Saturday, September 12, 2009


Tea baggers gathered in my hometown and towns and cities across the Nation in taxpayer funded parks. With security provided by taxpayer funded police. All to listen to taxpayer paid republican elected officials tell them there's too much government.
The right wing pundits that got speaking gigs at these things praised the efforts of the taxpayer paid republican lawmakers that have been working to shrink government since they signed Newt Gingrich's "Contract with America" calling for term limits 15 years ago.
Groups of senior citizens baked cookies and demanded government should stay out of the health care business and don't mess with their Medicare and Social Security.
One unemployed guy raged that he couldn't afford to get a job because his taxes would be too high.
During open mike time several morons warned against "Obama's death panels" and not one person out of the thousands disrespectfully shouted "You lie!"
We will have more on this as the lunacy continues.


Anonymous said...

I always though that you were a PRICK, now you've confirmed it.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

That's MR. PRICK to you PhantomMan. And lucky for you you spelled "PRICK" right or I would have unleashed the irrascible but always factually and gramttically correct Shaw Kenawe on your sorry phantom ass.

TAO said...

Its a brillant bunch!

29 years after their REAGAN REVOLUTION and 15 years after their CONTRACT WITH AMERICA these malcontents have now turned out in the thousands to protest BIG GOVERNMENT!

HELLO?! Been asleep at the wheel way to love folks! YOU got the government YOU VOTED FOR these past 29 years!

They only complain now because they see themselves as victims....

BIG GOVERNMENT wasn't such a problem when REPUBLICANS were in office...

Just can't help but believe that its just Obama they don't like...

I Want To Set It Straight said...
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T. Nocciolini said...

Im Here To Say It said...

You are correct Pam, in Truth101's eyes, everyone that don't agree with his sick point of view is a deluded fool?
Good in the mirror YOU DELUDED FOOL!

I wish I knew what this meant.


TAO said...

So, basically IHTSA,

You really don't have anything against big government...its just that you and all your teabagging buddies hate Obama...thats what you said when you said, "The truth is Obama is killing our country, and all those people were there to let him know how we feel about him."

Its a shame that a minority such as you and your teabagging buddies don't have any respect for democracy and the fact that a clear majority voted for OBAMA and support him...

So, it is all about race isn't it?

You are either racists or sore losers...

Glad you also noted that "THE ORGANIZERS" because that means that you acknowledge that this is not a grassroots movement and rather an effort organized and funded by Repbulicans...

Hey, if you, your teabagging buddies, and 'the organizers' had been as viligent of YOUR government over the last 29 years you wouldn't have Obama now would you?

So, why not apologize to the country?

I Want To Set It Straight said...
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I Want To Set It Straight said...
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JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

That's what all the anti Obama nonsense you and your crowd are about IHTSI. It doesn't matter what President Obama says. Either profound or innocuous. Your crowd attacks it. That you and your crowd hate the President is without question. The reasons you give for your attacks, like "death panels" "government takeover" "socialism" have all been shown to be the ridiculous crap they are. Yet you deluded fools continue to spout your lies and misleads.

The republican party works hard to appeal to bigots, homophobes and idiots IHTSI and PhantomMan. That you qualify as idiots is without question.

Now run along and tell on me to Pamela D. Hart that I called you idiots.

TAO said...

Quit lying to yourself IHTSI....

I just read and quoted your own post to prove my comments...

Why do you hate democracy so much? Why do you hate America so much?

Just can't stand it when the shoe is on the other foot can you?

You just use "socialism' and 'commie' as a way to cover up the fact that you are a racist...

Go ahead, the truth shall set you free!

Instapundit said...

Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah, ...

The truth has set me free.

Don't embarrass yourself you pansy-assed putrid limp-wristed liberal jerk

TAO said...

Hmm, not real sure this "Don't embarrass yourself you pansy-assed putrid limp-wristed liberal jerk" is an apt description for someone who is 6'10" tall and weighs 275 lbs....

