You know? Despite all the anger and hate going around. Despite our differences in the role of government. I still have to admit this picture is pretty funny.
Officially though, I am outraged at this blatant racist and blasphemous insult at our President.
It's probably not the politically correct thing, but I laughed at it. I thought it was funny. There are times when you just need to sit back and laugh, and I think this is one of them. :-)
After I read that comment all I could think of was the song "Don't Worry, Be Happy." Now that it's in my head, I can't stop singing it. Thanks a lot Truth! (sticking my tongue out at you)
I don't get it. I know it's Obama there, but why is he painting a picture of Captain Jack Sparrow?
Why I hate liberals like you Truth101!
Let me count the ways..
Because they want to destroy my family, oppress my children, take away my beliefs and way of life. They are a scourge on society and have openly declared war on all Christians. Liberal are trying to keep racism alive by pushing whites down and making minorities think that all white people are out to get them. I hate liberals, along with most every-one I know and we will go to war with the bastards and when they are before the Lord in judgment they will learn the error of their ways only it will be to late!
they always come in with there stupid attitude that we took away the native Americans land so what if we did? That was the way it was at that time! And the same thing goes for the Blacks and their “Slavery” mantra .
I mostly hate liberals because of the hypocrisy, political correctness and zero-tolerance .
The biggest reason I hate liberals is the fact that they are whiny, ignorant, backward, spoiled, snooty, hypocritical MORONS! Not all liberals are but the ones one these blogs are.
And lets not forget that they are a bunch of "tree huggers" and "environmentalist wackos".
I hope a dead, black atheist tree falls on your gas guzzling SUV while it's parked outside a free abortion clinic Joel.
Thanks for the rant. It was good for a laugh Buddy.
Jennifer, just in case you missed my post on Truth's former blog, I will also repeat it here.
Jennifer SO wrongly said:
"I don't know what it is about you Truth that attracts these righties, but they are out in full force. Maybe you should change your cologne or something! Then again, you handle them quite nicely."
Sorry to pour cold water on your meaningless rant Jennifer, but you are Sooo wrong, (as usual) I am not a rightie!
Far from it and God Forbid!
I am a true and proud LIBERAL and a firm supporter of Truth101 and Shaw... It's the two faced republicans like you that I can't stand.
I hope that your wee- little brain can absorb that.. Have a very pleasant day..
And by the way Jennifer, in your blogs profile, you have been claiming that you are a 35 year old for years now.
Why not tell us the truth and that you are 45?
Or does lying just another thing republicans do so well?
You don't have to answer that, I already know the answer.
TRUTH, you need to come to my blog and read the comment Blog of Joel left, scolding me for how I run my blog, my prejudices, and for "disliking" and "hating" conservatives. [There is nothing on my blog that says I hate conservatives. But here we have Blog of Joel in all his glory telling us how much he hates liberals.]
Are these folks for real or is some comedian loose in cyberspace making these comments just for our entertainment?
This guy just can't be serious.
PS. Blog of Joel's comment is in the Glenn Beck post.
This post is for Our Token Conservative Jennifer, who has written her newest and her most blatant dumbest blog that was undoubtedly addressed to me.
Once again you brainless little twit.
I am NOT a RIGHTY! Can you get that into your numskull thick head? I guess that you didn't have the guts to publish my name, you brainless pathetic twit. your sorry excuse for a political pundit.
Here we go again.........
Lynne said....
Jennifer SO wrongly said:
I don't know what it is about you Truth that attracts these righties, but they are out in full force. Maybe you should change your cologne or something! Then again, you handle them quite nicely."
Sorry to pour cold water on your meaningless rant Jennifer, but you are Sooo wrong, I am not a rightie!
Far from it and God Forbid!
I am a true and proud LIBERAL and a firm supporter of Truth101 and Shaw... It's the two faced republicans like you that I can't stand.
I hope that your wee- little brain can absorb that.. Have a very pleasant day..
