Saturday, October 17, 2009


So Rush is all in a pissy mood because he got fired from the ownership group. Yes that's what happened. They fired his ass.
Rush can whine all he wants about free speech and political correctness and liberal media. But he can't change it because the owners group that fired him are exercising their rights also.
Maybe Rush should have joined a union that would fight against unjust termination on his behalf but wait. Rush thinks employers should be able to terminate without any justification. He thinks employees are basically serfs that offer no value and should be replaced by machines or cheap Chinese labor.
Screw you Rush. Welcome to the real world of Working America.


Anonymous said...

Truth, I'm shocked that a guy with a name like "Truth" failed to mention the two biggest racists in America who caused the NFL to drop Rush as an investor: Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. And you know the state-controlled media won't hold them accountable. It does not have the guts to stand up to them.
And tell me, why is it okay for Keith Olbermann to trash an Asian woman like Michelle Malkin as a "mashed up bag of meat with lipstick?" Is this not be considered racist? AND Sexist?
I love how democrat reactionaries ignore reality. If you cared a fig about the Constitution, you would not be trashing it so badly.

I’m sure that you are old enough to remember Howard Cosell who was the darling of Monday Night Football well as a Flaming Liberal and long considered a champion of Black causes, (he stood by Ali when Ali dodged the draft and became a Muslim) all came to an end when he shouted (Admiringly, from his viewpoint) look at that "little monkey" go when Mercury Morris ran through the defense ...they nailed his toupee to the wall and Cosell's career as a broadcaster was over ...More recently, when DON IMUS tried to praise a mostly black basketball team by using black vernacular (he called them nappy headed “Hos”) he quickly found out that only blacks are allowed to talk like that.. While IMUS slobbered on his knees apologizing to the Liberal Left for not obeying their Politically Correct Rules not expect LIMBAUGH to apologize ...indeed the Left had better pray that he does not take them to court for defamatory slander ...he could nail their butts to the wall . I hope that Rush sues the jocks off 'em.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm shocked that as a great defender of freedom as you like to think of yourself as Brooklyn Guy, that you would not be as vociferous in your defense of glorified media hounds, Reverends Jackson and Sharpton, as you are of the recently fired Rush Limbaugh.

If you look deeper into my sane and inciteful speak my friend, you would realize I too am outraged that a man could be fired for his opinions. I brought up that good union representation could give Rush recourse to go after his former employers. Rush chose not to organize. He thought he was better off at the mercy of his "benevolent employers."

If only Rush would have listened to me, (I hope you don't take that as a catch phrase infringement "Listen to Me" blogger) he would be on the ownership group today enjoying the benefits and security of a fair bargaining agreement.

Satyavati devi dasi said...

When you make your money being an incendiary, divisive, controversial bigmouth, that comes with certain occupational hazards.

Just in the same way, in my line of work, I run the risk of contracting some potentially awful, deadly disease.

Rush Limbaugh is a business liability. His mouth makes him one, and the NFL has no time for that.

Ultimately, I don't think the Owners Association thought necessarily about race. I think they and Roger Goodell thought more about the nonstop damage control problem they would have on their hands with someone like Rush Limbaugh spouting off all the time. And the group he was with dropped him because his presence was preventing the deal.

Business decisions, plain and simple.

Live by the sword, die by the sword. Limbaugh whining about some kind of collective liberal conspiracy against him is as valid as the religious right claiming that saying 'happy holidays' is a liberal agenda to destroy Christianity.

I got three words for Rush Limbaugh.

Wah f'n wah.

Mike said...

Hmmm, let's see ...

Someone here thinks "trashing" a woman of Asian descent is automatically racist, regardless of whether there's anything the slightest bit racial about the remark he cites. How does "mashed up bag of meat" qualify as a racial comment? How did that remark in any way even imply a notion that one race is superior over another (the definition of racism)? Apply logic, Guy.

More generally, re: Limbaugh, he's entitled to free speech (natch) but not consequence-free speech. To put this in another context, a guy is free to spout off as much as he wants with his opinions to the point of being an insensitive prick, but he can't expect that others won't turn their backs on him (at best) or correctly label him an asshole. He can't expect that, after his insensitive-prickish rants, everybody will come to his aid when he needs it. He can't rightly expect that people won't take his prickishness into account when deciding whether to do business with him. There are consequences to being an asshole. Limbaugh should know that.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I know a little bit about the subject of "prickness" myself Mr. Stimpson.

