Lord knows I do my best to remain as dignified as possible. But sometimes, plain talk is what is called for. Such is the case when speaking about right wing talking points.
No doubt, their line of crap can sound appealing to those with little sense, vision or intelligence. Who doesn't want lower taxes and less regulation. Especially when there's a cop in your rear view mirror with his lights on.
But instead of taking the right wing points apart one by one, it's easier and more efficient to just lump them together and call it a big right wing fart.
Who isn't impressed by a good loud one. Of course our pleasure is soon turned to discomfort as the rancorous odor wafts about. Much like right wing talking points. We can all shake our fists and shout "Hell yeah!" when they start blathering about low taxes and less regulation. But soon the stench of huge deficits and economic collapse sets in and makes us miserable.
Fortunately Bush has crippled the Republican Party with his failed presidency. The throngs of deluded right wing fools that expel their flatulence is shrinking. The stench of right wing policies is being replaced by the sweet smell of Hope and Change.
You and the other LEFT wing ass holes like you are going to take this one time great nation to hell in a hand basket.
I forwarded your handle to Bobby Jindal IMC. I figured he could use a brilliant orator like yourself to help him with his next speech. Say hi to friend LTD for me.
This is the typical shit we'd expect from the retarded piece of liberal shit
When you settle on a moniker come back and add something intelligent IMC/LF101.
But I can do this also if that's what turns you on.
Ah Truth,
Give it up....
There is no way to talk sanity to insanity...
I have a way of bringing out the vulgar and insane in people TAO. In some instances it has served me well.
They will either go away or they won't.
Truth, that dude in the pic looks like he's turbo charged. Burrito night at El Taco Loco will do that. Is that photo from JBW's stash?
BTW, you don't have very good trolls. Is that all they do, is come here and toss a couple of lame insults? They seem like depraved vermin to me.
I should talk, tho. I have no trolls at all.
Too bad you didn't know me when I had THE ORACLE SPEAKS. Jesus Christ they beat me up. I almost miss it sometimes. There's something nostalgic about the good old days when my enemies fought each other to see who had the more imaginative way of calling me "mother fucker" and other things. I just felt I was making a difference knowing I could breed that kind of anger from deluded right wing fools.
I try not to take other bloggers material. It's why I present myself as the down home Nihilist. You and the others are some high power dudes DLB.
"LEFT wing ass holes"..."retarded piece of liberal shit"...
I do hope "right wing" self-expression gets better than that.
Hey you left wing asshole Oracle. Answer your phone. TAFKATA.
I work Sunday.
You're witnessing the roots of my infatuation with firearms.
Unfortunately America won't end with a bang or a whimper, but with the howling of atavistic subhumans from the ashes of civilization.
We are going through something very much like what Germany went through in the 20's and 30's and the outcome may well be the same.
I try to make it to the rifle range at least once a week.
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