Friday, October 2, 2009


Congressman Alan Grayson recently said Republicans want you to die quickly. Of course he was pilloried by Republicans who actually want you to die slowly from torture which they say is just enhanced interrogation.
I figured Grayson would either outright apologise or do a John Lennon thing when Lennon said The Beatles were bigger than Jesus. Lennon said what he meant to say was he, Paul, George and Ringo were all taller than Jesus. The controversy went away and it was an abject lesson for history.
Grayson, to his credit, didn't apologise. And although I've given Nancy Pelosi hell at times, she's not apologising either. I say good for both of them. In fact, I say take it a step further. If Boehner or some other hypocritical, health insurance reform blocking bastard demands an apology, tell him to go shit in his hat. That's all these clowns deserve for toiling at diverting our Nation's eyes from the important issues in favor of nonsense.
A good crop of Righties has been visiting as of late. No doubt, a few of them will demand an apology for me calling Congressman Boehner a clown. To them I offer a sincere and heartfelt;
Go shit in your hats.


Law and Order Teacher said...

I am honored to throw out the first pitch. I don't want anyone to apologize for anything they say. Stand on your statement, or fall as the case may be. Apologies for the most part are bogus and don't hold water.

Boehner and his ilk are nothing more than posturing putzes who really don't matter to the debate. Grayson is a jerk, but he should stand by what he said, simply because he said it. Put your name on your statements and have the gonads to stay with it.

If you have to apologize, don't say it. Politicians are so boring with their stupidity. BTW, I don't want anyone to die, but inevitably we all do.

Shit in their hats? Wouldn't Harry Truman say "That stinks?"

Good day, sir.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Yeah. I guess Harry Truman would say that LAOT. But I refuse to apologise.

I have no argument with what you wrote. And I am sorry about your pet. I hope all is well with your family. Joe(T101)

TOOKIE said...

Being a Republican is GREAT these days , it is fun plus being on the attack . ACORN , SEIU , Van Jones , and whoever's next .

I like that our Mayor made today


Like Sun Studios around here the hits keep on coming .

robert thomas and his thoughts said...

This is all BS as far as I'm concerned, the important thing is that the tide has turned! It seems like Obama can’t accomplish anything now!

Enquiring minds want to know!
I guess that David Letterman learned "What goes around, comes around"

Also, will(The freakin HYPOCRITE) Alan Grayson to apologize for his “Die quickly” remark?

Me, Myself, And I said...

This lunatic carpetbagger Alan Grayson from NYC should be handed a one way ticket back to obscurity.

Me, Myself, And I said...

Mumm Mumm Mumm

modampII said...

I guess all that apologizing for America, telling the world how evil America was, told the IOC they didn't want their Olympics held in such an evil Country. Guess all that apologizing worked against the won, huh? And of course, Chicago, the most evil city of all, did the won ever mention that? Chicago is also The Murder Capital of the world.

modampII said. said...

He came, he saw and he fell flat on his face - yeeesssss! I’m surprised he hasn’t played the race card already,but he will. Or he'll have Eric Holder do it for him ..
The Narcissist in Chief gets bitchslapped on a grand scale by the world. In related news, Rush Limbaugh reported that Oprah was so distraught she’d eaten Norway and Denmark.

Sandy in Indiana said...

I suppose they don’t have knuckle-dragging neanderthals in Copenhagen. All of those White people…must make Michelle uncomfortable considering her overt racism and black-self-pity statements of the past.
Ignorance only exceeded by their arrogance.

Anonymous said...

In making his pitch, the president had said that a nation shaped by the people of the world "wants a chance to inspire it once more." Never before had a U.S. president made such an in-person appeal, and Obama's critics will doubtlessly see the vote as a sign of his political shortcomings.

WE can INSPIRE? I thought we were too busy apologizing?

Bybyeeeeeeeeee.....Yes, Chicago lost its bid. BUT......
after approximately 7o days, McChrystal got to speak with Obama for 25 minutes while Obama was in Denmark today. Keep it up, Conservatives; keep up the push for Obama to pay attention. It worked again:

No Subject said...

