Sunday, February 1, 2009


I posted a comment on Shaw's excellent blog about why Republican Governors are asking their Republican members of Congress to support the stimulus package. Of course they are worried about job losses. But an underlying and kind of scary reason is they lack the courage to do what is necessary to shore up their budgets. Sometimes you gotta suck it up and tell the people we need more money to provide the services government needs to provide. We have to raise taxes.

Not just Republican Governors, Dems also, need to accept this. The credit card is maxed out and there is no way enough could be cut back to stop runaway deficits.

We have lots of history here in Illinois. We had 25 some years of Republican Governors. Each election they said they wouldn't raise taxes. After the election they ll said "Whoa! It's worse than we thought. We need more money. We have to raise taxes." They did and after a few days of grumbling, 11 million people didn't even notice their taxes went up because it was only a few bucks a week for most of us.

Blagojevich came along and promised not to raise taxes. Look how screwed up he left the state. If he doesn't make that stupid promise to win an election he would have won in a landslide anyway, all the programs he wanted would have been funded and he would be a hero. But he chose to be a dick and cut state parks and child care programs that everyone loved more than the few bucks their taxes would have gone up.

The Governors that want he stimulus package need to grow the balls to tell their constituents that their states need more money and we can't wait for the Nation as a whole to buck up and pay their bills.

TAO of Radical Perspective posted a great assessment of the national budget situation. We have to pay the bills now. I know it's popular for politicos to rant on about cuts. Tell the guy with a big pothole in front of his driveway you cut the asphalt budget and he has to buy his own if he wants it fixed. He'll forget all about his taxes going up a few bucks a week then. I could give more examples that would arouse more outrage than a pothole. I'm sure everyone can think of them on their own.


Anonymous said...

Oracle, you are more and more a fucking idiot every day.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It's a wonderful thing that the home provides you and your mentally challenged companions computor access12:52.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Well said. Taxes are necessary to keep a country going. And if the rich and conservative want to keep enjoying the American way of life then they need to chip in more.

Living in a country is like living in a club and if you don't pay your dues then the club will slowly crumble.

The rich should pay more because: 1) They can absorb the hit better than the middle-class/poor and 2). These guys were able to get rich because they live in a country like America.

Thus, they owe some back to the country that gave them the freedom to be able to earn that money. We're either all in this together or not.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Just added you to my blog roll...

Anonymous said...

You are profile in courage oracle. A fucking city employee whose daddy was mayor and got him a job who sits around bitching all day that people who are smarter and work harder than him should give him their money. Like that dumbass Rather says, COURAGE!

Senor Badass said...

Why don't these governers attempt to spend less?

Senor Badass said...


About 50% of the people in the country are not "in this together".

I get so sick and fucking tired of asshats like you who say, "they got rich in America so they owe back". Do you have any idea what a small business owner has given to this country? I knew a guy who employed 30 people. 30 families counting on this guy working 15-18 hour days six days a week so they have a job. Then, this guy paid half of FICA for all 30 people. Then he paid about 40% of his own income in taxes... property taxes on the buildings he owned.

Then, he came home and heard about dumbfucks like you who thought he owed more. Well fuck you.

You tell me what more a guy like that owes a lazy fuck like you, Handsome.