Lynne, first off I did not wrongly say anything. I am not a Republican, please get your facts straight before trying to criticize me.
Second, I never called you a rightie, I was speaking of those on the right that have been trolling Truth's blog. You seem to be a bit sensitive or conceited, believing my words were directly to you.
I am not two faced in any way, and it's ironic coming from you, who doesn't even let anyone see her/his blog, because I happen to be good friends with both Shaw and Truth. You would see that I defend them against other conservatives that attack them, if you cared to look. I have nothing but respect for both of them and for you to question my friendship is out of line and uncalled for. You say you are a firm supporter, well, so am I!
I take great pride in always trying to see both sides of an issue, because I feel strongly that it's the only way to learn and grow. I am not one of those that live and die by Rush, or Beck, and if you knew me, you would know that! Especially when I take slack for being too liberal leaning at times from conservatives.
Two faced is saying one thing to them and then going and doing the opposite, and you will never find proof of that. I have never bad mouthed them, nor would I.
I am not going to lower myself by insulting you, like you have done, regarding my "wee little brain"
I honestly don't care what you think of me, I care what my FRIENDS think of me. So say what you will, but please get your facts straight. If you still feel the need to put me down, at least do it with something accurate.
Sorry Truth, I didn't mean to use your post like this, but I felt the need to defend myself. (This all seems vaguely familiar) LOL
Since Lynne felt the need to bring over her slanderous comment, I copied my response to her here too.
"This post is for Our Token Conservative Jennifer, who has written her newest and her most blatant dumbest blog that was undoubtedly addressed to me.
Once again you brainless little twit.
I am NOT a RIGHTY! Can you get that into your numskull thick head? I guess that you didn't have the guts to publish my name, you brainless pathetic twit. your sorry excuse for a political pundit."
"And by the way Jennifer, in your blogs profile, you have been claiming that you are a 35 year old for years now.
Why not tell us the truth and that you are 45?
Or does lying just another thing republicans do so well?
You don't have to answer that, I already know the answer."
Okay, lets try this one more time, I find I have a bit of patience this morning. I am 35, and will be 36 in January, if you don't believe me I can always pull out my birth certificate. Why you would attack my age, I have no idea whatsoever. Moving on......
I am a token conservative....I would love to hear your explanation on that one.
I think you may be paranoid. Seriously! My post was directed to trolls, the ones that frequent Truth and Shaw's blogs that have nothing to say but meaningless rants. Blog of Joel is a perfect example. I didn't use your name, not because I am a coward but because it wasn't about YOU, although I must say, you are beginning to act like a troll.
AGAIN, I KNOW you are not a rightie and NEVER called you one. I think you are the person that is not grasping things here. You do realize that there were 50 messages before mine on Truth's other blog. Why you would think that I was talking about you, when you are not even a conservative, is beyond me. At least, Truth, who my comment was to, understood what I was saying.
I guess I can fess up to having a thick head, I've passed out many times and have only had a few concussions. (That was over your head, because you don't know my medical history) but I thought I would throw that in there too, since you accused me of having a thick head.
"I guess that you didn't have the guts to publish my name, you brainless pathetic twit. your sorry excuse for a political pundit"
"Once again you brainless little twit."
I am calmly going to take the high road here even though this is the second time now that you have insulted and attacked me.
Again, Truth I am sorry, I really try and stick to the topic but it get's hard with people like Lynne attacking me!! They know nothing about me and yet attack me for being everything that I am not.
Truth101, you said “Officially though, I am outraged at this blatant racist and blasphemous insult at our President.”
Are you talking about “The One” who has commie Bomber Bill Ayers, commie Frank Davis and Rev Wright the racist anti-American as his mentors? One who hates private ownership and capitalism and his “typical white person” half and thinks your freedom and your rights come from the government and not from the Constitution? The same one who appoints a bunch of self avowed communists and 70s radicals and wackjobs to positions in the gov’t and calls them CZARS. The same one who says “transparency” is the hallmark of his administration but hides all his background documents from the public?
