Well. Looks like the elitist bastards on the Nobel Prize Committee once again overlooked a true man of peace for the "Flavor of the Week."
Damn right I'm talking about this personal snub in favor of President Obama. It was TRUTH 101 that deserved this award and the money and prestige that goes with it! When has President Obama ever been called "Kind and Gentle 101"? Take that you Swedish bastards!
Who has called for higher taxes to pay for social programs?
Who leads the fight against misogynist religious fanatics?
Who is the calming voice that brings sanity Blogdom?
That's right! Good old TRUTH 101!
Where do Righties and Lefties from across America and the world go for civil discussion and rollicking good times? Not the freaking useless United Nations in New York for crying out loud. They gather here at the home of Truth, wisdom, kindness and gentleness.
On behalf of peace loving people everywhere, I accept the Nobel Peace Prize in absentia. I thank everyone that made this moment possible.
i did some research and it seems Rihanna won the prize in 2006.....
That's the way it is with these things GD. Kissinger wins one and what peace did he ever negotiate? Unless you can call a few day cease fire so we could get our guys out of Vietnam.
Albet Einstein, father of the atom bomb wins one also.
I won't be deterred though. The hand of peace s always extended to those that want to shake it. Perhaps the mean Right is Right lady will take me up on this.
Truth - I voted for you.
sue said...
Truth - I voted for you.
SUE, like always, you post is another waste of space.
Oh, the Professor of Life...
Nothing could possibly be devised that could prove the conservatives right...
Eight years after conservative world domination, conservative coalitions, and all the other crap and guess what...
Axis of evil still exists, Osama is still running around raising hell, the Taliban have a better control of Afghanistan than does your boy, Karzai, and you sunk the world economy...
Oh of course, you will whine yourself to death over the fact that Bush was not a real conservative, yeah, yeah, yeah...
Looks like your partnership with Pakistan really worked out...a bunch of thugs go in and take over military headquarters...which is probably why Obama doesn't want to tie up that many troops in Afghanistan because he got to keep a few ready to go into Pakistan.
Pumped billions into that failed state...
For all you rightwinger morons that are bitching about Pres. Obamas Healthcare bill.. Do you really think that the assfuck health insurance plan you have now is currently working?, That medicare system is tired and has failed miserably. You asswipes are telling us that arrogant douchebag racist Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck has convinced you to go and protest at your stupid little town-hall meetings and call the President a racist!. Beck of Schmeck is the biggest racist of them all.
I mean, we are talking about people who have meetings to plan meetings to plan a meeting to figure out how to plan a meeting to have a meeting! These are the same bunch of retarded fucking morons left over from the Bush administration who spend $500 on a hammer! $700 dollars on a toilet seat! These are the idiots who actually voted for and signed that porkbarrel pile of pigshit known as Contract with America. For God’s sake people, there is NOTHING on this planet the government can touch without assfucking it into oblivion, and you idiots who voted for George Bush. ANYONE who voted for him once or worse twice should not just be charged with treason and thrown out of the fucking country, The assholes folks of conservative talk radio have literally beaten this President death, All you conservative thinking fuckhead idiots out there who actually WATCH Jon and Kate ask yourself this simple question…. Under Obama Care- how would that make the insurance that you already have any worse? ? I am willing to bet that under the new “progressive” system- you would have just as good insurance but only cheaper.
Imagine, for a minute, that grandma has cancer and nearly broke. Well, let me help ya run the numbers on THAT scenario…. Gee, a nice old white lady who voted conservative her whole life, afraid the drugs, chemo and other treatment it would take to give her another 3 months on this rock would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and quite frankly, grandma under Obama’s care she would be helped FREE, unlike the mortgage you paid on your 2-bedroom house for 30 years) and is now in forclousure. But don’t worry, you go on and listen to those assholes on the radio and on TV. That will save grandma!
Sorry TAO … The Dems are warmongerers too. Obama will use the plight of the Afghani people to distract Americans from his domestic agenda.
This theory of your works only if one assumes that Osama Bin Laden (or Afghanistan) is more important than Iraq, a thesis that only people with little knowledge of history and geopolitics can defend. Iraq is infinitely more important than Afghanistan, from pretty much all viewpoints: militarily, strategically, culturally.
If Iraq becomes a USA ally, the USA will have turned a region with one ally (Israel) surrounded by enemies into a region with two enemies (Syria and Iran) surrounded by allies (Israel, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia).
