My hometown's exciting new online news organization, Quincy News.Org. has been plugging a Tea Party to be held in one of our fine taxpayer funded parks this weekend. The theme is "Spirit of America."
The headline speaker is a blogger and commentator named Andrew Breitbart. This is the same same Breitbart who patriotically called Senator Ted Kennedy a "mother fucker."
I was outraged at first. I thought how could this jive turkey be a headliner of anything. I never even heard of him till a month ago. From what I've seen, his only shots at glory are when one of the higher up deluded right wing fools are too busy to appear on FOX News so he gets to pinch hit and deliver the banal right wing talking points.
Given my well known sense of fair play and turning adversity into opportunity, I thought about Andrew Breitbart and other mother fuckers in general. Then it occurred to me that as a Nation, we once were a bad mother fucker.
We went over and kicked hell out of the mother fucking Germans twice. Kicked hell out of the mother fucking Japanese as well. That was back in the day when they were mother fuckers.
Breitbart waited until Senator Kennedy was dead before calling him a mother fucker. That was mother fucking sissified if you ask me.
We outlasted the mother fucking Soviets in the Cold War. Bombed that mother fucker Kadhaffi into behaving himself.
Our mother fuckerness ended with the Bush II Administration. That mother fucker Bin Laden was behind 911 and he's still free as a mother fucker. Invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and those two places are still a mother fucker for us.
The stock market crashed like a mother fucker so we had to spend billions to keep from going into a depression. The Fed got mother fucked by a bunch of right wing nuts who would have rather had a 60 trillion dollar world wide collapse than spend 700 billion to avoid it.
A bunch of deluded fools that demanded we respect President Bush because we were "at war" disrespected President Obama and demanded that our school kids not listen to him say work hard. Stay in school. Make your country better and listen to your teachers and parents. Maybe they were afraid he would say "mother fucker."
You know Mr. Breitbart. You're pretty much the typical right wing asshole that is good at stirring up some bigots, homophobes and idiots, but I thank you for reminding us of the mess left by the Bush Administration. I'm glad President Obama is here to clean this mother fucker up.
I don't mean to arouse your wrath over a spelling error, TRUTH, but isn't motherfucker one word?
Y'know people on the Right become red boiling hot mad at me when I correct their grammar or spelling. But just to be even handed, let it be known that I hereby correct your spelling of motherfucker.
It actually is one word.
Thank you, and good night.
I was going with the Samuel L. Jackson pronunciation Shaw.
Shaw Kenawe said...
I don't mean to arouse your wrath over a spelling error, TRUTH, but isn't motherfucker one word?
Y'know people on the Right become red boiling hot mad at me when I correct their grammar or spelling. But just to be even handed, let it be known that I hereby correct your spelling of motherfucker.
It actually is one word.
Only if you are referring to Obama.
If you are referring to Van Jones then it's two words as it is if you are referring to Harry Reid.
As for Bill Clinton, he's a internfucker.
Truth: I guess you're pretty mad. I get mad, too. My stress relief is saying out loud, because I talk to myself A LOT, "I hate people." It seems lately that I'm saying THAT more and more.
S Anodam. said...
It actually is one word.
Only if you are referring to Obama.
If you are referring to Van Jones then it's two words as it is if you are referring to Harry Reid.
As for Bill Clinton, he's a internfucker.
And when you are referring to "S Anodam" it's spelled "WEEDY, FEN-SUCKED JOITHEAD."
Shaw Kenawe said...
S Anodam. said...
It actually is one word.
Only if you are referring to Obama.
If you are referring to Van Jones then it's two words as it is if you are referring to Harry Reid.
As for Bill Clinton, he's a internfucker.
And when you are referring to "S Anodam" it's spelled "WEEDY, FEN-SUCKED JOITHEAD.
LMAO,, Hit a nerve did I Ms. Kenaew
S Anodam,
You're the one who answered me! Couldn't let my come-back to you go unanswered, could you.
Hit a nerve, did I?
