Thursday, July 30, 2009


The same tired arguments the righties have been using for years are failing. The economy is still teetering. President Obama made a gaffe that no matter how hard they tried, the righties still couldn't inflict any damage beyond what a juvenile mosquito could inflict on a rhinoceros.
So, in keeping with my well earned reputation for kindness and gentleness, I will submit these proposals in an effort to help the righties from further sinking into the infinite chasm of irrelevance.
The one thing we all want to hear is how this or that will create jobs. Job killing stuff is a turn off. We're a sexual society. Turn us on with the hot booty of job creation.
GLOBAL WARMING: Forget everything you've read and heard about global warming, climate change, Co2, whatever. This is an opportunity for economic success. It's getting hotter so that only means more air conditioners will be sold. Thus creating jobs. Global warming is good for America. Especially if you buy an air conditioner made by General Electric. (Disclaimer. I own stock in General Electric. That had no bearing on the content of this suggestion)
HEALTH CARE REFORM: Forget all that nonsense you righties have been harping about freedom to choose health providers and government picking your doctor and Canadians coming hear because they didn't want to hear what the Canadian Doctor told them. That's boring.
Tell the masses that it's more satisfying to do it yourself. Sell home health care kits so people can diagnose and operate on themselves. They don't need these quack doctors anyway. And with less doctors, that means less wacky malpractice awards. We all win. Plus we can prescribe ourselves medical marijuana and Viagra. Think of how much embarrassment we'll save shy American males when they don't have to tell the nurse or secretary he can't get it up.
IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN: The tired old "we're fighting them there so we don't have to fight them here" argument is crap and we all know it. The debate must be framed in a way the glorifies what we're doing and brings us back to the old days when all that mattered was glory and killing Native Americans.
Tell us we're over there to slaughter Iraqis and Afghans because they're savages and don't deserve the land on which they're living. We could do a far better job raking sand. Growing opium and drilling for oil. Do a few TV ads for the Army telling young men they can be like Kit Carson and General Custer. Once we have the Iraqis and Afghans either killed or locked down in reservations, we can have another Oklahoma type land rush. Think of the jobs we can create and we don't have to feel guilty because these people were savages.
MORAL ISSUES: We're all tired of old men telling us to abstain and love Jesus and pandering for cameras outside of church. These guys get boners too. A good many of them put them to use with women they aren't married to and guys in airport restrooms. If you're gonna do it, provide pictures. Who doesn't want to see a "Magnificent Pair."
Glad I could help...


The Wordsmith said...

You folks are amazingly naive!
This same old Republican Bashing is getting to be a bit tiresome.
Bashing Sarah Palin and Rush daily does not compute, it just don't make any sense.. It's the people in power that should be bashed, republicans and democrats alike.
Our country is in the worst shape it's been in since I was born and you keep bashing Sarah Palin.
Wake the hell up from the dead and see what Obama and his gang are doing to us.
You don't have to like me, but you should use you ability to lash out at the correct people.
Quit getting mad and angry about people and things that are unimportant.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Jesus criminy Wordsmith. I thought jobs, healthcare. Iraq and Afghanistan and climate change were inportant. That's why I tried to help out your side with a few logical suggestions.

Give me a list of names who you guys think are leading us to socialism and I'll help you out there also.

Some people just don't appreciate a favor.

Pamela Zydel said...

Truth: I’m not sure about purchasing air conditioners. It’s been pretty cool lately. My sister got married Saturday. It was an outside wedding and we were all wearing jackets. It’s the end of July! I think “Climate Change” is a crock and an avenue for our politicians to cash in on our sympathies for our planet.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I am a believer in climate change or whatever the word of the day is for it. We dump tons of goo into the atmosphere every minute of every day. We have since the industrial age started.
How can all that stuff not affect the climate?

My question is, is there really a whole helluve lot we can do about it. The Great lakes have undergone a remarkable revival since my family left the Great Lakes Naval Station in North Chicago. We can clean it up. And I don't think anyone lost a job because the Great lakes is now a wonderful sportfishing and recreational area. My cousin in Rochestor told me I have to get up there and do some smallmouth fishing on Lake Erie.

I spent four years in North Chicago. I think there was maybe five days in that four years we could actually swim in Lake Michigan.

We can get there once all the jive turkeys on both sides decide to quit pandering for FOX and CNN and do something useful. Right now they push this ridiculous cap and trade nonsense. It allows polluters t pollute if they purchase an "indulgence." (I am a Catholic)

Term limits to get a load of these jokers that made a career out of delays and bullshitting would be a real change we could believe in. Are you listening Mr. President?

