Rush bashing is all the rage in NFL circles since Rush Limbaugh said he was thinking about buying the St. Louis Rams.
Several players have indicated they would not play for a team owned by Rush Limbaugh. As far as I can see, the current members of the St. Louis Rams don't play anyway. They suck. Even the Player's Union as said it was against Rush as an owner.
The fuss being raised shows a deeper problem with professional sports. We all know the great Baltimore Raven linebacker, Ray Lewis. The same Ray Lewis who's buddies killed a guy one night. But every player in the NFL would love Ray Lewis as a team mate. They would love Leonard Little. Current Ram. Killed a mother while driving drunk one night. Got another DUI not long after that. I won't bother bringing up Michael Vick. But face it. If Charles Manson helped a team win the Super Bowl, he'd get cheered.
I've always felt responsible, law abiding citizens have the right to own firearms. Just being an asshole doesn't disqualify one from the that. Just as it doesn't disqualify someone from being an NFL owner. I was watching the day Rush asked if the "liberal media" was easy on Donovan McNabb because he was black. I went nuts and swore at the TV and all the other stuff libs are required to say and do when a conservative makes an ignorant statement.
Rush says the bullshit he says because it makes him money. There is a certain percentage of the population that wants to hear this crap. If Rush wants to buy a crappy team like the St.Louis Rams with the money he made from saying crap then I say it's a match made in Heaven.
Al Sharpton accusing Rush of being "divisive"? Now, that is the pot calling the kettle black.
So, the black-fuhrer of Kristallnacht II, New York, wants Rush banned from owning an NFL team? Rush will probably bring the Rams winning seasons, higher revenues, and help create new jobs in a town that could use all of those things. Al Sharton has never contributed one thing to this country, so perhaps he should shut up.
Uh oh, bad analogy.
Yeah right and Al Sharpen is a Angel!
Al Sharpton, race pimp, what else can you say. Now he wants to interfere in the free market. Hopefully Roger Goodell will promptly throw the letter where it belongs, in the trash. They know Rev Al is a miserable creature just like those other racist racketeer tools: David Dinkins, Deval Patrick, Keith Ellison, Rev. Jesse Jackson and Barack Hussein Obama. This is really a very good post. Too bad it's so slanted.
OK, Al Sharpton, here's the deal: We'll have an independent trio of folks write down everything illegal that Rush has done and then they'll do the same for you. Then we'll compare lists. Fair enough?
The hypocritical fool has balls the size of Texas.
Rush will bring the Rams winning seasons, higher revenues and help create new jobs?
All the money and all the assholery in the world can't do that for a team.
Just ask Daniel Snyder.
The NFL Owners Association will have to vote on any potential purchase by Rush Limbaugh (or by anyone else, actually) and what they decide, for whatever good reason they decide it, will be binding.
I can only hope that they keep the fat idiot out of it.
I fully support Reverend Sharpton's right to buy an NFL team also. In fact, I think Rev. Al and Rush should go in together and buy the Rams. Then move them as far away from St. Louis as possible so NFL rules don't dictate that I have them as my only option to watch as they are in my region. And they suck.
uncle john's band......
What Satyavati devi dasi said, was another CLASSLESS stupid name-calling idiotic response from a brainless, and clueless liberal PUTZ.
I rest my case.
I agree. Rush appeals to a very small percentage of the US population--we can be thankful for that. Because he's large and makes a lot of noise, it only appears that he has power.
He failed in his attempt to get primary voters to vote for Hillary over Obama during last year's primary season, he failed in stopping McCain in his bid for the nomination, and Barack Hussein Obama was elected by a sizable majority of Americans--despite the Gasbag's attempt to racially smear and demonize him. And because of Mr. Obama, America is once again admired for her ideals and potential to be a leader by the rest of the world community.
IOW, Rush Limbaugh is a useless loud mouth with absolutely no power over the American electorate.
The NFL owners and players want no part of him and his racism.
Good for them. Good for the USA.
