Watching the Bears/Packers game last night reminded me of something years ago. I was watching the Bears/Packers then also when the phone rang. It was a lady on the other end asking if I wanted to adopt an orphan. I said no and she asked if I couldn't do that would I be willing to help some other way. She then said her organization bought duffel bags for orphans to pack their stuff in when moving from one foster home to another. Feeling guilty for not wanting to adopt an orphan I said sure. I'll give $20. The lady said a representative would be over in thirty minutes to pick up my donation.
After hanging up I came to my senses and thought what the hell kind of crap is this? Duffel bags for orphans. I seethed about this while waiting for the scumbag that was coming to pick up my donation. I told my wife I would throw him off the property and tell him to take his bogus duffel bag and shove it. The door bell rang and I opened the door locked and loaded to kick somebody's ass until I saw the representative looked like Andre the Giant only pissed off. I did what anyone of sane mind would do. I gave him $20 and thanked him for his service to orphans.
And just like I was sold a bill of goods about orphans and duffel bags, America has been played for the suckers we are with the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.
We were told how dangerous and threatening they were. But to soften the blow, taxes weren't raised to pay for these operations. Let's make this palatable by not having this generation pay for this unpleasantness. Deficits don't matter.
Of all the bullshit we've been fed, the biggest piles are how each succeeding general was sold to us. From Franks to Petraeus. And I forgot how many others and I can't spell the current generals name and don't feel like looking for it. They were all the "right man for the job." This general will get things done they said. Greatest general since Alexander.
We all felt better. I still wonder to this day, if the latest reincarnation of Patton is so wonderful, why wasn't he put in charge in the first place?
The answer of course is our government is full of lying, sniveling dicks who would rather see more young men and women die than admit their own stupidity and arrogance.
We ask much from those who choose to serve in the military. I saw the Captain leading his outfit through an Afghan village the other night. He had to kiss up to the locals who in return kissed up to him. The locals asked how the war was going. The Captain said "we're winning." The locals said "we're on your side." The sad part is just a few short hours after he left Taliban assholes came to the village and kissed up and in return were kissed up. The Taliban guy said they were winning. The locals said "Good. We're on your side."They got information they could use to kill our Guys. They probably scored a recruit or two.
Look at this without the patriotic, all American blinders on and it makes sense. A squad of American Soldiers comes to the village looking suspicious. They ran off the Taliban. Pricks, yes indeed. But they were Afghan pricks who shared the same religion and were misogynist assholes like the village elders. Now here comes a squad of Taliban. They speak the language. They encourage you to grow opium. You play ball with them and you don't get your ears cut off.
There is nothing there worth the lives of any more of our Soldiers. Karzai is a pathetic piece of crap and he's the best friend we have there.
And all the while our Troops are being played by two faced bastards, the world is playing us also. While our treasury is being drained, China and Russia are laughing. Nations that trade with us know this is distracting us from reforming the health insurance system so American Business is relieved from the burden of employee health care. They know that is a cost advantage they have. They don't want us to have that. Jobs might leave China and India and come back here.
The old saying goes, "Burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me."
The world is burning us and we keep pouring lighter fluid on ourselves.
That is why when we say that we do not BUILD NATIONS because we are not any good at it then we need to believe and remember that everytime we get lured into attempting it.
Im disenchanted with Obama now as well. I wonder if Hillary would have got us out of there by now.
Obama and his Service Employees International Union (SEIU)/ACORN oh yeah the, “union organizers” has hi-jacked the system and will need to cease the non-sense if the Democrats expect any accomplishments. What has happened can not and will not be tolerated. It is very sad that we have been deceived as a party and elected an official whom refuses to follow the will of the people. Very,very sad. SEIU obviously does not have the support it claims and time will tell as the group disbands. They have their goons (Black Panther’s) standing on the sidewalks outside with drums, metal pots, and bullhorns to intimidate anyone that don’t side with them. We are already in a state of war, and the domestic enemies of our constitution currently hold the power in both the Legislative and Executive branches of our government. They have major influence in the Judicial branch as well. The SEIU has been acting as the president's thug squad, attacking ObamaCare protesters across the country.
What a shame, Obama is the most dangerous kind of socialist. The kind that will give you a wonderful speech and a big smile while stabbing you in your back
TRUTH 101 said... While our treasury is being drained, China and Russia are laughing.
OBL: We... bled Russia for 10 years until it went bankrupt and was forced to withdraw in defeat. We are continuing this policy in bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy.
OBL clearly doesn't know that deficits don't matter.
That Obama is my kind of socialist Wacky Willie. Hot wife. Has an expensive house in an exclusive Chicago neighborhood. Made loads of money from book deals. Will make loads more giving speeches when his 400 G a year gig in the White House is over.
Don't we all wish we were socialists like President Obama?
At least those of us who aren't idiots, bigots or homophobes do.
I keep getting told that Obama is a socialist and that he is doing socialist things and I get all excited and look around and I don't see any socialism.
Well, I am getting tired of getting my expectations up....
So, I am going to take a nap and I want someone to wake me up when Obama actually does something socialistic...