If the USA indeed succeeds in creating a democracy in Iraq, it will have not only achieved a historical milestone (no Arab country has ever been democratic) but created a shock wave likely to perturn all the totalitarian regimes of the area and thus contribute to spread democracy in the Middle East (something that the western powers have never been able to achieve). In a recent poll, 71% of Iraqis said that they think life will be better than ever before: there is hope in Iraq, a marked contrast to the frustration of the other Arab peoples.
Iraq is the cultural cradle of the Muslim world (in fact, of the entire western world, since western civilization was born in Mesopotamia 5,000 years ago). The regime of Saddam Hussein marked a low point in the history of Iraq, but the new open society could mark a high point in its history.
Terrorism is certainly a problem, but one can strongly disagree with Bush's view that Osama Bin Laden (who killed 4,000 people in his entire career) is a more serious problem than totalitarian regimes that have caused the deaths of millions of people. It's like focusing on a capturing a shoplifter while a serial killer is still at large. Bin Laden could have easily struck on Disneyland or a shopping mall and killed even more people. Contrary to what the president is saying, Laden is obviously not interested in killing Americans for the sake of killing Americans. He always goes through very elaborate and risky plans in order to pull off attacks that cause relatively little damage (two embassies, one ship, two buildings). He has the capability to smuggle in toxic gases and kill thousands of people in a subway, or to blow up Disneyland on a crowded weekend day. It would have been a lot easier to plant a bomb in Disneyland than to train suicide terrorists for flying Boeing aircrafts, figure out which flights to hijack and how to fly them into the World Trade Center. Bin Laden is obviously not interested in US civilians. He is after the symbols of American might, which is, after all, the thing he truly resents. He only wants to fuel hatred for Americans. He knows that he can say anything he wants, regardless of if it is accurate or not. He can tell outright lies and people will believe what he says. The war is not about big companies. He knows that. He is a madman who only wants to kill Americans. That is why were are at war.
I personally don’t believe that Bin Laden is still alive. If he’s still alive today, he’d be the first patient in history to survive in the harsh condition of Afghanistan while toting around a mobile kidney dialysis machine. That’s just too ludicrous
And another thing Tao...Bush and Cheney were criticized heavily by liberal critics for being unable to capture Osama Bin Laden. Why is the same invective not being hurled at the Obama administration which seems so gung-ho on pursuing the war in Afghanistan?
I'll tell you why. It's because Osama Bin Laden is not the issue any more. The problem is the TALIBAN. Can the Obama/Gates team defeat the Taliban? Well that remains to be seen. But I for one think that now that he has won the Nobel Prize, he's going to become another "peace nick" and forget our boys in the trenches.
How about taking our country in the right direction before he sticks his nose in other countries direction and becoming the President of the world.. .Where are all the jobs and what about standing beside our military instead of deserting them and leaving them to die when his own General has told him they are desperately needed. . Oh I forgot he has more important things to do campaigning for the Olympics and taking the Mrs. out to dinner.
And while we are the subject of the Nobel Peace prize, let me say that unfortunately the whole Nobel ritual has largely become a means to reward and legitimize those who play the game, and the recent contemptuous slap by the Olympic Committee was a lot nearer the naked truth. This award might better be called the Nobel Irony prize because Barack Obama despises America and his only real interests are Marxism and globalist rule. This whole Nobel manipulation would be shocking if it were not so comically easy to see thru, and like so many things concerning the Obama administration, it leaves us laughing and crying at the same time.
Nobel Peace Prize indeed! I’ll bet that America's unemployed are cheering about that this morning. Obama has done as much for them as he's done for peace. Don’t you think?
U.S. Allies....
Truth, you've done about as much for world peace as Obama has, so I agree that you should have the prize.
As usual, Tom the Redhunter gives the right a rational voice.
Professor: while some on my side are happy President Obama won the prize, most of us still wonder why. It may be the Committee's way of encouraging Obama to pursue peaceful solutions to world problems. Maybe they're pandering to celebrity. Who really knows.
Her's the thing though. A way other than the Bush "with us or against us" approach was neeeded. it's going to take time to work. And if things eventually come down to bombings or invasions, I'm glad to know our bases will be covered. We will act based on solid evidence and not just because we think they're bad guys.
President Bush promised a humble foreign policy. He failed on his promise. I'm glad we're trying it for real under President Obama. Iran and the other evil doers will still be there if it comes down to bombs instead of negotiation. Be patient.
This was the email sent by President Obama regarding his Nobel Peace Prize:
This morning, Michelle and I awoke to some surprising and humbling news. At 6 a.m., we received word that I'd been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009.
To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize -- men and women who've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.
But I also know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes.
That is why I've said that I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations and all peoples to confront the common challenges of the 21st century. These challenges won't all be met during my presidency, or even my lifetime. But I know these challenges can be met so long as it's recognized that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone.
