The fine right leaning blogger, Land Shark 5150, Had such a ridiculous post I not only had to comment on his site, but due to his comment moderation policy, I figured I'd put my comment here so the masses wouldn't have to wait :
Why do you think President Obama and I want the death panels Sarah Palin warns of Land Shark. The old and weak will vote for people that espouse the silliness you propagandize. That leaves us children that we can indoctrinate with our messages of national health care and weakening of the military. To balance the budget we plan on selling nuclear weapons to Iran and North Korea. We shall lobby the Chinese to allow Halliburton to maintain and operate tourism functions at The Great Wall.
Abortion on demand will be the law of the land even after birth. this is just in case our indoctrination efforts fail and the reeducation facility at Guantanamo Bay isn't ready yet.
Don't even think about gun rights because as you read this our scientists are inventing a special satellite ray gun that will render bullets useless.
All pictures of President Reagan shall be desecrated and any images of our Dear Leaders, President Obama and Kim Jung Il shall be permitted to be displayed.
Okay. The secret's out. Say goodbye to your children.
Wow, have to give you writers credit there. I have never not posted one of your comments. I'm just confused about this attack from you. If you do not like my post or me , then why do you bother reading. As you do know this is my first comment, I do believe -- I may be wrong, on your blog. I simply subscribe to a different point of view. But carry on, if you wish. sharky
This was an in kind response to what I thought was a satiric post from you LandShark.
If I didn't enjoy your writing I wouldn't visit your site.
"The madman’s an American. We’ve got school- we actually have people that believe it is appropriate to take other children, other people’s children, and teach them to worship a President. Not because he’s a President, but because specifically he’s a black President, and because specifically, why, he’s bringing hope and change to the world."
I found that screed over at LandShark5150's blog. Wow! He calls Mr. Obama a "mad man?"
That turgid prose is what's wrong with this country. Certain segments of the Right have lost their minds because the American people voted a Democrat into office.
Because they found one YouTube video of a class of children celebrating Black History month and America's first bi-racial president, they believe the Apocalypse has come to America.
And they call Mr. Obama a "mad man?"
LandShark5150 continues with his "cri de coeur"
"And you have the unmitigated gall as a leftist, as a liberal, as a Democrat or whatever the hell you call your despicable self, to insinuate and insist that this nation may not proclaim itself and be proud of its Christian heritage? Let me tell you something. F--you. Some of us have had it with you people."
Maybe the voices in his head told him that. Mr. Obama did say that this is not JUST a Christian nation; America is also a Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Ba'hai, Buddhist, non-theist, etc., nation--actually, our second president of the United States of America and Founding Father said this isn't a Christian nation--but let's not confuse poor LandShark5150 with facts. Oh, hell, why not. I will:
"Officially called the "Treaty of peace and friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli, of Barbary," most refer to it as simply the Treaty of Tripoli. In Article 11, it states:
"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquillity, of Musselmen [Muslims]; and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan [Mohammed] nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."
The fact is Mr. LandShark5150, you have the right to stand on your property or on a soapbox in your local park and scream at the top of your lungs that AMERICA IS A CHRISTIAN NATION!!!!!! Go ahead. Do it. Nothing will happen to you. You have the right to do that.
Mr. Obama, as president of the United States of America is correct in what he says. And your rage is misplaced.
LandShark5150's blog banner states that he is swimming in a sea of shit.
That explains a lot about what he writes.
I think the thing that pisses me off the most are all you keyboard warriors that really have no clue what is going on. All you know is what you hear in the media, be it CNN, NBC, or FOXNews. Try something new for a change. Get off you fat lazy butts, put down the Twinkies, the popcorn, and HoHo's and actually try to change something. Or get into politics yourselves, if your at the right age, join the military and fight it from the inside, if not, write your Congressman and or Congresswoman, yes join the military and find out whether everything you hear is true or not. But do something other than bitch and moan and call people names and throw insults at the conservatives as you all seem to do so easily. Get our from behind your computers.. I'm sure one trip to Afgan or Iraq will answer that question. Whatever it is that you are whining about, get active and try to change it. Just don't sit on your fat azz and whine. It make you look stupid and incompetent. And no one likes a whiner. I’m a conservative and I’m not asking you to love me or even like me, but stop throwing insults at me just because you don’t agree with me. No one is asking you not to complain about our politicians, I do that myself every day. But not at my fellow Americans who all want the something as I do in the end. Sure it’s find to object aboyt Bush, as I do about Obama, but the insults and stupid cartoons do nothing but ruin your credibility.
