE people" and now this group is free to attack Fox News and continue their campaign against advertisers on Fox News.
Fox News and Rush Limbaugh only represent one sector of this thing that you refer to as "the voice of THE people."
Democracy is about many voices and many people coming together to express their wishes and desires and then compromising for the betterment of the whole...
When you do not compromise and when you do not recognize that not everyone agrees with you then you become an alienated fringe group.
You become reactionary extremists.
Republicans will continue to be a minority party as long as they continue to demand ideological purity.
"Democracy is about many voices and many people coming together to express their wishes and desires and then compromising for the betterment of the whole..."
YES! YES! YES! YES! I could go on and on but I think you get the point.
Yes Jennifer, I get the point. But with all do respect,
It has nothing to do with Obama giving a speech. And appointing COMMUNISTS as his advisers. It has to do with the politicized course materials that were initially planned to accompany the speech. The fact that they backed off some of the verbiage so quickly tells that they know that they f-d up.
"How can I help the President?"
Yes, that is quite evil...
The President is the legally elected leader of this country and the President represents a figure that all of us unite around in time of crisis...
Remember 9/11 we all rallied around George Bush...
What you need to ask is why your Patriotism only extends to those whom you vote for?
TAO said...
"How can I help the President?"
Yes, that is quite evil..
You are dammed right it is, especially when you read in between HIS lines.
We all know his agenda so stop playing games.
My World is changing....
Yes, your world is changing and obviously you want to have the world quit spinning so you can get off...
It might catch you by surprise but your views represent a minority of public opinion in the United States...
Now, if we read between the lines of your post we would find that......
You are dammed right it is, especially when you read in between HIS lines.
We all know his agenda so stop playing games.
Ah, such cryptic, sinister innuendo!
Tell us his "agenda," Mr. "My World Is Changing," not the fantasies emanating from the spider hole that is Glenn Beck's mind, but from factual evidence.
Without evidence, you realize that sort of paranoia is just plain crazy talk.
Shaw said: "Without evidence, you realize that sort of paranoia is just plain crazy talk.
And you should know all about that, you should be an expert on paranoia AND crazy talk by now..
With all do respect to you JKOW, Shaw and others are experts at paranoia and crazy talk because we have been subject to countless silly rants from righties like yourself. You have no real argument for your beliefs, I doubt most of you could name any of your beliefs without checking the talking point card Rush Limbaugh sends to all his deluded followers. The average rank and file rightie follows in lockstep with Rush and Glenn Beck by just calling anyone of rational and progressive views a commie, socialist or pinko.
Left wing radio is having a fit today. Glenn Beck singlehandedly took down this amazing czar! And that's why is the left so afraid of Glenn Beck!
So the left would have us believe the country would be better off if
Rev Wright, Bill Ayers, FR Flagger, Van Jones were left untarnished to surround the President like the old days? If Obama had the onions he’d come out and say, “leave my friends alone, they reflect my views as well as their own, Im standing behind them.” He either is a coward or a liar. He stood behind the white guy Treasury Sec tax cheat. He’s standing behind the crook Rangle thru his silence. Man up Mr President. Tell us what drove you to hang around such people as Ayers, Wright, Flagger, and Jones. There will be more, when light is shinned into the closet of this administration. Eventually Mr President you will have to defend those you like surrounding yourself with.
The American people stood up and demanded answers. Instead of providing them, the Administration had Jones resign under cover of darkness. I continue to be amazed by the power of everyday Americans to initiate change in our government through honest questioning, and judging by the other radicals in the administration, I expect that questioning to continue for the foreseeable future. Way to go Glenn, I'm proud of you today. Let the left suck wind.
Tao, for someone that ducks questions, you certainly are ready to pick it up only where you are comfortable.
Nothing misguided about my beliefs.
There are plenty of bleeding hearts in the bunch. That's beside the point. They all only have their own interest at heart, and that's power.
That's why we want every American to have affordable health insurance and affordable quality education BPB. Becuase we only care about ourselves.
How self serving of us to want good things for Americans.
I look forward to more of your rants Conservative Guy. I needed a good laugh.
And that's why is the left so afraid of Glenn Beck!