Actually, I think these reactionary right trolls are on Obama's payroll and he is using them to constantly go on about socialism...and then one day he is really going to do something like really socialistic and none of us will be paying attention...
Kind of like the boy that cried wolf....
TRUTH 101 said...
That Obama is my kind of socialist Wacky Willie. Hot wife. Has an expensive house in an exclusive Chicago neighborhood. Made loads of money from book deals. Will make loads more giving speeches when his 400 G a year gig in the White House is over.
Don't we all wish we were socialists like President Obama?
At least those of us who aren't idiots, bigots or homophobes do.
Maybe you do, but there are many of us that don't!!
There are enough ass-hole to go around, we don't need any more in the white house, there are enough there now.
Crooks, tax cheats, thugs, liars, socialists, Marxists, and communists are all the qualities NObama looks for in a good adviser. He thought he had the perfect candidate in Van Jones, by his standards. The way I see it---one down thirty something to go!
Time will tell. And time is running out on the Marxist in Chief.
On another subject.. I'm not so shocked that Charlie Gibson is claiming he hasn't heard anything about ACORN. I know a few people myself who only watch the alphabet stations to get their news and they don't know anything about these "czars", the ACORN tapes, or that there was a large gathering of gov't protesters in D.C. on 9/12. They can, however, tell you all about "Dancing with the Stars", the topics on "The View", the "Today Show, or "Good Morning, America", etc. It's a complete waste of time watching those irritating shows. If I even mention anything about the real current news stories, I'm deemed a conspiracy nut. This country is full of ostriches with their heads firmly buried in the sand.
Lets face it the "news" you receive from CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN is nothing but regurgitated from other sources or state propaganda similar to Pravda. But I guess that Charlie Gibson has his head too far up his ass !
I was listening to NPR and they warned me about a deluded right wing fool who calls himself OHIONOBAMA.
When President Obama throws out his high dollar suits and starts walking around in a Chairman Mao outfit, then talk to us about socialism. Marxism. Communism. Jism. Any other isms you want pal. Your shtick is getting old and stale.
"There are enough ass-hole to go around, we don't need any more in the white house, there are enough there now."
WHAT? Do mean that the last administration hasn't left yet?
TAO said...
I keep getting told that Obama is a socialist and that he is doing socialist things and I get all excited and look around and I don't see any socialism.
So, I am going to take a nap and I want someone to wake me up when Obama actually does something socialistic...
Bankrupting the country for starts. Taking over banks, corporations, his healthcare plan, putting tariffs on goods that the Chinese import from us so that we will cease to get trade from them is another. Scraping our Constitution, Government owned corporations, changing the names of our holidays and the days the we respected so that he will be able to appease the Muslims.. Is that your idea of a democracy ?.
When leaders who seek what I call a "fascist shift" want to close down an open society, they send paramilitary groups of scary young men out to terrorise citizens. The Blackshirts roamed the Italian countryside beating up communists; the Brownshirts staged violent rallies throughout Germany. This paramilitary force is especially important in a democracy: you need citizens to fear thug violence and so you need thugs who are free from prosecution. Shutting down your opponent ( Conservative talk radio), starting with boycotting Glenn Beck,. Every closing society does this, just as it elaborates laws that increasingly criminalize certain kinds of speech and expand the definition of "spy" and "traitor". In Stalin’s Soviet Union, dissidents were "enemies of the people". National Socialists called those who supported Weimar democracy "November traitors". Most Americans surely do not get this yet. No wonder: it is hard to believe, even though it is true. In every closing society, at a certain point there are some high-profile arrests - usually of opposition leaders, clergy and journalists. Then everything goes quiet
If you value your liberty, your opportunity to pursue wealth and happiness and all your other rights guaranteed by the Constitution, you cannot be passive and you cannot be complacent. Whether you realize it or not, your freedoms and your way of life could vanish in the next half decade. Make no mistake about the face of the country getting ready for a change. But it won't be the change Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the White House figured on. First reason is that there are not enough people like minded to get the nation to go in the direction of Fascism, Socialism or any other sort of ism. Thanks to Obama, the people have awoken. With our persistence, we could very well go down in history, as the second best generation reared by this country. But it will be a lot of hard long work. We need to vote almost every person out of office.
There are better definitions of Socialism, but I am out of space. Good luck with this..
TAO said...
"There are enough ass-hole to go around, we don't need any more in the white house, there are enough there now."
WHAT? Do mean that the last administration hasn't left yet?
I guess I was mistaken when I thought this was a serious discussion.. But it seems to be more of a childish smear and name calling forum. Yes, I came here to discuss topic I read in google.. But "TAO" put it in perspective and showed me that I was wrong..
To the fevered mind that wrote this:
"Scraping our Constitution..."
Give us evidence of what the president has "scraped" in the Constitution. If you don't, that statement is nothing more that delirium.
"Government owned corporations,"
You forgot the word "temporary." And the percentage is miniscule compared to privately owned industry in the US.
See this.
You don't know what you're talking about here.
"changing the names of our holidays and the days the we respected so that he will be able to appease the Muslims.."
