Some of the feuds between bloggers can be incredibly entertaining. Especially when looking at them objectively. Thus is the feud between noted righty, Bluepitbull, and noted Lefty, Time.
This has never been about an issue as far as I can tell. It's mostly about who's the bigger prick.
Because the "prick" is ideological in nature, it can't be measured by anything like a ruler, (Or yardstick.Heh heh heh.)
So how does one measure the amount of prickness in another?
I'm biased towards the Lefty of course. I think Bluepitbull is a way bigger prick than Time. Although at times, Time has shown a great deal of prickness.
I hope somebody out there has enough wisdom to figure out a way to decide who the winner of "The Prickness" will be. Until then, all we can do is route for our favorite and hope nobody gets hurt.
And, they're off!
Sorry if you think my defending myself against the likes of PIT SHIT and other lying conservatives makes me a prick.
You obviously have not read the threads where PIT SHIT started the whole thing (making physical threats against me).
I take offense at those who think that's OK, or is the same as some curse word attack. You are wrong, it is different.
I take offense at those who accuse me of making something personal when the talk was about tactics and political ideology.
If you enjoy being bullied, fine, i don't, and will not.
So before you go making your judgments, maybe you should know what you are talking about. I know that would be a first, but try it, it will at least keep you from making yourself look like a fool.
Good job Time. You've pulled even with Bluepitbull.
Truth - Maybe I've said this before, but you are amazingly clever and have a way with 'words'
that go beyond funny.
Sadly, these fine traits have not resulted in riches for me Sue. At least we have blogs.
True Sue,
He is not funny, he is a fool.
Taken in by the dumbest of bigots.
Would it make you happy if I ordered everyone to agree with everything you post from now on Time?
Of course you would say that, you are a fool.
It would be better if you had critical thinking skills, or knew what you were talking about before you made a judgment.
If your interests were more than how high your comment count was. If your interests were more than just being a smart ass.
Jennifer is a moderate? She recently posted a racist slur of a joke on Native Americans. After she was taken to task on it, she deleted two comments against the joke, and then went on to say how much she admired the Native Americans. Twisted! The post was titled jokes for her conservative friends. Of course who but conservatives would agree with her racist jokes.
Truth is the wrong name for you, I'll stick with fool.
A fool speaks about something he does not know about.
A fool is taken in by the "nice" racists and bigots as moderates.
A fool writes posts just to attack others, build comment count, and incite anger.
Truth.....I've been watching the feud too, considering that I am receiving emails for every single post that comes along. Entertaining? IF I am perfectly honest with myself, yeah, it has kept me entertained.
It's interesting that it has gone on this long I must say. Usually if there is someone that insults me, I just ignore them but it does tend to be a bit more difficult when they are in the same blogland vicinity as you frequent.
I saw the conflict over at Pam's blog and now it looks like it has escalated to your blog. I'm not sure whether to say congrats, or that I'm so sorry for you! LOL
I really don't know bluepitbull, although I have seen a few of his comments around. I have a few hard feelings with Time, but like I said, for me, it is simply better to ignore him.
Thank you for picking up for me in the last post too. I'm not not one who enjoys conflict, and I really appreciate you having my back. Although I do enjoy a good debate! :-)
I know you like to keep up that rough exterior but I think your a big softie on the inside. Don't worry I won't tell!
How do you judge prickness by the way. Quality of barbs vs quantity? Cute Title by the way!
It's all very simple.
I don't really care about Jen's middle of the road outlook on life. People want to hang out in Stalin's den, that's fine.
But when people pick on her for disagreeing with them, that's wrong.
Time has a score to settle with me, fine...bring it on.
If the rest of you looters have a score to settle, please do.
It was you who left the messages, Time. I had my suspicions and you gotta love that sitemeter that records time, date, location, etc. Deny it, if you want, but I know the truth. Website statistics do not lie. Ironic how I never had "trolls" till you attacked me at the other post.
Actually I only deleted one comment because it called me a whore and had nothing to do with the post. The other one is still there, all you have to do is look. I have record of both slurs if you'd like me to present them. I apologized for the joke and time and again, explained that if I had really read it, instead of just enjoying the actual joke about Congress, I never would have posted it.
It's ironic that you paid so much attention to that post, and it's comments, yet you wouldn't post an insult as "Time." You had to pose as anonymous and this time you can't BS your way out of it. We all know the truth. Apparently bluepitbull was telling the truth when he accused you of posting as other people.
And now you attack Truth because he picked up for me. Really, it is sad, this hatred for anyone that doesn't kiss your butt. Pathetic really. And yes, this time I did insult you.