I find your academic approach to the subject refreshing and at a high level. Continued success in your studies, discoveries and information sharing.

Eddie said...

Satyavati devi dasi said...

When you make your money being an incendiary, divisive, controversial bigmouth, that comes with certain occupational hazards

Oh please stuff that same old crap!
YOU are getting very boring and tiresome..........

"Live by the sword, die by the sword."
If anyone should Die by the sward, it should be the Rev Sharpster .

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Please don't harm me with your "sward" Eddie.

Normally I could not care less about spelling. This was one I couldn't resist.

Eddie said...

Stimpson said...

Hmmm, let's see ...
To put this in another context, a guy is free to spout off as much as he wants with his opinions to the point of being an insensitive prick, but he can't expect that others won't turn their backs on him (at best) or correctly label him an asshole.

Talk about assholes, you really sound like one.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

How many aliases do you have Eddie?

Satyavati devi dasi said...

Thanks for the intelligent, rational debate, Eddie.

It's always good when people present logical, rational sides to a given subject, intelligently and coherently, so that ideas and thoughts can be exchanged in an adult fashion.

Eddie said...

Satyavati devi dasi said...

Thanks for the intelligent, rational debate, Eddie.

I don't think that would be possible, so I'll pass thank you anyway.

TAO said...

Wow Truth! You are up to 24 followers and I see that I am at the beginning!

I do hope that Rush sues the Reverend...

That will be pure entertainment at its highest form!

Especically if they have the trial with Judge Judy presiding!

Paul said...

It seems to me that all the negative vibes this blowhard (Rush Hudson Limbaugh A.KA. Jeff Christie) has been spewing over these many years has come back to blow back on his face (A classic “Blow Back”). He always tries to give off the airs that he can have anything he wants but as we all witness those with more money and more influence tossed him aside like sack of potatoes and the ultimate insult was that it was done in public (money don’t buy you everything butterball).

Now of course he blames everyone else (Michael J. Fox, Perez Hilton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Sonia Sotomayor, Hillary Clinton, Olympia Snowe, ESPN, NFL, the media, basically people of color, the handicapped, women and gays) when of course all you have to do is listen to his show and plainly hear his daily prejudices filled sermons. So NFL, I salute you decision, job well done. And to the whaling cry baby perched on his self made pedestal, quit your whining it was your own fault. Don’t we all feel better?

Law and Order Teacher said...

Stimpson is on the money. When you talk you are subject to the consequences. I never expected my opinions to be, to borrow a phrase, "consequence-free" but it is disturbing to be excluded from something because of your opinions.

The NFL is a private business and it can exclude whoever it wishes. However, there have been many groups who have been forced to include people it doesn't want to include by court descisions. I didn't believe in that then and I don't believe in it now.

The NFL can make this decision as it wishes. The courts shouldn't interfere. I love that you were able to inject unionism into the post. Well done. Does your evil know no bounds?

Good day, sir.

Green Eagle said...

Say what you will, the real tragedy here is that corporate America is willing to pay some jerk enough money to buy a professional football team, and all he has to do in return is spew their lies and hatred for them.

Football team or no, someone out there is paying millions to a whole lot of Rush Limbaughs to spread their venom, and that is not going to change.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You have to love the irony. When Tom "The Hammer" Delay was Speaker of the House, he demanded anyone that wanted to do business with the givernment be republican and only hire republicans. (Disclaimer: I didn't have a problem with that. I thought it smart politics.) Now Rush is kind of on the other side of this and he's crying like Glen Beck. Boo Hoo chubby.

Miss Molly said...

Now our president, with the funny name is kissing up to Putin
The Russians, mullahs and the other dictators around the world cannot believe theie good fortune
seeing America so helpless, since the president unilaterally scrapped plans to deploy an Eastern European missile-defense shield meant to take out incoming Iranian missiles.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JD's Handsome Son said...

Proof of conservative truthfulness and liberal duplicity in all matters is clearly found in the current matters of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.