I don't get mad at the dupes who attend these bogus tea parties Pamela. They bemuse me me more than anything else. One was on the news complaining about government in one sentence. His next sentence he said, I kid you not, he wanted government to do more for people. Half of the people attending these things are on Medicare but don't want "government run health care."
Shitheaded potstirrers like this Breitbart rile up the fools that are too lazy to see what's really going on with their Country. It's too easy to just cheer on some asshole that spouts it's government's fault or the liberals fault that millions have no health insurance.
The reality is it's the riled up, closed minded idiots that buy into Breitbart and Rush Limbaugh horseshit that are at fault.
Can't you righties motherfuck your own for saying motherfucker for once?
Beth posted that I was vulgar but said nothing about her friend Andrew Breitbart's vulgarity. When I pointed out her hypocrisy she deleted her ill thought out comment. Probably a good move on her part. No use her looking like more of a shithead than he already is.
When Beth posts something it never stay for long...apparently its her medication; between one dose and the next she sneaks off and posts vile stuff and once her medication kicks in then she cleans up after herself...or her caregivers do.
Anyone hear from LYNNE lately? Seems like since Right Is Right has been outed have not heard a thing from Lynne...ever notice how both Lynne and Right Is Right could cuss like sailors?
Maybe they are cousins...
TAO said...
"Anyone hear from LYNNE lately? Seems like since Right Is Right has been outed have not heard a thing from Lynne...ever notice how both Lynne and Right Is Right could cuss like sailors?"
I don't think so!!!!!
Maybe YOU believe everything that NUT-JOB Lynne says, but I don't, and evidently many others don't either!
WOW! Right Is Right you sure JUMPED on that one right away...
Whats the difference between viligence and paranoia?
I'm just sick of that CREEP lying like a rug and you people buying everything she says.
Just because she's a fellow Lib you all believe every vile lie that flows from her vicious mouth.
Well that's YOUR problem, believe what you wish. I've had enough of her. I don't and won't defend myself any longer.
She's all yours!
She's not mine, she was no creation of mine nor of anyone who I know....
But you cannot help to notice when you go to bloggers profile how many of the reactionary right bloggers seem to pop up in the same month, cut and paste the same things, and all hit the ground with the same followers and a bunch of them right from day one?
In keeping with the post you should have taken a cue from the great Giant linebacker Lawrence Taylor and said "That Lynne lies like a motherfucker!" Right is Right.
But seeing as you are a sensitive and nubile, I am more than happy to do the chivalrous thing and say it for you.
Best wishes Mi Lady...
Thank you Truth..............I think..
For someone with the name "Truth" you sure are full of shit.
Dear Truth,
I have discovered that the a**hole calling himself ScottyBoy is a FRAUD.
He posted over at my blog and at Patrick's blog today.
I linked to his name, which brought me to a facebook site and found an email address. I wrote to the email address djscottyboy and the REAL DJ ScottyBoy, from Las Vegas, emphatically stated that he DID NOT write any of the comments at my and Patrick's blog.
The ScottyBoy here is a lying cheat and stole some guy's identity to spread his crap.
He didn't have the cajones to use his own name or some made-up name so he stole some other guy's.
There's character for you.
And the piss-ass comes here and questions your veracity?
I will send you the real ScottyBoy's emails so you can check out how upset he is that some lowlife would do this to him.
Oh, and he also asked that anything with his name on it be removed.
You can go to Patrick's blog and check out his comment section to see his emails.
I think I'll do a post on this in a few days.
Some of these righties have been using deceit this past week to try to get their messages out, then they turn around and accused Mr. Obama and you of being liars?
Does it get any stupider than that?
What do you expect from a pack of idiots and bigots Shaw?
Why do you say this? Because Acorn is a thug organization? And Andy Breitbart caught them Red Handed? If people dont want to be taped...STICK TO THE LAWS AND THE TRUTH..........then one has NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT....i thank these two brave young souls......god bless you....we need to rid this country of the soulless beings we saw in those tapes.................this is a start.
Acorn is as dirty as sin. And Andy Breitbart did this country a good deed. God Bless him and anyone that exposed these thugs.
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