This past weekend, B.O again demonstrated his complete inability to work within the confines of the truth. He blatantly and shamelessly denied General McChrystal time to talk about the most important thing of all. But ran out of the country to promote the Olympics for his cronies.
The facts show that conservatives are far more likely to reach into their pockets to help those in need. They are more likely to take in the homeless, feed the hungry, and take care of the sick, and cloth the naked, and give blood for that matter.

Liberals on the other hand are more likely to reach into the pockets of others, to take money via government fees, fines and taxes, to pay for government programs that have historically proven to be inefficient at best, and more often than not, detrimental to those they claim to help.

In closing I want to say that I am in no way claiming that all this proves that liberals are all destined for Hell, or that conservatives deserve to go to Heaven. The point is that no GOD fearing, Bible believing Christian would make that kind of stupid blanket statement. The fact is that GOD will make the decision of who goes where based on who has repented of their sins and excepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, and who has not. I am so sick and tired of the attempts of liberals, many of whom do not have a sincere respect for the Bible, Jesus Christ or GOD the Father, to distort and twist the Word of GOD so as to mislead the Biblically illiterate into thinking that they (the liberals) are the only ones who care about those in need.

A Progressive is a liberal who has learned not to admit it
A Liberal is a socialist who knows better than to admit it
A Socialist is a communist who hides his gun, until he has gotten yours away from you

And while we are on the subject,

The only real difference between a fascist and a communist is that a fascist doesn’t bother with the pretense of caring for the common man. In fact the fascist doesn’t really care if you know that he is in it primarily for the money and the power.

James said...

It's ignorant people who make pitbulls so vicious?

Or is it vicious pitbulls that make people so ignorant?

RaLph in Baton Rouge said...

Oh please, Truth and Shaw, don't start the racial crap. I am so tired of hearing that.

You people spoke about a enormous economic benefit to the US? Hardly. He was trying to secure pork for his gangster friends in Chicago who would have got rich by building all sorts of shoddy facilities for the Olympics. Then after the Olympics, of course, those facilities would have been turned over to the "poor" people in Chicago, only to see those folks get turned out of those facilities a year or so later when those shoddy facilities started falling down.

And then of course those same idiots who vote for more Democrats, not realizing they'd just been screwed over by Democrats.
He was not trying to bring enormous economic benefit to the US. He was trying to bring enormous economic benefit to Chicago. Huge difference and one a sitting president should not be directly involved with.

Besides, where the hell would they put the Olympic village? Skokie? Chicago traffic is impossible at the best of times.

How many hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars did it take to fly the First Narcissists to Copenhagen and back, and for nothing but worldwide humiliation?
In the meantime Barry spends many millions of dollars to jaunt over to Copenhagen to be the cheerleader for Chicago. Who do you think is going to pay for his trip? not to mention her "sacrifice" Michelle and her entourage...there is another couple of hundred thou that were spent on the tax payer dollar. Not to mention she and the assed big OpRAH dined on tax payer dollar.
I am pissed as hell he put himself AND US in that position. But it's not like its the first time, or very likely the last.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I didn't start any racial crap. That's just another right wing attempt at obsfucation anyway. Hide their lack of substance by making wild accusations.

Hey Tookie. Perhaps you and you buddy Bob should take a furlough day and watch how Mayor Spring's aministaion deftly handles the current economic crisis.

kelly Jackson said...

Did anyone ever think that the reason Chicago lost was that the first couple are simply not a likable couple, and add Oprah to the team it was completely pathetic.

These two narcissists made everything about "me, me, I, I" (as usual) and simply blew the sale. Had either of them ever had a real job or run anything in their entire Affirmative Action-fueled lives they'd have the basic knowledge that no matter who's doing the talking, the product is what you're selling.
Affirmative Action only works in America

It is not the job of government to take care of us. It is not their responsibility to protect us from our families, our friends, our neighbors or ourselves. It is the government’s job to protect us from gang-bangers, drug dealers, thieves, robbers, and other criminals. It is the government’s job to protect us from enemies of the American way of life. It is the government’s job to protect us from satanically insane people who are intent on destroying our Constitutionally recognized and protected rights and freedom. People like the islamo-fascist in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Libya. People like the mad-men communist dictators like Kim Jong-il (North Korea), Hugo CHAVEZ (Venezuela), Raul Castro (Cuba) and Vladimir Putin (Russia).

