Saturday, July 18, 2009


A common, yet deluded accusation among right wing bloggers is that we Lefties are "scared of Sarah Palin."
While I am admittedly intimidated by any woman that skins moose and fillets fish better than I do, politically, none of us has any fear of Sarah whatsoever.
The reason we vilify Sarah is not because we hate her or because she's an intellectual lightweight. There are plenty of intellectual lightweights among Righty Nation to make fun of.
The reason we mess with Sarah is so Righty Nation spends it's time trying to show her to be something other than the deluded, intellectually challenged right wing fool she is.
The strategy has worked wonders. The Righties still don't have anyone on their side that has exhibited any talent other than the usual recitation of right wing talking points because they have been busy trying to create the illusion of talent and intelligence around Sarah Palin.
Bobby Jindal exposed himself for the clown he is after his pathetic rebuttal to President Obama's outstanding address to our Nation. Mitt Roney thinks he's going to get his own planet in the afterlife. Who wants any more Mormans knocking on doors anyway. Mike Huckabee has molded his political personality around Larry the Cable Guy.
I guess that in a sense, I can understand the Righties rallying around Sarah considering the poor crop of Righties they have to choose from.
Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh still speak for the Republican Party whether Michael Steele likes it or not. The pathetic Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee have been getting schooled by Judge Sotomayor. One of these jokers was so desperate for something that might at least get his face on the news and a nod from Rush Limbaugh, he did his best Ricky Ricardo imitation.
It is because of my kind and gentle nature that I went ahead and let the Righties in on the joke. And I notice some of their sites are grasping for subjects. This gives them a subject they can take back to their blogs. I'm always here to help.
Thank you for reading Truth Shall Rule.


Anonymous said...


You don't seem like a very well educated person. How far have you taken your formal education?

Tom the Redhunter said...

"The reason we vilify Sarah is not because we hate her or because she's an intellectual lightweight."

I wish I could believe that. If the left only made fun of her statements then that would be true.

But how do you account for the personal attacks on her family? The speculation that she faked her pregnancy, for example? Or all of the lies about her "corruption;" all of which were proven false. She was cleared of every single charge.

No, I think the left attacked her because she represents everything the liberal feminists hate; a woman who didn't abort her down syndrome child, hunts and fishes and indeed likes guns, can manage both a family and a state, and worst of all is strikingly attractive.

And that last point is the important one. We've noticed that the left saves it's worst venom for the more attractive conservative women, and goes after them using sexual slanders. Look at the hate mail/and comments sent to Michelle Malkin as another example (much of which she prints on her blog.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

WE figured the ugly conservative women have suffered enough Tom.

Sorry. I couldn't resist.

sue said...

truth - Well, when Sarah Palin came out of the wilds of Alaska - she scared me. She scared me because the Republican party put her up for vp, and I was scared that she might end up being president. I think she is an intellectual lightweight from the word go. And I am picky about who is the first woman president and I didn't want it to be her.

Now if you really want to scare me - bring back Dan Quayle.

By the way, anonymous is wrong about your not being an educated person. I think you are brilliant.

Anonymous said...


That makes one of you. So Palin is a lightweight, and this Truth fella is brilliant? Interesting take.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The anonymous one suffers from "Truth101 Envy." Perhaps signing in instead of posting as anonymous will help you build some self esteem anonymous dude.

Anonymous said...

Well Tom basically defended everything that I was about to, so I will take another part of your post.

As far as having lots of prospects, I think you are spot on. It's not looking good for the right. There is nobody right now that I could stand behind with any sort of confidence. I actually liked good ol' Fred Thompson but that didn't happen. I don't have the problems with Palin that a lot of people do, but I don't think she is right for president and if we put her up against Obama, she wouldn't fare well. Then again, Obama in 4 years, who knows what can happen in that time! :-)

Yung Dre said...

Hey Jerkoff, don’t piss down our backs and then tell us it’s raining!
Barack Obama along with is moron VP Biden are either evil, stupid, ignorant, or an absolutely pathetic liar's (or all three)
Obana is lying his Armani-Gucci pants off.

I vote evil. I can't believe that anybody could be this fucking stupid on economics. Oh, we are talking about political assholes aren't we...but as far as I'm concerned The Obamanation's policies take away vast amounts of freedom - and is there anything more evil than someone taking away your freedom?

