Tuesday, September 29, 2009


With great men and women like Andrew Jackson. Harry Truman and Shirley Chisolm blazing trails of courage and conviction for the Democratic Party throughout our history, I figured Senator Max Baucus would take the cue and fight for single payer universal health insurance. At the very least he would fight for a public option to keep the fat cat insurance companies honest. That's what Democrats are supposed to do. Fight for the little guys.
Apparently his panties tightened around his minute testicles because he fought for neither. He even voted against the public option because he thought it would make republicans not like him. Like they are going to vote for anything that might put a dent in insurance company profits.
Max Baucus showed his hand and his lips. His hands steady himself on the collective ass of the insurance lobby and the republican party that protects it while his lips are placed firmly and passionately between the cheeks.
On a side note, my good friend, Bluepitbull, has removed himself from the list of Truth Shall Rule Followers. I see his strength of conviction wavered under the power of the mean and scary Right is Right lady. Going to miss you Blue. But at least you can say you have something in common with a senator.


Unknown said...

Or perhaps it's because you called him dishonest.

Anonymous said...

You know how strong I feel against national health care, but the more I think on it, I wonder if sort of a compromise would work in regards to health care. I don't want government totally in control of health care because I don't trust them.

For a long time TAO has been talking about the Swiss system and it has merit.

Sort of like a liability car insurance policy.

A very basic "liability" that covers emergency hospital visits for everyone. Something rather simple and basic. Then being able to add on to it through private insurance companies as people see fit.

I don't have a problem with Baucus voting against the public option because I don't think the bill as it is now will be good. I don't think that he is kissing Republican butt because he doesn't agree with the health care options. He is taking a stand against something he doesn't like.

I truly think a little compromise on everyone's part and they could figure something out. Everyone wants their own way without giving even a little and we find ourselves constantly at a stalemate!

TAO said...

Yeah, Bluepitbull was a follower of my blog too! Then he was gone!

Another fine example of the rights belief in individual freedom and strength of convictions!

On one hand conservatives go on and on about how THEY represent the majority and then they turn around and exhibit a 'ghetto' mentality to thw world.

Jenn, the Swiss plan would be ideal for us...but sadly the lobbyists won't ever let that be an option for this country...

It would also allow us to privatize medicare, medicad, and our VA health programs...

Which you would believe that the Republicans would jump all over and it would also solve some future problems with entitlements.

But in turn health insurance companies would have to sell direct to consumers, which they do not want to, and they would have to get more efficient...they would rather have lazy profits.

robert thomas and his thoughts said...

Jennifer, we don't need compromise , we need to defeat this bill entirely.
The Libs are going to suffer from this guys disastrous bills etc. It's one thing after another. Now he wants to extend the school year for our children. Boy that going to really go over big! LOL..
Medicare will stop being Medicare and the old folks will be denied services. They vote and they are very vocal and if the Dems step into this Obama bomb THEY will pay a severe price in 2010 and far beyond.
Why not remove congress from the health care plan we currently provide them. Then, by law, they must survive by the plan they come up with to cover the least of our citizens. For them to do otherwise is just more of the foul hypocrisy that is destroying this nation.

Anonymous said...

Robert.....Agreed! I don't like the bill that is in Congress right now. What I was referring to is Congress and the president coming together to find something that may work that all of us could support.

I'd really like your opinion on the Swiss plan, because although I am against National Health Care, I feel like this is a compromise.

It would please those who want National Health care. It would also please those who want choices that private companies would provide.

Anonymous said...

TAO said...

Yeah, Bluepitbull was a follower of my blog too! Then he was gone!

The premise of Following a blog is to share interesting information and thoughts. None of those are to be found either here or especially at TAO'S blog .
I Guess. Like many other intellectuals, he was capable of wising up. The 2 are fine examples of Stupid Blogs

TAO said...

Oh Anon, and this would be you?

"VINCE HASE – The leader of the pack. The big Kahuna. The head mammal. The fittest survivor. Tech geek, but he keeps it under control with medication. Does all of the characters in the funny sketch-things. Had nothing to do with the un-funny sketch things. The creator of This Stupid Minute and The Half-Hour You’ll Never Get Back. Has ADD, and rarely finds his keys, his pencil, his shoes or his desk."

Sorry, not much I can do for someone who makes money off of stupid!

robert thomas and his thoughts said...