Maybe Michelle would have been more successful if she had thrown out some Yo Mama lines.

Leticia said...

Greeting my fellow racist! I've seen some Excellent comments here. I'd like very much to add mine.

This clueless empty suit. should have been worried about Iran, Afghanistan and our American soldiers who are in harms way.
What i enjoy the most about the incompetence of the arrogant obamas is the fact that they cant blame racism now that the world is watching everything they say and do.
These pampered snots have been given anything they've wanted for years. It's nice to see them cut down to reality.

Maybe if she'd worn fishnet hose the Judges would have noticed her.

Regina from Iowa said...

This is the best blog on the internet Truth101. Your mischievous wit sprinkled with a profound grasp of the issues is virtually unparalled by anyone else. Thank you for enriching all our lives and most of all, thank you for putting the liars and hate mongers in their place.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I would agree that T101 is as profound as you suggest Regina. He is clever. More so than most of the bloggers I frequent.

The Lone Voice said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Lone Voice said...

Looks like somebody forgot to remind the dynamic duo not to believe your own lies.
After hearing Michelle Ma Belle's speech I thought that she had got to be one of the dumbest first ladies this county has ever had...
By the way, Some of these comments are priceless!

And talking about "Shitting in your hat"

May I suggest that you do the same.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I could just as easily print your comment and drop that in my hat Lone Voice. Shit is shit buddy.

Anonymous said...

The arrogance of the trio is appalling. How many in the room actually cared that Oprah was there?

Anonymous said...

Could you imagine what Chi-town would look like years after the stadiums and sports complexes that were built for the Olympics were all but abandoned? This is the best thing that could have happened to Chi-town! Go Rio!
Do you think it's time to get back to the business of running the country Mr. President? Put the troops where they are needed and crush our enemies dead. Stay out of health care. Stop the blame game. Choose some new friends. Grow a new set that hang low and to the RIGHT!

God Bless America.

trestinmeacham said...

Doesn't President Barack Obama have enough to worry about without spending more of our tax dollars for him, his wife and staff and God knows who else to go to Copenhagen to tout Chicago for the 2016 Olympics?

I resent the hell out of this action. What other sitting president has done such an irresponsible thing? He doesn't keep promises but he sure knows how to spend taxpayer dollars.

Recently Jimmy Carter, and several in the media have said thatopposition to Obama is based on racism. I would appose a white President or Vice President if he did the things Obama is doing. Some examples of this are Jimmy Carter and Al Gore, I oppose almost everything those two nitwits attempt. On the other hand, I support several black conservatives. Some examples of black conservatives I support are: Thomas Sowell, and Jessie Lee Peterson.

I have friends of all races and was taught from an early age to respect all people. I grew up admiring Men like: Bill Cosby, Walter Payton, and Dr. King. I believe in the words of Dr. King. I believe that a man should be judged by the content of his character, and not the color of his skin. Any issues I have with Mr. Obama has nothing to do with his race.

The fringe media and some on the extreme left are losing arguments so rather than admit defeat they are calling us republicans racists. This is even worse than when some conservatives said it was unpatriotic to question President Bush. I'm not backing down! I will not let fears of being called racist silence me. The truth is the truth, and no amount of media deception can change that.

But now the tide has turned! It seems like Obama can accomplish nothing now! I just hope we can keep this up.

Anonymous said...

Truth101 why did you take a stab at Mr. Boehner? Was it because he thinks the president should be more concerned with what's happening with ALL of America. How about dropping the political party stuff for once and just consider what's best for America, not Dems or Repubs... Make THAT your change you can believe in.