You must be talking about someone else yet un-named here. Because the Righteous One that you have referred to does not describe the current holder of the office of the President.
"whiny, ignorant, backward, spoiled, snooty, hypocritical MORONS"
Hmmm, sounds a lot like some of the trolls that have been visiting lately. :-)
President Obama sure dresses well, takes great vacations and has a real nice house for a "commie" Lone Voice. And why do you think Rev. Wright being anti racism makes him anti American? You are the typical deluded right wing fool that spreads typical deluded right wing propaganda. Only you have a cool accent so I guess that makes you special old chap.
He know how to take good vacations? Indeed so do Arab Kings Did you ever go to Los Vegas and see the Arabs at the crap tables betting 100's of thousands of American dollars? American tradition means nothing to Barack or Michelle. The problem for them is that bucking tradition is not as easy as they think it is. The problem for us is that his attempts to Buck tradition will screw alot of things up. Barack is an ideologue of the unattainable, and therefore is destined to fail. He has already worn out his welcome at home in the USA, and will do so roundly in Europe as well, and then will take refuge in the Islamic and African nations. He continues to verify by his conduct his true nature and danger to America, as a well disguised rabid animal, Obama will be forced to war against Russia and Iran because of invited attack due to weakness. And his snub of Brown was just that: weakness. Only a communist president would WANT to destroy the west’s strongest alliances. This is no head scratcher.
Very interesting that Liberal idiots like you always call everyone else "typical deluded right wing fools"?
I really don't agree with one thing that you have ever said, however I find this blog to be pretty damn entertaining
That little spineless, lying twirp Jennifer said... “ it felt pretty good putting Lynne in her place!”
Aren’t people are feeling very smug lately you little twirp. I was waiting for all the deluded right wing fools to post their hatred remarks about me and I wasn’t wrong.. No It didn’t take you too long to crawl out from under your rock and attack me did it! Also you are a lying sack of sh** you little twirp trying to convince people that you are 35.. Truth, I am seriously enjoying watching these republicans idiots have a meltdown and getting reduced to plain old crap..
The republican party has gotten to be so stupid. They swelled their ranks with elitist white rich people, angry poor white people, and ignorant religious crazies.
That's the modern republican party..
As for you people that are degrading President Obama, lets remember that Bush nearly killed himself with a pretzel!
Truth, I really believe that Bluepitbull encourages these idiots to come here as well as going to Shaws blog.
That hell hole is where they ALL come from.
If you look there you will see the same morons posting there.
George Bush took good vacations and lenty of em Lone Voice. That makes him a commie according to your view.
And I thought you righties hated Iran and Russia. If Obama can lull them into war so we can wipe them out I figured you would think that is a good thing old chap.
While I realize that the picture is meant to be irreverent and unflattering, I too found it funny so I'll save my outrage for idiots like Lynne with no blog, Joel,who unfortunately has a blog, The Lone Voice who is obviously anything but alone in a blogoshere full of vicious attacks and mindless screed - not because they spout off but because they refuse to honor the social parameters that call for intelligent debate, mutual respect and adult control - all of which are seriously lacking.
I can only asume that these as well as many other unbalanced trolls where raised by slugs under mossy rocks...
THE LONE VOICE wrote: "He [Barack Obama] continues to verify by his conduct his true nature and danger to America, as a well disguised rabid animal,...Only a communist president would WANT to destroy the west’s strongest alliances."
This commenter calls the president a "disguised rabid animal," and implies that he's a "communist."
That disqualifies him forever to ever be taken seriously. Those two statements alone illustrate how unhinged SOME on the right have become and how totally alienated from reality they are.
Nothing in that comment is worthy of discussion. It appears Mr. "The Lone Voice" comes here only to show off his spiraling, out-of-control paranoia and his worsening Obama Derangement Syndrome.
After reading what he wrote, I believe one could actually have a more intelligent discussion with a diningroom table.
