Tuesday, October 27, 2009


It has always struck me as odd that the party of the evangelical, God fearing moral majority is run by such complete, backward thinking, deluded, angry fools.
A woman was denied health insurance because she was raped and had to take anti HIV drugs and go to counseling. Another woman was gang raped and 30 U.S. Senators voted against her being able to have her day in court. What in the name of Christ is so moral and evangelical about denying health insurance or a day in court to a victim of rape? Are there any righties out there that can honestly answer this?
Of course there aren't. We will get the same nonsensical talking point crap about freedom and flags and families and personal responsibility and socialism. But not one will give the honest answer that those that run the republican party are only interested in the keeping the profits of their supporters protected at all costs. Despite how many women get raped.
The big deal now is whether or not Republican Senator Olympia Snowe will vote for the health insurance bill being crafted now. She said she was "deeply disappointed" that the bill would include a public option. I guess this two faced piece of crap, THAT'S RIGHT OLYMPIA. YOU DON'T FOOL ME. YOU'RE TRYING TO PANDER TO EVERYONE AND IT'S BULLSHIT. She had her moment of the world revolving around her while she was playing like she was being bipartisan so Democrats would slobber all over her ass for her worthless vote on the Finance Committee.
Now that the moment of bigshottedness is over for her, she comes up with more garbage to keep herself in the limelight. How about being "deeply disappointed" that women were denied health insurance because they were raped Olympia. Perhaps you should be "deeply disappointed" that a woman was denied her day in court after being gang raped.
I don't know if it's anti health insurance Republican women or the men I should be madder at. I'm still old fashioned in that I think we males have a duty to respect and protect females. Common sense would indicate that protecting women from not only the vile act of rape, but then further rape at the hands of our justice and insurance system would be our duty.
You know, I'm going to go ahead and post this: the republicans remind me of the Taliban or the damn Saudis with their views on this. Denying health insurance and a day in court is no different than blaming the rape victim for being raped. Rape is not a choice. It's a crime. Could the republicans at least this once forget about corporate profits and do the right thing.


Mike said...

Can Republicans even momentarily forget about corporate profits?

No, they can't.

But then I guess you already knew that.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Whenever one slips up and says something like that, another republican comes along quickly to tell him/her to shut up. Then it's explained as a misunderstanding.

Satyavati devi dasi said...

You made a really good point: despite our cock-crowing (pun intended) about how we're the bastion of freedom for women, and how we go on and on about how other countries repress women, still in America you're punished for being a woman: if your husband or boyfriend beats you, it's a preexisting condition. If you're raped, you can't get a damn rape kit, you have to fight for a morning after pill, and you have a preexisting condition. You get gang raped at work, and your employer threatens to fire you for seeking justice.

Is a burqa really all that bad, compared to this?

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

Those 30 Senators must have been at the gang bang. Bastards.

Anonymous said...

The Right is Right lady is all over you and Shaw lately. She's really a nutjob.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

When the Kind and Gentle Right is Right lady realizes that half her disciples are the same person posting under different blog names, I wonder if she'll get mad and take another vacation.

In a way, I do appreciate her obsession with me though. Does an old man's ego some good that a chick with a hot profile pic is thinking of me.

Holte Ender said...

I do not think I can remember a time when our elected representatives are under so much pressure and scrutiny for decisions and votes, that a few years ago, nobody would have paid attention to for more than a day or two. Keep up the good work, everybody.

Kvatch said...

A few more months of this and the GOP may be back to 'permanent minority status'.

SE Fla. said...

Blogs make a bigger impact than you thinkTruth. We have to keep up the fightlike Holte says.

Ghost Dansing said...

you seem somewhat emotional about this Truth. is there anything i can do to help?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Democratic party loyalty and discipline are almost gone. It's as much to blame for things like national health care and getting our Soldiers out of Iraq and Afghanistan as Republican obstructionism GD. That pisses me off.

We're spending too much time sucking up to two faced jerk wads like Olympia Snowe than our own party members.

Anonymous said...

10/28/09 gas some 40 miles from West Quincy sells for 20 cents cheaper in the same state. WHY ?????

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Tookie and Gough will probably blame that on Mayor Spring also Anonymous3:12.

Or the righties that never heard of Tookie and Gough will blame Obama.