TAO said...


It would be nice to believe that you are being sincere and that your only purpose is to keep the feet of those in power in the fire...

But thats not true and while you may not know it most of the rest of us do...

In regards to your "You don't have to like me.." comment...

I do not attack people but rather their positions and make no judgement on the individual. But you did a pretty good hatchet job on me with you totally incorrect comment on BPB blog. Had you did your homework you would have realized that he made some very snide and immature comments on another blog about me and he bragged about his big post and when you got to his site well, that was not a very enlightening opening...

Yes, the same ol' Republican bashing is getting old and there is not doubt that some democrats need to get slapped across the back of their heads...but with you and your kind constantly bashing 'libs' libtards' and all of that you really can't expect much of a dialogue can you?

So, why not lead the way and start showing us by setting the example of how we should be blogging...

Actually our country was in pretty bad shape in the early 70's but I am not sure if you were alive then...

TOOKIE said...

Look if Barry wanted to stimulate the economy all he had to do was two simple easy things.

1. Extend Unemployment for 2 years and no taxing of it

2. Federal Tax Holiday on all companies . No anything at all for one year .

Thus companies can get on their feet and have extra capital and the folks who just lost jobs or are trying to find one would be covered until the upswing .

It would have been a half page document .

Instead we got pork and Hare's fork .

Major screw up

TOOKIE said...

Zebra mussels also helped clean the great lakes . They are a major pain for water plants but their recycling the system of the lakes has done wonders .

Patrick M said...

Didn't Capt Fogg do a post about this kind of blather over at Swash? Oh yeah, it was evil Republicans inventing shit.

The arguments don't change because the Left doesn't change either. Now for some reason you hear the words, but you fail to grasp the actual meaning. So I'll be kind and gentle in return, and not criticize you, assuming that you've had only trolls and morons visit you in the past and not challenge you with common sense.

I am with you on the horny politician pics, though, if for no other reason that to see politicians banging people. (relevant quote, skip to 1:10)

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Here I am trying to help and you insult my commenters Patrick. That's not very kind and gentle of you. I don't remember Captain Fogg ever leaving a comment here but I read his stuff regularly. He's tougher on righties than I am. I don't think he would ever be so kind as to suggest improvements to their message as I do.

Nice suggestion Tookie. Let's just dump flying zebra mussells into the atmosphere and that will clean it up. I'll tell Phil Hare that next time I see him.

I like your other suggestions as well. I have no problem paying more individual tax if it helps business be more competitive. Create jobs through economic growth. And helps those that need a hand. When they're back on their feet they can also pay a few bucks more till everyone's back on their feet.

The Wordsmith said...

My post was brought out because of your constant putting down of fellow blogger Pitbull.
You seem to always get on his back now matter what the subject or issue is about. You always have to end your post to him with a insulting put down.
Haven't we seen enough insults in the past few day with that Idiot "Time" Didn't we learn anything from that?
That is why I wrote what I did.
Maybe I came on too strong, but when I came on line this morning the very first thing I read was 2 different posts both by you and both getting on his back.

Unknown said...

TRUTH 101 said...

Jesus criminy Wordsmith. I thought jobs, healthcare. Iraq and Afghanistan and climate change were inportant. That's why I tried to help out your side with a few logical suggestions.

Give me a list of names who you guys think are leading us to socialism and I'll help you out there also.

Barney Frank, Pelosi, obama, reid, rains did, but he's gone, anyone who believes Kenesyian economics works.

You're saying they aren't socialists? What about that cover of newsweek that said, "We're all socialists now"?

TAO said...

Keynesian economics (also called Keynesianism (pronounced /ˈkeɪnziən/) and Keynesian Theory) is a macroeconomic theory based on the ideas of 20th-century British economist John Maynard Keynes. Keynesian economics argues that private sector decisions sometimes lead to inefficient macroeconomic outcomes and therefore advocates active policy responses by the public sector, including monetary policy actions by the central bank and fiscal policy actions by the government to stabilize output over the business cycle.[1] The theories forming the basis of Keynesian economics were first presented in The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, published in 1936; the interpretations of Keynes are contentious, and several schools of thought claim his legacy.

Keynesian economics advocates a mixed economy—predominately private sector, but with a large role of government and public sector—and served as the economic model during the latter part of the Great Depression, World War II, and the post-war Golden Age of Capitalism, 1945–1970, though it lost some influence following the stagflation of the 1970s. As a middle way between laissez faire capitalism and socialism, it has been and continues to be attacked from both the laissez faire right and the socialist left.