When does the 3rd act start?
Unlike so many of the deluded right, Lone Voice does have a talent for useless other than entertainment purposes dialogue Shaw.
Truth 101, if I may, please.
I think that Lynne might be Time or Pit shit's hideout or whatever.
There is no reason to insult Jennifer like that. She is polite to everyone and certainly doesn't deserve your words of hate.
That was all.
Twirp, and lying sack of sh**.....wow we've reached a new maturity level there. If you don't believe me, ask Shaw, Truth, or TAO, how old I am, they know me outside of the blogosphere and know my personal information.
You obviously didn't read my post because I already stated that I am not a republican. I truly don't know why I am bothering, because you don't want to listen to the truth. It's much more fun to make up lies about me. So be it.
Thank you Pitbull for your kind words! :-)
Somebody give this paranoid idiot
(Bluepitbull) a dictionary. Of course, I suppose it’s understandable that a conservative pundit would consider a political contribution to be more of a bribe.
Truth, I firmly believe that the people who post here are quite nuts
Jenn is a good and decent person.
Stop with the name-calling.
Thank you Shaw!!
BPB....that's what I thought at first but the locations don't match Times on my sitemeter.
Napqueen said...
Somebody give this paranoid idiot
(Bluepitbull) a dictionary. Of course, I suppose it’s understandable that a conservative pundit would consider a political contribution to be more of a bribe.
Truth, I firmly believe that the people who post here are quite nuts
Oh really...Interesting that you follow my blog, talk of becoming a Republican, and then call me paranoid. What exactly am I paranoid about? Why do I need a dictionary? Please.
Just my opinion as someone who likes a lot of what you have to say:
The half dozen people who have hijacked your comments section to carry out their pathetic little personal vendettas are really damaging the ability of others and yourself to talk about anything remotely interesting.
I want to know where I have to go to be a "TOKEN"
I felt like a TOKEN at Bluepitbull but now he got all whiny and told me to go back to my blog...
What do I have to do to be a TOKEN? Somebody tell me!
I like Green Eagle, this is a classic: "I don't get it. I know it's Obama there, but why is he painting a picture of Captain Jack Sparrow?"
It takes a really high IQ to come up with humor like that....that might be a hint for all the reactionary right trolls....
You would come here and cry victim.
TAO...I have no idea how to be a token but just follow my lead because I am apparently one! :-)
As usual, I remain an oasis of truth in a desert of bullshit. It is my cross to bear friends. Thanks for your support.
BPB: I told Jennifer my thoughts regarding a mutual friend were.
I have no idea what you're talking about.
I know I'm done here.
If you can't understand defending the honor of your friends and to rebuke those that would assault them either verbally or otherwise, then you do not understand the value of friends.
What's "funny" about it is that it accurately represents the falsehood concocted by the Right. This is one of those stories that, while just as ridiculous as the majority of Republican fabrications, seems to have taken hold to some extent. I doubt you could find a Republican who doesn't believe that President Obama isn't an inexperienced socialist with a HUGE ego who believes he is the right man at the right time.
Maybe I laughed at first, but then, as I began writing my reply, I thought about how much this BS pisses me off. So NO, I wouldn't have posted this picture on my blog.
That said, I'm now going to throw in another shameless plug for my blog. For anyone who is interested (I already know Lynne is not interested, so there is no need for her to point that out a second time) I've written a post which makes the case that, despite what conservatives are claiming, it is NOT "average Americans" who are opposing healthcare insurance reform.
Blog Of Joel said... when they are before the Lord in judgment they will learn the error of their ways only it will be to late!
I am a Liberal and a Christian. I'm not worried. I don't hate you, but I am concerned about people who think like you taking up arms and attempting to kill as many Liberals as they can. Sounds like Joel may be close to flipping out and committing such an act. I'll pray that you see the light and don't end up hurting anyone, but also that, if you do attempt to harm anyone, the police take you out before you do.