What's with these posts about "A Ridiculous Fish" “Government Welfare Whores” “Heterosexual White Conservatives like Screwing Black Men?" etc. Man that's so childish!
All I hear from you people is the same old crap about Sarah Palin and Rush limbaugh, and Glenn Beck. Where are the complaints about Eric Holden, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid? THE PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING!!
Again you ridicule people that don't have your distorted opinion.
Because of you, LandShark 5150 has become a favorite blogger of mine.
If you can't out debate them, then ridicule them.
So typical of you...
Our Dear Leader is a narcissist and he'll end up like Carter, a political gadfly who sits around like a scorned woman, blaming everyone for his ineptness, screaming RACIST with his last breath.
We on the Right spend too much time complaining about the double standard. IT IS WHAT IT IS. It won't change. Stop wasting breath and get back to what matters- opposing the Messiah, trowing sand in his gears and organizing for 2010. And just tell the ones on the left to go stick their heads where the sun don't shine.
Some people like LandShark 5150 get it.
It's a damn shame that people like Truth101 can't!
Truth101 said... This was an in kind response to what I thought was a satiric post from you LandShark.
I took a look and thought the whole blog was satirical.
Shaw Kenawe said... I found that screed over at LandShark5150's blog. Wow! He calls Mr. Obama a "mad man?"
Well, he didn't call him a Kenyan.
I have nothing but respect for Mr. Carter. He was absoutely correct in his assessment of the opposition to President Obama.
And, Nightowl, nobody on the Left has ever call President Obama the "Messiah". That would be you guys on the Right who are doing that. As a Christian myself I find this quite troubling -- you assigning that title to someone you oppose -- as an insult.
I see it as you disrespecting your (professed) religion. But a lot of things these so-called Christian Rightwingers do strike me as not Christian at all.
You know what I say? I say F YOU for disrespecting MY religion. ALL of us (sane unselfish) Christians have had it with YOU people (the looney greedy warmongering idiots who CALL yourself Christian).
I've been reading Truth101's blog for a couple of months now, and I think he does get it. (except for supporting Rand Paul.)
Speaking of ridiculing right-wing crazies - I have a new post up on my blog where I do just that. Check it out if you're interested in blowing off some steam bashing right wing loonies.
What is our dictator in chief doing? This mutton head can't even be bothered enough to make a decision about sending more troops to Afghanistan. If Afghanistan ends up in flames and a terrorist state it is all on the Obama.
2012 cannot get here soon enough, but it will start in 2010.
Israel has my full support. The sooner someone smacks down Ahmadinejad the better. Since Israel is the only one one with balls to do it, I say let them do it with our blessing.
I support Carl Wicklander WD. I find him to be incredibly rational, passionatte about his beliefs and intelligent.
As for the guy that wants us to get involved in politics. I've been involved since I was thirteen years old. I've seen what supply side economic theory and spend and borrow have done to our Nation. Open your eyes instead of being blinded by the easy bullshit of "socialist America hating rhetoric" spewed by the right. The people that came up with this crap you love to repeat are using it to keeps dupes like you in the fold. People that are too lazy or just plain too closed minded and backward thinking to hear anything that requires more than three brain cells to comprehend.
Yet, strangely enough, Merkel was reelected with the promise of lowering taxes and I wonder how she is going to do that? Cut social programs maybe?
Cutting taxes always works as a campaign strategy because although we all know taxes will never be cut enough for most of us to notice, we all desperatly want to hear that taxes will be cut.
I don't follow Germany's politics but I wouldn't be surprised if Ms. Merkle also promised more spending for roads or education or something. Then said all her promises would be paid for with "savings."