I do admire Native Americans, not that I have to justify it to the likes of you.
So I make a mistake in posting a joke, admit it, and apologize for it, yet you call me twisted.
Your insults from "anon" were despicable and deep down you know it.
Sorry to use your blog like this Truth, but I had enough of his baseless attacks. Apparently now, you are on his target too. I have all the confidence in you that you can handle it! :-)
I don't post anonymous comments.
Prove it liar!
I don't need to be anonymous to call you a racist, bitch, liar.
So where's your proof bitch?
You've been up for hours, you can't post this proof you supposedly have to back up that despicable lie about me?
All talk no proof, filthy bitch.
I'm sure PIT SHIT posted the anonymous comment, he does that all the time, especially to make me look bad. Playing us to watch the sparks fly.
Prove it and I will apologize AND DELETE MY BLOG!
Come on liar, prove it!
And this is what I was talking about.
Why would you call someone like Jennifer a bitch? No good reason except that you've been served. OH....SNAP NOT.
Time, it isn't nice to call women bitches. I don't even think your role model, al franken would take that dive.
You did post those things and it's very transparent due to your writing style. If it's by ip, then all the better.
Get a grip, man. You are too easy to get at. If you would stop calling people names, they would leave you alone.
I am not going to let another blogger go through the assaults from you the way you tried with me. Especially when they aren't doing anything more than expressing an opinion.
I do love how truth cashed in on this feud, though. But time, if you wish to bring the fight to my site, by all means.
I'm a bit late to this, but I'd like to share anyway.
In my opinion this "TIME" guy should be thrown out of this blog on her ear or on his ass. What kind of a numb-skull is he anyway?
I don't know nor do I care what happened prior to this, but his Aggressive and Nasty Behavior Is NOT Acceptable! This poster has become sickening. This person is very troubling ... I would suggest that he be banned from your forum.Or kick in his ass, very firmly.
I second that.
I may disagree with the blog, but I try to keep comments clean.
Time and Bluepitbull: You've both now accused me of wanting my ego inflated in one way or anohter. Both of you have read enough of my posts to know in your hearts my reputation for humility and self deprication is well deserved.
I'm not going to delete your comments calling Jennifer a "bitch" Time. I'm going to leave them up because it's more efficient for the asshole to show the world he's an asshole than for someone else to do it for him.
Efficiency is also one of my traits.
Thank you for visiting.
Time, calling Jennifer all that you did was WAY OVER THE LINE...
There is no reason for it and nothing that can be said to justify it.
One of the big issues with blogging is determining who is a real person expressing real ideas and who is hiding behind a picture and stirring things up.
Jennifer is a real human being...
That makes all the difference in the world.
While I had absolutely no problem with your attack of Bluepitbull and really would have no problem with you attacking any and all of his variour 'followers' for the most part I have to draw issue with Jennifer.
She is a real person attempting to learn, explore, and broaden her political outlook and as such she is not some political hack who is regurgitating political talking points or some autotron who just hammers the same party line...
For that reason, and that reason alone she deserves to be respected.
On my blog, I would usually just delete the fools comment’s as I do with that creature Lynne, but in this case with Time ignoring the problem won't help. I think his remakes to Jennifer were so far over the line that everybody reading them should throw him off their blogs.
Blog members and blog authors do not need to have a vulgar imbecile on their blogs so that we constantly have to monitor what they sat or write. . He should immediately be stopped and put in his place so that we can all go back to having fun and not being annoyed by street talking annoying internet trolls like him....Seriously, he should be deleted and banned . We have all had some pathetic commenters from time to time but this TIME is beyond pathetic, he is disgusting. He has been harassing your posters for weeks now but this attack on Jennifer was the worst thing I have ever seen on any blog.
Good luck with what you decide to do.
And this is why our country will go down in flames while Nero fiddles - the rank juvenile behavior of grown ups in the bloggerhood has reached ridiculously epic proportions.
The men who founded this country were as different in their opinions and viewpoints as we are and yet they found the common ground and cooperative spirit to band together to create a free nation.
So what's the difference today? Besides the fact that we are over-indulged, self-important, whining brats?
Seems the one important difference is the knowledge that we never have to stand face to face. There is no civil controls and no consequences for bad behavior out here in cyberspace.
Either we all agree to police ourselves or it will all degenerate into hopeless anarchy.
