The one thing we demand above all else is entertainment.
Our TV sitcoms and dramas have to be entertaining or they don't last long. Ones that are enable their stars to get huge salaries from the networks and we don't care because we're entertained. Besides, that's capitalism baby.
News networks understand this all too well now. Especially FOX. Their lineup is loaded with hot babes. The Weather Channel has some fine looking ladies as well. A high pressure system over the Midwest is pretty boring unless the hot chick telling us about it is wearing a tight top she's libel to pop out of any moment. Less government and low taxes aren't that interesting to the masses unless Sean Hannity has one of the Hot Blonde "FOXES" sitting next to him nodding in nubile agreement.
Face it. President Clinton would have bored us despite is brilliance and analytical attention to policy no matter how minor had it not been for his peccadillo's. The Right looks forward to the next photoshop of President Obama in some despicable and distasteful manner so they can giggle at our Democrat President being portrayed in a despicable and distasteful manner. Vengeance is entertaining also. I figure the righties are gleeful about this because of the Left's many disparaging images and remarks about President Bush.
One of the ingredients to a good entertaining thing is to have a villain. If there isn't one, the right is excellent at creating one. My old favorite was the "secular humanist liberal" that I think Jimmy Swaggert invented and Bill O'Reilly hijacked and built an empire on hating this character that to this day, I have yet to actually meet. Swaggert had an entire belief system for this fictional guy. My former nemesis until he banned me for spreading truth and wisdom at his blog, Professor Donald Douglas of American Power, called those of us who expose his deluded right wing views, "NIHILISTS."
The righties are also very emotional. They not only demand entertainment. They demand to be angered. Rush Limbaugh makes them angry and makes them laugh. Glen Beck makes them angry and makes them cry. A sane person would be angry that his time was wasted listening to these two when he could have been watching an old episode of The Beverly Hillbillies. The deluded cry because Beck is warning them about our Nation turning to socialism while his deluded supporters go to Tea Parties demanding government not touch Social Security or Medicare.
When it's all said and done. When health insurance reform has become so bogged down with bullshit that nothing happens. The insurance companies and HMO's still hold us hostage. When our Troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan and no end in sight to these occupations. When our deficit balloons to twenty trillion because despite whatever rhetoric our elected officials spew, they have neither the balls to raise taxes or cut spending, there will still be something on your Chinese built TV to watch.
Exactly, Truth101, you hit it right on the head. It Looks like somebody still has couple of brain cells left. The big difference is that this President is treating us like adults telling us plainly every step of the way what he's doing and why. He respects our serious concern and mature grasp of facts and current events. He invites our understanding.
Who's most upset? Those who want to be treated like children who never want to hear what they don't want to hear, but instead listen to what Rush Bimbo and Glenn Schneck tells them. They want to have everything they want, demand others are held to standards they aren't willing to hold themselves to. We could be on the top of the world and the doing great but the Republicans would STILL find something to complain about President Obama or the Democrats. The GOP just refuses to admit they are the greater part of the problem and due to their incompetence we are on the brink of disaster. That is all they know how to do is complain. So why not just hush up children, you Conservatives/Republicans contribute nothing but noise and then they use that noise to drowned out the informed voices...So hush...all of you. In the silence, you may find enlightenment. President Obama might teach you something that your Fat big mouthed Rushbo won’t tell you for fear of losing a few million dollars by the lack of his shrinking listeners. How dumb can these people be? I could go on, but I doubt if they will ever get it.
First, Rush is no longer fat. Oops, there goes that put down. As for the president respecting us, that's a joke. He is the master of obfuscation. There were thousands,(I won't engage in the debate that there were a million)of protestors who went to DC to tell the government that they have went too far.
I don't consider myself to be a child who has to be led by a superior intelllect to see the light. The president has demonstrated that he has very little if any grasp of what is happening in America.