This award -- and the call to action that comes with it -- does not belong simply to me or my administration; it belongs to all people around the world who have fought for justice and for peace. And most of all, it belongs to you, the men and women of America, who have dared to hope and have worked so hard to make our world a little better.
So today we humbly recommit to the important work that we've begun together. I'm grateful that you've stood with me thus far, and I'm honored to continue our vital work in the years to come.
Thank you,
President Barack Obama
The best analysis I have seen so far is Rush when he said that the committee was rewarding Obama for gutting the US as a super power
The Nobel Peace Prize just told Obama, Look, we love what you're doing, you are destroying your country as a superpower. Keep it up, bud
Hi Truth101, thought I'd check back in to see if the lunacy had continued...
Yep...Right wing fringer heads are still exploding...lol...
I'm just sitting back with my Starbucks enjoying reading the wingnuts' comments and happily imagining their pointy little heads imploding this morning. What a great start to my weekend.
I knew that these knuckle-dragging Neanderthals, Birchers and Birthers were going to spin this. You conservatives gotta stop watching Rush and beck so much... your heads are filled with lies and imaginations.
Until the jealous bastards on the right known as conservatives start realizing that their behavior is irrational and mean spirited; at that Americans by and large are smart enough to realize it, the GOP will forever be the minority party. We don't need leadership that pooh poohs America at every turn, or deep down hopes for the demise of our great nation all because the guy that they didnt vote for won. You douchebags should be ashamed of your ignorance! I'm going to give you some advice. Don't hold your breath waiting for President Obama to fail. He's going to get most of his agenda through congress. You will soon see just how intelligent he is when we get an insurance reform bill with a public option! Like it our not, you are just going to have to suck it up, the fact is that our President was just awarded one of the most prestigious awards in the world. You are all incapable of evaluating anything Obama does, or the democratic party. Your twisted little "rushbot" steel trap minds can only process negative statements, which you vomit back on politico and anywhere else you can find.
Since you and your pathetic stars and bars vision for the country was dismissed in the last election, you just keep on as though the GOP did not run our country into the ditch, as though your steaming piles of dung are not having to be cleaned up by all of us.
The prize is but one reminder of how relieved the world is to be rid of the GOP mind set!.
Obama has faced the worst piles of elephant dung laid by the GOP since FDR walked into a similar mess in 1932, yet your limp-wristed, childish, and ineffective taunts are as impotent as most of the tough talking gun toting neocon boobs who call Obama a "socialist". So you all can take your pathetic theories and stick it where the sun don’t shine.
And lets face it, had Bush won you Wingnuts would be beside your self with joy.
You think Bill Clinton shoulda won the nobel "piece" prize Truther?
anonymous - as always, your writing shows your ignorance.
May I be among the first to wish you a Happy Columbus Day.
I think.
First off Prof, you messed up on a couple of things...
The cradle of the MUSLIM world is Mecca, which is in Saudi Arabia.
In regards to this, "If Iraq becomes a USA ally, the USA will have turned a region with one ally (Israel) surrounded by enemies into a region with two enemies (Syria and Iran) surrounded by allies (Israel, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia)."
You jump from claiming that we only have one ally to then listing six. Explain how Iraq, which you never listed because the linch pin into turning Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, and Saudi into allies? You also forgot Jordan and Eqypt.
Then to this, "If the USA indeed succeeds in creating a democracy in Iraq, it will have not only achieved a historical milestone (no Arab country has ever been democratic) but created a shock wave likely to perturn all the totalitarian regimes of the area and thus contribute to spread democracy in the Middle East (something that the western powers have never been able to achieve)"
Then why not focus on turning Eqypt into a democracy or Saudi Arabia, or maybe Kuwaitt?
You basically have nothing but a theory looking for facts....
"...but one can strongly disagree with Bush's view that Osama Bin Laden (who killed 4,000 people in his entire career) is a more serious problem than totalitarian regimes that have caused the deaths of millions of people. It's like focusing on a capturing a shoplifter while a serial killer is still at large..."
So basically stopping Osama has never been our goal, or bring the terrorists to justice or stopping terrorism...or defending our country from further attacks...
Its actually all about turning a bunch of countries into little democracies? Glad to hear that....
So where in the constitution does it say that are government, our military is to go off exporting democracy and capitalism to all the other countries in the world?
Then of course you refute everything you say with this, "He (Osama) is a madman who only wants to kill Americans. That is why were are at war."
Once you figure out what Iraq and Afghanistan are all about PLEASE let us know....in the mean time we will probably be moving into Pakistan...