Lynne said... people are feeling very smug lately you little twirp
What's with the personal attacks which have nothing what-so-ever to do with the topic at hand? Lynne, I'M NOT INTERESTED. I'm only interested in substantive debate on the topic as presented by the blog owner or substantive debate resulting from said discussion. I'm not interested in purely personal attacks. It doesn't appear as anyone else is interested either -- I don't see any posts supporting anything you've written.
Blue: I rarely explain myself unless it's somebody I think is worth an explanation.
Have a nice night.
W.Dervish: you're worth an explanation. If I can post a picture of Rush Limbaugh's head on Jabba the Huts body, I can take a righty poking fun also.
Have fun with this as well as getting your opinion out there. We're not getting paid for this so why be angry about it.
Can I just go to your blog and claim to be a victim?
I think your post today is about being a victim!
Is being a "Token" in anyway related to "One toke over the line...."
I'm trying to ignore the idiot who is STILL posting comments as me but I just have to say for the record and mostly to Jennifer, the person commenting as LYNNE, who apparently has two fake blogs, is NOT me or rather not the real Lynne. (unless of course there is another LYNNE whose name really is LYNNE, then my bad). I'm pretty sure that "LYNNE" is Right is Right; she's holding on to that grudge pretty long now. She's pissed at me because I commented on her blog and *gasp* I disagreed with her!!! Anywho, I live in RI if anyone wants to check their site meters and/or traffic feed, you'll see I haven't even been to any blogs other than this one and Shaw's in several weeks and haven't commented for a very long time until now. Also, if any of you know where Right is Right is from, you'll probably see that when "LYNNE'S" comments come in, they come from whereever Right is Right lives. Just wanted to set the record straight. Not that the righties will believe me.
Lynne, Thank you so much for your comment. I had a feeling that it wasn't you and from what Truth and I spoke about it looked like someone was impersonating you. It's nice to have it validated too! I know it wasn't you though because RI didn't show up in my sitemeter when Lynne was at my site.
Thank you! I appreciate you stepping in to clear up everything. Now I know I can just ignore all the other "Lynnes"! How pathetic people must be to steal your name and then post as you!!
I don't know where she is from, but yeah, if she wasn't doing it, all she would have to do is say where she is from to clear up this whole mess.
Wait, are the creators of this picture making fun of:
Norman Rockwell
American Liberals
Or something else?
TRUTH 101 said...
Truth101 said... Have fun with this as well as getting your opinion out there. We're not getting paid for this so why be angry about it.
I'm only angry with the idiots who make this stuff up, not you (if that is what you were thinking) for posting it. Like I said, it does clearly illustrate what the righties believe. It also illustrates the flaws in their logic.
Shouldn't Obama be painting a self-portrait that shows him as the prophet Muhammad? (Although that wouldn't be allowed). I guess the more you think about it the more you realize how stupid it is (or the more I think about it the more I realize how stupid it is). Perhaps it's funny for that reason?
This picture isn't nearly as offensive as the New Yorker cover which depicted him as a terrorist and his wife as a black militant.
I only said I wouldn't post it on my blog. If you want to I don't have a problem with that.
Lynne said... I just have to say for the record and mostly to Jennifer, the person commenting as LYNNE, who apparently has two fake blogs, is NOT me or rather not the real Lynne.
I didn't quite believe that LYNNE (all caps) was a "true and proud LIBERAL". Sounded to me more like a person trying to give liberals a bad rep. Now that I know it's an idiot with a personal vendetta their posts make more sense. Thanks for clearing that up.
An update regarding Joel: I posted a comment to his blog, even though he has comment moderation enabled he did post what I wrote. I *thought* I called him out on the shakey argument he made against his liberal "friend" (who he apparently hates, going by what he wrote here). But he responded by saying that what I wrote "reaffirmed" his point. His conclusion, IMO, is laughable. What do you think? Don't check it out if you aren't interested. I just thought it was funny that a righty thinks he "proved" his liberal "friend" made a dishonest argument when he is actually the one being dishonest. And he used some pretty convoluted logic to arrive at that conclusion.