But other than that, I would rather be a liberal than just one hell of a miserable dumbass such as yourself....

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

That's gotta suck for these jokers TAO. You're smarter, bigger and are more successful than they are at everything.

Perhaps IHTSI and PhantomMan should try reading and absorbing the wisdom of TAO and Truth 101 a few weeks then try again.

TAO said...

Sorry, Truth, but if you notice I am not sharing my knowledge for free anymore....

I have given up on logic and seeking a better way through sharing and education...

So let the dumbasses wallow in the stupidity of arrogance....

IHTSI has a great post about how democracy and capitalism is all about equal opportunity and unequal results; where the best and the brightest are recognized and rewarded for their ability and hardwork...

Which means, following that logic, that he should acknowledge and respect President Obama for his ability and hardwork, because he won the Presidency fair and square...the highest prize an individual can win in a democratic state.

Since he and his lovely wife (I have told you before that I think she is HOT?!) are also millionaires and thus hard to believe that they would want to destroy the system that allowed them their success?

But then thats too logical and I have given up logic for mudslinging...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Hey, TRUTH and TAO,

Tonight I made lobster meat in a saffron cream sauce with fresh picked cherry tomatoes and home grown thyme, over parpadelle pasta.

My Darwin! It was favoloso! I served it with a 2007 Chateau St. Jean Chardonnay.

Who gives a flying parpadelle what the crazies on the right think or say.

Eating well is the best revenge!

Oh, and BTW, "I'm Here To Say It" you can't have any.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I think you've been able to combine logic with mudslinging quite well TAO. I always wanted to thank whoever pissed you off and unleashed Angry TAO. Keep hunting em down and giving em hell big brother...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

And to think I was excited about going to Taco Bell. Mexican Pizza and 5 layer nachos. ooooohhhh! Wel, it was before Shaw taunted the righties with her lobster.

rockync said...

Lobster...gee, I miss lobster all fresh steamed and served with clarified butter...if you're looking for me, I'll be at Shaw's house!

Tom the Redhunter said...

I really wouldn't pay much attention to TAO

And yes, I too had a great time in Washington DC today at the Tea Party! Whatever the number, tens of thousands certainly showed up.

Obama certainly has done a good job of torquing off a lot of people in a very short period of time. It took Bush years to do what Obama has done in less than 9 months.

The downhill slide begins....

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Those people were already mad Tom. The real impressive thing about President Bush was the national goodwill towards him after 911. 90% approval. Obama started with about 40% hating him the day he took office. Once a decenty national health insurance system takes hold all the haters will fall in love with it and demand government not touch it. Just like Social Security and Medicare.

Pamela Zydel said...

Hi, I'm here. Who wants to tattle on you, Truth?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Nothing going on here Mrs. Hart. We're all behaving. Having a wholesome good time maam.

TAO said...

Oh Tom, sorry to hear that the turnout wasn't all that great! But realistically, ten of mean accomplishment, geez I am sure ACORN could pull that off in a day and for alot less money than this tea bag express costs, with Glenn Beck, Rush, and a whole bunch of blogs out there...

Might have gotten more people if you had had speakers from some other party than Republicans speaking...

We know that bunch never saw a big government that they didn't like...

I Want To Set It Straight said...
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I Want To Set It Straight said...

As for that other Jerkoff Truth101 who gets his rock off by posting those asinine blogs about how stupid us rightwingers are;
I can only say that you must be ONE SICK PUPPY!

And why those seasonable people like Pam and Jen like you is beyond me. It only tells me that they are very gullible.

I only hope that my fellow as you call us "Fucking Right-Wingers" read this and stop coming here ..

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You once again, and not surprisingly, show your ignorance when you accuse me of saying "fucking right wingers."

A common practice of bigots, homophobes and idiots when they don't know something is to make something up IHTSI.

You confuse me with your 3rd string right wing hero Andrew Breitbart pal.