Jennifer, you asked about the Swiss Healthcare plan.. The Swiss universal coverage system offers and provides excellent health care for the sick, from what I have read and heard they rank amongst the tops the world in consumer satisfaction.
First of all, Group health insurance does not even exist in Switzerland. People buy coverage from private insurers, and the government provides subsidies for those who can’t afford it..
Switzerland offers the clearest example, everyone is required to buy insurance, insurers can't discriminate based on medical history or pre-existing conditions, and lower-income citizens get government help in paying for their policies. The quality of care is excellent. Waiting times are not reported to be a serious problem in Switzerland, and most people can get the services they need and pretty quickly.
True "socialized medicine" would undoubtedly cost less, and a straightforward extension of Medicare-type coverage to all Americans would probably be cheaper than a Swiss-style system.
We only have to go as far as Massachusetts to see government run health care does not deliver cost savings or decent health care. I can’t believe more people are not pointing that out loud and often.
Obama’s healthcare bill will never pass. It’s as good as dead already, that maybe why he’s off to Denmark to get the Olympics for Chicago.
Obama failed on his health care plan because he just made up "facts" as he went along. He claimed that greedy doctors were driving up the cost of care because they could get $50,000 for an amputation when they would get a lot less for saving a limb. The actual fact was that doctors are only reimbursed $500 for an amputation. Obama was only off by two miles..He has botched nearly every opportunity that he has had - his failures and place in history have been hard earned by his own laziness, inexperience and total arrogance. It would really be nice if somebody working on reform actually had some experience, and know what they were doing .
I am still waiting on an answer to my question: Why did Congress exclude themselves, federal employees and unions from his “Reform” ? I f it's good enough for us, it should be good enough for a public servant. Wouldn’t you think?
He has said he will not allow illegals to be covered under the new health care bill in order to get just enough moderate votes to have it pass. Then, once passed, he will ram through an immigration bill that will instantly turn all the illegals into legal citizens or guest workers, thus being able to claim he was telling the truth. Joe Wilson knew that and so does everyone else in Congress. So he should stop the lying.

TAO said...


Glad you like the SWISS PLAN...

BUT you just might want to research it a little bit further before you go off on the 'talking points...'

You also might want to research the $500 amputation thing a little bit...considering that a surgeon get $235 just to talk to you...

robert thomas and his thoughts said...

In respect to your little nasty insinuation that I was wrong in my assumption about amputations.
I didn't say thats what it cost. I said thats what a Doctor is reimbursed for an amputation. I was doing this from memory, actually the fact is that doctors are only reimbursed $500 for an amputation (not so far off)

See the link for the letter of FACT.

So...you just might want to research it a little bit further before you go off on the 'talking points.


TAO said...

The letter states MEDICARE pays 740 to 1140 for an amputation...

robert thomas and his thoughts said...

TAO said...

The letter states MEDICARE pays 740 to 1140 for an amputation.

And Your Point is?

TAO said...

my point is its not $500 and I had an employee who had a leg amputated threes years ago and the total bill from start to finish was $65,000...that is what we paid.

Digeeedad said...

TAO said...

my point is its not $500 and I had an employee who had a leg amputated threes years ago and the total bill from start to finish was $65,000...that is what we paid.

That was WAY to much I would say that he should sue, but he probably don't have a Leg to stand on.

CougarGA7 said...

TAO said...

my point is its not $500 and I had an employee who had a leg amputated threes years ago and the total bill from start to finish was $65,000...that is what we paid.

The same thing happened to my friend.
My friend needed to have his leg amputated and the doctor messed up and cut off the wrong leg. Then had to cut off the one that needed to be cut off.
My friend went to an attorney because he wanted to sue the doctor, but the attorney said that "He did not have a leg to stand on ".
So the doctor put it back on.

Anonymous said...

Wow, now that's real class there! Making fun of someone who's crippled.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Robert: from reading your comments it looks as though you actually are in agreement with TAO and I on heallth insurance reform. I even agree with you that Congress should fal under whatever plan it approves. If it ever approves one that is. This particular oiece from one of your comments intrigued me: "True "socialized medicine" would undoubtedly cost less, and a straightforward extension of Medicare-type coverage to all Americans would probably be cheaper than a Swiss-style system."

I wouldn't have a problem with this approach. I know yours and Jennifer's concerns about any program being government run. If this was adopted though and as you insist Congress also has to take part in this plan, Congress would have a vested interest in seeing that it's run right. Especially of the funding mechanism is a payroll deduction or something along the lines of Medicare. You pay more attention when you're footing the bill.