They say that Beck fabricates his stories. They have never provided any evidence of this. They would have us believe that our God on Earth dismissed a key lieutenant, Van Jones, on Beck’s mere hearsay; that the head of Obama’s tax funded propaganda arm, the National Endowment of the Arts, was terminated solely because of Beck’s unfounded accusations; and that Obama’s powerful terror network, ACORN, was defunded and defrocked just because Beck, a mere mortal, conjured up fake video footage. Does anyone believe a deity would condone such mistreatment of himself if there was no substance to Beck’s show?

They allege that Rush made two inflammatory insensitive statements on race. All the MSM broadcast these allegations.

But none gave specifics. The statements could not be found or verified. Rush announced that he will force every teleprompt reader who joined in the charges to apologize on air or face suit. Yesterday, Rick Sanchez of CNN, one of the first and most vocal accuser, went on air to admit the charges cannot be verified, the statements cannot be found, and that he apologizes for the unsubstantiated claims by his network. The others will soon follow CNN’s lead.

One second’s reflection by even a day old retarded mongoloid would lead him to the conclusion that leftists have been duped and are mentally defective for clinging to their beliefs of moral and intellectual superiority.
It's truly an Obamanation

Beth said...

The Lefties seeks to demonize Rush as thoroughly as they did Newt and Sarah Palin.
While the Democrats may rant and rave about Connectives/ Republicans, the real issue is that they can’t hold their own party together. They know deep down that they made a big boo-boo in electing Obama.
But if they never apologize–publicly–or if they merely claim they’ve been “unable to verify” statements which Rush, even if he didn’t MAKE them, certainly THOUGHT (you KNOW how he IS!), then those who’ve been convinced that Rush is unworthy will never realize how thoroughly dishonest The Left is, and how the public has been brainwashed.

I soooo want Rush to sue the pants off every last one of them, in a battle fought publicly. George W. Bush was NOT a fighter. Our Republican legislators are NOT fighters. It may be because they don't know how to LIE like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and the rest including Obama.. I hope Rush IS a fighter. Boy, I’m looking forward to Rush on Monday when he calls that old race-baiters bluff. it’s really is time to fight back against these types of lowlife race-baiters.

Beth said...

While you are on the topic of blasting Rush Limbaugh lets take a look at our dear president Berack Obama and HIS beliefs.

How can you make hatred (particularly racial hatred) institutionalized and acceptable. The Klu Klux Klan did it in portions of the South and of course in the State of West Virginia, where Senator Robert Byrd (a Democrat and ranking Senator in the US Senate) served as Exalted Cyclops.

Senator Byrd said he had joined the Klan because he felt it offered excitement and was anti-communist. However, in 1946 or 1947 he wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation." (Wikipedia)

I suspect it's ok for a Democrat, particularly a powerful though presently senile Democrat to serve despite his violent racist background.

But we're talking about Black Liberation Theology, the faith of Barack Hussein Obama (when he's not being a Black Muslim) here, not the racist Klan - aren't we?

Yes and no, we're talking about legitimizing racial hatred through institutionalized religion - - time to discuss the black version of the KKK - which is also the faith of the Reverend Jessie Jackson and his buddy Al Shapton, both are famous professional racial agitators.

How and where does the President of the United States fit in here?
According to James H. Cone who developed what would be called Black Liberation Theology it came out of the "need for black people to define the scope and meaning of black existence in a white society", and emerged in the last two decades in the wave of liberation movements as an expression of "black consciousness". Again: (Wikipedia)

Does that smack of racism to you? Just a little?

All religion has some ties to salvation - and vindication of right and wrong, doesn't it? Certainly Christianity does as does Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc. How is this central concept handled in Black Liberation Theology - the "Christian" faith of Barack Hussein Obama and his mentor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright?

Salvation is freedom from the oppression and pertains to blacks in this life. Proponents of black theology are concerned specifically with the political and theological aspects of salvation more than the spiritual. In other words, salvation is physically liberation from white oppression, or "The white enemy" (Cone) rather than freedom from the sinful nature and acts of each individual person. Presenting heaven as a reward for following Christ is seen as an attempt to dissuade blacks from the goal of real liberation of their whole persons. Again: (Wikipedia)

Do you see anything that smacks of racial hatred there? Barack Hussein Obama attended a church that preached this as its principal doctrine for over twenty years.
Surely since Barack Hussein Obama is a follower of Jesus Christ, his faith would deal with issues pertaining to Christ, wouldn't it?
It was not until I saw the uneven polling of American blacks, 97% supported OJ Simpson during his trial. Evidence be damned. Is that not racism.

