Saturday, July 25, 2009


A trip to the circus got me thinking about how everyone has a primal need to be appreciated and thanked.

Many are of course worthy of thanks. Veterans. Firemen. Police Officers. They deserve thanks for keeping us safe. Construction workers that build our stuff. Manufacturing workers that manufacture. Entrepreneurs need to be thanked for creating jobs. Plumbers need to be thanked for keeping our pipes flowing.

But I saw a guy that nobody thinks about thanking today and if you ask me, he's just as important as anyone.

He is the Circus Shit Shoveler.

This poor skinny guy was the hardest working guy I've ever seen. If there was a pile of shit he was on it. He never got a break. An elephant would drop a load in the parking lot, the shit shoveler was right there with the tools of his trade. A shovel and a wheelbarrow.

He risked his life cleaning up after the lions. He didn't have a whip and a chair. Just a shovel. I don't think the lions were intimidated. But they didn't mess with him so even the lion in his primal state, appreciated the shit shoveler.

No doubt, this poor, hard working man took a shitload of abuse and teasing. We all cheered the feats of the trapeze artists. We cheered the lion tamer and the knife thrower. We cheered the dancing elephants. We even cheered the ringmaster for doing nothing more than standing around pointing at stuff. But while all this was going on, the one guy we weren't cheering even though he was without a doubt, the hardest working and most important guy there was the shit shoveler. He dodged the elephants and the lions and the camels and dancers, nimbly shoveling the shit so they wouldn't step in it.

The next time anyone thinks he/she deserves a thank you or a pat on the back, remember the Circus Shit Shoveler. Your job isn't as tough as you think.


Kevin Robbins said...

In a way, he's lucky no one gives a shit. Otherwise, it would just make more work for him.

sue said...

truth - Good one. You have an amazing blog.

Average American said...

Just like many jobs I've worked on, the guy that does the most work gets paid the least. I disagree with a lot of your posts Buddy, but you're right on this one!

Anonymous said...

Truth, I'm sorry to post this here and be off topic... BUT! I do want you to see it..

TRUTH 101 said...
"Matt: I have never represented myself as anything other than what I am. A Democrat. A small time party supported and Union man.
I will rot in hell before apologising for being any of those things.
If you have a problem with my style, join the club. Oh, and of course. I never have figured out what you're about Matt"

You have never figured out what I am about?
Why, because i supported Obama in the election and I DARED to say that I have many doubts about him and his policies NOW?

Because I dared to have some regrets about him now? Well Truth, I have some news for you old buddy, I am not a kool-aide drinker or am I a blind follower of ANYBODY! Not for Liberals like myself or republicans or to anybody else. Yes I do have some doubts about Barack Obama now, MANY doubts. You questioned me because of what I wrote about his idiotic interfearance to the Professor gates and the policeman story! Well I still believe he was out of line and that he was wrong to put his big mouth into a situation that the president of the USA should stay out of.
I think that his Health care bill is a disaster as ar so many of his other bills. And I disagree with is decision on closing Gitmo. Look at what he has done on an issue-by-issue basis, generally speaking Americans are unhappy with what Obama is doing on a host of issues. As am I. None of it makes sense.
So maybe I WAS wrong in supporting him! So maybe I don’t support him any longer. So what? Am I a traitor because he fooled me? I have only one short life and I kinda like to live it the way I want. Not the way some socialist wants me to. Yes I do think that he is a socialist and that we are headed down that path, and I for one do not like it. And it’s not only me that thinks that way, Obama's approval rating are plummeting daily. If you can’t see that then you go right ahead and write blogs about how bad Bush was. But we can not blame Bush forever. It’s time to be honest with ourselves. As citizens we get the government we deserve.
It is funny how everyone here is either pointing fingers at George Bush or Dick Cheney or at Sarah Palin or at Rush Limbaugh, when we should be pointing fingers at us, we Americans. We created this mess we put Obama in office. George Bush didn't and George Bush as bad as he was did not create this mess we are in today.
Christ, how it pains me to say it, and to admit that I was wrong. My friend, I would like to take these last few moments of stubborn close-mindedness to say that it's been an honor to dig myself into this hole with you.

TOOKIE said...

Dude a lefty called you out . I can't stop laughing , this is just classic .

truth : the kool aid drinking Union man and a cog in the Illinois Democratic machine


TAO said...

Ah Matt, actually GWB did create the mess we are in and did create the opportunity for someone like Obama to get into office.

As far as socialized medicine goes we currently have a healthcare system where 46% of a medical expenses are paid for by the government? Hello, Matt, Government already pays 46% of all medical bills in the USA...
Then you got 47 million Americans who can get free healthcare because they have no insurance...

Who pays for that?