Very good points you make
Mr. Thomas.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Democrat plan makes nothing more affordable. It makes everything more expensive
it decreases the incentive to work for your own living.
As the bible says, if you don’t work, neither do you eat.
A simple plan that works for everyone.
Eat of the bread of your own hands.

And since most conservatives already give 10% of their income to charity to help the poor
why cant the less than generous liberals anti up some of their own donations to
pay for the uninsured. Perhaps this blowhard president can donate some of his own
money to help one of those 44,000 dead from lack of insurance.

And Pelosi calls us republicans Un-American and full of hate.

This lying Godless Democrat with NO soul…No Conscious…no truth in his whole body…is allowed to show HATE Signs…say Hate Speech full of LIES on the floor of Pelosi’ Congress…but Joe Wilson who correctly called Obama a Liar is raked over the coals?

What will it take America…you voted for these Creeps…You voted for their Lying,Egoist,Communist,Messiah Obama…who just sold out are strong allies in central Europe…and put the General on the ground’s request for more troops to win Afghanistan.com the Back burner WHILE HE GOES TO PARTY IN Denmark TYO GET THE Olympics FOR Chicago WHERE HIS RAT FRIEND MS JARRET WILL STAND TO MAKE MILLIONS SELLING THE LAND THAT WOULD BE USED FOR THE OLYMPICS THERE…. Land that is now used by two projects full of the bl@ck poor?

It’s incredible! Wake up…if you fell for this Anti-Christ Like Man ,and all his buddies in the Leftist Media, that he is like the second coming…you were DUPED!

Voting for a man because he is black is actually racist in itself. You didn’t do your homework at ALL on this Marxist…none!
The Obama Healthcare plan doesn’t care about the people that are not yet born. 1000 babies killed by abortion for every 1 person that dies without health insurance.
42,000,000 killed each year by abortion.

Anonymous said...

The Obama camp made it clear that any private insurance companies wanting to participate would also be required to provide abortion coverage.
Obama lies as always!!! His Health care Bill will pay for abortions
And private insurers that want to participate will have to treat reproductive care in the same way!
Why are we even talking about McCain or Hannity or Limbaugh or Glenn Beck? They are not in Office! We should be talking about that scoundrel sitting in the White House now. Or should I say flying on a airplane, or sitting in a fancy restaurant in Copenhagen with the likes of Oprah and his dear wife and TWO jumbo Jets full of his entourage, spending the taxpayers money and polluting our air . The Health Care bill a deliberate and secret way to promote abortion with taxpayer money.

Anonymous said...

Robert Thomas is right.
First, some background. 1) Federal law forbids using taxpayer money to pay for abortions. 2) Some private health insurance plans offer coverage for abortions, which, after all, are legal medical procedures. The New York Times says: Nearly half of those with employer-sponsored health plans now have policies that cover abortion, according to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Unless the subject of abortion comes up. Then, they’re all for getting between a woman and her doctor and disrupting her health insurance coverage. Republicans in Congress and their allies among anti-abortion Democrats are threatening to blow up health care reform negotiations over the prospect of coverage for abortions.
Maybe because abortion is murder. Killing people isn’t healthcare, I gather you’re not intelligent enough to figure that out. Either that, or you have assumed the role of God and can arbitrarily decide when life begins based on whether or not a person’s existence is convenient to you.
First, some background. 1) Federal law forbids using taxpayer money to pay for abortions. 2) Some private health insurance plans offer coverage for abortions, which, after all, are legal medical procedures. The New York Times says: Nearly half of those with employer-sponsored health plans now have policies that cover abortion, according to a study by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

But a group of Catholic bishops, anti-abortion Democrats and conservative Republicans are up in arms over the subsidies which will be offered to families who cannot afford to purchase insurance. They claim the subsidies will be used to buy policies that cover abortions.

They’re wrong. The legislation sets up an elaborate accounting system which separates private money from public money. That system has been used effectively in states where Medicaid provides for abortions. (Medicaid is paid from both federal and state tax funds; states that allow Medicaid to cover abortions can’t use federal funds to pay for it.)