As you know, most of the people who comment at my blog are people with a conservative point of view:
Jim [a new commenter]
What I don't tolerate is gratuitous attacks and smears on me [or anyone], which IAGNB and "Rude Arrogant Ass" happily participated in on another blog.
I have no obligation to let them come to my blog and feel welcomed there after their disgusting treatment of me.
If you listened to the show, you'd know of what you speak, since you don't and would rather get your information off of blog sites, and liberal media sites you would know the truth. No He is not, But don't take my word for it, His website contains transcribes of the actual conversations taken place on his show.
It’s really very funny that you liberals never talk about the liberal racists. Crystal Mangum rape hoax. Tawana Brawley rape hoax. Demands for the firing of Don Imus while supporting vulgar misogynistic rappers who call women bitches and hos. Quota systems. Affirmative action. Black Panthers. Nation of Islam. Aztlan. MECHA, La Raza, LULAC. And yes your Dear racist Judge Sonia Sotomayor.
Look, if you want to hate Rush, or ridicule him, that's fine. But instead of just posting lists of things he said that are taken out of context, why don't you research them, pull up the full text of the conversation
Brainless? Classless?
You follow football?
Daniel Snyder is a jerk. All the money he's dumped into his team and he still can't get anywhere.
Now, there was a comment, now deleted by the author, saying Rush would bring the Rams winning seasons, higher revenues, and create new jobs.
I think not, not in any way, shape or form. It's been proven that money can't necessarily (even the Steinbrenners can't always guarantee it) bring you victory.
And how bringing Rush Limbaugh, the same man who dissed Donovan McNabb as being 'overrated' because he was black, would increase revenues, create jobs, and bring the Rams winning seasons, is beyond rational thought.
So while I may not know many things, I do know a bit about football, and I can tell you that Rush Limbaugh is persona non grata in the locker room, and that all his bigmouthery, money, and whatever else he's got will not avail in this case.
So there you go.
And before anyone accuses me of taking things out of context or reading them off a blog somewhere: I watched Rush Limbaugh, on ESPN, say that Donovan McNabb was overrated because he was black.
Donovan handled the matter with grace and restraint, and Rush was relieved of his duties.
Now, I will be the first person to say that there have been plenty of crimes committed by NFL players. Michael Vick paid his dues. Plaxico Burress is being made an example of in a state with notoriously tough gun laws. There have been others. Roger Gooddell must feel like a kindergarten teacher some days.
This does not negate the covert and overt racism in Rush Limbaugh's remarks towards the NFL, which is still working towards equality in itself, having recently celebrated the historic Superbowl in which, for the first time, black men were head coaches.
It wasn't too many years ago that a black quarterback was a rarity. Black ownership remains so. Wages, thanks to the work of people like Gene Upshaw, are of a parity now, but it wasn't always so.
The NFL has come a long way from its segregated days, and rightly so. They, and we, cannot afford to bring divisive, racist, and incendiary personalities into ownership, and I believe the current ownership knows that, and will act accordingly.
Well Shaw, if those two weren't here they may be out with Ray Lewis killing a guy. Or with Michael Vick killing a dog. Or with Al Sharpton encouraging a young girl to tell a made up story. Or with Rush Limbaugh baiting racists to vote for Sarah Palin.
We're doing a sevice here Sister. I know it's sometimes dostasteful. But somebody's got to do it.
Wow. This sure is a lot o' fuss over an ignorant rich guy wanting to buy a pro sports team.
I say ignore Rush, ignore Al, move on. Nothing to see here but the all-too-common spectacle of rich assholes buying expensive toys.
Besides, if he buys the Rams he'll probably take more flights to St. Louis. That'll increase his chance of dying in a crash, or of airline food poisoning, or some other event that will rid the planet of the malignant growth that is Rush.
R. Limbaugh is a chicken hawk coward who delights in making fun of people with handicaps. He's also a drug addict with zero compassion for others. Of course, he views his crimes as okay because he's abusing "legal" heroin.