I've really changed my opinion of Boehner, and you should as well. I used to think that he was far too moderate for my taste. But now, I must confess, that I've been very impressed by the performance of our House Minority ever since Obama took office. He's been out in front on every issue saying and doing everything I could expect of him.

Thank you Congressman Boehner for being such a great voice for our wimps in the House.

Where's the outrage over Michelle flying off in a separate jet. How much is this charade going to cost the American taxpayers in order to enhance the pockets of specific people of Chicago. Where is the MSM? Why aren't they following the money trail? Can you spell corruption?

Shaw Kenawe said...


I see that quite a few of the frontal-lobe challenged have decided to come here and make fools of themselves.

modampII was over at my blog yesterday calling me a poopy-head and apparently believing that would ruin my day. In fact, it gave me the biggest laugh of my week.

Here's the thing: Their lives are so bereft of any meaning or joy that each time some setback happens to Mr. Obama or any Democrat they scurry off to every Liberal blog they can manage to find to deposit their droppings of idiocy and fubbery.

And here's the reality:

Barack Hussein Obama is still the President of the United States of America. His wife is intelligent and beautiful. And both of them are admired in this country and around the world.

The mulligrubs who come here to gloat over Chicago;s loss have no understanding of the fact that it was a small group of old men who made the decision to give the Olympics to Brazil--it was not "the world."

But I would caution you and others not to confuse the poor besotted simpletons with the facts. Let them continue believing that somehow their fatuous schadenfreude has any influence whatsoever on Mr. Obama's presidency.

It doesn't.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Istab Boehner because he deserves it Professor of Life.

Obstruction and obsfucation is the mantra of the Republican Party. Listen to any of tem. They all agree health insurance reform is needed. Then they offer nothing. Prove me wrong if you can on this PoL. Post the republican health insurance plan here or invite me to your site. Call your friend Boehner and tell him to put his plan before Congress and America for debate and an up or down vote. I've always been of open mind. If the Boehner plan is good I would say so.

Anonymous said...

Shaw Kenawe said...
"And here's the reality:

Barack Hussein Obama is still the President of the United States of America. His wife is intelligent and beautiful. And both of them are admired in this country and around the world."

Well Shaw Kenawe I have a lot ot say that would disagree with what you have said. but for now lets
not forget Oprah Winfrey's arrogance in showing up in Copenhagen. No one in Europe knows who she is, or cares who she is.

And the Obamas are the laughing stock of Europe. After they dissed the UK, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, and even the Queen of England, they expect to be rewarded for this behavior?
Barack and Michelle humiliated themselves while trashing our country all over the world, at the same time--yet again.
Wonder why the world hates us? Look no further! When they see that people with no morals or character like Bill Clinton, the friends and Pastor of the 0bamas, Our Big TV star Dave Letterman, Jerry Springer, Michael Moore, Jimmy Carter wandering all over the world trashing America..Rosie O'Donnell blaming us for 9 11..Freaks like Michael Jackson being glorified etc., do you wonder what they think about America? What the heck? I this what we should teach our children about America?
And why was Michelle Obama discussing her father's illness? Was she playing on their sympathy Was that supposed to win them over? How out of place was that! And lets face it why in the world was Oprah brought along? I was shocked that they didn’t bring Chris Rock. Had they brought Kanye West along at least he would have stolen the show!
And by the way thank you for not saying that it was all George Bush's fault.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Although I am on record at not being disappointed that Chicago didn't get the olymppic games, I am proud that my President made the effort to get what he believed in Professor.

Also, while I can agree with ou that celebrity opinion is given far too much creedence in our Country, it affects both sides of the issues. Ted Nugent is a favorite of conservatives because of his stance on gun rights. An example of the right's hypocrisy on this is Tobe Keith. The right loved him before he said he was a Democrat.

I'd be interested to see if you feel that right leaning celebrity political speech is also bad.

ladymar said...