Abortion is not only wrong, but irrespective of one's beliefs, govt should definitely not be funding it.
Obama has no morals to even consider legalizing anything to do with abortion and the women that have it are murderers.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer said...
"You know how strong I feel against national health care, but the more I think on it, I wonder if sort of a compromise would work in regards to health care. I don't want government totally in control of health care because I don't trust them."

I don't trust them, (OBAMA) either Jennifer, and you should also be very concerned about his plan to pay for abortion on demand!
The Obama camp made it clear that any private insurance companies wanting to participate would also be required to provide abortion coverage.
Obama lies as always!!! His Health care Bill will pay for abortions
And private insurers that want to participate will have to treat reproductive care in the same way!

Anonymous said...

Beth, I must admit I am a bit curious why you wrote all those things and then deleted them and wrote them as anonymous?

Anonymous said...

Jennifer said...

Beth, I must admit I am a bit curious why you wrote all those things and then deleted them and wrote them as anonymous?

Perhaps it's because Shaw yelled at her on her blog .. That she got frighten and ran away and hid under a rock with her other rightwing friends. LOL...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous said...

Jennifer said...

Beth, I must admit I am a bit curious why you wrote all those things and then deleted them and wrote them as anonymous?

Perhaps it's because Shaw yelled at her on her blog .. That she got frighten and ran away and hid under a rock with her other rightwing friends. LOL...


That is a lie. You can go to my blog and see that I asked Beth very politely not to blog about abortion, since it had nothing to do with my posts. I also suggested that she had her own blog where she could conduct a discussion on abortion.

When I clicked on her name to link to her blog, I discovered that she allows only registered people to post comments.

So, Anon, this Beth came to my blog, hijacked it's subject after I politely asked her not to it not once, not twice, but three times.

It's really interesting how certain people make up lies--meaning you Anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Shaw, I think what Anonymous said about Beth was in agreement with you.

l.johnson said...

As President Obama goes to the U.N. and garners accolades from low life, scumbag dictators; as he apologies to the world for what he perceives as the past-wrongs America has inflicted on the world and for our country's arrogance; as he plans on sitting down and make nice with a madman who wants to destroy us; as he plans to rid our arsenal of nukes and make us impotent to defend ourselves and destroys our policy of "peace through strength"; as he proclaims his intent to pass amnesty for illegal aliens; as he gives the order to close GITMO and bring terrorist prisoners onto our soil; as he releases terrorists back into society and sends them to Bermuda; as he investigates CIA agents who did their job to protect us and strives to turn them into criminals; as he fills the White House with socialist "czars" who plan on social justice for the "deserving" at the expense of everyone else; as he takes over private businesses; as he plans on a "new world order" and denies American exceptionalism; while he is "fundamentally changing" our country into a socialist/facist regime where the federal government rules our lives; where his "global warming" religion is going to destroy our economy; while he is spending our country into deficits that will never be able to be repaid; while he forces socialized health care down our throats; while he avoids making a decision about the war in Afghanistan at the peril of our troops and to the delight of the Taliban; where his Dept. of Homeland Security replaces the word "terrorism" for the more pc version of "man-made disaster"; while his policies are taking away our freedoms and liberties day by day; when his administration titles you a "domestic terrorist" because you exercise your right to free speech; where his state-run media and flunkies in congress call you "racist" because you disagree with him...have I missed anything?

While all of this is happening, our borders are being breached every day by illegal aliens, drug traffickers and possible terrorists. Isn't the first job of the Federal Government to keep our country and people safe? You would think that President Obama would use some of that stimulus money (you remember the money that was supposed to create jobs), and hire more people to control and protect our borders.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

As a confirmed political hack, I agree with I.Johnston on his statement 100%. "You would think that President Obama would use some of that stimulus money (you remember the money that was supposed to create jobs), and hire more people to control and protect our borders."

Yes. More Democrat voting government employees is exactly what we need my new friend. Amen and thank you for coming by.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Sorry I got in late on this. TAO has a point worth researching. I'll check it out and express an opinion later. I certainly open to something that is a good fix to this problem that is in need of a good fix.

The government run option presented here is a non-starter with me, but then you knew that. Allow me some time to, as my dad used to say, "study on it" and I'll feel more comfortable commenting on it. As usual you do a service providing the forum.

Good day, sir.

Helen of Troy New York said...

Shaw Kenawe said...
"There is a huge difference between Beck, Obama and Van Jones."

Yes. And we're pleased that Beck's lack of intelligence has had such wide and enthusiastic exposure.