Limbaugh also hates the Troops and loves to see Americans die in wars, that is from the safety of his EIB studio...
Also god hates Limbaugh because he's a god damned bigamist having been married and divorced 3 times...
Stimpson said...
Besides, if he buys the Rams he'll probably take more flights to St. Louis. That'll increase his chance of dying in a crash, or of airline food poisoning, or some other event that will rid the planet of the malignant growth that is Rush.
That was really clever. As useful as Tits on a Bull.
What a bunch of USELESS Idiots you have here Truth.
HUh. I was going to complimant Mr.Stimpson on his usefullness. The man makes sense. That's probably why a righty doesn't understand.
I know a man of your Christian upbringing detests the sinful adultery of Rush Limbaugh Grunge. But as a charter Nihilist myself, that's one of the few things I admire about Limbaugh. I never begrudge a man for giving into his carnal urges as long as they're legal. And I never begrudge a woman for sleeping with a lard ass guy for his money.
You're a very brave person for talking shit about people under cover of anonymity, Anonymous. And your comment wasn't the slightest bit clever.
Stimpson said...
You're a very brave person for talking shit about people under cover of anonymity, Anonymous. And your comment wasn't the slightest bit clever.
Brave? If I don't have a blog am I not allowed to respond to your garbage?
Why is it any business of Al Sharpton's though? Shouldn't it be left to the people of St. Louis to decide if they would support the team or not if Rush was an owner? Who gave Reverand Sharpton the right to stick his nose into every single place it doesn't belong?
If it's a good move for the team and for St. Louis, then what's the problem. If it's not, then the NFL would make the call. Who says why someone shouldn't be able to invest in a private venture?
The NFL shamelessly blithely hires convicted felons from Michael Vick, to Plaxico Burress the idiot thug that takes an illegal gun to a nightclub when he has plenty of money to hire a bodyguard who's licensed to carry........shoots himself in the leg........throws away his NFL career and trades it for a prison term........hurts his family and his team., to Dante Stallworth - everything from dog-fighting and drug-dealing to manslaughter and their 'fan's are worried about Rush? Seriously? These guys come out of prison to loyal fans who wouldn't care if their favorite mowed down a whole grade school full of kids with an AK - as long as these guys can help win GAMES. "Everyone deserves a second chance," they say. Everyone does, but not a Conservitive Radio Talk Show Host like Rush. The National Felon League should be ashamed of themselves.
Al Sharpton should not be to block Limbaugh, but instead to block his thief of a congressman, Charlie Rangel. How come he and the other mouth of the North, Jesse Jackson have been silent on the Charlie Rangel theft issue? Had he been a White congressional Republican, they and the "Far Left Wing Nuts" of media followers would have been busy trying to "Tar and Feather" the culprit. However, because it is one of their own, "Silence is Golden." What hypocrites we have as so called leaders. I say, block Al Sharpton and his idiotic gesture. Good for nothing hypocrite.
By the way, did the Reverend Al ever criticize Michael Vick for torturing dogs, for hanging them up and whipping them with chains until they died? Did he even mention it? Humm, lets do a blog on that... how about it Truth!
Hmmmm' isn't this the cats meow. what's funny Satyavati devi dasi and Shaw Kenawe ...is your inability to provide proof of Rush being convicted of anything so instead like a good little liberal you resort to your personal attacks..
Where is your distaste for Al Sharpton? It seems to be missing.
It looks like your stincking your nose into Reverend Al's business of sticking his nose in business Professor. Face it dude. We all stick our nose in other people's business very time we put up a post or leave a comment. As a capitalist I would think that you would admire Sharpton's ability to make money nosing about as much as Limabaugh's making money telling bigots, idiots, homophobes and backward thinking right wing fools what they want to hear.
Viva La Capitalismo!
If it were up to me Beth, I would be the one making money from all the guest appearances that Reverend Al makes.
Truth said:
'Rush says the bullshit he says because it makes him money. There is a certain percentage of the population that wants to hear this crap. If Rush wants to buy a crappy team like the St.Louis Rams with the money he made from saying crap then I say it's a match made in Heaven."