So basically you now regret voting for Obama and you don't like anything he has done? Sounds to me you only voted for him because he was black...or is your current change of heart due to the fact that in your profile you state your occupation as "law"

Pretty fickle you are...

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Matt: I'm glad you brought some of this up because if you,ve been reading my posts and comments more closely, you would realize that I also have some problems with some of the President's policies.

I want us out of Iraq sooner. Not later. In this sense, I'm closer to Ron Paul and his supporters.

I support single payer health insurance. Not the Obama plan.

I've called out Democrats to practice pary loyalty as the Republicans do so a progressive agenda can become a reality.

I've made no secret that I think Reid and Pelosi are a sorry pair.

You may not like the way I taunt the opposition Matt. I respect that your style or tastes may not be the same as mine. But I challnege you to refute my observations.

Oh. And I never said I agreed with President Obama for calling the actions of the police department in question of acting stupidly. I just said I am glad my President is atually showing his honest opinion without going through all the bulshit. I like candor.

Anonymous said...

Truth saiD:
"Matt, Pretty fickle you are..."

Fickle? I call it being honest with myself.
As for you, Bing mad at Obama because.he is not radical enough.

I say, to each his own.
I am for America, not for the Illegal aliens like Obama seems to be worried about.
I'm not for paying their Health Care. Let them go back to Mexico and have the Mexican Government pay for them.
Ask the people that live in Massachusetts. They are already are experiencing what Obama wants for the rest of the country, and they are very unhappy with it.

TAO said...

Illegal Aliens?

But they are just so easy to hire and work for cheap. You hire them, tell them what to do and they do it. They show up every day and keep their mouths shut.

Did I say they work for cheap?

I know two companies in town that have about replaced all their American labor with Hispanic labor and lowered their average hourly pay rate by over $2.50 an hour!

If you kicked them all to Mexico then what would employers do? Hire back all the Americans and increase the cost of their wages or move overseas?

I just got a call the other day because I wouldn't hire a hispanic even though their paperwork appeared to be all legit...

I just said that being able to communicate in English is one of the requirements of the job and this person could not speak one word of English.

I am sure that there is a lawsuit in my future...

So, am I to hate Obama over this? Heck, every employer I know, and who vote enmasse for Republicans, love illegal aliens and cannot hire enough of them...

Heck, this summer the company I hired to redo my roof and re landscape my yard had nothing but hispanics on their work force...

In regards to healthcare...I have yet to find one real american who does not believe that something has to be done about the beast....

Not ONE single American....

None of us are happy with our healthcare situation, and that includes doctors and other healthcare appears that the drug companies and the insurance companies are all alone as the opposition to healthcare reform...


JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

TAO said you're fickle Matt. Not me. And why are you attacking me for Obama's health insurance plan? Or the Massachusettes plan for that matter. I've laid out my plan on several blogs over the last months. Go after it. Nobody else is. It must be because they all see how simple, effective, and good for America it is.

I may change my moniker to "Patriot 101" when Congress and the President finally see the light and adopt my plan to save our Nation's health insurance system.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

TRUTH 101 said...

Matt: for your's and anyone else's info, I too think illegals should not be allowed here. They drive down the wages and are a drain on our health system.

You and others forget it's Bush and the Republicans that did little to stop the influx.

No Truth, I didn't forget it, But how come Obama was able to change everything else that "Bush" was responsible for?

He can NOW do whatever he wants to, but Obama is for the influx of illegals, so lets call it as it is.
Come on in, the door is open and the welcome mat is out. The federal government of the United State has no intention of enforcing border security or protecting national sovereignty, less than eight years after September 11th. It is time we stop “blaming Bush for everything and especially for Obama’s short falls.
Illegal Aliens are in violation of Section 8 of the United States Code. Obama is wrong. These people are Socialists! Am I’m I saying anything that you don’t already know? I doubt it. So let’s stop the BS and call it like it is. Obama is a socialist and he is ruining this country. PERIOD.…sorry. I can not and WILL NOT support him any longer.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

If you think ending your support of President Obama will affect positive change on illegal immigration then I wish you well Matt Rose.

I disagree with you when you say Obama is a socialist. He has a real nice house and he and his wife dress quite well for socialists.

Anonymous said...

TRUTH 101 said...

If you think ending your support of President Obama will affect positive change on illegal immigration then I wish you well Matt Rose.

I disagree with you when you say Obama is a socialist. He has a real nice house and he and his wife dress quite well for socialists


So did Saddam Hussein!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

George W. Bush wears expensive suits also Eric. I guess that makes him a socialist according to your logic. He did expand the role of government into our lives. That dirty pinko!

Or maybe he wasn't so bas after all. Hmmmmm...