And then this:

bluepitbull said...

Some harpy said: "Yes. And we're pleased that Beck's lack of intelligence has had such wide and enthusiastic exposure."

Clearly, this is not the case. Beck's ratings are through the roof and olby, maddow, and matthews (or as I like to call them, the unholy trinity) are down, down, down.

Now read what BPB has posted on his own blog:

If you are going to comment here, please have a point. If it continues to get down to personal attacks and that's the only way you can express yourself, don't.

Well thought out comments are appreciated and any name-calling not preceded with a real comment will be deleted.


These jokers don't even believe what they write, why should we?

I guess BPB writes rules for other people, only he reserves the right to call people names.

Just like a real bully.

Night Ranger said...

Bluepitbull tells it like it is withoutthe sugarcoat. It is the left that resorts to namecalling and profanity more often than not. I only look at this blog to see what stupidity the left is pulling today. The army of stupid is out in force here.

Peter said...

Bluepitbull Has the Winning Blog this year.

Bluepitbull For First Prize, he get it RIGHT!

StevensOpinions said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steven said...



StevensOpinions said...


I for one am Happy!

Taking care of our troops at war.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Let Steven's comment stand for itself:

He's happy to announce that he is anti-American. Happy that America lost out.

Now there's a real patriot. He hates President Obama more than he loves his country.

I salute President Obama for making the effort! Good going. And thank you.

But look at it this way folk: No one threw shoes at our president when he was in Denmark.

Anonymous said...

Chicago who received the fewest votes of all the contenders was eliminated after round one. ...

Tough canoogie Barack.

Anonymous said...

Shaw said...No one threw shoes at our president when he was in Denmark.

Just listen to that witch, shes still hung up on Bush.

Well Obama is even worse.

I Ain't Got No Blog said...

Shaw calls it Anti-American. No Shaw, It's that people are sick of Obama and his shit! People are anti Obama!.

You know what really drives me insane? People are over there fighting a war and we treat them like shit. When they come back here they cant get health care etc. I say if your in Iraq for 1 day you get health care free for the rest of your life. The first day you set foot in that country you might die. That has to be worth something..

For the record, I AM Happy that America (Chicago) lost.

If Obama can make his General fly out to Denmark and give him 25 minutes but take a hundred and eighty people on 2 BIG Jets to Denmark for Olympic Bull Shit , something is wrong here.

So yes, I'm glad that CHICAGO LOST!!!! Now maybe Ø can get back to playing president. And maybe you can stop your ass-kissing Bull Shit.

Get It Right said...


Despite four years, millions of dollars in planning one Super Star, a First Lady, and a last-ditch pitch from President Obama, the Chicago 2016 Olympic bid ultimately fell short.
Looks like Barack Obama and Michelle Obama aren't as popular as they thought they were!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Anonymous said...

Shaw said...No one threw shoes at our president when he was in Denmark.
Just listen to that witch, shes still hung up on Bush.

Well Obama is even worse.
October 2, 2009 8:48 AM

Oh my, Anonymous, aren't you the courageous little commenter, hiding behind an anonymous name and calling someone a witch?

I must have pissed you off but good to incite you to post your pathetic, cowardly comment here. What a "brave" little worm you must be to have to hide behind "Anonymous" and call me names.

Reminds us all of what little sniveling, pant-wetters do in schoolyards when they're too weak to do anything else.

EdRob2 said...

I'm also glad the OBAM' lost. I want him to fail... This is only the first of defeats as for the next Obama cause that's going down will be his nationalized health care bill.

Daddy Walton said...

Poor Chicago it didn't get BIG DEAL get over it. You want to blame someone then blame Obama and all his dem friends they have been telling the world how bad the USA is WHY would anyone want to come here. THANKS Obama for screw us out of the chance of hosting the 2016 Olympics.

Oh well, now it's back to the old grind for Barack Hussein Obama mmm mmm mmm. Or maybe he needs a little vacation after the sacrifice he and Michelle made.

It Just Doesn't Make Any Sense said...

5.3 million dollars in tax payers money down the drain! Oh and lets not forget about all those green house gasses omitted by 3 jumbo jets!!!! this is a damn joke!

By the way did you hear about the Chicago man that craped out 9-ft tape worm after eating at Shaw's...

Shaw Kenawe said...

5.3 million dollars in tax payers money down the drain! Oh and lets not forget about all those green house gasses omitted by 3 jumbo jets!!!! this is a damn joke!