Yeah. Right. We're afraid of an undereducated dry drunk whose IQ is lower than a drawer full of toenail clippings.
Yeah. Right. We're scared.
I've got 4 words for you, JKOW:
President Barack Hussein Obama
And Glenn Beck is still an a**hole.
Sorry to give you the impression BPB that I pick up conversations where it is most convenient...
Actually, I get involved in conversations where I can and I squeeze them inbetween my first priorities...which is my job and my company...
I just cannot lose my desire to be successful and make money....maybe I need counseling...
Its so unradical isn't it?
What!?! You mean you're a ca ca ca ca ca capitalist TAO? Oh my God! How dare you run a successful company that employs 250 people! How dare you care more about America and 310 million people having affordable health insurance when you're supposed to be a greedy selfish rich republican!
And who do you think you are saying the government should regulate against practices that screw the public!
How dare you manufacture shirts that don't shrink four sizes like the ones at Walmart!
How dare you provide health insurance to your employees without a union or government mandate!
How dare you not vote for Ronald Reagan and denigrate supply side economics!
Well. I guess that sums up why greedy right wing republicans and their deluded dupe followers don't like TAO. They love Truth 101 though.
You know Truth101, so many people want to buy the party line, the mantra....
Even those who claim to be all for individualism run off and toe the line...
Its called thinking outside the box...success never comes to those who follow but to those who go against the tide...
To follow just leads one to be slaughtered...
Government isn't going anywhere...28 years after the Reagan Revolution government has grown under each and every administration. It will neveer get accept reality and move on but no the right will continue to demand that there leaders mouth the words, smaller government more individual freedom and they will not once question.
Tax cuts are the same thing; they demand tax cuts as the answer to everything. Do the math, is a 4% increase in sales more money to me than a 4% reduction in my taxes? Give me the sales increase everytime! Does a wage increase net one more money that a tax decrease?
Healthcare...the number one inflationary item on my financial statements year after year I am lucky if I can raise my prices once every three years but I can trust that my healthcare premiums will increase every year by an amount much higher than the inflation rate....its robbery because insurance companies are saying "give me your money or I take your life!" If other countries can get better results at a cheaper cost then I have one simple question: "How great are we if we can't solve a problem that other countries have already solved."
I had to take quality because it is the only thing that I can compete on...can't beat the chinese or the Indians on price...
Oh, but it is easier to just sit back and blow dogma up your ass all day....when you think then you have to take responsibility of the outcomes of your own thoughts...
Being a malcontent is just escaping any forms of responsibility.
Shaw Kenawe said...
And that's why is the left so afraid of Glenn Beck!
Yeah. Right. We're afraid of an undereducated dry drunk whose IQ is lower than a drawer full of toenail clippings.
Yeah. Right. We're scared.
I've got 4 words for you, JKOW:
President Barack Hussein Obama
And Glenn Beck is still an a**hole.
Dear Ms. Kenawe, Thank you for sharing your nonsensical concerns. Your last comment calling Mr. Beck a a**hole. was very typical of your leftist behavior.
I have read you blog and I noticed the YOU were one of the people that praised the Glenn Beck boycott. So you must have ben threatened by him weather you wish to admit it or not.. And that, nonsense that this commie creep led was something that people like you would grab on to as well as anyone that mentions the word "black" and turn it into a race issue.
Glenn Beck has done his research and no matter what color the president of this country is, this administration's policies are leading us away from the freedom that our founding fathers spelled out for us in the US Constitution. The USA has a Constitution granting us the right to free speech, an unalienable right, and THAT is what should be supported and encouraged by the likes of, not the silencing of opposing opinions. I trust that you will stand with those of us who support free speech as well, and reverse your decision on pulling your advertising on* the Fox Network and Glenn Beck's program. *Sarcasm* I know you wouldn’t support the FREE SPEECH for any right winger. I know your type. Hence your last post calling him that name that you do so often. And I want to thank you for your list of the sponsors that pulled their ads.
Because of that blog of yours, I wrote a e-mail to GEICO to inform them why I will no longer being doing business with them if they canceled their support for Glenn Beck.. I have great tenure with Geico and I will switch insurers if they did so. GEICO wrote me back assuring me that they have no intentions of dropping him.
