Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I've been blogging all over about the right's unwillingness to sacrifice a few more dollars in taxes in order to successfully transform Iraq and Afghanistan into republics that respect human rights. Not that the righties would ever do anything like offer to pay for things when borrowing has worked so well for them since President Reagan's time in office.
That led me to one of the great ironies of our time. The last Republican I can think of that actually was fiscally responsible was President Nixon. While we all remember Cheney saying "deficits don't matter." And Reagan's massive redistribution of wealth to the wealthiest with his trickle down nonsense, it was Richard Nixon who said "Do whatever it takes. As long as it doesn't cost any money."
Nixon embodied what every Republican can only dream of. A twisted form of honest dishonesty. I for one say lets carve his face on Mt. Rushmore. As long as it doesn't cost anything.


TAO said...

We could get rich by charging a buck to ski off his nose...

Dave Miller said...

TAO, great idea.

Truth, he was a pretty sharp guy, nose not withstanding, even if you didn't agree with him.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I don't think Nixon's intelligence was ever questioned. Too bad intelligence and integrity couldn't coexist in Nixon's psyche.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Did you see his fucking Tax Rate! What a fucking Commie that Nixon was...

Carolina Kat said...

The thick-headed nincompoops on the left see nothing wrong with what Letterman or Polansky did.... I am so sick of the Left being so pompous and asinine and thick headed that I give up.
What has become of this country that I once knew as being so fine and moral?

Where did we go wrong? How did the left take charge and bring us down of fast and so much?

When people like our leaders such as Charlie Rangel, and our Secretary of the Treasury who failed to pay their own taxes.

Yes, ... Despite Tax Problems, Timothy Geithner was nominated by Obama and Confirmed By the Senate

How are our children supposed to learn right from wrong?

And this blogger has the unmitigated gaul to talk about Richard Nixon.

Grung_e_Gene said...

Total bullshit from Carolina Kat! Tax Problems? The Right be all in favor of Tax Resisters in the Obama Cabinet.

Keeping More of Your Money is the whole Kit & Caboodle of the Right. And since all Taxes are theft, Geitner is morally free to resist an unlawful tax through whatever means possible. That's all Geitner did...

Geitner's problem is that he is controlled by the Corporate Socialists who run the Punk Ass Bitch Republican Party and demand to have middle class taxpayers take their losses while they privatize their profits.

As far as Polanski, he should be tried and when convicted face the punishment.

Right Wing Cowardly Chicken Hawk Punk Ass Bitches like to claim they know morality but they only apply morality to Democrats and engage in Special Pleading for themselves.

Just like they like to claim they support America... Punk Ass Bitch Conservatives only Support America when they are in charge and are using the power of the Federal Government to kill and steal.

skschmidt said...

Great blog Truth101. Nice mix of sane and insane.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Thanks for the kudo Scott. Actually I'm hoping the more "colorful" posters (Me included in my more Nihilistic moods) would clean it up some. I want dialogue with everyone here.

I love you all...

Shaw Kenawe said...

CAROLINA KAT typed: "The thick-headed nincompoops on the left see nothing wrong with what Letterman or Polansky did...."

WRong. SOME are excusing the inexcusable, but many, many condemn child rape. Including me.

Letterman apparently had sex with women on his staff. So did Ensign, were you just as disgusted? This sort of thing happens all the time. With Righties and Lefties. Or do you live in an alternate universe where nothing like this happens?

"I am so sick of the Left being so pompous and asinine and thick headed that I give up.
What has become of this country that I once knew as being so fine and moral?"

Ask Bristol Palin.*

*This remark was made not to mock Sarah Palin's daughter. Out-of-wedlock children happen in the best of families. That's life.

I'm just pointing out to the hysterical Carolina Kat that sexual misconduct and moral failings happen to EVERYONE. This commenter needs to calm down and understand that these are HUMAN failings, not DEMOCRATIC or REPUBLICAN.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I rarely watch Letterman cause I never thought he was that funny. His sex looks like another average to below average celebrity getting laid cause he was a celebrity. Takes two to tango. And his partners could have blown, oops. Bad choice of words. His partners could have ratted him out long ago and wrote books or been on reality TV for lots of money.

Bristol Palin? We're still talking about that young girl who had the same hormones as all young girls. Except the ones I dated anyway. Dangit.

Carolina Kat said...

Oh yeah! It's always about Nixon!!.. Why not bring up that imbecile Jimmy Carter? Jimmy Carter said that Joe Wilson's "You lie!" outburst last week was "based on racism" and that demonstrators that are against Obama's Health Care Reform are rooted in bigotry. You've got to be kidding me, right? Anyone that thinks it's about race has no clue, We are concerned about our country and the policies that our current administration is trying to shove down our throats.

When a "liberal" has nothing, they use the race card. I have read countless blogs and not once have I encountered a conservative blogger bringing up the "race" card.

We don't like Obama and what he stands for, it has nothing to do with his "race".

We believe he is a socialist and he is doing great harm to our country.

We weren't the ones standing in lines and making comments on TV that "we are going to make history by voting in the first black president".

We didn't care about his race! We cared about his politics! Well congratulations, you made history, you voted in your "socialist" !!!

The only "race" involved is, the race to save our country! That's why we have our running shoes on and we protest what we believe will ruin our country.
But all you people can think about is bringing out the worst of the lot.

Well I'll take Richard Nixon over Jimmy Carter and you can throw in Barack Obama with him and you still won't have a man 1/2 as good as Richard Nixon.

Why not do your next post about that Cigar Pusher Bubba Klinton?

The Malcontent said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Thanks for the fine satiric rant Kat. Although it reeked of racism, I found it amusing.

Aleks said...

Bob Dole is an honorable guy. I can't think of a major Republican figure I respect who wasn't born before 1923 or didn't retire before 1997 though.