But as a gesture of kind and gentleness I suggest next time you guys ally yourselves with Farrakhan and Al Sharpton. THose guys know how to put on a million man march.

TAO said...


You volunteered? So, you served your country for free?

It was a got paid, you got benefits...and none included that you could consider yourself superior for the rest of your life, or consider yourself more American than anyone else.

I serve my country by paying taxes, lots of taxes; personal taxes and corporate taxes from three companies I own....

You see, I am the reason their are jobs (assuming you are a good Republican who believes in supply side economics)

I am working this weekend with my CPA because of my love for my country because I have taxes due on 9/15 and then 10/15.

Paying taxes is not something you volunteer for nor do you serve for only 4 years...

By the way, democracy is all about the equality of citizens and you obviously believe that your volunteering makes you more I ask again, why do you hate democracy?

Anonymous said...

TAO said...

You volunteered? So, you served your country for free?

It was a got paid, you got benefits...and none included that you could consider yourself superior for the rest of your life, or consider yourself more American than anyone else.


TAO said...

Yep, lock me up...otherwise your delusions just might be shattered...

TAO said...

So, what makes your volunteering to serve any different than honoring a NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE?

Dani said...

TAO said...

So, what makes your volunteering to serve any different than honoring a NATIONAL DAY OF SERVICE?

If you can't see the difference in volunteering to fight for your country to volunteering to pick up trash from parks etc, then you really do have a mental problem.

TAO said...

No Dani,

I am not nuts, but then again I am not the one that smeared a decorated veteran like John Kerry with documented service to his country and believing that Kerry's wartime record was somehow less than Bush's or Cheney's deferments...

I believe it was you and folks like IHTSI that drank the Swift Boat Veterans Koolaid...

Funny how the shoe pinches when it is on the other foot!

Pamela Zydel said...

I’m Here to Say it wrote: And why those seasonable people like Pam and Jen like you is beyond me. It only tells me that they are very gullible.

IHTSI: No, we AREN’T gullible. We can debate without insults and crass words. It’s called civility, respect and common courtesy. Truth has NEVER been disrespectful to me or Jenn. And yes, I’m speaking for Jenn; because I know she won’t mind and she’s indisposed for the next few days. We found common ground where we can ALL be friends AND have political differences. What’s wrong with THAT?

Dave Miller said...

Rocky, so you don't like your butter confused???

Dave Miller said...

I find it interesting that conservative bloggers would come to a liberal blog and complain that liberals are critical of conservatives.

IHTSI said "As for that other Jerkoff Truth101 who gets his rock off by posting those asinine blogs about how stupid us rightwingers are..."

Isn't that the same thing, assuming I agree that is what Truth 101 is doing, that your conservative brethren like PhantomMan are doing, just in the other direction, when they post titles like this?

"John Kerry an inept sack of Crap"

If it is wrong for liberal bloggers to do it, isn't it wrong for conservative bloggers to do so also?

Just askin...

Shaw Kenawe said...

"John Kerry an inept sack of Crap"

If it is wrong for liberal bloggers to do it, isn't it wrong for conservative bloggers to do so also?

Just askin...
--Dave Miller

Don't confuse them with logic.

I Want To Set It Straight said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I Want To Set It Straight said...

Pamela D. Hart said...
" IHTSI: No, we AREN’T gullible. We can debate without insults and crass words. It’s called civility, respect and common courtesy. Truth has NEVER been disrespectful to me or Jenn. And yes, I’m speaking for Jenn; because I know she won’t mind and she’s indisposed for the next few days. We found common ground where we can ALL be friends AND have political differences. What’s wrong with THAT?"

First off Pam, I didn't mean any disrespect to you or Jenn. I was merely making a observation. So PLEASE do not take my post the way you seem to be taking it..

You asked, "Whats wrong with that?"

I'll tell you what.

Just browse thru the older posts here, read what your "common ground friends say about Conservitives/republicans, read where he calles us Fucking rightwing nuts! Do you call that "common ground friends?
deluded right wing fools, republican idiots are influenced, how these blatant racist and blasphemous insult at our President, The unChristian Right

With that in mind, that is why I said what I did.