My wife went to Kohls last night because we had a 30% off coupon. She spent $120 but look at the $36 we "saved." Germany is in just as good a hands as we are BPB. That's great comfort.
Get our from behind your computers.. I'm sure one trip to Afgan or Iraq will answer that question.
Actually...what's the question?
Hmmm. Kohls is a good place to shop.
Perhaps you might check into German politics if you get the chance and then you can see history and resentment nearly repeat themselves in less than 100 years.
Agreed with all but the 100 years. i don't think it takes that long. Especially these days with 24/7 news and instant access to anything you wnat ot know or hear on the internet.
This is why I joined Shaw and TAO in their efforts to combat the nattering nabobs of right wing negativism BPB. The Truth 101 is that we and othes of like mind are the last bastion of hope and freedom for our Nation. May God bless us in our work and may God bless America.
TRUTH 101 said... I support Carl Wicklander WD.
Who is Carl Wicklander? A libertarian friend? If I understand you correctly you're saying that you don't support Rand Paul but your friend does and you support him?
Really? Making friends and influencing people again are we? Nattering nabobs of negativism? What does it say that you have stooped to quoting Agnew?
I hope you live long and prosper in your efforts of bringing to the attention of those who don't get it that the right is wrong. That will be an interesting argument that I look forward to. Crossing swords with you is always a good way to spend a day. God bless us all, Tiny Tim.
Good day, sir.
I don't have to agree with somebody to respect his/her convictions and opinions when communicated respectfully and with class WD.
Carl has visited and supported this blog almost since inception. The "righties" I have linked always impressed me with their thoughtfulness and skill at communicating their side. I don't have to agree to appreciate well thought out writing. When I address right leaning bloggers like Carl, LAOT and Tom the Redhunter, I try to do so with respect because they have earned it. They in turn have always added to the conversation when they visited here.
There are plenty of jerks who's only skill is parroting the latest screed from Glen Beck and calling us socialists or commies we can poke fun at WD.
I appreciate very much those of other beliefs that are willing to engage in dialogue like those on my link list.
Truth101 said... I don't have to agree with somebody to respect his/her convictions.
I don't have a problem with that. I checked out Carl's blog and left a comment. Clearly HE likes Rand Paul.
Merkel is a real conservative! Gotta put it in context and here she would be called a socialist!
Now, the FDP are conservatives (here they would be moderate liberals) and it will be interesting to see how that partnership works...
I would hate to think that Glenn Beck can simply shout down any member of the administration he chooses to target.. There MUST have been smoke there in order for Beck to find that fire and he did.. So whats the complaints? As soon as the controversy began ABC , CNN etc and other quarters of the mainstream media got on Becks bandwagon and the administration stopped defending Jones. So why do you insist to shoot the messenger? This wasn’t a smear campaign. Jones was a self admitted Communist.
Why is it whenever logic fails the liberal (aka Marxist) BS comes in to the picture? Why were YOU (Shaw) so against Beck and YOU were so excited to get onto the boycott bandwagon? I have read your blog and thus this rebuttal. You even posted the list of sponsors, so that your readers would follow and boycott them.. .
There is a huge difference between Beck, Obama and Van Jones.
Glenn is a private citizen that is exercising his first amendment right to publicly speak about (and question) the government.
Obama is a publicly elected official, and chose to put in a Czar that bypasses the constitution in charge of an illegal green office.
One of these things is not like the other, and should be subject to scrutiny. But in the same way the MSM missed the point when the crucified Joe "The Plumber" vs Obama, they once again are missing the point with the "Glenn vs. Van Jones" debate.
If a citizen can't question his leaders without being dragged through the mud, then we have lost a fundamental freedom. Powerful people like to lay low and get their work down without exposure. Glenn Beck has exposed Van Jones and his story and past are truly disturbing.
This is a free country with freedom of speech and if someone wants to accuse another of racism that is perfectly acceptable. I don’t believe Obama is racist, but I also don’t believe he has America’s interests in mind. His agenda seems hell bent on destroying the US as we all know it. This could be because he actually thinks it is for the better, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was doing it on purpose for the benefit of another people.