I believe that Glen Beck has played a very important part in starting the Tea Parties, which led to the 912 project, which has informed hundreds of thousands of people what is really going on with this administration. I also believe as people continue to watch his show, the dissent from the Obama administration is growing bigger every day. The leftys are causing him a lot of trouble by accusing him of being the biggest reason for us, "the mob". I also feel that he has been seriously threatened. He was asked to speak in Washington on 912, but said he wanted to bring it to everyone on TV. This may be true or maybe he feels he is endanger. For all the truths, he tells day in and day out, for all the research, for all the smiles and tears you can tell this many really loves America. We need to stand by him in groves, so he can keep up the good work in keeping us informed.
Thanks Glenn for exposing the Corruption in this administration. Also kudos to Sarah Palin for standing up for America. I don't feel like this administration cares for anything only advancing their left-wing radical progressive agenda. Their followers are forth coming about their agenda. Too bad the White House isn't.
And what was Van Jones? Frankly, this self-described Marxist ideologue was very likely the most rabid racist ever appointed to a top position in a presidential administration:
Van Jones is a man who proclaimed that "white people pollute black neighborhoods."
Van Jones is a man who angrily came to the defense of Mumia Abu Jamal, the black nationalist death row inmate who cold-bloodedly gunned down a conscientious Philadelphia police officer.
Van Jones is a 9/11 "Truther" who believes that the United States intentionally bombed our own Twin Towers in order to justify an attack on innocent Muslims.
Van Jones is a man who declared, "Most of the people who die in police custody die not from drugs or some mysterious syndrome but from police abuse"
If any of that sounds familiar, it may be because Van Jones preaches the same sick gospel of racial hatred that Barack Obama eagerly sat under for more than 20 years as a contributing member of the Wrong Reverend Wright's Church of Black Separatism and Marxist Dogma.
It may be because so much of it echoes Barack Obama's own denunciation of "typical white people" and "people who don't look like us" during his presidential campaign. And it may also be because of Barack Obama's ugly attack on a good and decent police officer for "acting stupidly" simply for doing his duty.
KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK GLENN, and also to RUSH, AMERICA LOVES YOU. Have a very pleasant day.
To Lone Voice,
I see you've made a comment on the execrable Beck.
Fortunately I have the option to NOT read any of it. I have better things to do with my time than read someone's rationalization of dimwits.
It took you two comments to defend this senseless fool when one word would have sufficed: ogerhunch.
We all have to admire someone. You have your undereducated, recovering drug addict. Actually, you have two--Rush is undereducated and a recovering drug addict as well.
I'll take the guy who worked hard all his life, graduated summa cum laude from Harvard, who taught Consitutional Law at the university level, who was elected to the Illinois legislature, the US Senate, and the US Presidency.
Glenn Beck is a loud-mouth nurk on a cable teevee station. Rush couldn't manage to keep his job on teevee and has a radio show.
Barack Hussein Obama is the President of the United States of America.
Hint: When anyone makes fun of demagogues like Beck and Limbaugh it's not because we're "scared," it's because we think they're jerks. Very simple.
Shaw said:.
Hint: When anyone makes fun of demagogues like Beck and Limbaugh it's not because we're "scared," it's because we think they're jerks. Very simple.
You mean like Barack and Michelle?
Or is that just a Kenyan thing?
Shaw Kenawe said...
To Lone Voice,
I see you've made a comment on the execrable Beck.
Fortunately I have the option to NOT read any of it. I have better things to do with my time than read someone's rationalization of dimwits.
It took you two comments to defend this senseless fool when one word would have sufficed: ogerhunch.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous wrote:
Shaw said:.
Hint: When anyone makes fun of demagogues like Beck and Limbaugh it's not because we're "scared," it's because we think they're jerks. Very simple.
You mean like Barack and Michelle?
Or is that just a Kenyan thing?
Truly lame. Where's the wit?
The Lone Voice,
I generally judge people by who they admire. You admire Glenn Beck?
I need say no more.
Also, The Lone Voice, who would ever listen to anyone who has a photoshopped picture of President Obama as a witch doctor with a bone through his nose on his blog?
The radical fringe of the GOP is, unfortunately, rife with racists like you.
