Friday, September 18, 2009


A fellow blogger questioned my substance recently. This both amused and slightly irritated me because although I don't take myself or my site too seriously, I do speak from the heart whether it's a full blown post or a short comment.
Abe Lincoln and I shared the view that we didn't like work. We like laughing. Cracking jokes and having a good time.
The comment I made referred to the republican strategy of appealing to bigots. Homophobes and idiots. I gave examples of these actions after the blogger questioned my substance. I would have given them originally but I figured everyone heard of Willie Horton. Heard the bullshit about "death panels." Seen the photo shop of President Obama made to appear as a witch doctor and other examples.
The right wing mouthpiece, FOX News, is in on the game as well. Talking Points Memo has video of their people egging on fools at a tea party or something to get them to act like silly right wing loudmouth fools.
The simple fact is that Bush did so much damage to the republican party that all it has to try to regain some semblance of relevance is to attack, lie and mislead.
If you're offended by this I don't really care. The Democrats have problems of their own. Baucus' health insurance bill sucks. He spent all this time pandering so republicans would support his bill. How he thought republicans would support anything that may have the potential to eat away profits of insurance and drug companies doesn't say much for this guy's intellect. So this will drag on. They couldn't even take the easy step to allow bargaining with out of state insurance carriers. But this would screw HMO's out of profits if customers had insurance they could use with any doctor. Not just the ones in the network. Somehow republicans will twist themselves into believing this is a good example of freedom.
So Truth 101 is honest. Likes to laugh and tell jokes. And hates to work. Just like old Honest Abe.


The Law said...

It is easy to understand in a moment of unabated anger that conservatives want to make their voices heard loud and clear. In a debate with Left Coast Rebel, a frequent reader of this blog and of a conservative mind set for example, I truly resonated with his sentiment of wanting to trumpet the unheard voices of the conservative movement. However, there are some people who use mishandle their opportunity to be heard when they have the floor.

I'll start with one example that comes to mind. Last Halloween, liberal pranksters made a gigantic paper mache George Bush doll which they wrapped a noose around his neck and hung him down a tree to protest the war. Keith Olbermann was highly critical of this act, denounced it on TV.

These tea party rallies, at least the ones selected to be on TV have gotten way out of control. Since when is bringing guns to a town hall meeting ok? Since when is comparing our president to a Nazi ok? It is not ok, and the right wing media outlets and unfortunately some of their viewers, journalists, and bloggers choose not to denounce, but rather embrace this behavior. It's all fun and games until something goes terribly wrong, and then we ask in a dumbfounded voice "how could this have happened??"

I think it is fruitless to defend the indefensible. The strength of the conservative movement is GREATLY diminished when the message is hateful, not hopeful, divisive, not unifying. One would think after the steady loss of support from 2000 to now, the hateful attack strategy would have been declared a failure...

TAO said...

For those of us who lived through the 60's we remember very well the anger, the violence, the guns, and the militant slogans.

Conservatives at that time were appalled at the guns, the disrespect for our social institutions and the extremism of the statements....and most of all the anger.

Now, we are witnessing guns at protests, disprespect for our social institutions and extreme statements...but it is from the right; and while we are a long way from the turbelence and violence that we experienced in the 60's the trend is ominious.

In the 60's the liberal politicians could not get in front of the message by the protesters it appears that the same thing holds true today of republicans.

After 29 years of a 'Reagan Revolution' it is now the Democrats who are the party that represents the status quo and is considered 'the establishment'

That is absurd.

While I acknowledge that conservatives may feel a desire ' make their voices heard loud and clear...' what they need to understand is that it is not the decible level of their speech or the extremism of what they print on their shirts and or their signs but rather the logic of their argument that will carry the day.

Revolutions are about ideas and nothing about how loud you scream....ask anyone who was involved in the protests of the 60's.

Throwing Stones said...

TAO said...

For those of us who lived through the 60's we remember very well the anger, the violence, the guns, and the militant slogans.

Ah, the 60's....
Wasn't it John F. Kennedy, US President in 1960's that got us involved in Vietnam!
And was it not President Lyndon Johnsonof the 60's who merely continued the work of John F Kennedy and that it would be 'Kennedy's War' but escalated it!

TAO said...

So, your point is what Throwing Stones?

Exactly like now after 29 years of the REAGAN CONSERVATIVE REVOLUTION you have conservatives out in the streets marching to take their country back?

Yes, I see you do get the point and you do see where these tea bag rallies are heading....

So you do see that you find yourself in the same predictament liberals found themselves in in the 60's.

Burned by those who claimed to hold the same beliefs that you did...

Conservatives...welcome to reality you were sold up river by the Republicans!

Anonymous said...

