As a former union negotiating committeeman, a large part of my duties were defending members from unjust treatment. These duties also included telling members when they were being treated in accordance with the bargaining agreement and to stop whining like freaking babies.
It's time for whomever Rush Limbaugh looks to for advice, God I guess, to tell him to shut the f%$k up and stop his whining.
You got fired Rush. We all get fired sometime in our lives. Maybe several times. If life were fair we wouldn't need the Democratic Party or Unions looking out for us.
Now, if you and your fellow media hounds want to clog up some poor judges time and help a few media hound lawyers do some media hounding, there isn't much we can do about it. Just another piece of advice though you whiny pansie: Order your minions to hold off on talking about tort reform until your silly lawsuits are over. You wouldn't want to look like a hypocritical whiny baby now. Would you?
It seems that the liberal bloggers, the media and the Democrat Socialists are just champing at the bit to spin this as being the fault of Rush Limbaugh. He is the victim of bigotry here, no one else.
Maybe obama can have a beer with Mr. Limbaugh!
Yes, the angry left wing extremists who hate Rush, Glenn Beck etc. are acting as if Al Sharpton and company are right here. Can't anyone here see the double standard?
Holy crap it looks like Obama’s “get in their face” orders are being activated, infiltrated and put into play. Of course he has his groupies to do his dirty work for him. Just like this new war on Fox.
Will anything wake up moderate, well-meaning liberals to the fact that their views on public policy are unintentionally racist, or that their less moderate compatriots are more consciously and hatefully racist?
The joker Obama is being seen for what he is – a socialist who is now dictating who can and who can’t enter the FREE market zone. . Anyone expecting anything else from this guy is kidding themselves.
From the Offices of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Cabal, "Way to recite our talking points Robot assigned the name "What Was I Thinking."
DeMaurice Smith is the Obama Surrogate, who orchestrated playing the Race Card on Rush Limbaugh and now it’s going to be Glenn Becks turn as it is Fox news..
The White House is orchestrating attacks on Limbaugh ,Fox ,Beck and another Conservative who dares to oppose their Socialist Agenda.
With Obama's election there was supposed to bring in a new era of racial harmony. Actually I see the opposite happening and its not a good thing.
Like him or not, Rush Limbaugh is perfectly within his rights to publicly express his opinions and attempt to be part owner of a football team..
And your constant making light and fun of Rush as you have and are now doing to the poster above mine does not say much for your credibility Truth. But then again, balanced is not a trait that liberals are blessed with.
October 19, 2009 8:11 AM
Hi Beth. I wanted to make sure your post wasn't "accidentally" deleted by you again. I know you're a big proponent of free speech and internet rights and all.
Glad to help out Girlfriend!
Another post of my good friend Beth's I wanted to make sure didn't get accidentally deleted.
Fellow Republicans and Conservatives,, I suggest that all conservatives cease from posting at this Blogload of Illogical Liberals.
This is a Liberal Blog that is designed to attack Conservative posters. Liberals never cease to amaze me. As a group, they scream the loudest about their freedom of speech allegedly being trampled upon by the Bush administration who they will never stop blaming, while at the same time begging for restrictions on free speech. They really should consider changing their name from the democratic party to the hypocritical party.
I agree with the comment posted above by "What was I thinking" the same post that made fun of. And that is a prime example of what I am addressing.
To my friend Beth from N.B. New York. Your stupidity is wearing thin with everyone. Right and Left. I don't know how many "aliases" you post under and I don't have time or desire to figure them all out anyway. I do care enough to tell it's time for you to call Dr. Laura or Phil though.
"He is the victim of bigotry here, no one else."
Yes, he is the victim of his own bigotry. Except he's not really a victim. He didn't get assaulted or robbed, he merely lost a chance at owning a piece of a football team.
You sure got an assortment of Rush defenders here, Truth. Or maybe it's just one or two, using various aliases.
"Liberals always blah, blah, blah. Conservatives never blah, blah, blah." Weak, tired excuses by non-thinkers for actual arguments and points of fact.