OH, and then deal with this, "How about taking our country in the right direction before he (Obama) sticks his nose in other countries direction and becoming the President of the world.."
Based upon your argument it seems that Bush and Cheney had dreams of being President of the world....
Truth, I assure you that I will send a nomination in for you by February 1, 2010...
So play nice....and stay focussed...
As a proud Knihilist of Columbus, I thanks you for your well wishes Shaw.
I would have deleted the anonymous idiot but I always look forward to the putdowns you deliver these clowns Sue. Good to hear from you and NapQueen again.
If nothing else TAO, I'll be kind, gentle and entertaining. Peace be with all of you.
I enjoy it. And yours is still the best blog around, truth.
sue said...
I enjoy it. And yours is still the best blog around, truth.
And I as always enjoy reading your posts Sue, as I do reading Alice in Wonderland, and The Wizard of Oz.
It's only a matter of time at the rate it is going that we won't have multiple parties... We'll become socialists and that will be that. That is the direction the country is headed under the leadership of Berack Obama..
The author of this blog should just give up on his spinning the Nobel Prize nonsense. Putting sensational headlines on a blog will not increase his readership. If you are going to try to stir up controversy, go to a rally and carry a sign. Everyone knows that this award was nothing but a farce and a stab at democracy as we know it. It was done to create the path for Obama to further his lack of leadership of our troops who are in harms way and desperately need further support. Now that Obama is “known” as a President of peace, who has won the prize of a peacenick, he will not escalate this war. And he will not listen to the Generals request, but will find a way to water it down. And that will lead to more Americans being killed in the battlefield. There is no question about it. If you thought that he was dragging his feet on moving more troops into Afghanistan, it will be even more so now.
In my opinion, Obama has declared war on the citizens of the US and its troops in the battle field. He is taking over businesses, confiscating private and public assets, closing businesses, etc., and putting off any major decision regarding our troops and their support (until after the Nobel Prize announcement! Because he already know of this) The man is a menace, not a prize winner.
There should be an investigation into who nominated him. But in case you didn't know this, the person that nominated him remains SECRET for 50 years. Does that tell you anything?
I think I have to agree, he will be a one term president with a list of failures.
Excellent post Proffessor.
I cannot believe that 1 second after Chi-town got rejected, the bimbos were out with the 'It's Bush's Fault" stories. But now that he got this Undeserved award... Well, the leftards are incapable of original thought about it.
this award is an indication that the rest of the world isn't thinking of Americans as a pack of bellicose idiots who elect Republicans to public office.... that in itself is very satisfying and worthy of much discussion.
Im not quite sure what you mean by the author of this blog spinning the nobel prize thingy Professor. I thought I was clear that I deserved the prize more than President Obama.
Your other complaints are also meritless Professor. As it stands now, President Obama is just continuing Bush's policies in Afgahnisatn. I have always been clear that there are two paths. Go all in. Raise the taxes to pay for a successful occupation and nation building. Or leave. So far, I think Tom the Redhunter is the only rightie that said he would be willing to pay higher taxes for this with the caveat that all new taxes go to the effort. A man of integrity he is. Would you commit to higher taxes to pay for what you want Professor? Or will you continue parrotting the silly right wing spin of tax cuts and spending cuts that will never happen. I remind of of the thousands of Tea Oartiers holding signs ordering government to keep it's hands off their socialist Medicare.
Frank Rich pretty much nails the "troops to Afghanistan" issue in his NYT commentary today. The fact is that despite bellicose Republican rhetoric throughout the Bush years, Republicans have been demonstrably inadequate in their Neocon-based strategic thinking.
Theodore Roosevelt famously said: "....quietly...big stick". Modern Republicans speak loudly, in a bellicose manner, yet walk around with their britches down around their ankles and the stick up their backside.... weak and strategically ineffective.
"Let’s be clear: Those who demanded that America divert its troops and treasure from Afghanistan to Iraq in 2002 and 2003 — when there was no Qaeda presence in Iraq — bear responsibility for the chaos in Afghanistan that ensued. Now they have the nerve to imperiously and tardily demand that America increase its 68,000-strong presence in Afghanistan to clean up their mess — even though the number of Qaeda insurgents there has dwindled to fewer than 100, according to the president’s national security adviser, Gen. James Jones.
But why let facts get in the way? Just as these hawks insisted that Iraq was “the central front in the war on terror” when the central front was Afghanistan, so they insist that Afghanistan is the central front now that it has migrated to Pakistan. When the day comes for them to anoint Pakistan as the central front, it will be proof positive that Al Qaeda has consolidated its hold on Somalia and Yemen."
Republican economic philosophy is just as flawed as their philosophy for Foreign Policy and war-making.