The illusion that Barack Obama will lead from the economic center has quickly come to an end. Instead of combining the best policies of past Democratic presidents -- John Kennedy on taxes, Bill Clinton on welfare reform and a balanced budget, for instance -- President Obama is returning to Jimmy Carter's higher taxes and Mr. Clinton's draconian defense drawdown.

Mr. Obama's $3.6 trillion budget blueprint, by his own admission, redefines the role of government in our economy and society. The budget more than doubles the national debt held by the public, adding more to the debt than all previous presidents -- from George Washington to George W. Bush -- combined. It reduces defense spending to a level not sustained since the dangerous days before World War II, while increasing nondefense spending (relative to GDP) to the highest level in U.S. history. And it would raise taxes to historically high levels (again, relative to GDP). And all of this before addressing the impending explosion in Social Security and Medicare costs.
Those arrogant asshole bastards are at it again. After causing the biggest burst bubble in history then stealing from the taxpayers to pay off their political cronies who got burnt, Barnie Frank, one of the stooges largely responsible for the above, and another asshole have written a letter to Fannie Mae..

More shit from The Obamanation.
If a Republican president had fired three inspectors general working on sensitive investigations, the media firestorm would drown out every other story. But that's exactly what The One has done, and only a home town newspaper (well-versed in the ways of Chicago politics), the Chicago Tribune, seems to notice...
We have a president and Democrat-controlled Congress which are spending trillions of dollars as fast as they can, and simultaneously inspectors general charged with keeping the process honest are fired.
Inspectors General have been a level of protection against Federal Government corruption of our American system. These people are independent monitors of what is going on in Washington with no political partisan axe to grind,who's primary function is to safeguard the welfare of the American people.The Obama Administration is dumping them at an alarming rate because they are stirring the waters of what is going on at the Federal level. Forget Brian Williams, Katie Couric, or Charlie Gibson reporting anything about this because these liberal maggots are nothing but Democrap mouthpieces who could care less about reporting the truth !!! What a lump of crap that is!!

If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.
Accountability and transparency, what a joke. Chicago was home to Al Capone and his cappos are now running our government
Why isn't this the top story?
So don't give us that bullshit about the pathetic Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee, or about Sarah Palin and Rush.. Neither Sarah or Rush make ANY policies. Like those leftist assholes do.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Even while Bush was running our deficits through the roof, I was offering to pay more in taxes to support my government. I was against the Iraq invasion but I would gladly have paid more taxes to help pay for it. Tough choices Presdient Obama has had to make are because of the greed and selfishness of right wing fools like yourself Yung Dre. I'm still one of the few that will gladly pay more taxes so my Nation can pays it's bills. Get out of debt. provide the services and security which make our Nation a better place for all of us. And not leave our children with that burden.

Your answer is tax cuts and calling responsible progressives assholes.

Thank you for visiting.

David said...

Truth101 said:........."I would gladly have paid more taxes to help pay for it. Tough choices Presdient Obama has had to make are because of the greed and selfishness of right wing fools like yourself Yung Dre. I'm still one of the few that will gladly pay more taxes so my Nation can pays it's bills."

Well it's asshole like you that are getting suckered into his web

Just wait until your Mother/Father or any elder one of your relatives need some serious medical attention and they are to to forget about it because they are too old and already lived long enough.
Lets see how you feel about paying more taxes then You FOOL!
You go ahead and have your fun calling Rightwingers names like you do, but you leftist jerks are the ones that will be responsible for this one time great country sinking to 3rd worldism. Or maybe you like that idea?
The lying, tax cheating, scum-bag, mothers------ bastard politicians from both sides in the slimy House of non-representatives, you passed Crap & Tax.

Bastards all...The Crap & Tax bill passed the House based on - what? Global warming - excuse me, they had to change it to "climate change" to cover the fact that temps have gone down lately - and its massive threat to mankind? BS...there isn't any global warming, there is no threat. Its nothing more than a power and tax grab and always has been. Read this:

Why do people think the planet is warming? One reason is that the temperature data from weather stations appear to be hopelessly contaminated by urban heat effects. A survey of the 1221 temperature stations in the US by meteorologist Anthony Watts and his colleagues is now more than 80 percent complete. The magnitude of putative global warming over the last 150 years is about 0.7 °C. But only 9 percent of meteorological stations in the US are likely to have temperature errors lower than 1 °C. More than two-thirds of temperature sensors used to estimate global warming are located near artificial heating sources such as air conditioning vents, asphalt paving, or buildings. These sources are likely to introduce artifacts greater than 2 °C into the temperature record."

