Sunday, October 25, 2009


Being the capitalist that I am, I can truly appreciate a business focusing it's marketing on a particular demographic.
Much like the NBA focuses it's marketing on young males. Or property insurance companies focus their marketing efforts on older people because they file fewer claims, our friends at FOX News focus their marketing and programing on it's favored demographic of bigots, homophobes and idiots.
That FOX does this is laissez faire capitalism at it's best. Who cares that a major media outlet is giving a voice to crackpots and those that pander and rile them up as long as ratings are good and Rupert Murdoch and friends are making money.
That FOX has learned to exploit the closed minded, backward thinking beliefs of a certain portion of America has not gone unnoticed. MSNBC and CNN have a few right leaning, (Lou Dobbs labels himself independent. He is working hard to make the word "independent" synonymous with "anti Latin American asshole.")
MSNBC in particular has taken a liberal bent. But where MSNBC fails in the ratings game is that it's two "stars" don't speak the language of moronity. If Beck, O'Reilly, Hannity and Limbaugh teamed up against Rachel Maddow in a debate she would kick hell out of these simple minded fools. But that is where the business model of MSNBC falls short in terms of loyal viewers.
People of progressive views are by nature, just plain smarter and whether the right likes it or not, far more cynical and pragmatic in their approach to issues than the right. The righties have a psychotic need to be reminded over and over of silly catch phrases like "less government" and "lower taxes" and a few other bullshit phrases that they will listen to right wing propagandists for hours a day.
Those of us on the left are smart enough and comfortable enough to not need constant propaganda to keep us from actually thinking for ourselves. When we do watch Olberman or Maddow, it's for information, not reaffirmation of a deluded view.
One of the righties has taken the baton from the Right is Right Lady, and has been leaving comments all over the place ordering righties not to read mine, Shaw's and other progressive blogs. But he/she demands you keep listening to Rush and the rest of the cabal of right wing propagandists. A few righties then follow up to these orders by commenting their agreement.
The rank and file righties obey. Now check your emails my right leaning friends. Glen Beck is do for another mass mailing telling you what tea party you have to attend next.


TOM said...

One common complaint about Democrats, is that if they were more of a "team" party like the Republicans, they could pass more legislation.
The trouble with the health care legislation is not the block opposition from the Republicans, but the disagreements within the Democratic party.
I'm glad the Democrats are not robot like idealists and in sync together - right or wrong no matter how stupid the position, as Republicans always are.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I admire your ability to write posts that use the same marketing system as those of Fox. Your strategy of using an insult to make your point is in full throat in this post. That's what brings me back to read what you have to say. I don't agree with a lot of what you have to say, but you put it out there.

As for Maddow and Olbermann, I watched them a couple of times. I can't testify for Maddow's intelligence, but she should really put it on display more. She tries to play herself as an intellectual alternative to the stupid, reactionary right, but she really doesn't bring it off, because she descends into bitter, name-calling.

Olbermann was an entertaining anchor on ESPN. What's happened since then is anybody's guess. His schtick is wearing thin and the viewers have rendered their judgement on he and Maddow. Capitalism has spoken.

As for FOX, the number of viewers they have attracted means one of two things. Either a lot of the people like their product or by your thesis, the country is filled with homophobe, bigots who really just like to have their crank turned.

I watch FOX and I wouldn't put myself in the categories you described here. For example, I really think that "Don't ask, don't tell" is one of the stupidest policies ever devised by government, although that is really redundant.

Government is ill-equipped to take on social problems. By its very nature government is a one-size-fits-all entity. It cannot respond effectively in a personal one-on-one basis. Government is a collectivist entity and collectivism doesn't work, history proves that.

Good day, sir.

QueenOfHearts said...

Here we go again, the Dems, once again, trying to destroy our country and you jerkoffs blame the messenger. Rush and Glenn are not the Enemy stupid.

Obama and his Crooked Clan are ruining this country. All you morons who are citing long ago history regarding the CIA, are imbisiles. We were attacked and americans were killed. I hope you don't all have family at the next ground Zero then I want you to praise Obama and his lackies.. Let the Taliban behead your family and friends and then let's hear your pathetic whine.....your just another example that the the US got to rich to quick and a generation of alienated spoiled brats emerged to poison our country..i.e. boomers. Unfortunately the rest of us will have to pay the price....

TAO said...

"Government is a collectivist entity and collectivism doesn't work, history proves that."

LAOT, please don't tell me you actually said this! Please!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I like the team concept LAOT. A representative government made up of people from all walks of life.