Frank Rich, NYT, 10 October 2009
by the way, TRUTH... understand what you a saying about Obama continuing Bush Policy in Afghanistan.
i don't think that is going to turn out to be exactly correct.
1. the administration is re-evaluating the strategy which of course would impact troop employment.
in the last two weeks we lost 9 troops at a forward operating base near the Pakistan border that was built in a valley surrounded by high-ground controlled by the Taliban.
i'm not sure what strategy that was supporting, but i doubt if it was Obama's.
2. Obama's policy on Afghanistan cannot be a complete parallel to Bush's because the conditions he is facing now in Afghanistan are totally different from those faced by Bush at any time (save maybe the last year) of his Presidency.
Bush de-emphasized Afghanistan; really wanted the war in Iraq to go much better so he could set his sights on Iran.
it wasn't until quite late that Bush's priority even shifted to Afghanistan, and that wasn't until it was grotesquely apparent to everybody that there was a great deal of unfinished business there that in fact had been exacerbated by his poor judgment leading to neglect.
also, Afghanistan required coalition cooperation that depended on international good-will that Dubya had squandered during his 8 years.
the Peace Prize to Obama suggests that condition, i.e. the potential for international cooperation and support for Afghanistan, Pakistan and the entire region of SWA has probably improved.
there will probably be significant improvements in the diplomatic and law enforcement components of a comprehensive policy by the US Government.
militarily, the strategy will probably turn to protecting the population from the insurgency and developing the Afghan armed forces.
i'm not saying that approach would require less troops. only that the employment of troops would probably be more effective than any strategy that attempts to control the extensive and porous mountain regions.
i do agree with your idea of forcing the Republicans to sign-on to tax increases for all this "war making", however.
personally, i think the Republicans deliberately broke the economy as part of their long-term "starve the beast" strategy.
essentially, if the United States of America would become an impoverished 3rd world country today, it would not matter to the top 1% of the U.S. population that has benefited for 30-40 years from Republican economics. nor would it hurt the Corporate interests involved.... they are transnational.
but that is a tangential theme.
of course i am being unfair to Dubya.... he has had some fantastic strategic impact in the region as a function of invading Iraq.
the unity of Persian and Arab Shia are at an all time high. by-and-large the entire endeavor has been just a win win win for Iran. a great achievement indeed.
luckily, the Iranian people may just take care of Persian theocracy for us.....
oh... i'm not fond of theocrats; Republican or Iranian.
TRUTH 101 said...
"Im not quite sure what you mean by the author of this blog spinning the nobel prize thingy Professor. I thought I was clear that I deserved the prize more than President Obama."
Correct you are, please accept my apologies. I had that post prepared to put onto someone else blog and I inserted it on yours in error. I was wrong in what I said, if you wish to delete it or alter it , please do.
Here's what I mean by continuing Bush policy in Afghanistan Ghost. Nothing is getting better. I know I preach patience. I also am a noted empathist. If my son is over there and all I worry every day that the Army Chaplain may be knocking on my door, I want something done now. I don't want to wait for the General to go on talk news selling his plan. Robert Gates selling his. All the useless pundits throwing in their two cents worth. Congress playing obstructionist games. The President having to formulate a response to winning a useless prize. The traditional pardoning of the turkey wil be coming up soon.
It's simple. Obama is Commander in Chief. Order Reid and Pelosi to take a vote in Congress. All in favor of raising taxes to pay for a real occupation and nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan say aye. Opposed? Then let the Blue Dogs and obstructionist republicans play their ignorant games on talk shows. President Obama orders our men and women home to protect our borders and ports.
And guess what. Russia, China and the world will then get on board with a real war on terror once we show them we tired of footing 90% of the bill.
Ghost Dansing..You are not only a conspiracy theorist but you are also nuts.
Have you ever seen a conspiracy theorist that was sane? I haven’t.
The best they can come up with is to attack Iraq. But they do not seem to realize that the Iraq war was still on. It was only in a state of cease fire due to an agreement that Saddam had been violating for 10 years. If Bush just wanted an excuse to go back into Iraq he could have done so anytime. Even without Congressional approval. Few seem to remember that, after 9/11, when Bush sent a resolution to the UN and notified them of our intent to resume hostilities with Iraq, the Democrats in Congress (then a minority) begged him to present a resolution to Congress just so they could go on record voting for it. You see, hard as it is to believe, even Democrats wanted to invade Iraq right after 9/11 and wanted the record to reflect that.
Finally and most importantly, if Bush and Cheney were so clever and deceitful and had so many willing operatives to pull off something like that, why didn't they bother to plant WMD in Iraq? That certainly would have been a lot easier yet it was never done.