If I offended you or Jenn, please believe me, that was NOT my intention.

TAO said...

Oh, IHTSI, when you blindly fire into a crowd with your comments you are going to hit friends...

If you believe that the comments that Truth writes are so blantantly evil and wrong then why do you consistently do the same thing on your own site and why do you wallow in the cesspool of blogs that do the same thing?

In case you haven't noticed most of what Truth writes is just satire of themes picked up amongst the reationary right blogs...

If you have the freedom and liberty to write and say the things you do about Liberals and Democrats then Truth is going to do the same thing with Conservatives and Republicans...

Whats good for the goose is good for the gander...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Please show me the post where I called you or anyone a "Fucking right wing nut" IHTSI.

TAO said...

IHTSI is busy going around the internet apologizing for mudslinging Jennifer and Pam...

Grung_e_Gene said...

REMFpublicans only like Big Government when they are in charge then they can steal and funnel Trillions of dollars to their families and cronies. Also REMFpublicans get to start righteous wars which they have no intention of actually fighting...

And when the bill comes due and the people realize what's been going on they hope a carter or Obama is in office whom they can blame and calla Commie...

TAO said...


You are too young to be so cyncial and to understand the fact that democrats are always called upon to do the heavy lifting...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

For all our faults, Democrats still led our Nation through two world wars and took us from a huge deficit left by Reagan and the supply siders to a surplus. Once again, a Democrat must lead us through war and a huge deficit. I don't blame the republicans for being mad. Their anger needs to be directed at the ones responsible for the mess. Themselves.

Grung_e_Gene said...

TAO, The REMFpublicans are smart. Take Tom DeLay, why join the military and risk life and limb or act fiscally responsible when you can just say you are and claim you do and then call Democrats who've served in warzones cowards and Anti-American, all the while criminally lining your pockets using the power of the Government to make yourself and your cronies rich...

TAO said...


Lets not forget how the prior administration sat back and basically counted the days till they left office rather than accept the reality of the meltdown?

Conservatives want to claim that the depression was not ended until WWII...and what was WWII but a HUGE government stimulus package and it included government management of the economy.

So basically FDR can be faulted for NOT doing enough with that logic.

There frustration is that they are easily caught in their own stupidity that is why they have to nuture the blind and stupid...

They have tax cuts and strong on defense...outside of that not much...

George Will wants democrats to fall for his pull out of Afghanistan because that is the only way Republicans can win in 2010.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

George Will is a clone of William F. Buckley. They both knew just enough Latin to sound intelligent.

I exposed Buckley for the clown he was months ago on American Nihilist.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TAO said...

That was quick BPB...

Did someone tell you that was a no no?

Unknown said...

Nah, thought of something. Go on with your fight.

Pamela Zydel said...

IHTSI: First, you did not offend me. But thank you for being concerned that you might have. I appreciate that.

IHTSI wrote: You asked, "Whats wrong with that?"

I'll tell you what.

Just browse thru the older posts here, read what your "common ground friends say about Conservitives/republicans, read where he calles us F**ing rightwing nuts! Do you call that "common ground friends?

IHTSI: Tao hit the nail on the head. Truth writes a lot of satire. But it appears that many on the Right take it all too personal. I don’t take what Truth writes personally. And I certainly don’t believe he thinks I’m a “wing-nut”.

You may not get along with Truth, but I do. And I’m not going to change and stop posting at his blog nor am I going to ban him from mine. I hope you and others will respect my decision because I believe we all have the right to be friends with whomever we chose.

TAO said...

Sorry, BPB...

No more fighting from me, I am moving on to other things after tonight and blogging goes to the end of the line as far as my time goes...

I will leave the fighting to you...

Unknown said...

OK, now I'll say something. What Pam said was right on.