Excellent post Proffessor:
I especially enjoyed your take on Michelle Obama.
My favorite part of the entire Copenhagen affair was Michelle Obama's heart-rending recitation of those memorable moments (perhaps seared! Seared into her memory! like John Kerry) when she, as a little girl, sat on her daddy's lap and watched Olympians like sprinter Carl Lewis in the Olympics.
I wonder who wrote this piece of garbage for her?
But those darned bloggers! Turns out that Mrs. Obama was 20 years old when Carl Lewis first appeared in the Olympics. Wouldn't she have been a bit, you know, large, to sit on daddy's lap just then? Ooops.
Why she made it all about her and her father is typical though of the level of self-worth this woman has..... But ah she is so, so admired by these leftist brainwashed fools.

I am Mama 0bama's age, and at our house we were respectful of Olga's and Nadia's prowess and abilities ('72 and '76 Olympics, respectively), but we cheered for the Americans! We had a strict "we don't cheer for the Communists" policy at our house. And if she sat on daddy's lap cheering for Carl Lewis, then I don't think daddy would have enjoyed that very much because Michelle ma belle was 20 years old when Carl Lewis appeared in his first Olympic games in L.A. in 1984. A bit of a load to sit on papa's lap don't ya think! I guess this means she is proud of her country for the 2nd time in her adult life. That lie was really pathetic, and made her sound kind of like Hillary. Michelle, you have no values, no morals, no decency and no character.

Shaw Kenawe said...

And the Obamas are the laughing stock of Europe. After they dissed the UK, Russia, France, Germany, Italy, and even the Queen of England, they expect to be rewarded for this behavior?

Words are cheap. Back those statements up with evidence. That is, I want to read what the leaders of those countries ACTUALLY have said to warrant those statements. I want to read their words, not your opinion.

For example, here's how a meeting between President Obama and President Medvedev of Russia was reported in The Washington Times, which is hardly a liberal-friendly newspaper:

"NEW YORK | President Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev have a new chance this week to reinforce their commonality as leaders who want to move beyond old prejudices, but both men face serious questions about the strength of their leadership on the world stage.

Mr. Obama received warm receptions abroad early in his presidency, but has yet to see that translate into concrete concessions from allies or competitors. At home, he is in the midst of an epic struggle to pass his health care reform package."

"Barack and Michelle humiliated themselves while trashing our country all over the world, at the same time--yet again."--PoL

This is nothing more than biased opinion--you don't give any examples of the Obama's "trashing" anything--just your opinion. You are entitled to your opinions but not your own facts.

You want to talk about humiliating this country?

I'll talk fact not fiction:

At the end of his presidency, George W. Bush went to Iraq, the country he bragged about liberating and bringing democracy to. One of the "liberated" Iraqis stood up and threw his shoes at Bush--a huge insult in the Arab world. This happened in a friendly venue.

Your litany of teevee personalities and others has nothing to do with President Obama. He's not responsible for the behavior of movie stars or teevee celebrities. Those examples are meaningless and have nothing to do with anything.

You've also conveniently forgotten that during Bush's administration the world hated us. Mr. Obama has fence mending and cleaning up to do after the disasters BushCo. left behind. At the end of his presidency, Bush's approval ratings dipped to 22%--the lowest in any post-war presidency. So the man who was president a mere 9 months ago was THE MOST UNPOPULAR PRESIDENT, POST WWII. He was very much unliked here and more so in the world. Those are facts, not my opinion.

Opining about Mr. Obama 8 months into a young presidency is somewhat like predicting the final score in a ballgame in the first inning.

Anonymous said...

What in the world does Ted Nugent have to do with Barack Obama, or Michelle ma belle? Or even Oprah? If you so conveniently wish to change to topic Why don’t we talk about the Liberal hero of late night TV, the all time grand HYPOCRITE David Letterman . Who was the SOB that insulted the teenage daughter of a United States Governor, and then was found to have not only been cheating big time on his wife but also conducted a bit of sexual harassment on his employees.

As for you Shaw Kenawe , I don't even want to get into a discussion with YOU.. You are SO off the wall I wouldn't waste my time. At least truth101 is open for discussion. YOU bate completely outrageously off the wall.