Anyone who disagrees with his policies is a racist. That's interesting. When Bush was president, dissent was patriotic. Now it's racist.
Good day, sir.
Where were all the concerned about government growth citizens when Bush was expanding government and running up the debt LAOT? They weren't marching on Washington. Most of them were listening the lean and fit Rush Limbaugh call those that did critisize President Bush as unAmerican or America Haters.
I'm with The Gray Headed Brother on this. President Obama is the one taking the high road. He's the one that's doing what he believes in even though I have disagreements and I'll put my Democratic credentials up against just about anyone's.
As for what's happening in America? Propagandists are egging on dissent through vast media outlets like Fox and a few right wing opinionists with large followings. They're stirring up bigots and blind, backward thinking fools and I gave them a pat on the back for their success at getting big crowds to come out and repeat what they were told to say. These Tea Parties are not representative of America as a whole. They were simply events organized and promoted to feed off ignorance. The Republican Party capitalized on this.
My case is proven by for al their cries of "socialism" LAOT, how many of them would be raised hell when President Bush proposed privatizing Social Security.
First of all Mr. Law and Order Teacher, I'm one of those who are proud to be one of the stupid ignorant people responsible for Obama being elected to be the president.
And getting back to Rushy boy who may not be so fat anymore, but he still is a blabber mouth who gets paid to peddle hatred, fear mongering, sicko babble.. And his brain washed obstructionist behavior against President Barack Obama is nothing less than committing treason..Rush met his match when he started to go against Obama who can put this blowhard in his place any time he wants to. If the man's "ignorance" is an expensive commodity, does that mean it's rare? Did he mean "costly?" After twenty years on the radio, don't you begin to get these things right? Does he not care, or is it the listeners that don't care. For all the Dittoheads' goose-stepping, they seem to hold their Leader to a lower standard.I think Limbaugh is at the twilight of the Republican's unraveling. Rush is a igomaniac and the more we push him in the corner the more his Racist Rhetoric will surface. I do agee that he is the gift that keeps on giving and his god complex will Never fail us.
Sooner or later Rush is going to errupt like a volcano and leave everyone speechless because hidden underneath the surfice of Rush's philosophy is some dark hateful stuff that is going to eventually knock him off his feet.
Just like Palin...she was the pitbull, that has turned her bark into a whimpers when anyone barks back.
And Republicans will be trying to bury Limbaugh over the next few months and replace him with their newly found leader Glenn Schmeck.
Rush Limbaugh, listen and listen good... Barack Obama is president of the United States today because of stupid, ignorant people who think like you do and voted for your candidate who made a fool out of your entire party.
It's amazing that anyone listens to Rush, Hannity, Beck and O'Reilley anymore. These depraved degenerates are experts at & CHARACTER ASSASSINATION and nothing more. The Republican party is lead by a bunch of hate mongering chickenhearted cowards.
"When Bush was president, dissent was patriotic."
Was it? I remember the jeers about "You are with us or against us..."
I remember "...you cannot support the troops and NOT support the war..."
I remember being informed that "...we are at WAR and you hate your country if you do not support the Dommander in Chief..."
Oh, and if you just so happened to guestion one thing the response was always, "...why do you hate your country so much...."
Lets also not forget the number of times Hannity, O'Reilly, and a whole bunch more on the right were wanting certain people who spoke out against Bush to move to another country...
Lets not forget Cyndi Seeshan and the abuse she took...or Schiavo, or the list goes on and on...
Pretty much looks to me that after 29 years of the Reagan Revolution the right can only complain and has never learned to govern.
TAO, you can't argue with a person that calls himself Blue Pittbull.
After all, doesn't that tell you something?
It is a sad commentary about human nature that any time a person presumes themselves to have some degree of intelligent, but calls himself "Blue Pittbull" names himself after a vicious DOG..
Dear GHB,
I don't consider myself to be stupid and ignorant, although they are not the same thing. Stupid is not able to be educated, while ignorant is not educated.