You're a magnet for the wingnut brigades, T101. While I always find it entertaining I don't envy you this distinction, amigo.
Rush did it to himself.
A third of the traffic I've been getting the last month has been one person Mr. Stimpson. He/she has posted under several aliases. I don't get that much traffic but enough that trying to figure out who is who unless it's obvious is very difficult. I don't care anyway unless it's a real troll like this person.
Why he or anyone else feels a need to do this is beyond me. I welcome all views and and more than happy to engage in dialogue with whoever wants it. On whatver level of civility and discourse they want.
It seems to me that all the negative vibes this blowhard (Rush Hudson Limbaugh A.KA. Jeff Christie) has been spewing over these many years has come back to blow back on his face (A classic “Blow Back”). He always tries to give off the airs that he can have anything he wants but as we all witness those with more money and more influence tossed him aside like sack of potatoes and the ultimate insult was that it was done in public (money don’t buy you everything butterball).
Now of course he blames everyone else (Michael J. Fox, Perez Hilton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Sonia Sotomayor, Hillary Clinton, Olympia Snowe, ESPN, NFL, the media, basically people of color, the handicapped, women and gays) when of course all you have to do is listen to his show and plainly hear his daily prejudices filled sermons. So NFL, I salute you decision, job well done. And to the whaling cry baby perched on his self made pedestal, quit your whining it was your own fault. He is reaping what he has sowed, KARMA, "palin and simple" like his followers. Don’t we all feel better?
Another post on Rush Limbaugh? I wonder how you know Rush is still whining? Listen to his radio program? I watch the news and haven't heard anything about it since he was "fired". Not that I really care. I can't stand football.
I wish "what was I thinking" would explain HOW making racist comments and then being held to account for those comments make you a "victim" of bigotry. Apparently the woman who doesn't know what she was thinking believes that if you simply declare something to be true that's good enough.
On Pamela D's blog an individual calling himself "JD's Handsome Son" claimed that the comments couldn't be verified. I provided links and didn't hear from him again.
Nobody else responded to my verified comments either, although "what was I thinking" did respond to something else I had written. I guess she didn't check out those links.
I won't repeat them here, although you probably heard them -- the "bloods and crips" comment and the "black quarterback" comment.
As I was sitting in front of my computer and watching TV at the same time Rachel Maddow played a number of Rush Limbaugh racist audio clips (I heard them with my own ears). See the transcript for the 10/19/2009 program... scroll down to 40:48.
BTW I got rolling again with a new new post on my blog. Anyone who is interested can check it out here.
I'm going to be a way from the computer a few days and didn't want to post anything that might generate a good buzz. Limbaugh bashing is always a good filler WD.
Pamela started moderating comments on her last thread. That may have slowed your pal down. Or he was just an idiot that realized that when you exposed him so he went away.
Thanks for the links. I should do more of them but I figured my reputation for honesty and wisdom precludes me from needed them to back up my posts.
Well yeah. Lazy also.
w-dervish I checked out your "blog"
And I can clearly understand why people don't care to comment there.
An I completely agree with them..
TRUTH 101, can we please stop referring to that person as "Rush"? And call him R. Limbaugh instead?
I think the constant use of the name Rush should be reserved for the influential and progressive Canadian rock gods and not besmirched by him.
Rush have created several of the best albums of all time, while R. Limbaugh is responsible for what exactly?
Criminal Drug Abuse? 3 failed marriages? Sex Tourism in the Dominican Republic? Making fun of people with Disabilities? Providing a blue print for Punk Ass Bitch Republican Chicken Hawks with his ass pimple deferment?
R. Limbaugh great example of the Right.
B.B. said... w-dervish I checked out your "blog". And I can clearly understand why people don't care to comment there. And I completely agree with them...
My blog is somehow not a blog -- and imaginary people you've been conferencing with "agree"? I know you tried, but my feelings aren't hurt. I don't take insults hurled by clearly mentally challenged people seriously.