Anonymous said...



JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You're the one that brought up celebrity political speech Professor. I graciously responded and invited you to add more.

And we'll stop bringing up former President Bush when the right stops attacking President Obama for things it ignored while Bush was president.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Professor of Life,

Where'd you get your "Professor" degree?

You did not address ANY of my answers to YOUR charges, but instead, resorted to calling me names, insulting me, and inserting topics that have nothing to do with the original discussion.

Apparently, you haven't the ability to engage in a give and take, so you do what a lot of the fringies do:

Insult and run away.

Thank you for enforcing something we liberals all know about your type of weak debating.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

On the other topic you brought up Professor, I don't watch Letterman. I never thought he was that funny. His behavior is unworthy of my defense anyway. Good husbands and fathers respect their wives and daughters too much to take advantage of the wives and daughters of others.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Who was the SOB that insulted the teenage daughter of a United States Governor,--PoL

I skimmed over that and thought PoL was talking about John McCain when he made a rotten joke about President Clinton's daughter in front of a group of GOP fund raisers.

Then I thought it referred to the Hindenberg of Gasbags, el-Rushbo, when he compared the POTUS's daughter to a dog.

Then I realized that PoL was whining about David Letterman, while conveniently ignoring what had happened in the past to the daughter of the POTUS.

But, again, we're used to fringies squealing about the perceived injustices that the Left perpertraates while ignoring the very same thing on their side.


Anonymous said...

TRUTH 101 said...
You're the one that brought up celebrity political speech Professor. I graciously responded and invited you to add more.

And we'll stop bringing up former President Bush when the right stops attacking President Obama for things it ignored while Bush was president.

I beg your pardon, but I brought up the “celebrity political speech” of Oprah Winfrey who is/was relevant in this discussion, not Ted Nugent or any other non-relevant celebrity.

As for the “Obama/Bush” thing. Come on now, give us all a break, Obama is Waaay past the inherited stage. When is he going to take the blame that he deserves?

Shaw, please don’t address me as I don’t intend to discuss anything with you. Please accept my apologies but a wise old man once told me not to argue with fools so go play somewhere, I'm busy.

Anonymous said...

And please this Blaming Bush thing is wearing so thing it's transparent. Bush may have been to blame for many of our troubles but not to the extent that we are in now. And please told tell me that it was him that got us into this mess. It was the democratic congress that did most of the damage. And yes they are still in office so put the blame where it belongs.
Apparently, how you perceive socialism and how others perceive it are two different things, huh?

Are you denying that Obama does not have a socialist bent, especially considering his background connections?

Are you denying that Team Obama is not made up of individuals known to have socialist affiliations, connections, and ideologies?

Did not the cover of the liberal rag Newsweek recently proclaim " We are all socialists now"?

Ignorance is Bliss, my friend. It is much easier to blame the next gy them to admit you voted for the wrong man.. Better for some people to live in the dark until they are homeless, starving and beaten into submission.
Some people refuse to get it. They have so thoroughly bought into the imaginary game of hope and change that everything else is simply ignored.

It's sad and unnerving at the same time.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Professor of Life wrote:

Shaw, please don’t address me as I don’t intend to discuss anything with you. Please accept my apologies but a wise old man once told me not to argue with fools so go play somewhere, I'm busy.

Dear Professor of Life,

You addressed me FIRST. It was YOU who engaged ME in a discussion.

When I responded and asked you to back up your allegations with facts, you turned tail and ran off, leaving us with these feckless words as your counter-argument:

"As for you Shaw Kenawe , I don't even want to get into a discussion with YOU.. You are SO off the wall I wouldn't waste my time. At least truth101 is open for discussion. YOU bate completely outrageously off the wall."

You couldn't answer my counter arguments to YOUR FIRST COMMENTS TO ME, so you did what any little schoolyard weasle would do, change the subject, call me names, and run home to suck his thumb.

Good show.

You guys keep proving to us all what you're really made of.