And the 96% of the blacks who voted FOR Obama because he is black. Is that also not racism?

Posted by Beth to TRUTH SHALL RULE at October 18, 2009 6:27 AM

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It appears you accidentally deleted your comments Beth. I took the liberty of reposting them for you my friend. I would hate for anyone to think I would deny your right to free speech on my humble blog.

Glad I could help you out.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"...the two biggest racists in America who caused the NFL to drop Rush as an investor: Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton."

Um, no.

The NFL commissioner, Godell, the owners, and the players made the determination. Jackson and Sharpton do not own or are they part owners of any team in the NFL, they do not play in the NFL, and they do not work for the commissioner. They had no vote.

And the above-named NFL people are solely responsible for the outcome.

This was a business decision. Trying to blame it on Black politicians, ministers, liberals, or even President Obama isn't going to work because everyone, except Limbaugh's rabid fans knows the truth.

Limbaugh needs to stop acting like a child and take his well-deserved [IMHO] rejection like a man.

Mike said...

Eugene Robinson hits the mark: Limbaugh has nothing to complain about

Mike said...

Link doesn't work. Robinson's column can be found here:

Some good advice said...

This is the very first and the very last time I have visited this Stupid site.
I found you blog to be so very stupid that it was really a joke.
Not only are you a OBAMA koolaide drinker but you seem to be one of his zombies.

Ron Russell said...

What garbage! The Black Racist Pimps (Sharpton & Jackson) weigh in again against the right..

I love reading the lefty blog that are blasting Glenn Beck these days.. Only because they make me laugh so hard.

It's time for these people grow up . Both Rush and Glenn Beck are the highest rated shows on radio and TV, all of their books are best sellers, and he packs auditoriums. They aren't going anywhere. If you don't like them, don't watch them.
Or is it that they just can't take the truth!

TAFKATA said...

The truth is that this is the best blog in the entire blogosphere. Keep up the good work Trut and if you need me, I'll be there.

Laughing My Freaken Ass Off said...

TAFKATA said...

The truth is that this is the best blog in the entire blogosphere. Keep up the good work Trut and if you need me, I'll be there.

Who or What is "Trut" LMAO

(just look over your shoulders, honey - oo)

Ill be there, Ill be there, whenever you need me, Ill be there
Dont you know, baby, yeah yeah

Ill be there, Ill be there, just call my name, Ill be there...

Ardeagold said...

The problem is that you have yet to sees the light. Rush & Glenn have researched these the Obama administration more than anyone eles. The double standard is beyond belief.The democratic party,it is sad to say,is nothing but an extension of the Federal Government.The imbalance of power will cripple our freedoms.Obama is perfect for our times.But believe me the greatest generation is yet to come in 2012 when these thugs will be driven out of office..
I'd rather listen to Beck and Limbaugh then Blame America First Idots like Obermann, and Chris Matthews.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I thought you righties were for personal responsiblity. Yet you hypocritically claim that nothing is our fault.

Do you extremist acolytes of Limabaugh and Beck have an original thought in your heads?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Administrator: this crop of righties is tame here. I rarely delete posters like this andrea whatever it calls itself or the LMAO clown, because I think it's more important for the blog world to witness their idiocy.

Satyavati devi dasi said...

Is anyone debating the fact that Rush Limbaugh made derogatory comments about Donovan McNabb on ESPN, alleging that the media was 'desirous that a black quarterback should do well', thus implying that he really wasn't talented?

Is anyone trying to say he didn't say this?

I saw it. It's the reason he left ESPN: yet another hateful, divisive, incendiary comment.

Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck for that matter, consider themselves entertainers. They've both said it in interviews. They're inflammatory because emptyheaded sheeple go for that kind of thing, and given the amount of sheeple in this country, that's a lot of people sucking up the riot-inducing propaganda. This, of course, translates into advertising revenue, and therefore, more money for Rush and Beck.

Don't people see they're being played for ratings and money by self-stated entertainers who don't believe themselves that they should be taken seriously?

It's like a giant version of War of the Worlds, where a made-up story plays on people's fears and incites hysteria, in the end over nothing.

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