Lets see, we need to thank John Maynard Keynes for the "Golden Age of Capitalism" and realistically, Ronald Reagan and GWB were also followers of John Maynard Keynes but they were CLOSET Keynesians because they hid behind lower taxes and more borrowing but they didn't do much but talk about cutting government spending...

TOOKIE said...

I don't think Hare will take any of my suggestions , I have a feeling he will join the Spring headed "Fans of Tookie"

Tom the Redhunter said...

"It's getting hotter so that only means more air conditioners will be sold. Thus creating jobs. Global warming is good for America."

Well, if that's all there was to it, ok. But the global warmers want to impose all sorts of rules and regulations to control our life. First it was the Kyoto treaty, now Waxman-Markey (cap 'n trade).

Even your A/C analogy falls flat, though, because it costs money for people to buy the air conditioners. This is money that they could have spent elsewhere. So if you have to spend $3,500 on an A/C that's $3,500 that you can't spend on the new deck. Thus while the A/C guy benefits, the carpenter loses.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hey Tom. I got stock in a company that makes air conditioners. If I had stock in Weyerhauser I'd tell people to go outside and enjoy their new decks.

Pelosi's a lousy example of a socialist Pitbull. So is Reid. Thy're millionaires several times over. They show that a person can care about his fellow man and want a government that's looking out for the little guy, and still be rich.

I'll stick with my position on term limits. They've all been in there too long.

Wordsmith: I'm doing Bluepitbull a favor by becoming his foil. I don't care much about hit count or I'd blog as a righty. To be frank, I just enjoy the back and forth. I hope President Obama invites TAO, me and Pitbull over for a beer. You're welcome also.

Tookie: If Phil doesn't know it's your idea then he'll go for it. So will Spring. And nice statue and desk by the way.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Because his wisdom is without peer, I'd like to thank TAO in a separate comment box. Thanks TAO.

Unknown said...

It's one off of marxian. Nice try, though.

Unknown said...

Really? Being rich doesn't make you a socialist?

Tell that to all of the people who dump tons of money into socialist causes like the ACLU and CAIR and other special interest groups that love classism.

You can believe what you want about these people, but in the end, those that I mentioned are socialists, at least in the sense of 'having their fellow mens interest at heart' as Rand said. Meaning that as long as they attempt to do a good deed, the intent is there. The consequence and the action have no meaning.

Trying to cover it up with ambiguities and floral words won't help. That's the basis of the progressives: create classes and divide them through suspicion, resentment, and hatred while cashing in on the process.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Why must you always try to link people that do good things with socialism BPB? People that benefitted from our system the most wanting to give back should be admired. Not branded as socialists. And the ACLU came to the defense of the all American Colonel Ollie North. Their fight is for the freedoms we hold dear. What is so socialistic about demanding a free press and other freedoms spelled out in the Bill of Rights?

Unknown said...

They also came to the defense of Rush Limbaugh and he refused them. They probably also came to the defense of Micheal Vick.

Trying to change the subject wont work.

Anonymous said...

First I think that some of the people that preach about moral issues the most need a good helping themselves. Being moral shouldn't be a "show" it should come from inside and be shown by your actions more than your words.

As far as the climate change/global warming.....I don't want government telling me it's okay because of this or that. We as responsible citizens should be looking into how to be more green. Using cloth bags for groceries instead of plastic. Recycling. Little things that make a big difference if we all just chip in a little.

Unknown said...

Tao..Lets see, we need to thank John Maynard Keynes for the "Golden Age of Capitalism" and realistically, Ronald Reagan and GWB were also followers of John Maynard Keynes but they were CLOSET Keynesians because they hid behind lower taxes and more borrowing but they didn't do much but talk about cutting government spending...

Really? I'd like to see the cut and paste proof you have to back up the cut and paste wiki proof for the rest of your theory.

TOOKIE said...

I like my statue , my real desk is GHETTO . I am cheap . I also know you dislike Phil "the Hutt " Hare as much as I do .

Unlike these guys I know you in real life , do I think your wrong many times ? YES YES and YES , do I think your blind and a socialist ? No . You would not ask me for advice in Wall Street matters , WMZ was great wasn't it ?

You live in the same town as me , answer this . Who leads the charities in donations ? Who built the pool with their "money hoarding right wing ways " in the black area of town ?
Who makes sure the private cat-o-lick's school fund drives get met ? United Way ?

It is not the Dumbocrat machine which you are a part of . It is not redistribute the wealth folks . No it is the average run of the mill conservative .

Those folks do more in a year where you live than anyone . The Dumboturd machine is about power and jobs to the machine to keep power .