TAO is either a VERY old man or a very dumb man., or both.
Let me teach you a bit about brains... The brain is a complex organ. It is the controller of your body, your thoughts, your state of mind and your ultimately your life. There are some who abuse it, some who underuse it, and some who aren’t even aware that it exists. I feel that you are one of the latter two. . ( you underuse it, and you aren’t even aware that it exists)
Also I believe that you are a wrinkly ugly old man that likes young girls but never had one...... I think you either live in some 'hick' town USA where there are only 1 or 2 in the entire village and both are under 12 years old.
Have a good time Old Man, those nice, young men in their clean white coats are not far behind. Ha ha ho ho ..

TAO said...


Aren't you the brillant one!

Why don't you run on over to BluePitBull's site and share with him your knowledge of the brain and how the mind works...

He's taking a class in Psychology and you MOST definitely could help him with his studies...

Other than that I am just going to sit here and admire your brillance in speechless awe!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Truth101 said... They couldn't even take the easy step to allow bargaining with out of state insurance carriers.

Yes, I'm surprised the Baucus bill didn't allow for this. He gave the health insurers everything else they wanted, why not deregulate them as well?

The Republicans say that being able buy across state lines will create competition and drive down prices, but that is what this is really about -- deregulation.

I'm sorry truth, but I'm going to have to strongly disagree with you on this one. Deregulating the health insurance industry is a really, really bad idea.

It didn't work out for the banking industry, so why would it work for the health insurance industry??

The Law said... It's all fun and games until something goes terribly wrong...

If that happens, it will be Nancy Pelosi's fault -- that's according to the Fox and Friends hosts who all agreed that "Pelosi may be giving people ideas about assassination".

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I hear what you're saying WD but this looks like it will have to be done in small steps.

Each state has it's own insurance commission. Perhaps the feds could regulate all and not have a different set of rules for each state. I won't abandon single payer but I'm not naieve enough to think it will happen overnight either.

It's an unfortunate and sad fact that our legilative bodies are packed with creeps that are more concerned with the profits of their big donators than the well being of the average American.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Would the Tenthers be for or against federal regulation? My guess is that they'd have been for it when GWB was in office, but against it now.

Unknown said...

Tao, why is it that when you get attacked by some drooling idiot, I have to be the thing you beat them with?

Stop being a total douche. I wasn't even involved in that conversation, yet I always am mentioned. Why can't you be an 18-22 asian co-ed in a mini Catholic School Girl outfit? At least then the stalking would be admirable.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Throwing Stones wrote: Wasn't it John F. Kennedy, US President in 1960's that got us involved in Vietnam!

No, and if you had been a Marine you would have learned in boot camp the following:

Taken from the USMC Recruit handbook aka the Green Knowledge:

As early as 1952, americans were involved in South Vietnam. This involvement was strictly economic. On 2 August 1954, LtCol Victor J. Croizat, USMC arrived in Vietnam to be assigned to the United States Military Assistance Advisory Group (MAAG).

Now I know you hate the Troops and all but I'll not let you call the Marines liars when you are lying to try and prove how awesome Republican Chicken Hawk scum are...

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I thought TAO was telling Rude Dude #2 to go to you as a case study BPB. It's amazing that that clown can function as he does as stupid as he is.

Help him Bluepitbull. Pity is not an emotion I enjoy and poor Rude Dude #2 is as pitiful as they come.

Unknown said...

Trust me, I don't want anymore case studies. I hate studying the subject as is.

TAO said...

BPB, you said you were studying for a psych exam...and Rude Ass knows everything about the human mind...

I just wanted to make your life easier...thats what happens everytime I try to do a good deed...

Now, as far as this goes: "Why can't you be an 18-22 asian co-ed in a mini Catholic School Girl outfit? At least then the stalking would be admirable."

So, having fantasies? Love your women submissive don't you...well at least it explains why you are so HOT for Michelle Maulkin...

Quit fantasizing and go and let Rude Ass mentor you is pscyhology....the world needs you to graduate so that you can save us!

Unknown said...

Submissive? Not most of the time.

Anyway, test is over. A.

So onto the next thing.

mommahodge said...

I guess that everyone thinks that big assed clown of the Tennis circuit Serena Williams Important, Except to Me
In case anyone has forgotten that other Jerkoff Michael Jackson is still on the minds of many.
Just the mention of the guy, in addition to bringing up memories of lurid tales of His Freakishness' freakishness, really brings to mind my teenage years, and the person to whom I owe more of my snarkish development than pretty much anyone else on the planet.

Serena Williams is only out done by that Big mouthed clown of the hip Hop circuit Kanye West, Personally, I'm tired of Kanye West's screw ups and that Big Assed Serena Williams as well

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Self centeredness and the ability to not feel guilty for being an asshole is one of the requirements for athletic success Momma. And of course in this day and age, steroids also.

Gordon Scott said...

Just for historical truth: Willie Horton was first brought to voters' attention by then presidential candidate Al Gore. GHWB and his campaign never mentioned him; he was introduced into the fall campaign by an independent group.