And now The Pelosi-run assholes have passed the biggest tax increase in the history of the universe...fortunately the Senate still has to act on it...its not about the environment, warming or cooling or anything else...its about the people in power exerting that power over you and me and directing trillions of our money to their cronies...

Weren't we promised some methodical and deliberate governance from President Barack Obama? Where is it?

The president claims that we must pass a government-run health insurance program — possibly the most wide-ranging and intricate government undertaking in decades — yesterday or a "ticking time bomb" will explode.

If all this terrifying talk sounds familiar, it might be because the president applies the same fear-infused vocabulary to nearly all his hard-to-defend policy positions. You'll remember the stimulus plan had to be passed without a second's delay or we would see 10. percent unemployment. We're almost at 10. now..

Remember: it's not the warrior who starts the war. But its the warrior who gives their all in service to their country. They don't always have to like it; they just have to do it. But chicken shit people like you wouldn't know that ...would you!
So give up your Sarah Palin Bullshit already, who the hell is she anyway and why do you and your freaken asshole buddies keep on talking about her?
She's not bringing this country down the tubes like that skinny nigga is.
God Bless Our Veterans.. And screw the commie bastards like Barack Obama who couldn't give a crap for our Veterans

Shaw Kenawe said...

Tom the Redhunter wrote:

"And that last point is the important one. We've noticed that the left saves it's worst venom for the more attractive conservative women, and goes after them using sexual slanders. Look at the hate mail/and comments sent to Michelle Malkin as another example (much of which she prints on her blog."

Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Teresa Heinz Kerry, are among the women on the left who have had hideously vile things written about them by rightwing bloggers and commenters.

Not everyone on the left makes fun of Palin's looks--there's nothing to make fun of, no one disputes that she's attractive.

It's what she says and how she says it that is unattractive and, sadly, incomprehensible.

Many on the left believe that her good looks have blinded those on the right from seeing her for what she is--a quitter.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I posted my comment (5:13 am) while "David" was writing this at 5:12 am):

She's not bringing this country down the tubes like that skinny nigga is.
God Bless Our Veterans.. And screw the commie bastards like Barack Obama who couldn't give a crap for our Veterans

Proof positive that Obama must be doing a lot right because he's made unhinged racists like David apoplectic enough to show their disgusting true selves in public.

AlgerHiss said...

Shae, said.."Many on the left believe that her good looks have blinded those on the right from seeing her for what she is--a quitter"

If she is and I personally doubt it, but I'd rather be a quitter than a freaken LAIR!
Like Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi..

Like someone else posted..

"I could think of thousands upon thousands of other examples of when I was bursting with pride about my country. I’m sure most of you could too. I’ll bet the most cynical and jaded amongst you have moments in your life where you were immensely proud of our country.

But not Michelle. It took Obamasiah and the cult of Obamania to really make her proud to be an American.
But based on her understanding of America, and who she is married to, she does indeed have a lot to be ashamed of.

Fucking ungrateful bitch."

Lynne said...

Truth, thanks for addressing the ongoing discussion of the righties claim that we are scared of the Bitter Quitter on Twitter. I have never understood it myself.

Rukus said...

Since you are having such a grand old time blasting the Republicans, or as you call them the "Righty Nation" Why not speak about some of the Lefty Heros of the day.. Like for instants this is the 40 anniversary since Chappaquiddick.
So let us not forget the Leftist hero Ted Kennedy.

The Hero of Chappaquiddick
The story below is from another blog:
I almost missed this story. I am sorry.
I have several questions about what happened.
Why wasn't Ted Kennedy sent to prison?
The answer is Poppa Joe's Kennedy's money.
Why does Ted Kennedy keep getting reelected

The Incident that saved America from a Teddy Kennedy Presidency occurred forty years ago today. As true American heroes Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were streaking their way to the Moon on Apollo 11; the Hero of Chappaquiddick earned his (yellow) stripes by allowing the drowning of Mary Jo Kopechne.

No autopsy was performed on Ms. Kopechne's body; however there was some evidence discovered by the funeral director and presented by the District Attorney that Mary Jo suffocated in an air pocket. If confirmed this should have make Senator Kennedy's behavior that night rise to the crime of manslaughter -- but this was Massachusetts. Judge Bernard Brominski ruled against exhumation and autopsy on December 10th, 1969.