Shaw Kenawe said...
Also, The Lone Voice, who would ever listen to anyone who has a photoshopped picture of President Obama as a witch doctor with a bone through his nose on his blog?
The radical fringe of the GOP is, unfortunately, rife with racists like you.
Ah, the good old Race card. It never fails.
Raise your hand if you think Rev. Wright's comments were just and fair. Keep your hand up if you believe that his comments of whites, Jews and middle class America are truthful Keep your hand up if your white, Jewish and/or a middle class American and believe that his statements are true about you. if your hand comes down on this last question, then remember he's slamming millions of Americans? OK, Shaw, you can put your hand down now...
But, we need to question the judgment of why you made the association about the picture of Obama with the bone thru his nose in the first place. When Louis Farrakhan not only endorsed Barack HUSSEIN Obama, but he has anointed him the "Messiah"
I'm white and I endorsed Barack Hussein Obama. I hope he will messiacally deliver us from the misery that ensued from the Bush Administration.
And to stir it up a bit more Lone Voice, if people of my skin color went from slavery to Jim Crow laws and in many ways still suffer discrimination from fellow Americans, I'd be pissed as pissed off as Reverend Wright.
I do not care if we are "messiacally" delivered or just dropped off at the corner by a bus....
Why the hell should I care if Louis Farrakhan endorsed Barack HUSSEIN Obama or "anointed" him the "Messiah"?? President Obama rejected Farrakhan's endorsement.
Other things I don't give a damn about include President Obama's middle name being "Hussein" or how Rev. Wright is a racist or hates America.
BTW I've written a post for my blog about President Obama's address to Congress re healthcare which is airing tonight. Everyone is welcome to post their comments before, during, or after the address. Thanx.
You should care that right wing fools continue to have influence with nonsense points about Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakhan. It matters that there is still an audience for this crap while millions have no health insurance. Our Soldiers are still fighting and dying in countries that will not now or ever care about them.
We have to keep on fighting back against the elite deluded right wing fools and their dupes or our Nation really does stand a chance of collapsing into a chasm of totalitarianism in the name of "security" and corporate profit.
The Lone Voice,
I have news for you.
Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan are NOT Barack Obama. They were not elected to the US presidency.
You seem not to be able to understand that.
Neither Wright nor Farrakhan are in the White House.
And you're still a racist.
Showing a picture on your blog of our first biracial president photo shopped as a witch doctor with a bone through his nose is blatantly racist.
No matter what your sick excuse is.
Enjoy your association among the people in this country who depict African-Americans as apes, primitive witch doctors, or other dehumanizing totems.
You are what you present yourself to be. And, IMHO, it stinks.
TRUTH 101 said... You should care that right wing fools continue to have influence with nonsense points about Rev. Wright and Louis Farrakhan.
I meant that I don't care personally. I do care that the right is lying about these two people. Farrakhan was disavowed and I think rightly so. Wright was disavowed -- although I didn't have a problem with anything he said (what I've read, maybe someone could point me to something shocking that I haven't heard). I think he was disavowed more for political reasons. Although President Obama did try to stand by him at first, and then it seemed like Rev. Wright purposefully tried to stir things up, and force a disavowe-ment.
Although I don't recall what he said. I'm not going to bother looking it up either, because I don't care.
Shaw Kenawe said... who would ever listen to anyone who has a photoshopped picture of President Obama as a witch doctor with a bone through his nose on his blog?
The Bushman
Well, w-dervish you proved my point with that link didn't you!!
The Lefties are a bunch of HYPOCRITES.
Thanks... Show that one to Ms. Shaw, I'm sure she'll love it.
The Lone Voice said... Well, w-dervish you proved my point with that link didn't you!!
No, I don't think so. In bush's case -- a white man who can trace his heritage back to Europe -- it's just a funny picture.
In President Obama's case the picture of him on your site is clearly meant to be demeaning. I've visited a number of right wing websites where the peoples of Africa (the black ones) were referred to as dumb savages.
The picture on your site isn't just a funny picture. It is intended to play on racial stereotypes. It is meant to be insulting. A funny picture based on a little wordplay (bush = bushmen) isn't hypocritical AT ALL.
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