What holiday name has Mr. Obama changed, and exactly which Muslim holiday has he instituted?
And this from the fevered mind:
"This paramilitary force is especially important in a democracy: you need citizens to fear thug violence and so you need thugs who are free from prosecution. Shutting down your opponent ( Conservative talk radio), starting with boycotting Glenn Beck,. Every closing society does this, just as it elaborates laws that increasingly criminalize certain kinds of speech and expand the definition of "spy" and "traitor". In Stalin’s Soviet Union, dissidents were "enemies of the people". National Socialists called those who supported Weimar democracy 'November traitors.'"
Not one thing that percolated up from that swamp of fears you live with and talk about in the above paragraph has happened in this country. Not one.
BTW, boycotting is a perfectly Capitalistic way for consumers to let their displeasure be known to a corporation when it produces a rancid product. Don't like it? Don't buy it. Simple.
You've got a full-blown case of paranoia, aggravated by Glennococcus Beckitis, which tends to make its victims repeat wild and hysterical lies while the tongue swells to the size of Rush Limbaugh's posterior. The only cure for Glennococcus Beckitis is a two large tablespoons of Reality. And call us in the morning.
"With our persistence, we could very well go down in history..."
This appears to be the only thing that may have some kernel of truth in it. You and your inmates will certainly go down in history as "The Mob of Thousands Who Said Nothing and Knew Even Less."
Statye your case My View. We'd love to hear it Sister. But be warned. BS is always discovered and punished.
You Say:
"If you value your liberty, your opportunity to pursue wealth and happiness and all your other rights guaranteed by the Constitution, you cannot be passive and you cannot be complacent. Whether you realize it or not, your freedoms and your way of life could vanish in the next half decade. Make no mistake about the face of the country getting ready for a change. But it won't be the change Obama, Pelosi, Reid and the rest of the White House figured on. First reason is that there are not enough people like minded to get the nation to go in the direction of Fascism, Socialism or any other sort of ism. "
Our way of life will vanish....BUT it will vanish because of idiots like you who believe THAT you have a right to write your garbage, which makes absolutely no sense and is nothing but a whole lot of cut and paste of a bunch of stuff not even related and to say nothing about the fact that you contradict yourself (LIKE MAKING THE COMMENT ABOUT THE BLACKSHIRTS WHO ROAMED THE COUNTRYSIDE IN ITALY BEATING UP COMMIES) well the Blackshirts were FASCISTS and you acknowledge that the fascists and communists hate each other and then you want to call Obama a fascist and a Communist....if Obama is a Communist then that makes you and your kind FASCISTS and if Obama is a Fascist then you are a Communist....its right there in your post.
Stupidity will be what destroys this country and it obivously is quite abundant nowadays as your rant proves...
My View,
Then why not just raise the bar of this discussion by maybe posting something intelligent like OHIONOBAMA, WILLIES WORLD, or one of your other radical right ranting trolls?
Raising their level would require independent thought TAO. Far too many of the righties are incapable of that.
I am such an idealist!
I just want to make the world a better place, one troll at a time!
Truth101, you have been outdone!
Check this out:
Mine is the cock of truth TAO. And a long cock it is.
As it must be Truth...for they FEAR the Truth....
This is comedic gold and I mean this seriously. I laughed by ass off. Thanks brother:
"I keep getting told that Obama is a socialist and that he is doing socialist things and I get all excited and look around and I don't see any socialism.
Well, I am getting tired of getting my expectations up....
So, I am going to take a nap and I want someone to wake me up when Obama actually does something socialistic..."
I'd like a little socialism to come my way too. If Obama's a socialist then what does that make the leader of China? An Uber-Super-Double-Duper-Communist? Obama is not even close to being a socialist. Shit, he's not even a liberal!! Much to my dislike.
Do you people even know what Socialism means? You do know that there is a difference between socialism and communism, right? Have you ever looked into the merits of Democratic-Socialism as is practice in Europe? If not you should because you're not up with the times.
You know that you can't stop change right? Seriously though. Even scientifically the idea of "no change" is impossible. But the key is that change doesn't always have to be bad or something terrifying like fascism of Stalinism. Why does everything have to be one extreme or the other with your side? Don't you realize that not everything is easily categorized or defined?
They still have democracy in Europe yet they also enjoy the benefits of SOME socialism. See, it's a hybrid government--the best of both worlds.
It's like the Google of politics. The new thing. Well, new since the Europe post 1945. It IS possible to come up with better and better political systems as humans move along the social evolutionary journey.
We don't have to get locked into the old systems of pure, unadulterated socialism or pure, unadulterated capitalism because neither works anymore. And if you haven't noticed, Europe is doing fine and believe it or not they have one of the most open societies so no uber-communist secret police stopping everyone. And they have peaceful transitions of power. Not exactly Stalinism!!
AND believe it or not and I know you won't if you watch FOX new alone; For the most part Europe has come out of this recession already and they spent WAY more on their stimulus spending. Tell that one to Glenn Beck and watch his head explode.
"Socialism" is a secret code word which when translated means "BLACK MAN!"
Which as you are is is impolite to say in public because we are now a post racial society.
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