Did you see somewhere on here where I called Merkel a conservative?
I don't.
You missed my point. Try again.
Merkel whipped a few liberal asses .I can see now why she avoided Obie in Pittsburgh
"There is a huge difference between Beck, Obama and Van Jones."
Yes. And we're pleased that Beck's lack of intelligence has had such wide and enthusiastic exposure.
robert thomas said... So why do you insist to shoot the messenger? This wasn't a smear campaign. Jones was a self admitted Communist.
I don't understand why the hell Van Jones resigned. He did nothing wrong.
Van Jones has disavowed any connection to communism. Van Jones has made statements which confirm his capitalist beliefs (Glenn Beck continues his Van Jones communist distortion).
In any case, I wouldn't give a damn if Van Jones were a current member of the Communist party. We are allowed to hold any political beliefs we want, after all. Being a communist isn't illegal. And the guy IS QUALIFIED for the position of Green Jobs ADVISOR (Obama has appointed ZERO czars).
This most certainly was a smear campaign.
robert thomas said...Obama is a publicly elected official, and chose to put in a Czar that bypasses the constitution in charge of an illegal green office.
WH spokesperson: "The term 'czar' is largely a media creation to make jobs that have existed under multiple administrations sound more exciting. Every president since Nixon has hired smart and qualified people to coordinate between agencies and the White House".
The position of "Green Jobs Advisor" is NOT "illegal" any more than any of GWB's 46 advisors were "illegal" (BTW President Obama has appointed only 35 advisors).
I don't recall the topic of whether or not appointees were unconsitiutional EVER being brought up during the previous administration. This is just part of the right-wing attempt to delegitimize Barack Obama's Presidency.
robert thomas said... If a citizen can't question his leaders without being dragged through the mud, then we have lost a fundamental freedom. Glenn Beck has exposed Van Jones and his story and past are truly disturbing.
Glenn Beck isn't "questioning", he is lying and slandering. The only thing that disturbed me was that Van Jones stepped down because Glenn Beck spread lies about him.
robert thomas said... I also don't believe [Obama] has America's interests in mind.
I don't believe Glenn Beck has American's interests in mind. I think he has his own interestes in mind. I don't think GWB did either. His interests were #1 socialism for the rich, and #2 empowering the Repubilcan party.
I say bring on the Socialism for the American people.
IMBECILE w-dervish said...
I don't believe Glenn Beck has American's interests in mind. I think he has his own interestes in mind.
1. What are "interestes"
2. Your Meds have worn off, time to take them again.
And then this RETARD said: "Glenn Beck isn't "questioning", he is lying and slandering. The only thing that disturbed me was that Van Jones stepped down because Glenn Beck spread lies about him."
Go ahead and shoot the messenger. THE MAN IS A COMMIE NO ONE BUT YOU DISPUTES THAT!
Mental retardation is a very serious thing, you should really take your Meds on time.
Some harpy said: "Yes. And we're pleased that Beck's lack of intelligence has had such wide and enthusiastic exposure."
Clearly, this is not the case. Beck's ratings are through the roof and olby, maddow, and matthews (or as I like to call them, the unholy trinity) are down, down, down.
Unless, of course, you are calling the American public stupid and easily fooled. But, that can't be what you mean since a little over half voted for that limp dick in the White House.
itoftsitofts, "interestes" is clearly a typo. If you really don't know what I meant - I'd say it is you who is an imbecile. As for Van Jones being a "commie" and NOBODY disputing it but me... What about the article I linked to? Obviously the author of the article disputs it.
I think that even someone who is mentally retarded would be able to recgonize that 2 is more than one. So how stupid does that make you?
PolitiFact on Beck's claim that Van Jones "is an avowed, self-avowed radical revolutionary communist" concludes that the claim is "barely true"
[Jones] took an objective look at the effectiveness [of the Communist movement he WAS a part of] and decided that the changes he was seeking were actually getting farther away. Not only did the left need to be more unified, he decided, it might also benefit from a fundamental shift in tactics. "I realized that there are a lot of people who are capitalists ... who are really committed to fairly significant change in the economy, and were having bigger impacts than me and a lot of my friends with our protest signs".