Lynne - I apologize for referring to you in my comment about rude idiots - except that I really wasn't commenting about you since it wasn't really YOU but rather some moron using your username. I think it would be good if we all refer to the fake Lynne as PsuedoLynne or something.
Anyway, my comments still stand for Stupid Lynne Faker, Joel and Lone Voice.
For those amongst us who are adults and reasonably intelligent,it's not too difficult to pick out the trolls.
And wouldn't the bloggerhood be so much more enjoyable if they just all crawled back under their mossy rocks?
I am up for spirited debate and differences in opinion, but this nasty back biting is just crap!
I think I struck a nerve.
The funniest part of all of this is that she (if it is her impersonating me) commented as me on her on blog and then got pissed at "me" for it. She's a doozy.
I will probably get blasted but I went over there to put my 2 cents in. I found it very disturbing that she brought "Time" into it. It seems like there is always drama around the blogosphere. My kids don't give me this many headaches! LOL
I believe "Lynne". I have suspected that there was a "fake" one out there. The one that posted on my blog was LYNNE and her/his (whatever!) has 2 names listed when you click to view his/her profile, but the profile is private or something.
Geez, I'm glad that's cleared up. Thanks, REAL Lynne!
W-Dervish is right, the FAKE LYNNE sure is an angry bitter person but the REAL Lynne sounds like a nice person.
Just so you guys know, I didn't actually post anything to this blog. (Or 'Shaw Kenawe').
I suspect that 'w-dervish' could be responsible, based upon his behavior on my blog.
So for the record, I never commented on this blog, or Shaw's.
Sorry Real Joel,you seem to be yet another victim of blogger identity theft. Any snarky comments I made were directed soley at the lesser life form, Fake Joel.
Like Pam,I have also found that clicking on their names helps to figure out if it's the real blogger or someone highjacking their ID.
Hey, can't blogger track these people down and ban them from the site? I certainly don't want censorship but identity theft seems to be really over the line.
I don't suppose I could persuade the owner of this blog to remove the posts by 'Blog of Joel', since they aren't from me?
These jokers are usually one hit wonders Real Joel. I traced three of them to one IP address but my rules prevent me from disclosing identities. I'm sorry your identity was hijacked.
Joel - complain to blogger. They really need to establish some sort of policy for dealing with this type of behavior. Seriously.
Joel said... I suspect that 'w-dervish' could be responsible, based upon his behavior on my blog.
I have never impersonated anyone. I'd never been to your blog before, or was aware of it's existence before you posted here (or someone ELSE impersonating you did).
As for my behavior on your blog -- I was civil. YOU were rude to me, calling "Sir Denseness" and claiming that I have "subpar written english skills" -- because I pointed out the flaws in your logic.
After you refused to publish my last post I submitted one final comment (which I knew damn well you wouldn't post) and LEFT.
My feelings were not hurt nor did I feel any need for "revenge". Why the hell should I care if you want to make BS arguements on your blog and then can't take the heat when someone calls you on them?
Anyway, like I said, the sequence of events are wrong. I came to your blog after seeing a post by "blog of joel" here FIRST. I'd never been to your site before and had no idea who you were.
Or maybe you think I made comments on your blog (starting September 2, 2009 at 6:52 PM), you refused to publish the last one, I got mad, and then I went back in time to impersonate you here (on September 2, 2009 at 5:41 AM).
Personally I think this impersonation stuff is childish. Blogger shouldn't allow anyone to use another Blogger ID to post anonymously. That's twice now I've responded to fakers as if they were real. I'M upset. I'd rather have real conversations with real people instead of idiots pretending to be someone else.
LYNNE said... "This post is for Our Token Conservative Jennifer,"
What!?!? I'm outraged. I thought that I was the token conservative around here.
I demand an apology
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