The Left's Hero gave multiple accounts of the events of that night. Thus leading one to believe that his nickname has been misspelled all these years since.

Shouldn't it read: ‘The Lyin' of the Senate'?

And what of the dead woman? a 28-year-old named Mary Jo Kopechne drowned in his automobile. While the fat cowardly drunken bastard ran away.
Why is it that you leftie creeps always make fun of Nixon, Bush, Palin and Rush, but never ever mention that Fat DRUNKEN bastard, who has the nerve to sit in the Senate and tell us how to behave ?

The Kennedys were all a bunch of pond-scum, low-lifes - whore masters- and the idiots in Massachusetts continue to re-elect Ted time and time again!
And yet not one world mentioned here about them.
But Ah those righty's Rush and Plain... those are the horrible ones.. What am I missing here?

Tell that to Mary Jo Kopechne's family, who have suffered over the years while this career politician lived high on the hog in Washington.

There's going to be a reckoning day, Sen. Kennedy -- you won't be able to weasel your way out of that or hope for media elites to cover for you.

When that justice comes, then truly Kopechne will be "comforted" You Fat F***.

I'm sure that Ted Kennedy's MSM obituaries will feature Chappaquiddick just like Nixon's highlighted Watergate....I don't think so. They will praise the Fat Bastard like he was the best thing that ever happened since Irish Scotch whiskey .
I wonder if the lyin' drunk Kennedy of the senate was aware of what day this anniversary was. I doubt it. he couldn't swim out of his Scotch bottle long enough to care. Of all the Kennedy's, they missed the biggest target of all of them, what the hell? And then, when he hadn't done quite enough damage in all kinds of lives, he drove his real wife to being a drunk. What an accomplishment for the lyin' SOB of the senate. Democrats, you should be so proud.

commoncents said...

You see, when the government runs things they get to make the rules and decide who gets what, and now Obama has set limits on executive pay if your company gets a bailout. Now, how do you get on the good list? Bribe - excuse me, contribute - to your favorite politician and get them elected, then keep bribing them. Simple. Anywhere else its called corruption. Not in D.C.
Finally, some sanity is coming into the crap & tax and nationalized health care debates against The Obamanation. It needs to never stop, so schmucks like me don't have to keep going around saying "see, I told you so".

I kind of like the revolution idea, not that its a new one, just new one against socialists in America.

Shaw Kenawe said...


You come off as an angry, unhappy and definitely defeated malcontent.

Call Michelle Obama all the names you can think of. You can't hurt her.

That behavior only reflects on you, not her.

And it makes you look like a unhinged loser.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Ditto for Rukus.

The commenter Rukus has nothing going for it, so it brings up a tragedy that happened 40 years ago.

Advice for Rukus: Get a life.

Anonymous said...

Truth101 said:........."I would gladly have paid more taxes to help pay for it."

There's a box you can check on your tax return indicating you will be sending more money than required of you. Do you check that box? No one is stopping you from sending more money. If you don't, you should shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Truth101 said:........."I would gladly have paid more taxes to help pay for it."

There's a box you can check on your tax return indicating you will be sending more money than required of you. Do you check that box? No one is stopping you from sending more money. If you don't, you should shut the fuck up.

Ditto, Ditto, and Ditto

Damn Bro your shit is lame

James' Muse said...

Truth, you get the funniest trolls.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I check the box anonymous troll. And I love my Country enough to want to support it instead of endlessly borrowing and blindly hoping tax cuts for the wealthy will pay for everything.

Why does Righty Nation want my Country to be bankrupt? Don't they love America? Don't they appreciate the service our Veterans provided and want to make sure all the promises we made them are kept?

Lia said...

TRUTH 101 said...
"Why does Righty Nation want my Country to be bankrupt? Don't they love America? Don't they appreciate the service our Veterans provided and want to make sure all the promises we made them are kept?"

Man do you have things upside down. Or should I say Ass backwards!

willie joe said...

Life is like a a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get, this time we got a president and first lady who are ass hole's

Anonymous said...


I'm gonna bet working for the city, you don't pay any federal income tax. Your wage just isn't high enough. That makes you a welfare whore. Your welcome for the roads and the military.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Willie and Lia: I know you two America haters lament the freedom of speech we enjoy. But take heart. Castro is still alive and well. You two will never be alone in you hatred of progress and rational thought as long as he is around.