I'm confused about the "collectivism" you fear. As I said, I am a big time capitalist. maybe not as asuccessful as TAO at it, but nonetheless.

I see no reason representative government can't protect the capitalist interests of all of us while protecting our rights to pursue happiness also. That's part of it.

I think we're in agreement on the Democrats inability to act as one party Tom. I see it locally and while a good independent streak is nice, there comes a time when unity in order to achieve a purpose is better than a few "rogues" trying to make a name for themselves.

Health insurance reform is a goal worthy of stepping on some toes and keeping the troops in line. Or Obama goes to work and we fill the disloyal seats with people that believe in Democratic ideals.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I said it. We have a fairly lengthy record from which to learn. Socialism and communism are collectivism on steroids and the record really isn't too good. In fact, it's abysmal.

I hope you aren't going to say that they just haven't been implemented correctly. They've been implemented in every concievable way and the track record isn't good.

TAO said...

No, I just never ever heard anyone call government a collectivism...

So, if government is an evil then what other options do we have for living with each other?

Besides, communism, socialism, and capitalism are Economic systems not governmental systems.

Governmental systems would be things like Kings, tribes, oliarchies, democracies, and authoritarian regimes...all of which are the antithesis to anarachy and or a state of nature...

Never heard of government being called a collectivism....

TOM said...

Truth 101 said,

"Health insurance reform is a goal worthy of stepping on some toes and keeping the troops in line."

I agree 100%, except I don't like the plans coming out of Congress. I'm for single payer, and getting the costs off the backs of our employers.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm single payer also Tom. Looks like we'll have to go through this current argument on the way there. Seems like a big waste of time but it is what it is.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"She tries to play herself as an intellectual alternative to the stupid, reactionary right, but she really doesn't bring it off, because she descends into bitter, name-calling."--LaOT

I watch Rachel often, but not every night, and I cannot remember her being "bitter" or have I ever heard her call anyone a name. Could you direct me to one of her programs where she did this? I'm surprised to hear this accusation.

She does mock stupidity, for sure, but, IMHO, that is a humorous way of dealing with it, and not in any way "bitter."

In any event, I would take opinions and reporting by a person who put in the time and effort to educate herself, learning critical thinking skills, and earning a Ph.D., more seriously than the likes of Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh, who all managed to only graduate from high school--"although it couldn't have been easy for them..."

They all make a living by being cartoon-characters and clowns.

Just recently, we saw how much thought goes into a Limbaugh show, when he was ranting on a story about Mr. Obama's college thesis. Even when he learned later in the same broadcast that it was definitely a hoax; instead of apologizing to his audience for wasting their time on the rubbish, he said it didn't matter if it was an untrue story because he KNEW Mr. Obama thought that way.

[In addition to all of Rush's talents, we now know he can read the president's most intimate thoughts! This information came from the clown who just minutes before making that remarkable claim, fell, hook, line, and sinker, for an easily refuted HOAX! LOL!)

This is one small example of the utter dishonesty and rampant egotistical trumpery that passes as political discourse on his comedy show.

You may not like Rachel, but I have heard her quickly and forthrightly admit mistakes and errors made on her show.

BTW, TRUTH, I am grateful to RiR for telling her loyal followers to never come to my blog. It is infinitely more peaceful now that the crazies have permanently left.

Leslie Parsley said...

Well, I'm glad you posted this. I commented on another blog that what bothers me most of all is the MSM's support of Fox. Where in hell is their integrity? Journalists of days gone by would report the news about Fox but would analysize and put in perspective their lies and twists.

I do enjoy your blog but wish people would stop with the name calling. Like cussing, it shows a low level of intelligence and English grammar. I find this mostly in the posts from the righties.

Patrick M said...

I love it. You always manage to assume that the GOP is a monolithic amalgamation of "bigots, homophobes and idiots" that will march in mindless lockstep behind their fearless leader (probably Rush), and have banned every news channel but Fox News from their TV so their children don't get polluted with infidel ideas (like QueenofHearts, for example). Meanwhile, you describe the Dems as a fractured mess that can't get shit done (amen to that) because their "progressive" views mean they think for themselves.

That almost sounds like something I'd say if you flipped the parties and I functioned on assumptions alone.

Actually, I'd love it if the "bigots, homophobes and idiots" were actually a unified mass rather than a tiny, idiotic fraction of the GOP, which is all over the damned map as well.

Then with a unified and focused party (which would undoubtedly be conservative (requiring thought rather than delusion)), we wouldn't be suffering through the worst part (so far) of the Bush/Obama mess.

Also, FYI, my local radio station just announced they're adding Glenn Beck. Guess that means I can be a "teabagger" now.