And your little bromide directed at me is misplaced. Look in the mirror and recite it to yourself.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

We on the left, well me anyway, only want consistency from you and your friends on the right Professor. That's why we point out when you attack President Obama for things President Bush did. You must admit your side was silent regarding Bush and his trips to Crawford Tx. while you attack President Obama for going to Copenhagen to advocate for a major American city.

And you know a sad thing Professor. We needed a stimulus package to rescue our financial system due to lack of government oversite. Proper oversite and regulation would have prevented the billions, trillions? that has and will be spent to keep our economy from collapse. The stimulus started under the Bush Administration. I don't like that we have to spend and borrow for this any more than yo do. But to blame Obama for the problems left by the Bush Administration is at best an obsfucation bordering on disingenuous.

Now more than ever, we need a strong responsible government to clean up a mess that has been in the making since Reagan's presidency. And accellerated during the Bush years.

Shaw Kenawe said...


As is plainly clear, Professor of Life is interested only in his own voice.

When I responded to his comment to me and asked him to please back up his assertions with facts, he blew me off, saying I wasn't "open for discussion."

Too funny.

This sort of thing is so common among a lot of the trolls who come here. Once you confront them and ask them to back up their allegations with facts, they call you names and dismiss you as the Professor of Life did to me.

The reason is that most of the trolls are about drive-by commenting, blowing air out of their anuses, and nothing else.

Y'know, like the Professor of Life just demonstrated.

Anonymous said...

I guess Obama feels like he has to blame somebody. He was never known to take any blame for his own actions.
A simple question for Shaw Kenawe. Is it mandatory in these forums to be as ignorant, ill mannered, disrespectful, and apparently poorly educated as possible? Is it not possible for some of you to make a cogent argument on either side without resorting to name calling and crude language? Or is the sole purpose of your participation to see how obnoxious you can be in order to generate additional obnoxious responses? Questions about IQ tell other people that they “ turned tail and ran off, leaving us with these feckless words” Saying those untrue remarks about me and when I refused to sink to YOUR level, you say “Insult and run away” things like that have no place in a blogs thread!! One of the main problems with political discourse these days is the total lack of respect for those you converse with. AND THAT IS WHY I WILL NOT CONVERSE WITH YOU!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Professor of Life,

Don't pull that "holier than thou" nonsense--you can't get away with it because your words and my words are published here on TRUTH's comment section for all to see.

YOU confronted ME. I responded, politely. I asked you for facts. This is how you responded to me:

"As for you Shaw Kenawe , I don't even want to get into a discussion with YOU.. You are SO off the wall I wouldn't waste my time. At least truth101 is open for discussion. YOU bate completely outrageously off the wall."

YOU LOBBED the first insult by saying I was "off the wall," another term for crazy. And then insulted me by saying you wouldn't waste your time with me. Then you said something about my being "bate," whatever the hell that means, then repeated that I was "off the wall."

When I responded and called you out, you absolutely did turn tail and ran off.

Now you're trying to play the weasle card, trying to make yourself look like the victim, and blame ME for your bad behavior.

Read the comments and the evidence is there:

YOU were the badly behaved one, insult throwing perpetrator, not I.

That you try to shift the blame to someone else--ME, only goes to show everyone here how what a shape-shifter you are.

The facts are these, sir:

I asked you to back up your allegations with facts, you answered with the above statement--which is NO answer.

When I came back and pointed this out, you, again INSULTED ME AND CALLED ME A FOOL:

Shaw, please don’t address me as I don’t intend to discuss anything with you. Please accept my apologies but a wise old man once told me not to argue with fools so go play somewhere, I'm busy.

When I defended myself, you got all huffy and now are playing the victim card.

You, Sir, are a cad.

I have unequivocably demonstrated that you are unable to take responsibility for your own actions and willing to blame others for YOUR increasingly awful behavior.

Give it up. You've dug yourself into a hole from which you cannot escape.

The Lone Voice said...