IJDMAS: Why yes. Yes it is. And thank you for the laugh.

By the way did you hear about the Chicago man that craped out 9-ft tape worm after eating at Shaw's...

The above-comment was written by the aptly named "It Just Doesn't Make Any Sense."

How true; how sadly true.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It's good to see the blogless guy agrees with Shaw and I about the need for a solid national health insurance program. You're not as dumb as you obviously try to make yourself look blogless dude.

I was kind of disappointed Chicago didn't get the Olympics. It's only 5 hours from my house and I have plenty of relatives I could have stayed with. I think a good idea now is for American television to just not bid on Olympic Games coverage to break the syuck up assholes that run them.

StevensOpinions said...

How long will it be before people like you and Shaw say that it was racism that eliminated Chicago from the Olympics?
I guess one day.

Just My Opinion said...

Poor Chicago it didn't get BIG DEAL get over it. You want to blame someone then blame Obama and all his dem friends they have been telling the world how bad the USA is WHY would anyone want to come here. THANKS Obama for screw us out of the chance of hosting the 2016 Olympics.

Oh well, now it's back to the old grind for Barack Hussein Obama mmm mmm mmm. Or maybe he needs a little vacation after the sacrifice he and Michelle made.

Eileen for Freedom/Liberty said...

What can I say? Obama, the Dear Leader, the Anointed One, the Marxist Asshat was shown the door by the international community.

I am so disappointed I just cried into my boyfriends diaper. Dear Leader was dissed! It is impossible. I’m going straight to my medicine cabinet and overdosing on Assburn tablets. Goodbye cruel world.
Now get on “our” planes and get back home where you belong and get onto the business of America not Chicago!

You have men/women in foxholes waiting for your decision on their future…it was a disgrace that you took the time to ignore them in favor of Olympic games 7 years from now!
Obviously the whole world don't think Obama is the Messiah

Leticia said...

Best news I've heard all day!
Apparently, the war with Iran and Afghanistan were not as important to Obama as for lobbying for the Olympics to be held in Chicago.
Poor Oprah!! She's going to have to listen to his tantrum allll the looooong way back.

There's an old saying: You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. They won't have to worry about fleas in Rio.

Leticia said...

Obama and his wife Michelle along with Oprah Winfrey's efforts to land the 2016 Olympics for Chicago have failed: The city was eliminated in the first round of voting to determine where the Summer Games will be held. On Friday it was announced that Rio de Janeiro – long thought to be the front-runner – would host the Olympics, the first time any city in South America got the Games. The President and his wife had both lobbied Olympic leaders in Copenhagen to give the global event to their hometown. "I urge you to choose Chicago," the President told members of the International Olympic Committee. "And if you do – if we walk this path together – then I promise you this: The city of Chicago and the United States of America will make the world proud."

Shaw Kenawe said...

StevensOpinions said...

How long will it be before people like you and Shaw say that it was racism that eliminated Chicago from the Olympics?
I guess one day.

No. Not racism, Steven, anti-Americanism. You are so obviously against America. You hate Obama more than you love your country.

Good luck with that. And you must know what the majority of Americans think about people like you.

TAO said...

So, Leticia,

You say, "On Friday it was announced that Rio de Janeiro – long thought to be the front-runner – would host the Olympics, the first time any city in South America got the Games" and thus are acknowledging that Chicago was the long shot!

At least give Obama credit for giving it his best shot...which beats what most Republicans do all day long...which is whine and gripe.

After the last eight years its probably shouldn't surprise anyone that the rest of the world just isn't that much into us...

The vote pretty much proves that!

So, like a TRUE AMERICAN I want to congratulate Rio for winning and I wish them all the best and I want to Thank the President and the First Lady for giving it their best effort...

They could have sat in the White HOuse and watched television and eat pretzels...

robert thomas and his thoughts said...

Truth101 Said

"I wish them all the best and I want to Thank the President and the First Lady for giving it their best effort...They could have sat in the White HOuse and watched television and eat pretzels..."

Or taken a trip to Rio in AirForce One and eaten LOBSTER with CAVIAR AND CHAMPAGNE

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I don't remember saying that but if it makes you happy, I would be glad to join President and Mrs. Obama in Rio for lobster and champagne Robert. Hell dude. If you're buying, I'd eat lobster and drink champagne with you.