That aside, I have always been against big government, regardless of the occupant of the government, white house or congress. I have railed against this all along.
As for the war, I would never, ever say that anyone who doesn't support the war is unpatriotic. I did my part, but I don't hold it against anyone who chose not to go to the war.
I don't recall the phrase that those who don't support the war being unpatriotic. I recall saying that those who don't support the war should support the troops. That's something that didn't happen for me and my fellow veterans.
As for privatizing Social Security, that is the antithesis of socialism. Privatization is not socialism by definition.
Cyndi Sheehan is and will always be someone who has every right to protest the wars in Iraq and Aghanistan. She lost her son. Enough said.
I have tried to answer all the points I could discern from the replies to my post. If I missed something, please bring it to my attention.
BTW, those who disagree with the POTUS are not racist. I thought I needed to state that again.
Good day, sir.
The calmness and rationality you exhibit are not the ways of the mouthpieces of the Republican Party, or the right in general in this day and age LAOT.
Now I have heard Bill OReilly and others say not supporting the war is unAmerican. I even read a Bill O'Reilly column in which he said those that disagree with him he just calls "America haters" and moves on.
The rational right, of which I consider you to be a part of LAOT, in my humble opinion anyway, should be as outraged over the tone of message and way it's communicated by the spokespeople for the right. Ronald Reagan showed humor, attack and civility could coexist. The ridiculous and false talking points are getting press, but they are only serving to keep the idiots and bigots in the fold.
At the risk of becoming a lovefest, I too, consider you to be a rational leftist. Having said that, I don't allow anyone to speak for me.
I support the Tea Party movement for the simple fact that I feel our government is out of control. John Locke, an Enlightenment thinker, stated that government exists only to protect the rights of the people. Hence, the constitution begins with the phrase, "We the People." We loan our power to the our representatives subject to recall at anytime.
The people seem to be speaking with a loud, clear voice and it's not against the POTUS. It's against the usurpation of our rights by government. I reiterate, I have always been against big government. The god of the Dem party, Jefferson, was a notorious critic of big government.
He faced Adams in the 1800 election and ran on small government, comparing Adams and the Federalists to big government, British monarchists.
That brings to the fore the question, Who would you have favored? Thanks for the forum.
Good day, sir.
I agree with the part of your post where you say "The one thing we demand above all else is entertainment. Our TV sitcoms and dramas have to be entertaining or they don't last long"
The other day I was in a sports bar eating lunch and saw this "ultimate fighting" on the TV and thought about the 'bread and circuses' analogy came to mind.
If you haven't seen it, it's incredibly brutal. We think ourselves superior to the Romans but instead are just a more sophisticated version.
Had you expanded on this your post would have been interesting but instead turned into the standard liberal tripe I read on the more boring liberal blogs. You can do better.
LAOT: The rational people are not speaking loud enough because their voices are being drowned out by ridiculous charges of socialism and Obama is not a "real American."
Sorry you were disappointed Tom. I at least hope you were entertained.
Gray Headed Brother, you are a committed/delusional brainwashed, Obamamaniac Leftist.
You are actually disappointed that Barack Obama didn't cut and run from Iraq and Afghanistan, end rendition (instead of ratcheting it UP), end the NSA Surveillance program, which he continued, even expanded and kept clandestine...and didn't attempt a suicidal and hyper-partisan, politically motivated prosecution of the Bush administration that responded with MORE restraint than called for after 9/11/01!
ALL fair points....the Obama administration DID all that and more!
AND, ironically enough, the TWO most powerful people in this administration are Dave Axelrod (Jewish/white) and Rahm Emmanuel (Jewish/white), whereas in the G W Bush administration, they were Condi Rice (female/black) and Karl Rove (Christian/male/white).
Hmmmmmm.....seems like the Bush administration had quite a bit more diversity.