Nah. I like much of what you say Professor. And we all need to be kept on our toes anyway.
Callmecat said:
"Democrats in Congress (then a minority) begged him to present a resolution to Congress just so they could go on record voting for it. You see, hard as it is to believe, even Democrats wanted to invade Iraq right after 9/11 and wanted the record to reflect that"
I'm not sure if that's exactly how it went down but for sure, members of both parties lined up to get their speeches bashing Saddam on TV. Many Democrats ran scared for fear of being labeled soft on terror by the Rove machine. They should be just as ashamed as any republican lawmaker that bought into the fraud sold by Bush and Cheney leading up to the Iraq invasion.
Thanks for the reminder Cat.
Let us not forget the issues of the day McChrystal was supposed to be in Washington to brief the president and his advisers this week, but he was told "don't come". Basically, don't call us, we'll call you at some point in the future we we have already decided what we are going to do".
Very sad day for America.
On the other hand Tapline, General McChrystal already told the media and anyone else within earshot he wanted more troops. What was he going to tell the President that he didn't already tell everyone else?
Tapline wrote: Basically, don't call us, we'll call you at some point in the future we we have already decided what we are going to do".
Very sad day for America.
Oh my yes very sad day when the Military can't tell the Civilian Government what to do. My goodness what temerity this Obama has to think he is in charge of the military. I'm willing to wager a kick to the balls Tapline you subscribe to the Newsmax proposal for the Military to Deal with the 'Obama Problem'.
Tapline, you are a Typical Republican, i.e. A Punk Ass Bitch...
Grung_e_Gene said...
“you are a Typical Republican, i.e. A Punk Ass Bitch..”
The filth that you posted only signifies how stupid, ignorant, vulgar, and uncouth you are . And the fact that you committed intellectual suicide by saying something that childish. I can only assume you grew up in the gutter and that your parents were absent when you needed their help. I can only assume that this is the kind of filthy mouthed MORONS that are attracted to the Obama administration.
Truth, you should be ashamed of yourself for allowing that post to be on your blog. I\Like it or not, agree with it or not, it reelects on you. It looks like your blog has sunk to a new low with the addition of this poster. You (Truth) may be highly entertained by his vocabulary, but I can assure you that most of the others won’t be.
I delete it then a bunch of tea partiers are crying "censorship!" Wordsmith.
It's your blog and your call Truth.
The Wordsmith: Your feigned outrage over being a typical Chicken Hawk Cowardly Conservative, is matched only by the childish hypocritical boorish and pathetic insults that greet any visitors to your blog. To wit the opening comment:
Mr. Obama from what you have been saying, it really appears you may hate this country... You really piss me off,
Further perusal of your blog shows you agree and wish you wrote the following:
to that idiot_professor,
You revealed to the world just how disgusting your character truly is.
but you really should stop smiling so much. It makes you look kind of dumb.
A person who blatantly engages in calling liberals names in every post. Oh Wordsmith, I understand It's Okay if Your a Conservative, Right?
From the inaccurate hypocritical cowardliness of your treasonous attacks on the President during wartime I can only assume you have an empty scrotum where your testicles once may have been...
My comments reflect on me and not TRUTH 101, my accurate assessment of Republicans and you are reflected by your own words.
I rest my case Truth.
Thank You Grung Genefor proving my point that you are a raving lunatic.
Now shuffle on to back your kindergarten activities.
As Wordsmith said: what else would you expect from a raving lunatic?
Could you show me where, on this blog, anyone, ANYONE, of the conservative persuasion has said anything that would make you address conservatives as you have? Or anyone that said any of the things to you that would make you say that to them?
Good work Truth in attracting pathetic people like this one.
My suggestion to you would be to dump him like a Hot Potato.
Or you will be getting plenty of slack from EVERYBODY!
callmecat "Ghost Dansing..You are not only a conspiracy theorist but you are also nuts."
nuts, perhaps.... however i've often had to struggle between assigning to that Republican administration deliberate malfeasance or profound incompetence. i think there is, with every Republican politician, an element of deliberate malfeasance simply because they are charlatans that don't actually believe government has a function. they think laissez faire economics just self-corrects and takes care of itself and government has no purpose other than filtering public monies into corporate profit margins.
given concepts within "movement conservatism" like "starve the beast" (look it up, see Grover Norquist) not only is it not surprising that failure of the omnipotent "free market" finance system required a raid on the U.S. Treasury (read Public Monies) to bail them out, it is similarly not surprising that a Republican administration embodying those values would conduct war without raising taxes. the goal is to make impoverished the government-by-and-for-the-people such that there can be no social programs nor effective regulation of the private sector. i think Grover said something like ".... government small enough to drown in a bathtub."
callmecat "Even without Congressional approval. Few seem to remember that, after 9/11, when Bush sent a resolution to the UN and notified them of our intent to resume hostilities with Iraq, the Democrats in Congress (then a minority) begged him to present a resolution to Congress just so they could go on record voting for it." ? Don't really recall that.