Many of you have put up some really good posts, but when I see derogeratory, insulting posts on both sides of the political divide, I am saddened and discouraged that we can ever get anything done.
while I expect to see criticism of Obama, etc on righty sites and the same about Bush or Palin, etc on lefty sites, the snark really needs to be tempered with a little of those manners your Mama taught you.
While I have enjoyed visiting a variety of blogs from across the spectrum, I delete from favorites and stop visitng any who have decided to descend into the unproductive morass of name-calling, hatred and empty rhetoric.
People, this country is in serious trouble, brought on my years of burgeoning corruption and greed in Washington. We are on the verge of revolution in order to survive.
Little less childish distraction and a little more meaningful conversation!
Two of our community's well respected bloggers got on me for being too much of an ass some time ago. I can't in good conscience ban anyone since I was banned from American Power.
All I can do is poke and taunt Time and Bluepitbull until I get bored with it and find something else more interesting.
But so far Time is winning The Prickness by several lengths. He is coming down the last stretch in quest of the Long Dong Silver Trophy to be presented by Justice Clarence Thomas.
I can only marvel at the true classlessness of some people. When one disagrees with another and debates in a scholarly way we all win.
Attacking an honest individual like Jennifer is truly beyond the pale. Maybe we should return to dueling. At least people who attack the reputations of others were forced to face their attackers and not allowed to hide behind their anonymity. Rather cowardly I think.
If I now become a target for insults, remember I was a cop for 26 years and I'm used to everybody hating me. So I really wouldn't waste the venom.
As for this latest post, it was cleverly and humorously done. I would venture the opinion that Time has just shredded the book on "prickness" and rewritten it for future generations.
Question: Did you pull the wings off flys when you were a kid?
Somehow I envision you drinking a beer and working those puppet strings.
LAOT: I never was the type that pulled wings off flies or melted ants with a magnifying glass.
I do have a way of pulling information from people they don't want to give. I doubt I'm in your league with that. I dealt with a few cops that had could twist me and whomever I was representing like Chubby Checker. That's probably why I got those grievances and the other committeemen and business agents were "busy."
Just one word about Jennifer being attacked by that stupid individual "Time"
I was really shocked and sorry to read what that IMBECILE has said to you Jennifer besides my saying that, I don't know what else to say.
He sounded as if he were on drugs to sound-off at you that way.
Amen to what Matt just said.
Time you sound like you are on Crack.
Your apology to Jeniffer is already too late.
You need anger management help real badly.
Hey, I'm all for being allowed to faced your accuser. I'm sure this would be a different story if time had to face any of us.
It really makes you wonder about the nature of some people when they get so angry they resort to bashing innocents and posting anon to reinforce their point.
I have thought that dueling should make a comeback for some time. Mainly to see pelosi on the danger end of a gun.
Ah, Bluepitbull, you might need to quit jumping with joy...
You know that you are very apt, in the right audience, to sling insults with the best of them.
You are still in the Prickness Stakes not in the race for the Nobel Peace Prize.
It is apparent that everyone gets frustrated with politics and we all believe that for some reason or another that our way, our beliefs are the one and only TRUE beliefs and we do not have the respect enough for democracy to understand that the only way a society grows and advances is by COMPROMISE.
You cannot compromise if you have no respect for the opinions of others and in turn you cannot expect to be respected if you in turn do not respect others.
One of the things that our founding fathers did not have to deal with is a diverse public opinion because the right to vote was available to just a very narrow portion of our society at the time...
It is frustrating to want your country to be the best, to grow, advance, and develop, and then get constantly questioned about your patriotism, and get told that you are not a REAL American...
Which is a trick that the right has used for quite sometime...
You may end up losing a follower after that one TAO.
Tao, I will be glad to discuss politics with you after you show a whole year of actually voting.
Until then, stick to t-shirt sales.
You're wise to avoid debates with TAO Bluepitbull. I even give you credit for coming up with a good excuse as to why you avoid this one Brother.
He's not all that or he wouldn't have to mention my name all of the time. He needs me or he would stop.
I'm done with this post. Looks like time did the humane thing and hit the power button finally.
I'm going to leave this up awhile before rendering final judgement Pitbull. The irony will be great. The winner and biggest prick will actually be the loser. I wonder if the loser will take comfort in being the smaller prick? I guess we'll find out if size does matter to Time and Bluepitbull.
TRUTH 101 said...
"I'm going to leave this up awhile before rendering final judgement Pitbull"
You are going to render final judgment?
Who the heck are you Sonia Sotomayor or Professor Henry Gates?
I'll render judgment!
Time had a filthy mouth and he is guilty as hell. And he should have his testicles removed and sewn in his mouth!