The more you wave the flag federally is the less you will see locally where it is really needed . This is one thing you know is true , and why when I hammer the debate I usually win .

You see it daily

p.s. : Make fun of my BMW next it gets 30 plus MPGs and is real fun to drive

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

So we should prostrate ourselves before Tookie and the rich folks because they can afford to give more than grunts like me?

All hail the wealthy. God bless them for their benevolence.

Now I suggest you reread all of my proposals and understand that I want everyone to contribute. Not just the wealthy Tookie.

On a side note, Tookie knows his Wall Street. WMZ is A1!

TAO said...

Bluepitbull buddy, its not a theory...its fact.

You need to quit fighting with reality...

Just look at the economic growth this country enjoyed from 1945 to 1970; its documented. Now you might want to argue a hypothetical about what we 'could' have achieved under some other economic policy but that is a waste of time.

Its like arguing that we 'could' have won the Vietnam War if it wasn't for the hippies...the hippies were real and you have got to play the hand you were given.

You can argue all you want about how great Reagan and or GWB could have been and how we benefitted from their policies of lower taxes but the reality is they also increased our deficits because neither one cut government spending. You can also add that they spent money more wisely because they spent it on the military but the reality is money borrowed is a debt and a debt must be paid no matter what you spend it on.

Based upon your definition of marxist/socialist you have basically labelled Jesus, Christians, and Pro lifers, all socialists/marxists...

No one divides and conquers more than the family values crowd, or the pro lifers.....

Oh, and Ayn Rand really would have had a fit over those who claim that instilling democracy in foreign countries with our military force is very socialist.

Wordsmith...quit whining, it is so unbecoming! I posted something about China economic power on another blog and made absolutely no mention of anyone and the next thing I know BPB is attacking me and my comments.

Your boy makes it a point to slam me every chance he gets and I just give it back to him every chance I get...

If you want to be respected then you have to give respect. I didn't start this little dogfight BPB did a few months ago and if he wants to change the discourse then by all means he can start the change also.

But I am not going to sit around quietly while being bashed with crap like, "Tao's theory is full of holes" Or being called a "moron" which by the way is something that I have never called you but you in turn had no problem labelling me as such...

If you do not want to be slapped around then grow up and show some respect and you will be respected.

Anonymous said...

truth101 wrote: " I'm doing Bluepitbull a favor by becoming his foil. I don't care much about hit count or I'd blog as a righty. To be frank, I just enjoy the back and forth. I hope President Obama invites TAO, me and Pitbull over for a beer. You're welcome also"

I heard that he only serves Thunderbird!

TOOKIE said...

Latest IRS findings :

The top 1% pay more than the bottom 95% combined . I don't care how the libs spin it , in the worst economic cycle in years the Government is going to suck it's producers dry .

Unknown said...

Tao - Wordsmith...quit whining, it is so unbecoming! I posted something about China economic power on another blog and made absolutely no mention of anyone and the next thing I know BPB is attacking me and my comments.

Not true, not true. Even when I try to leave you alone, you seem to mention me. Hell, I could care less about you, but it's clear that you need me to argue.

Let's face it, you started all of the vitriol that exists between us.

Further, I think that a forum like this is good for all, otherwise we are just bouncing our ideas off of our assumed peers.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Bluepitbull said:

"Further, I think that a forum like this is good for all, otherwise we are just bouncing our ideas off of our assumed peers."

Well said BPB. I misunderestimated you Brother.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Tookie: I copied this from the blog you cited as an example of the unfairness to you and your rich brethren.

"In 2007, the bottom 95 percent paid 39.4 percent of the income tax burden."

Your top one percent also controls more wealth than the bottom 95%. So why are you angry Tookie? The most recent study I found said the bottom 80% only controlled 7.5% of the Nations wealth. Yet we're paying 39.4% of the tax burden.

I don't begrudge your wealth Tookie. My community has benefitted from the generosity of your family and other wealthy families. I have personally benefitted from your generosity when you graciously loaned me your Musky kit which included several expensive Mepps spinnerbaits and the now infamous yellow chicken.

Your family treats it's employees right. I appreciate that very much.

I'm sorry I don't enjoy the same economic station as you Tookie, but I am as generous as a I can afford to be and when the church, community, and yes indeed, my political party, needs people to volunteer ther time, I always say yes. As you do my friend.

tipsy tom said...

BluePittbull, stop kissing Truth's ass.

It's unbecoming to you.

Unknown said...

whatever. If you don't want to figure out what makes the other side tick, then don't visit here. Or did I miss something?

Funny when someone tells me how to operate and they are clearly screening this site.