"In the summer of 2002, Bush approved $700 million worth of "preparatory tasks" in the Persian Gulf region such as upgrading airfields, bases, fuel pipelines and munitions storage depots to accommodate a massive U.S. troop deployment. The Bush administration funded the projects from a supplemental appropriations bill for the war in Afghanistan and old appropriations, keeping Congress unaware of the reprogramming of money and the eventual cost." "Bush Began to Plan War Three Months After 9/11" William Hamilton Washington Post Staff Writer Saturday, April 17, 2004; Page A01
certainly Congress (Republican and Democrat) wanted to be involved in any war stuff... it's their job. however, there is ample evidence that Dubya and the boys mislead Congress and the American People. One of the ways they did this was by systematically conflating 9/11 and Iraq in their rhetoric to the point that over 50% of the American People thought Saddam actually had something to do with 9/11.
Iraq and 9/11 were two different issues that had no linkage. Iraq was the expedient, low-hanging fruit. Iraq was never an imminent threat. interestingly, the Bush administration knew this and knew they actually had no casus belli on the basis of WMD. even if Iraq had had WMD, it wasn't an imminent threat, which was what was needed to go to war legally.
the Iraq strategy as the "central front" in the "war on terror" demonstrably addressed little of the concerns emanating from 9/11, for which we continue to suffer consequence.
just sayin'
by the way, if we were referring to the "resolution" allowing Dubya to use force, i suspect a quick historic read from the Congressional point of view might suggest intentions were to pressure Saddam into allowing the inspectors back in.
there was considerable regret about giving Dubya so much room to roam on that issue by both Republicans and Democrts..... many in Congress felt rail-roaded into war.
As was once stated You Shall Know the Lion By his Claw or in the case of Professor of Life the Insane by his Birther Claims.
I cannot believe this dumb Kenyan has the nerve to say We created this mess, and that HE inherited it ALL from George Bush!
Professor of Life, frankly sir your blog is replete with insults directed at Liberals.
Of course, you then come over here and cry victim. Oh Boo Hoo Evil Grung_e_Gene is correctly calling Republicans and Conservatives out on their lies and insinuations.
Some broad smears from Professor of Lies Blog:
- Liberals think that having a baby is punishment for sex, so they abort them.
- Barack Obama despises America and his only real interests are Marxism and globalist rule.
- Seems like some of you Obama liberal suck ups are two-faced fool
- This President is making friends with all the ones who want to kill us !
- Hey, Hey, Hey Hussein, How many soldiers have you killed today?
- I am so sick of people on the left,
- So why can't you libs have some guts and call it what it is instead of always being cowards and hiding behind skirts?
Psst, that's exactly what I did do, Professor of Lies called you out as the name-calling smear merchant you are...
To my right leaning friends: I can only hope my example of kind and gentleness sets a new tone for debate and discussion. It would be cruel to ban others from this, perhaps the last bastion of good manners, and thought provoking commentary from yours truly.
Thank you all for visiting Truth Shall Rule.
I am fairly new to this game of blogging.
I was attracted here from a blog written by another republican as I am. I saw your post and thought that at least you were some one that was a reasonable person to hold down a good debate with even if we didn't see eye to eye, but the others here are much to deal with and that stinks.
So I'm sorry to say that I can not and will not join in to any discussion filled with these obvious angry people. Although I agree that opinions should never be silenced, but these opinions are way over the line.
Listen To Me said...
I am fairly new to this game of blogging.
I was attracted here from a blog written by another republican as I am. I saw your post and thought that at least you were some one that was a reasonable person to hold down a good debate with even if we didn't see eye to eye, but the others here are much to deal with and that stinks.
So I'm sorry to say that I can not and will not join in to any discussion filled with these obvious angry people. Although I agree that opinions should never be silenced, but these opinions are way over the line.
Screw YOU. Go some where else then. Go to hell for all that I care and take the rest of your wingnut friends with you you fucken ass hole.
i was pretty much doing the "fact" thing, so i'm sure he's not writing about *me*.
He's most likely talking about me, this post was equally disgusting and as ignorant to his last one. He needs to crawl back in that hole he crawled out of.
Oh, the complete and total hypocrisy.