Moreover, I think Condi Rice had a lot more influence over the previous administration than Barack Obama has over his own.
Much of what GHB has a problem with appears to be the Emmanuel stamp on the Obama administration.
Remember, it was Rahm Emmanuel who pretty much single-handedly engineered the Blue Dog (Conservative) Democrat revolution, beginning in 2006. Rahm Emmanuel took control of the Democratic Congressional Election Committee and almost single-handedly sought out Conservative Dems and spent heavily on pushing those Conservative Democrats in the Midwest and down South.
Today, these Blue Dogs comprise 25% of the Congressional Dems. THEY all supported the NSA Surveillance program, they've opposed any "public option" in healthcare reform and they've stymied any and all heavy tax increases.
THAT is Rahm Emmanuel's stamp and only the dopes on the Left didn't see that coming.
To the far-left, like GHB, allow me to paraphrase Malcolm X; "Ya done been sold OUT! Ya didn't land on "liberal" Barack...."liberal" Barack landed on YOU!"
And btw, don't you think that the pictures on YOUR blog are a bit RACIST? I wonder what Jimmie Carter would say about that!
I'm also disappointed President Obama didn't get us out of Iraq and Afghanistan Momma. I wish he were more like Reagan when he cut and ran from Lebanon.
Law and Order Teacher,
I'm glad to hear that you're against big government no matter who's in power. It's a convenient argument for the Republicans at this time. I'm fine with protesting about what's happening with government now. What concerns me more is whether these same protesters will do the same thing when Republicans are in charge again. Will there be outrage, as there should be, if Republicans act like they did when Bush was in office?
As for the argument on being unpatriotic or unamerican, I'm afraid both parties are guilty of employing those epitaphs. Truth is right, Bill O'Reilly and just about every other talking head on TV and radio have used those words and other terms to demonize anyone not supporting the war. If you go back and read my blog from last year, I wrote about how ridiculous it was for Republicans to make those charges. It's just as ridiculous when the Dems do it.
To add my $0.02, since I work in the entertainment industry, I have a good understanding of how this all works. The problem is, there is no such thing as credible news on TV and radio anymore. You can't proclaim credibility when the show consists of political commentators who opine rather than report. Worst of all, the cable news programs really only care about ratings. OBAMA WANTS TO ISSUE DEATH PANELS is a reeeeeallly scary headline, that will make me turn on the Fox News to find out whats going on. CHENEY SUPPORTS TORTURE is a catchy line to get me to MSNBC. The problem is the sensationalized nature of news is prone to distorting the truth no matter who is saying it. Now most of us here enjoy polticials so we are a bit more aware of the political climate than most, but millions of others are sheep looking for the shepherd. The Shepard with the biggest voice and loudest megaphone is the one who will corral the people, even if hsi sources is "a guy in the know." not the books, the stats, the facts, or the experts. These people create their own reality and pass it on as the truth.
Well said TL. In it's quest to show unbiasness, CNN always has a righty and lefty discussing each story. I really don't care what either of them have to say. I don't watch the news so I can cheer for somebody.
Good to hear from you Carl. I hope everything is going well with the Rand Paul campaign. My offer still stands.
Today in D.C. Mitch McConnell and 22 other Republicans are hosting a fundraiser for Trey Grayson at $500 per plate. To counter, the website kentuckyfight.com, independent of the Rand Paul campaign, instigated an online fundraiser scheduled for today. I don't know how much the D.C. fat cats are expected bring in, but according to my calculations on Rand's money ticker, they've raised at least $40,000 today.
My ideology is just that, an ideology. I don't change it for convenience. Then it's no longer an ideology, but a political position and therefore, dishonest.
Good luck with your advocacy of Mr. Paul.
Law and Order Teacher,
Thanks and I'm glad to hear that about your ideology. I hope you didn't think I was accusing you of hypocrisy. Your comments here and on your blog have always struck me as sincere.
Carl Wicklander
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