Thursday, September 3, 2009


The health care bill is most likely dying a slow death. Not so much because of the bills flaws though. You see friends, success is more about selling an idea than the idea itself.
From my years in sales I noticed a common theme. Idiots were the easiest sales. They usually had bad credit also. Notice how many car sales ads are directed at people with zero or lousy credit if you think I'm full of it.
Look now at who the Republican party tailors it's message to. Bigots. Homophobes and idiots.
If you doubt this, then ask Republicans why they want marriage between people of the same sex illegal. Ask Republicans what the hell was so funny about the parody song, "Barack the Magic Negro."
This is the new base of the Republican Party. Don't be offended rich Republicans. You're still the backbone with your fat wallets. You're still in charge so don't worry. It's the easily swayed by subliminal and outright bigoted messages that provide the big numbers of votes you need and good crowds at your bogus "Tea Parties."
Sarah Palin is the puppet leader of the disenfranchised idiot brigade. She sways these nuts with ridiculous accusations of socialism and destruction of America and whatever else her masters can come up with. That these people are railing against a program that is in their own interests shows how easily idiots are influenced.
It's time the Progressives also made a play for the idiot vote. If nothing else, to save them from themselves. It's time to brand right wing obstructionism as some pinko commie plot. Do a few whisper ads intimating Muslims hate national health care. Spread the word that the Gay Community has it's own group health insurance and the only way to keep them from being healthier than the rest of us is with a national health insurance plan.
If you still think this won't work or that I'm full of shit then look at this evenings paper. I dare you to find a sales ad asking intelligent people with good credit and health insurance to come in for a better deal.


Rachel said...

Can’t they just let go??
Bush Derangement Syndrome and “Darth Chaney” will be features of The Left’s rhetorical arsenal for the next 50-years…just as they used Herbert Hoover as their paradigm whipping-boy since the 1930’s.

But just ask yourself one simple question, …”What would Al Gore have done on September 12, 2001?” Most likely BOW down to the Arab Kings, Oh I forgot Obama already did that!

The GOP is seeing a resurgence because now that Republicans are in the minority, and the Democrats in charge, everyone is being reminded of just how treasonous and disgusting the Dems are. Given the opportunity, they will always eventually demonstrate their vile nature for us. Given that, this administration is causing people to recoil in horror with record speed.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Yeah Rachel. It starts with "respectful America loving" parents raising hell becuse our President wants to speak to school children.

And Al gore was aginst invading Iraq before it was popular. I trust his judgement far more than any right wing figure head you can think of Rachel.

TAO said...

Truth, you are such a genius!

Karl Rove could take lessons from you!

Left Coast Rebel said...

Truth - As a conservative/libertarian who is pro gay marriage, found the 'magic negro' song appalling, am pro-life, and have an 800 credit score, I guess I don't fit the description here.

I wish we could have a few beers and you would see a side of the conservative movement that you probably wouln't have thought existed.....

TAO said...

Left Coast,

The side of conservatism that appeals to you and I doesn't exist...

We could get together but would probably only need a table that seats six....

We are not a minority but rather an extinct speicies....

Left Coast Rebel said...

TAO - I am afraid that you may be correct, although some candidates such as Rand Paul and others prove otherwise. Obviously they are far-away from the party machine and a far-cry from what stands today as conservatism. The party of Goldwater has long been dead......

TAO said...

Rand Paul lives right down the street from me and he is getting my vote....

At a fundraiser last weekend he told the folks that he is not guaranteeing any pork because pork is what got our budget in the mess it was in...I nearly fell out of my chair...

But he truthfully does not stand a chance and McConnell will make sure of that...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

If it means anything to LCR or TAO, I did offer to help Carl Wicklander with a letter to the editor or whatever else he thought would help Rand Paul.

My reward is not so much a senator that will follow the Constitution as sticking it to Mitch McConnell.

TAO said...

See Truth, another thing we have in common:

Sticking it to Mitch McConnell...

Grung_e_Gene said...

The Republican Party is the party of Death. Poor people's deaths that is.

To the Republican Party the Poor and Middle Class need to die overseas in the Military and be used up and die quickly at home in the fires of Industry. all to advance the Republicans.

However, if you have the right wallet size and psychotic delusions then you can be a member of the elite Chicken Hawk Deferment Receiving group which realizes that however many wars they gin up overseas it's necessary to fight continuously against Americans at home in order to keep control of the Government and keep the Trillions of Dollars the Republican Party funnels to the Rich for hiding in overseas UBS accounts in Switzerland.

And all they need to do to keep the battered brainwashed middle class to keep them in money and power is to mouth some platitude about how much they've been washed in the blood of christ and denounce the democrats as pacifists.

James' Muse said...

LCR and Tao: Make room at that table for me!! This last week, I was once again told how much of a commie/pinko I was for my stance on torture. Then, when I mentioned that I am conservative, they asked me if I went to college. I said yes. Because I went to college, I am a commie, because all professors are liberal/commies and education is the enemy. I was amazed.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Commie pinko liberals are always welcome at Truth Shall Rule James.

James' Muse said...

Well thanks, Truth. You are welcome at Musings, as well.

TAO said...


College Educated? That's a no no...

Retired military is the norm, prefer Marines.

Anything done under the auspices of "defense of the homeland" is automatically sacred.

Second, debate and or discussion in NOT allowed...its one liners of agreeement that is as far as they will go...

Third, you really can't cuss for shit...sorry, but you just don't have the verbal skills to sling mud....

So, your place at the table is reserved, welcome, sit down and buy a round...

James' Muse said...

Seriously, the next round is on me. Come to Oregon, we have the most micro-brews per capita...

TAO said...

Oregon, do Americans need passports to enter? :)

From what I have seen on the travel channel Portland looks alot like Amersterdam...

James' Muse said...

No, you don't need passports. Just be ready for a good time :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot guys, now I'm feeling excluded! :-(

Save a seat for me. It appears that conservatism is a dying breed. Every day that goes by, I feel like I find less and less in common in what people would call conservatism.

This post actually made me laugh when I read it although the reality of it isn't very funny! I've never heard of the Barack the Magic Negro and never want to! I still think that we need to come up with a new party that revolves around common sense. Apparently the extremes on both sides have totally lost it!

James...your too rational for your own good. Don't you know that people don't want to read things that actually make them think. They would much rather hear the same talking points that they live by!! I've always had a conservative viewpoint but what passes today is nothing like the conservative values that I hold. I feel totally lost to be quite honest and it is very frustrating.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

When all of you come to the realization that you are "Truth 101 Democrats" the happier you will be. Trust me.

Leslie Parsley said...

Truth, my man, I love your blog but get tired of the shouting from the Righties. They're so busy pointing they don't see the other three fingers pointing back at them. I'd prefer to use international sign language when dealing with them. There are the rent-a-mobs and sometimes I wonder if these lunatics are getting paid to fan out across the blogospher with their venum and distortions. Why don't they just get a job?

Pamela Zydel said...

Okay, let's see how many seats are left at that table:
1. Truth
2. Tao
3. Left Coast Rebel
4. James
5. Jennifer

Oh, one left for ME????

Can I be the 6th Seat??? I am not a Reactionary Rightie! I'll buy the 2nd round!

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Pam

It wouldn't be complete without you!!

If your buying the second, I'll take the third! :-)

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

While I certainly appreciate being at the top of the table list Pamela, I do have the wisdom to know that TAO sits at the head.

I will continue to do what I do and hope he finds it acceptable.

TAO said...

Okay, lets pull up another table and keep building our list!

We got three beers lined up already....

Anyone else care to join?