Well if this ain’t the pot calling the kettle black… …The name calling and hatred exhibited here are far worse that anything I've read from the Professor.
The fact is, the democrats are desperate. That's why Pelosi embarrasses herself by crying while saying that all of the opposition to Obama is leading to violence and now the racism charge against anyone who does not agree with the Marxist Obama. I'm here to tell you --- IT WILL NOT WORK. Your ideology is on the way out and so is your president..
Yes the professor has your number,he said exactly what I was thinking... The next thing we'll hear is that he works for Beck or Rush.
Never in my life ...have I seen so many who are misguided and unwilling to accept fact and truth as I have seen here.

Anonymous said...

Shaw, I read your recent comments here and all I can say is......


Amen to the Professor of Life

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

No apologies necessary. Grayson needs to stand by his statement -- and continue to make it over and over again -- because it proves what a durfwad he is.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

"Durfwad"? Strong language PCC.

I don't think any of you work for Beck or Limbaugh Lone Voice. Not that you wouldn't jump at the chance. I do think you have been duped by them.

Shaw Kenawe said...

The "Professor of Life" is some regular conservative troll who put up a blog just recently and is using a new identity to bore everyone with his whiny, unimaginative and victim-based phlemagoguery.

Only 23% of the American people identify with the GOP. You who come here to defend it are a small, tiny, withered minority that even Viagra couldn't help.

The Lone Voice says that the name calling and hatred here is worse than anything the Professor of Life has on his blog? Apparently The Lone Voice has never read the inferior faffle that is posted over at the Professor of Life's little spuddleblog.

This is what's on the PoL's blog:

The Chicago street hustlers gave it all they have fat ass Oprah and all and came up empty handed....the Obama brand is as empty as the two frauds trying to perpetuate it....Who really, besides the zombie nation, gives an honest damn about Michelle Obama? It just goes to show you how stupid & apathetic a lot of Americans are...I mean I personally think she is homely, but they're acting like she's this fashion icon but I really think that she dresses no different then anyone who her age/ What do you think?

This is like shooting proverbial fish in a barrel. The crazy, extreme righties come here and make utter fools of themselves with their own words, and are easily exposed as the sad, rudderless hippospadians that they most absurdly are.

PS. I guess I've gotten to the Professor of Life, since he has a new blog post up about moi.

How utterly boring and insipid. I suggest you take up hunting and killing bunny rabbits and kittens, I assure you it would be more satisfying than trying to use your mental acuity to attack me.

Anonymous said...

Ah Ha, the pot is calling the kettle black again!
LOL. It sounds like another leftist is having problems dealing with others' 1st Amendment rights.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The Gray Headed Brother said...

With the technology of today, I do not see how going to Copenhagen would have prevented Obama from "working" on healthcare ?

Does anyone believe that spending a day in Copenhagen will hamstring healtcare ? People with far less access technology than the President work from home or on the road all the time. With e-mail, video conferencing, cell phones and other super-tech stuff I know the Feds have, President Obama is able to conduct business anywhere in the world.

Does anyone believe that if Barack did not go to Copenhagen that he would have been chained to his desk at the Oval Office ?

Truthseeker said...

As the news was delivered Friday, what most expected to be a time to mourn the United States not getting the Olympic bid, turned out for the right wing to be a victory. A victory to the Republican party, a defeat to President Barack Obama. At the cost of hurting this country in a time of desperate economic instability, the right rejoiced. I've been amazed time and time again by the childish games played by the right. The double standard expected to be status-quo, and I knew it was only a matter of time before I witnessed the Republican Party claim victory over its own citizens. Rush Limbaugh said "The ego has landed folks, the world has rejected Barack Obama" as he laughed and teased at the loss to this country. Glenn Beck told listeners to his radio show "Let me be the first to tell you this news, it's so exciting." It's become evident that the Republican Party, regardless of how oxymoronic or hypocritical has been in the past, has reached a new level of shameful anti-American rhetoric. In the video below, you'll see a gathering of conservatives at the Americans For Prosperity, one of the main organizing groups behind the tea party protests and a notorious Republican support system begin cheering at the news that the US had been eliminated in the first round in the bid for the 2016 Olympic games in Chicago