If you still think Van Jones is a communist I think YOU need to get some meds for yourself.
Hey w-dervish you are a idiot in the true meaning. As for reading your links or your blog, SPARE ME!
You seem to be one of the two people in the whole country that still think that FUCKING asshole Van Jones wasn’t a Commie PIG!
Van Jones apologized for being hateful and after all his life of being filled with hate for Republicans, suddenly he has seen the light and changed. Sorry, but I DO NOT ACCEPT the ASSHOLE’S apology.
SPARE US! From the likes of that PINKO Bastard.
When Van Jones traded his prison garb for a Brooks Brother’s Suit, nothing changed except for
his facade. Now we have a committed Communist (a crude one at that) in Conservative Clothing.
I believe that the ‘Impostor-In-Chief’ is surrounding himself with a cheap Hollywood
collection of lying actors with hidden Fascist agendas. So far I don’t recognize any Constitution-
Respecting Ladies and Gentleman amongst this gang of Ridiculous Radical Loons.
Maybe its time for Barack Obama to apologize to We the People and fire this self proclaimed “a$$hole”.
Well Obama did promise change. This certainly is a change from the last 8 years. He did not say it was a change for the better or a change that we will appreciate.
Are you surprised by this? I’m not. The President has been known to associate with these kind of people. HUSSEIN Obama continues to surround himself with hate mongering racist PIG!! Apparently Obama didn’t learned anything from the public outcry for his being associated with Jeremiah WRONG and Bill Ayers. Perhaps Mr. Obama has a learning disability…
Just yet another example of Obama Hope and Change.
People get the government they deserve. All the voters who were so quick to discount the stories of the hateful, anti-American things said by Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Obama’s association with Bill Ayers now have the sorry government they deserve. They are willing to sacrifice the country for a fleeting, warm, fuzzy feeling of contentment at having a black President. Whoops! I guess this makes me a racist! Well I got news for you, I don't give a crap what you call me. But don't make excuses for that Son of a Bitch Van Jones
Jones is gone so why are you still complaining Robert? I agree the Obama Administration needs to do a better job vetting it's public hires. It's too bad for Jones that any misjudgements he made in the past preclude him form doing a job for which he is well qualified. But hey. That's the nature of the game now. You want to play be ready to be dragged through the mud.
I also suport your right to free speech Robert. In fact, in honor of free speech allow me to say that you sir, are a shithead.
God bless America.
So because I'm challenging what your Lib buddy w-dervish said...that makes me a shithead! No Truth, it only show what a SHITHEAT YOU are. Defending an asshole like Van Jones had to be a wake up call for some folks who were still ..... pillars of American virtue, like Nancy Pelosi, Reid, the that Garaffalo skank..... They had to throw Van Jones under the bus because of the pressure started by Glenn Beck..Don't give these rat bastards a minute to regroup. ...Van Jones was a communist and an activist since the nineties, ..WTF is happening to my country, allowing a creep like him to be the president’s adviser?
Also, when you admit to being a 9/11 truther, you basically admit to being a freaken kook.
He is an admitted communist, a radical black activist with crazed paranoid tendencies? It was bad enough when Obama told us he never heard the things that Rev. Wright said for 20 years. I suppose Obama had no idea this guy was a COMMIE either?
Any one that don't agree with you is a shithead.. Thanks SHITHEAD for proving my point.
Have a shitty day.
If fact I see you already are.
w-dervish, I see you've gone from incessantly plugging "YOUR BLOG" to just getting plugged.
Correcting vocabulary? Typical leftie. Saying people need to be on meds because they disagree with you and quoting Stephen Colbert as a credible source? Perhaps you need to be on meds.
Truth101 said: "You want to play be ready to be dragged through the mud."
It would take more than a light weight asshole like you do do that.
Before I leave I want to Thank Glenn Beck for digging up da good shit on those leftwing Commie pricks.!