You and others hear are right. Rush earned it. And he loves it. He is a pro at firmly implanting the hook and reeling in the catch. I don't listen to Rush much because I'm in school all day. I would however, because I enjoy good sarcasm and he is a master baiter, eh?
Beck is fun as he is approaching the nirvana of political sarcasm. I enjoy the shows and I don't get myself too upset with them. They do, however have some good information to pass on. Hard new shows, no, entertainment most definitely.
Good day, sir.
This Gangster Football League has got to be kidding. Rush is an Angel compared to ANYBODY in this league of THUGS.
I for one will not be going to ANY Football games any longer. And I won’t be missing much The tickets are overpriced and the experience sucks. The players are rapists, thieves, gangsters, women-beaters and animal abused and killer.. The stands used to be full of fans, now it’s full drunks and rowdies . No fun going to games seated next to clowns with face paint and grown men (and women) in football jerseys. Purists are giving up the game for the same reason, the going to the games is no longer about watching the game. It’s really funny and strand that the owners were SO silent on the Rush situation as they have been on every other failure in the franchise's history, which are countless.
If you want to watch the game, you are better off at home, if you want to watch many games, go to a sports bar, if you want to pay $100 per ticket $50 dollars to park, and $8 for a nasty hot dog and the privilege of going to the bathroom with animals that urinate in the sink and view vomiting as a badge of honor, attend an NFL game on your Sunday. Most grown ups prefer to view the games anywhere but from inside an NFL stadium
Do you know why I think Glenn Beck pisses off the left so much?
If there wasn't a shred of truth in what he says, then why would the leftists be so damn bent on discrediting him? All they would have to do is actually refute his words. That they can't and resort to discredit him instead speaks volumes.
My husband and I were discussing the silliness of Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize this morning, and my husband said that there is just corruption everywhere so the prize shouldn't surprise anyone. And it's not just our government, it's in big business, in the Catholic Church, in charities like United Way (see a trend of organizations that are kinda BIG?) I agreed, of course, because it's as obvious as the nose on your face that there is corruption everywhere, but where my views differed from my husband is that he thinks I might as well just accept that there is corruption and there is nothing we can do about it. Me, I like to think that we can overcome the corruption, get back to the basics, you know? Get things back to the more local level and not so big, where we can be held more accountable, and can expect personal responsibility from others.
So, what do you think, do you agree we're past the point of no return, or can the corruption around us be overcome
to Anonymous:
Please give us evidence of the "corruption" you speak of.
Not your OPINION, hard evidence that the Obama administration is dealing in corrupt practices. You need to give us specifics in the law. I expect you to do this, since you are the one who has accused the Obama administration of corruption. You must show us the evidence.
Otherwise, what you've written is nothing but opinion and sore-loser whining.
Thank you.
Shaw Kenawe .... I think its time for you to retire, you are way over the hill, get a good rest in a home for the insane and talk to the doctors and perhaps, just perhaps, they could help you.
But get help fast the men in the white jackets are going to come and take you away.
It's not a shame, it's just the way it is.
Anonymous said...
Shaw Kenawe .... I think its time for you to retire, you are way over the hill, get a good rest in a home for the insane and talk to the doctors and perhaps, just perhaps, they could help you.
But get help fast the men in the white jackets are going to come and take you away.
It's not a shame, it's just the way it is.
This is a PERFECT example of the cowardice of people like Anonymous.
They make outrageous assertions about Mr. Obama and his administration, then when asked to back them up with evidence what do sniveling cowards do?
They engage in ad hominem attacks on me, while continuing to hide behind an "Anonymous" label.
Very worm like behavior.
And, BTW, "Anonymous" never rose to the challenge of providing evidence of corruption in the Obama administration.
I couldn't come up with a more searing example of spinlessness than that which Anonymous has indicted itself.
Thank you, "Anonymous" for a very, very good example of why you and your ilk are falling into the dark and solitary abyss of ignominy.
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