A couple more things just to make sure your next visit puts you in a good mood.

Bush stole the election of 2000. And of course; Gray Headed Brother!

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Hey Tookanonymous: would it be too much trouble for you to post under your moniker instead of the anonymous thing? But in the interest of an accurate moniker in your case, I suggest calling yourself "Shithead."

Love your new desk Tookie. Oops. I mean Shithead.

Thanks for stopping by.


As for OMammy's health care plan, if you people actually think your senator is going to do the right thing, you're kidding yourselves. They will do what they feel is in their best interest. If it coincides with what you want, fine, if not, they don't care. They know you won't hold their feet to the fire and they know YOU will vote for them come next election. It's everyone elses senator that is the jackass and the problem. This government is broken and it stopped representing the American people about 7 months ago.
I thought I was hearing things yesterday when Obama said and I paraphrase..."We may never have another opportunity like this again. It may take a couple of generations before we are able to be at this point"...
My impression was, Obama knows he has the power NOW and 2010 may be the end of this regime. Obama knows he's screwing the American people with this travesty Health care plan and that when the people find out and go to the voting booth in 2010, it's going to be over for the neo-communist Democrat party in congress (good riddance Nancy) What he was also saying to fellow Democrats is, let's get this through now because you may not be here in 2010 and that you are nothing more than an expendable stupid congressman and your one vote now is all that matters. It's all about him. Nothing else matters but what he and his puppet master wants.
This is the mind of a dictator, the manipulator in chief.


The people I know who voted for OMammy are now embarrassed that they got suckered into voting for him. He has turned out to be the Socialist that we said he was. They were in denial then; they know the truth now. We are all looking forward to 2012 and Sarah Palin..

This is what we all need to be doing folks. The situation in our country gets worse by the minute. I am sick of Obama, his admin of thugs, and the drooling OMammy Jerks.

Eat your heart out OMammy

The Wordsmith said...

I see that you have some real "classy" people on your blog these days!
Some very insightful and interesting comments indeed.
I guess you must be doing something right to attract all these intellectuals. And people with analytical thinking. Many of them have generated some unusual yet great ideas.
I particularly liked the hip language of Mr. Main Man.

Good luck with that, and keep up the good work. :)

Anonymous said...

Truth, I know what you need. You have to join one of those sites that tell you where the posters are from. It wouldn't surprise me if 1 person did half of those anonymous postings. Then again, I think you like seeing those lovely rants!! :-)

The Wordsmith said...

Jennifer said...

Truth, I know what you need. You have to join one of those sites that tell you where the posters are from. It wouldn't surprise me if 1 person did half of those anonymous postings. Then again, I think you like seeing those lovely rants!! :-)

"Then again, I think you like seeing those lovely rants!!"

So do I..

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I like a good rant no matter who's ranting. There's a difference between a good rant like Wordsmith gives me from time to time and some shithead race baiting.

Sorry to anyone who was offended by whomever the assholes that are trying to shut me down with their garbage.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't offended's easy to see that these certainly aren't friends of yours. They actually just make themselves sound ridiculously stupid. That's not even ranting......I don't have words for what that crap was! I bet you could come up with a few though! :-)

QC Commander said...

You do have a way of bringing out the worst behavior Truthicle. Hang in there with this one. It was good to see your Onion back up too.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Sorry to enter the fray late. I see you are making friends again. I don't see a point in debating Palin again because she is like a lot of people who incite partisan outrage.

I will give her credit because she does connect with an audience on an intense level. I do, however, find it interesting the amount of vitriol that she generates among her haters. Kind of like Hillary I think.

I don't agree with Hillary on much at all, especially her condescending apology in India the other day. I'm sure the Indians want another western country giving them advice on how to run their country. A little arrogant I think.

She is however, a formidable woman. As was Condy Rice. Interesting that formidable women fire people up, huh? Continued good luck on smoking out some real intellectuals.

Good day sir.

The Wordsmith said...

TRUTH 101 said...
"I like a good rant no matter who's ranting. There's a difference between a good rant like Wordsmith gives me from time to time and some shithead race baiting."

Well thank you, I guess that was a complement...LOL

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

If I fawn over you too much then the radical lefties start hating on me also Wordsmith. I got enough troubles.