You're running away from WD and me Robert? Hell. I just thought you were a shithead. Now you're a pansy shithead.
I had a fresh post about Max Baucus being a pansy shithead ready to go but I'll see what Robert wants to talk about first. All he's done so far is call Van Jones and Whirling Dervish pinko commie assholes.
I may also institute a new rule against spell correcting. I get enough spell and grammer correcting from oldest who recently graduated with honors from college with her major in English. Enough with the spell correcting people.
bluepitbull, I got "plugged"?? That's based on your completely incorrect assessment of the situation. It was robert thomas who pulled the "typical lefty" move of correcting MY spelling. Also, I suggested he should take meds because he suggested it to me first (and he clearly needs them a LOT more than me). I believe in being polite unless insulted first. Maybe you should read a little closer before attacking someone. I presume you made a mistake and will allow you to the opportunity to retract your prior post instead of responding in kind.
robert thomas, I was referring to a link in my post here on THIS blog in THIS comment thread. I didn't direct you to my blog for any information regarding Van Jones.
robert thomas... ...still think that F-CKING a-hole Van Jones wasn't a Commie PIG!
Seriously YOU, robert thomas you are an "idiot in the true meaning". I never said Van Jones wasn't (PAST TENSE) a member of a Communist organization. The article excerpt I posted from PolitiFact states as much -- that he DID (past tense) belong to a Communist organization (which isn't illegal).
Glenn Beck has claimed that he is (PRESENT TENSE) a Communist. You used the word "was" (PAST TENSE) but then said "Now we have a committed Communist (a crude one at that) in Conservative Clothing" (this is present tense).
Both you and Beck are lying. Or you both have learning disabilities. How the hell is he "in conservative clothing"?? Is Van Jones a Commie, a Fascist, or a Conservative? Those last two are on the OPPOSITE end of the political spectrum BTW. How about you make up your mind regarding what lies you're going to spew before posting on an internet message board and alerting the world to the fact that you're a complete moron?
I don't see how being a former Communist disqualified him from serving as President Obama's Green Jobs advisor.
As for calling Republicans A-holes, I don't see what the issue was with that comment either. He apologized (although for the wrong thing I think). He should have said that he only thinks SOME Republicans are a-holes and apologized for being rude. As I recall bush called a reporter a major league a-hole and he NEVER apologized.
Very true, wdervish, you did not. You just do it all other times.
It's called desperation.
w-dervish said...He should have said that he only thinks SOME Republicans are a-holes and apologized for being rude. As I recall bush called a reporter a major league a-hole and he NEVER apologized.
LMAO, It's still all about Bush isn't it you half wit!
bluepitbull, I assume you're referring to the second paragraph of my previous post -- and are ignoring the first one where I suggested you retract your attack because just about everything you said was about me was WRONG.
Pointing people to my blog isn't desperation - it's advertising. A blog isn't going to get any traffic if nobody knows it exists. I've never just said "hey look at my blog". I read what Truth101 has written. I read the replies. Then I post on-topic response.
Whatever your problem with me is, I DON'T CARE. And I'm through being polite. Screw you. I'm not going to change my behavior unless Truth101 asks me to.
BTW here's a link to the story about Bush calling a reporter an a-hole and not apologizing:
Bush: No apology for gaffe.
I guess it's OK to call someone an a-hole so long as you DON'T apologize.
Suggested? Denied.
Screw you, too, junior.
Being George W. Bush means never having to say you're sorry.
Give em hell Whirling Dervish. By the way. Whirling Dervish's "Sleeping With The Devil" blog is at the top of the link list. I heartily recommend everyone check his blog out.
It is time well spent.
I've benn meaning to start a link list with enemies of truth and wisdom Bluepitbull. You'll be at the top of the list Kimosave.
So then you admit that my being fair to you isn't good enough?
Put whatever you want dude, bye.
TRUTH 101,
When unhinged Righties have nothing of value to say, they always resort to name-calling. It's what children in school yards do when they know someone's smarter than they are.
They cursed at Jesus also Shaw.
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