Sunday, December 27, 2009


Those rascally old republican men are at it again. Sensing their inevitable defeat over the health insurance reform, they've taken to their old trick of putting stuff into bills that will benefit their impotent, yet still lusty constituency of old white men.

This time Viagra wasn't enough. Their old male benefactors demand bigger penises. As one lusty old republican said, "If we're going to be screwing America, we might as well do it with a big penis." All the other old white males at the Heritage Foundation agreed with that sentiment. Plus, production of HGH and steroids could be a tremendously profitable industry provided it's all done in China or India according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Sources tell us that Senator Larry Craig did object to this amendment as wasteful. "More than a mouthful is a waste" he was reported to have told his fellow lawmakers.


Les Carpenter said...

And these "old tricks" are reserved to the Republicans of course. How laughable!

Satire aside, it does point out the corruption evident in our congress on both sides of the aisle.

Come to think of it (no pun intended) dem's as well as rhino's could use some penis enlargement in their plan to!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm from Illinois RN. My Senator is "Big" Dick Durbin. We don't need no stinkin enlargement stuff.

Point conceded about corruption on both sides of the aisle.

Tao Dao Man said...

A lot of lip stick will be needed to put on all the Pork that is in this shill bill.
Even more lip stick will be needed for all the lip service that we will getting, about how this is a victory for HC.
America deserves what it gets.
The best health care system, that the Insurance Corps,and BIG PHARMA, could lobby for.

Life As I Know It Now said...

Aren't they all big enough dickheads already?

The Griper said...

my question would be, how did they "sneak" it into the bill if the dems are in control of it?

don't they even read the bill before they pass it?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Your naieve innocence is touching Griper.

Leslie Parsley said...

Oh shit. How hilarious - and so beautifully written. My sides hurt.

The Griper said...

"Your naieve innocence is touching"

he chuckles, just another way of saying that ignorance is bliss, truth.

Les Carpenter said...

TRUTH - You and TAO make a great team. You guys actually make debate with liberals enjoyable and sometimes even productive.

Perhaps there is hope for liberty and capitalism after all!

TAO said...

Thats our save liberty and capitalism and make sure everyone gets a piece...

The Rattler - III said...

Wow, as far as I know republicans were shut out from the health care bill. Truth... are we sure of our sources? I'm sorry, you get to own this pile of crap alone my friend. Have a great 2010 anyways.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It ain't over till it's over Rattler. Trust me.

The Rattler - III said...

I only trust God and my wife. You on the other hand... I will consider. To be continued next year. Thanks for 2009 Truth. You my friend, have made my beliefs stronger. Thank you!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I was about to mail off my annual donation to the DNC in the name of professor Donald Douglas Rattler. But I would be glad to send it in your name in honor of your enlightenment my friend.

TomCat said...

What happens when a GOP legislator takes Viagra?


He gets taller. :-)

Leslie Parsley said...

Okay guys, what about the gals?

Holte Ender said...

I always thought our elected officials to be crooks, but now it seems they are hardened criminals.

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Sensing their inevitable defeat over the health insurance reform, they've taken to their old trick of putting stuff into bills that will benefit their impotent, yet still lusty constituency of old white men.