Leslie: I do enjoy your blog but wish people would stop with the name calling. Like cussing, it shows a low level of intelligence and English grammar. I find this mostly in the posts from the righties.

I'm guessing you didn't write this in the comment section of this post with a straight face. If you did, let me know so I can laugh harder. :)

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You deny that the the republicans direct their message to bigots, homophobes and idiots Patrick?

Patrick M said...

You deny that the the republicans direct their message to bigots, homophobes and idiots Patrick?

Damn straight I do (on the first 2/3). But I'll be specific. And I'll admit up front there are always vile exceptions that need to be purged from the party.

In general, the GOP doesn't give a damn about race in general. It's not how people are assessed. It depends on the issues. It's the Democrats that have carried on incessantly about the race, sex, etc of the people running, ostensibly to highlight and help the minorities. But the pigeonholing of people by race, class, sex, is a form of bigotry in itself.

As for the homophobia, disagreeing with the political agendas of the homosexual community is not a fear of the lifestyle. While this movement is mostly in the social conservative circles, decent people (who consider the act of homosexuality a sin) follow the philosophy of "hate the sin, love the sinner." And while I disagree with them, I can respect that.

As for the idiots, come on. Both parties have a certain amount of idiot outreach. An example: Democrats bus in idiots to vote for their candidates. Another example: the Obama voters post-voting that didn't know anythign about Washington other than that the GOP was in charge of Congress (they weren't) and couldn't differentiate between the candidates' positions. Shall i go into the focus group work that produced the meaningless "change we can believe in" line?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

So the republican party's support of the ridiculously stupid "don't ask, don't tell" and opposition to hate crimes legislation is not pandering to bigots and homophobes?

Do tell us what that is Patrick.

Patrick M said...

No it's not.

And if you can't tell between political wrangling and pandering to bigots (an I know you can't because we're having this discussion) nothing I say is going to explain it to you.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Apparently you can't tell the difference between blind loyalty and truth Patrick.

Just like all those FOX sponsored Tea Parties. Nothing but right wing schills and republican office holders making speeches to backward thinking fools that wanted to hear simple minded catch phrases.

My favorite sign said "Tell governemtn to keep it's hands off my Medicare."

These are you people Patrick. Go forth and tell them the rich need another tax cut to get us out of debt.

Law and Order Teacher said...

As always thanks for your replies. As collectivism is understood it is a philosophy of government. I therefore, didn't call it a collective I said it was a collective entity with collective being an adjective.

Government by its very nature must collect its services in order to dispense its services. The police, fire, military, street maintenance etc., are all dispensed by a government entity, hopefully supervised by an elected body.

By its very nature government is invested with a lot of power. That alone makes it necessary to keep watch over government should the power be abused by some unscrupulous individuals. The founding fathers rightfully were very suspicious of government. As am I.

I knew that communism and socialism are economic systems, but thanks for the information.

I have never considered government to be an evil. I consider government to be necessary to dispense certain services enumerated in the constitution.

When the government decides to walk outside these boundries we should all be vigilant and question the actions of the government. The elastic clause has certainly been stretched to its breaking point throughout our history.

At times those in government need to be reminded that their power resides in the consent of the governed. Thanks again for your reply.

Bitterness is in the eye of the beholder, therefore arguing a perception is an exercise in futility. As for providing examples, I don't make a habit of logging my viewing of TV shows. I take what entertainment value I can from what I watch and I move onto another pursuit.

I never questioned Maddow's intelligence, I stated my opinion that she sometimes descended into bitter prose. Sorry, that's my opinion. As for her academic credentials they are admirable.

I tend not to take most academic credentials overly seriously. A bunch of initials behind your name is scant evidence of common sense and intelligence. I've met many people in my life who have demonstrated by their life that they are infinitely more intelligent than many of the professors I had in college.

As for Hannity, Limbaugh, and Beck, I don't take my marching orders from entertainers and that's what they are.

Thanks for your reply.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I think we've been through this before LAOT. I also think we agreed that it's not government or unions or guns that are evil and corrupt. It's some of the people that gain control of them. I wholeheartedly join you in your enmity for the scum that uses their positions of control for their own gain and not the benefit of those they are supposed to represent pr protect.

As always, you add much to the conversation LAOT. Thanks for your visits.

Patrick M said...

101: My favorite sign said "Tell governemtn to keep it's hands off my Medicare."

One of my faves too. I'm guessing the misspelling is verbatim from said sign.

Remember what I was saying about idiots?

And I prefer facts to "truth" any day. "Truth" depends on point of view and the ability to bullshit.

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