You have to not look at our right leaning friends as people to be vilified and chastized at every opportunity PSI Bond. You must accept that they only subscribe to deluded ideals and are in need of help and guidance. It is our duty as God fearing liberals and Americans to provide that guidance. Presdent Obama has called on all of us to serve. We can do so by welcoming those with deluded right wing views and leading them from their limited and backward thinking to a whole new world of tolerance. Acceptance. Peace and Brotherhood.
Presidetn Obama needs our help my angry liberal friends. We can't let him or America down.
And if it comes down to it, we still have an arsenal of over 9,000 nuclear warheads. 10's of thousands of missles and other bombs. As a show of good faith and open mindedness to our right leaning friends,, we can drop a few of these on the Taliban after we leave Afghanistan. Working together, we can make America and the world better.
I do mean you "Listen to me" guy, and I'll no problem calling you a scumbag to your face and telling you to “get the fuck out NOW”. ...
You and the rest of you Republican, ass-faced moron GOP scumbags.
TRUTH 101 said...
You have to not look at our right leaning friends as people to be vilified and chastized at every opportunity PSI Bond. You must accept that they only subscribe to deluded ideals and are in need of help and guidance. It is our duty as God fearing liberals and Americans to provide that guidance.
Right you are my good man.
Thank you Psi. Now stop running off my Righties Brother. They need help.
TRUTH 101 said...
Thank you Psi. Now stop running off my Righties Brother. They need help.
You got it! Another day, another exposed philandering scumbag from the party of Family Values.
To BE A REPUBLICAN. Here are the requirements:
Be so weak minded that you believe there is a god
You certainly are a character
no morals unless you include murdering innocents in a senseless war
love narcotics like your buddy Rush Limpballs, and Glenn Pecker
love humping like Craig, Foley, Gannon, bush, graham and Cheney
Love all gays like Foley, haggard, Craig
Hate America so much you go to war for the rich and screw the rest of the country you profess to love
Hate the military so much you vote against the gi bill as Mcbush and bush are doing
Hate everything that is good about America except love a fake god and especially hate gays because you hate yourself
Hate all democrats
Love and aid Americas enemies like bush does by working with the
biggest terrorist nation of Saudi Arabia
Bad mouth America daily like rush, insanity and Michael wiener
Welcome all illegals like you do, you give them jobs that pay pennies so you don't have to pay legal Americans
Demand socialized medicine like the army gets and all senators,the
administration and all congressmen get
Demand welfare for all the lazy, yes you demand it for the big rich
Blame the Liberals for all your problems, but when you collect ss and medicare and work a 40 hour work week you like that
Curse God, well he is a *** if he exists at all, he created them
in his own gay image
Curse Jesus why did he create faggots if you hate them?
Hate religion, It is for losers and weak minded sheep
Lie, bush administration biggest liars and murderers in US history
Cheat, Nixon Impeached, Bush Cheated Amurka out of its future
Steal, Bush, Nixon, Bush Sr and Reagan, trying to bankrupt the middle class and poor
I don’t know about you Truth, but I’m sick of hearing people name calling and cursing other posters, and not letting anyone make a point without being insulted. ... There is no way anyone can rationally discuses anything without someone coming out of the woodwork and name-calling.
I’m not one to dictate on how to run someone else's blog but this has become pure lunacy.
As you know I haven’t been around here for a long time only because of this problem and now that I have tried to comment, it seems as if nothing has changed. Whenever anyone tries to post intelligently, you just know that someone will come back to insult their intelligence and troll around the comments hoping to get attention. ...
I just had to get that off my chest. Thank you. I'm feeling a bit better now.
To leftist. Mr.Bond. Dancing Ghost and most of all their leader, that liar scum who calls himself "Truth".
You are nothing but depraved sleaze. Your opinions are not worthy of the filthiest cess pool in the filthiest county of the filthiest liberal scum in California.
The anti america rants you think are funny are only good for making Bin laden and his wretched crowd laugh. While our country sinks further into an abyss of depravity and socialism at the behest of your preciuos Hussein Obama, you practice your moves so you can dance on the grave of our once great nation.
Well its not going to happen anytime soon degenerates. Real Americans are seeing the light. They know your true agenda and will not stand for it. You just keep typing your filth and the rest of us will be on the streets taking our country back from pinko swine like you.
In absentia? You accept the Nobel Peace Prize in Absentia? Where is that? Sounds like somewhere in Eastern Europe.
I'm sorry to tell you this, but I think you have to accept the Nobel Peace Prize in Norway. Otherwise it doesn't count.
That's probably why your Nobel Peace Prize didn't get as much press as Obama's. I hope your euralpass hasn't run out- get over there and collect the check.
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