I am also tired of the little gang of 40 or so people on the right telling people where they should and shouldn't comment and who they should link.

There is conservatism and then there is reaction ism.

If you can't handle other conservative bloggers talking on liberal blogs, close your eyes when you get to those parts.

This is the second time today I have seen people on the right disparaging conservative bloggers who like to engage in discussions with people that aren't all like-minded.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

From time to time I vary my well known catch phrase "deluded right wig fool" by substituting for "deluded" either the words "blind" or "backward thinking."

I don't remember ever calling IHTSI or anyone else "F564ing right wing nut."

And guy to guy here IHTSI, ratting me out to Pamela for being a meanie to you is pretty F'ing lame dude.

Unknown said...

Also, I may not like much of what Tao says, but at least he keeps people's minds sharp.

Green Eagle said...


I like what you have to say, and I would like to talk about it more, but it is very difficult to do when the conversation here is perverted by a small number of right wing trolls who come onto every comment stream and turn it into a meaningless, childish personal argument. I'm not suggesting I have an answer, and this phenomenon is hardly a unique one, but it is a shame; it serves no other purpose than to remind those of us who may have forgotten that these people live in an untouchable alternate reality.

TOOKIE said...


The Tea folks paid for the police , even the Leftist leaning dead tree media confirmed that

Law and Order Teacher said...

I apologize for being absent from the intellectual posits of your blogging buddies. I had some family things to take care of that are now under control.

I don't for a second defend any government entity that spends money in a profligate way. Dems or Repubs are equally responsible for fiscal insanity. As for Clinton, he was the recipient of a housing and high tech bubble that burst.

As for Bush he spent money on crap just like every politician does. Medicare Part B is an atrocity and has hastened the bankruptcy of Medicare. Social Security has no money and we are betting on a nag by funding this loser.

When SS was started we were on the order of 12 workers for 1 recipient. We are now somewhere between 1 and 2 workers per recipient and dropping. With my generation of baby boomers it will bankrupt the system.

In the interest of full disclosure, I don't contribute to, nor will I receive benefits. In short, we are running out of money.

I don't hate Obama, I mostly don't care for politicians. They have the irritating and debilitating habit of propagating themselves at the expense of we citizens.

Good day, sir.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I apologize for being absent from the intellectual posits of your blogging buddies. I had some family things to take care of that are now under control.

I don't for a second defend any government entity that spends money in a profligate way. Dems or Repubs are equally responsible for fiscal insanity. As for Clinton, he was the recipient of a housing and high tech bubble that burst.

As for Bush he spent money on crap just like every politician does. Medicare Part B is an atrocity and has hastened the bankruptcy of Medicare. Social Security has no money and we are betting on a nag by funding this loser.

When SS was started we were on the order of 12 workers for 1 recipient. We are now somewhere between 1 and 2 workers per recipient and dropping. With my generation of baby boomers it will bankrupt the system.

In the interest of full disclosure, I don't contribute to, nor will I receive benefits. In short, we are running out of money.

I don't hate Obama, I mostly don't care for politicians. They have the irritating and debilitating habit of propagating themselves at the expense of we citizens.

Good day, sir.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Sorry to post twice. The blog is really slow.

Unknown said...

Green Eagle said...


I like what you have to say, and I would like to talk about it more, but it is very difficult to do when the conversation here is perverted by a small number of right wing trolls who come onto every comment stream and turn it into a meaningless, childish personal argument. I'm not suggesting I have an answer...

Yet you try to make a larger problem than there currently is because that's all you know how to do.

Childish? what is Right wing trolls? And who are they? Does that make you a left wing troll for coming in and adding nothing of substance?

Funny how you name call and then admit you don't have a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

This entire website is a parody, got it now? Nothing more.

Not only are you late to the conversation, you're the only one in the audience looking blank while everyone else is laughing. Please.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Seriously folks. None of us are getting paid for this. If it's not fun why do it?

TAO said...

"This entire website is a parody, got it now? Nothing more."