And how does Al Sharpton make is money?
Surely not from the poor box donations.
You do know your comments are saved Beth. Why you continually delete yourself is a mystery. Perhaps psychiatric analysis is in order for you dear.
Rush is kinda cute..... it would be kewl if he owned a baseball team.....
TRUTH 101 said...
You do know your comments are saved Beth. Why you continually delete yourself is a mystery. Perhaps psychiatric analysis is in order for you dear
Don't call me "Dear' unless you intend to ................
A quote from Rush Limbaugh, ""This is not about the NFL, it's not about the St. Louis Rams, it's not about me," Limbaugh said. "This is about the ongoing effort by the left in this country, wherever you find them, in the media, the Democrat Party, or wherever, to destroy conservatism, to prevent the mainstreaming of anyone who is prominent as a conservative.
"Therefore, this is about the future of the United States of America and what kind of country we're going to have."
Gee, it was your own business partners who threw Rush under the bus when they saw he was going to be a liability...
But he has to blame it on the Liberals and the Democrats...
Typical of a whiner....
Why can't conservatives take it like a man?
What did you expect from a draft dodging, chicken hawk lover like Rush Limbaugh TAO?
Does your view apply to petty thiefs like G.Gordon Liddy as well Rudy?
This is bigger than just Rush Limbaugh. This is the media's big chance to brand ALL conservatives as racist. They're just setting the template, making it stick in people's minds. This is about freedom of expression. Can't you see that?
I see some merit in what you just posted Rude Dude. If I may add a bit to it with your permission:
It's also about revenge with some media outlets. You may be correct RAA that some are trying to brand conservatives as racists. If the media can turn "conservative" into a dirty word as the right and FOX have turned "liberal" into a dirty word, perhaps they can turn the tide on FOX in the ratings game.
In all frankness, I say it's about time. I've always been a believer that no attack should go unpunished.
Good point you made Rudy. I may have underestimated your powers of insight.
Truthie Said:"Good point you made Rudy. I may have underestimated your powers of insight"
See that, you have gotten smarter as you got older.
That's why they say "Liberals become Conservatives as they get older"
I've spent my life in an ongoing quest to be fair and balanced Rude Dude.
Of course, we have to recognize the fact that the NFL owners group is predominantly comprised of old, white and (presumably) conservative men.
Roger Gooddell is also white, but relatively young and I won't presume his political bias.
The reason Rush was dumped is because he's a liability, and because businessmen think in dollars.
The NFL doesn't want a Mark Cuban situation on its hands. It has worked hard to be inclusive and is just now reaching a point of parity. Why would they want to shoot themselves in the foot? They already live with Al Davis (who I love, don't get me wrong, despite the fact that my Raiders suck).
For whatever reason, behind closed doors, that they chose to make the statements that they did, and for whatever reason, behind closed doors, that the group Limbaugh was affiliated with chose to drop him, they made the right decision.
Satyavati devi dasi how does it feel to be so bias?
I'm not sure exactly what you're talking about.
The point I was making is that even a group of predominantly white, presumably conservative men view Rush Limbaugh, a white, conservative man, as a liability.
He was dumped for one reason: his mouth is a PR time bomb, and the NFL wants nothing to do with it.
Point well taken Sati. If need be can I borrow the PR reason the NFL doesn't want Limbaugh around?
Very well said. Someone posted this in the comment section on my blog. It's Rush's comment about why he believes his partners threw him under the bus:
"LIMBAUGH: They [Democrats] have to have a villain to advance everything, because they cannot sell their ideas. They had to demonize me with false, fake, made up quotes. To protect their precious little — National Football League as an outpost of racism and liberalism, which is what it is."
The Democrats had nothing to do with Limbaugh losing out on being a part-owner of an NFL team.
After reading Rush's remarks, it should be painfully apparent to Limbaugh's fans that the NFL made a very wise decision.
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