Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Just how desperate for a message that resonates with anyone are the Republicans. Their top spokespeople are Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. How pathetic are they when the two most influential people in their Party are these two clowns? I know Bush sucked and probably still does, but he was president for eight years. Has he sunk so low that even his fellow Republicans would rather follow a lard ass and a skank?

Poor Michael Steele. Republican spinmeisters keep giving him the same tired old right wing catch phrases. Try something different for a Republican Mike. The Truth.

The talking point of the week for Republicans is "It's FDR's fault."
Millions of people thank God every day for The New Deal and the safety net Social Security provides. I guess Republicans think destitute old and disabled people is somehow more American.

Despite their foolish efforts, Republicans are soon to go the way of the dinosaur. The only thing they have going for them is the ability to revise history to suit their deluded beliefs. I suggest they put this to good use and at least save themselves embarrassing chapters in history books. While you guys still can, have all books and records purged of anything relating to all Republican presidents back to Nixon. That way the last Republican we will have to remember is Eisenhower. Everyone liked Ike. Well, except for Adlai Stevenson.


Bluegrass Pundit said...

I consider Sarah Palin and Mitch McConnell to be the leaders of the Republican Party now. Our best spokesperson is Sean Hannity. I never listen to Rush. He sometimes makes good points, but he is too much of a blowhard for me. Now, Ann Coulter can be hot in a mean girl kind of way.

JBW said...

Saw this graph and thought you might enjoy it considering your particular fetish, amigo.

Carl Wicklander said...

The Republicans will keep losing elections unless they find something else to talk about besides how much they think Obama sucks or how much they hated Bill Clinton. That might fire up the base, but it doesn't accomplish much.

Sean Hannity is a spokesman for the Republican Party, not so much for the conservatives he claims to speak for. I repeatedly hear him say that he disagrees with the party X% of the time, but I have never heard him actually criticize them at the time. He just rides the waves and finds some way to spin it for the good of the party.

Rush Limbaugh, on the other hand, at times shows an independent spirit. He will occasionally criticize the party's leadership but he'll usually support the party in the end. Altogether, I find the leadership, if that's what we're calling it, of Hannity, Limbaugh, and Coulter leaving something to be desired. There need to be fresh ideas to create a stronger coalition on the Right.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Politics has become just as much about entertainment as governance. Maybe even more. Rush, Ann, Hannity, Obama, Blago, they are all great entertainers. We're fortunate that Obama is also brilliant.
Send that man a Snuggie!

Tom the Redhunter said...

"Republicans are soon to go the way of the dinosaur."


Reviewing American history, it seems clear that one party is dominant for a time, but within too many years the situation reverses.

After the Civil War the GOP dominated, tarring the Dems as the part of "Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion." We held the congress and White House with only a few exceptions.

The GOP fractured when Teddy formed the Bull Moose party, allowing the Dems a short resurgence. This was followed by a period of GOP domination in the 20s.

Obviously the election of 1932 ushered in a long period of Democrat dominance. But the New Deal coalition was eventually fractured, most notably in the 1994 takeover of congress. Since then we've seen a back and forth.

I think an honest survey shows that has time progresses, the period of domination grows shorter and shorter.

But you leftist hacks just keep stroking each other with your inane comments. Why discuss something hard like history when you can make snarky comments?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I remember when you were fun Tom.

Anonymous said...

Tom may have a point, that's why the stake has to be driven deep into the heart of the Republican party.

Metaphorically, of course, because I know wingnuts are apt to take these things literally.

Tom the Redhunter said...

Sorry, the history nerd in me came out with this post. I'll do better in future, Truth!