Brillant insight BPB...

Nothing like parody to shine the light of truth on the obvious.

That is why right wing trolls like Im Here to Say It, Right is Right, and PhantomMan, to name just a few, tremble in fear and obviously lose their ability to write and spell everytime they come to this site.

It takes brillance to come up with a simple parody that is as devastatingly accurate as Truth101 does...

That is why the reactionary right hates him so much....he makes what is so hard for them look simple and leaves them eating his dust as they stutter out hate and cuss words...

Opus #6 said...

TAO, now you mention what happened in front of the joint session. Wilson lost his head and apologized for it. But I consider what Obama did to have lowered the national discourse. He called Americans Liars not 2 minutes before Wilson's outburst. Obama is the one who incited the outburst, imo.

Did I miss something? Is Kerry planning to run again? Why are we discussing him instead of the lowlife Commies in the Obama administration? A more derelict group I have never seen than his 3 dozen czars. Why, they couldn't even pass a confirmation process for cabinet posts. Must be why Obama skipped the process. Ooops. Forgot about the constitution again. "My Bad," says Obama.

And by the way, I don't tremble in fear and lose my ability to write and spell. I think I write and spell at least as well as you do. And perhaps much better.

TAO said...

Opus, I replied to your post on RIGHT IS didn't have to go hunt me down...

Besides, you are most usually going to find me by clicking on "TAO" and going to my blog...

TOOKIE said...

Andrew Breitbart declared in your City that is ACORN wants a war then they got one .

ACORN tape #3 released today on

We have Baltimore , DC , and now NY


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Breitbart is so insignificant that the only enemy he can get to take notice of his deluded right wing schtick is a blogger who's site gets perhaps 300 visits a day. On a good day.

I'l keep exposing him for the shithead he is though. It's my way of doing a service for my Country as President Obama asked.

TAO said...

IHTSI deleted all but one of his posts, and is now, "I'd Like To Say It"

Must have gotten fired because the profile pic is different...

BPB, care to enlighten us?

Unknown said...

Why ask me? They all hate me more than you.

TOOKIE said...

83-7 the US Senate voted to DE-FUND ACORN

I doubt Breitbart had a thing to do with that ;)

Corruption is toxic

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Get rid of the social security cap. Problem solved. Allow the government to negotiate for lower drug prices. Problem a large way to being solved.

Republican operatives going from one ACORN office to another until they find a couple of employees who are stupid enough to allow themselves to be entraped on video? What exactly does this have to do with Barack Obama? How can ACORN possibly be responsible for everything every single one of their employees does?

Or do these Right wingers think that this behavior was approved of by ACORN management? Or that this is covered in the ACORN employee handbook under "discussing criminal behavior on company time on company property", and the handbook says "yes, it not only OK, but encouraged".

Obviously not, seeing as the idiots were fired.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It's perfectly understandable why the republicans hate ACORN. ACORN works to educate bigots, idiots and homophobes. The republican base. Once they're gone all that's left are a few rich white guys.

Tom the Redhunter said...

Come now, Truth, don't defend ACORN. Your interests are best served by dumping them. Your side can do better.

You're falling into the "no enemies on my side" trap, and I can't say I've never been there myself. It's tempting to defend everyone and everything on your side when the other side is going after them.

But ACORN is beyond saving, and they make you look bad. Don't defend them.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I appreciate the advice and agree the damage to ACORN is most likely irreversible Tom.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

So ACORN is going to shutter their doors? I heard that they are launching an investigation. When I commented yesterday I was only aware of ONE video. Last night on the Daily Show they showed THREE videos. ONE I argued was an abberation... THREE and I think means they have a serious problem.

How this affects them in the future I think depends on how they handle this. I hope they can get their act together. They provide a valuable service.

I still stand by my other comment though... I fail to see how this has anything to do with President Obama. The voter fraud allegations are still BS.

BTW Max Baucus' Healthcare "reform" bill was released today. See my blog for details (TWO new posts).