It's my blog and my idea Bob. But in keeping with my reputation for fair and balancedness, I will most certainly take what you say about ball sewing under advisement.
Well, I've been away for a while, and some things have changed. Others, not so much.
Truth - It is true that you have been known to be a bit of a troll-baiter. I note however that you have moderated your tone signifigantly after having it pointed out to you. This is what I believe is called 'learning' and is something I respect. Also, you never pretended to be doing anything else, which I believe is called 'honesty', also something I respect.
Time - We have talked a time or two, and although you have always shown you believe things passionately, I have never seen behaviour such at this from you. Unasked-for advice is always a risky thing to give, but I will do it anyways. Re-read what you have said here. Does this really represent something you can be proud of? Never mind the 'but she said!'; is name-calling who you are?
Don't worry about it, Bob. I know what he's doing here.
We can play that game in the future, too.
That is a game I look forward to Bluepitbull. Yes. Yes indeed...
You insipid, childish, self centered morons have built this High School blogosphere, little minded clicks and all.
You all take debate and conversation to lower than a 4 year old level. I've been lied about, lied to, and threatened with physical harm, fine, I can play in the shit pen.
This false anger at me when it is you that have built the atmosphere of hate, and expect that one can't respond in kind.
Listen to the vomit that comes out of a child molesters mouth (PIT SHIT) and what do you expect? Of course his family left him when he was charged with molesting a 13 year old boy. You folks stick with him, call him a gentlemen, let him get away with threatening and bullying, what do you expect?
Jennifer made a sick, filthy, false accusation against me. That does make her a bitch.
I have given the opportunity to get rid of me forever, you have refused.
All you have to do is prove it bitch, and I will disappear. You can't because I didn't do it. I figure PIT SHIT did.
Don't expect me to take your shit. You all built this shit pit of a blogosphere, and love going back and fourth insulting each other, but I do it and WOW I'm the worst.
Reap the benefits what you have built, this great circle of great debate(laugh)but if you can't take it, stop it.
Why should I act any different than the rest of you fowled mouthed ass holes? This is how you act, I can do that too.
So where's your proof bitch?
Prove it I'll be gone, otherwise reap the rewards of your filthy lie, and be treated as the lying bitch that you are.
You can all go back now to you high level of debate, threats, swearing, lying, and all.
Hope you feel better about yourselves. I don't take advice from hypocrites and school children, but I can play along.
It's a children's game. Hit me and laugh. I hit back and you go crying home to mommy.
What Jennifer falsely accused me of, does make her a bitch. The fact that she won't back up her lie with proof, makes her a real lying cunt.
Truth, I think this is what obama calls a 'teachable moment'.
When all sides join together to excise the evil in our society, it will be successful. If we don't, it won't. I think we are seeing the last breaths of this 'time' character on here.
Time, when all different sides of the political spectrum in what are pretty much all political blogs think you suck, then you suck. Calling Jen further names only goes to galvanize how so many feel about you.
I even posted a little picture relating to you on my blog at the top. You poor, poor fool.
I broke my own rule and posted about you.
You of all should know a lying bitch, you taught her.
PIT SHIT, teacher of lying, threatening, child molesting, and other human garbage traits.
Sorry, I won't be visiting your blog.
You are all having fun? I am.
Make up some more lies about me, and prove my point.
Truth, you have to go see time's new site. He finally got to "HEEEEEERRRREEEEEESSSSS JOHNNY!!!!" stage.
Thinking Out Loud
By Details > Visit Detail
Visit 53
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Domain Name Level3.net ? (Network)
IP Address 4.252.20.# (Level 3 Communications)
ISP Level 3 Communications
Continent : North America
Country : United States (Facts)
State : Minnesota
City : Minneapolis
Lat/Long : 44.9823, -93.3063 (Map)
Language English (U.S.)
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Firefox
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009070611 Firefox/3.0.12
Javascript version 1.5
Resolution : 800 x 600
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit Jul 25 2009 5:46:52 pm
Last Page View Jul 25 2009 5:46:52 pm
Visit Length 7 minutes 35 seconds
Page Views 2
Referring URL http://musicalmusing...fjames.blogspot.com/
Visit Entry Page http://jenn-thinking...utloud.blogspot.com/
Visit Exit Page http://jenn-thinking...rvative-friends.html
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Time Zone UTC-6:00
Visitor's Time Jul 25 2009 4:46:52 pm
Visit Number 53
That is the sitemeter log, and I am assuming that you are from Minneapolis from what I have gathered about you from the information provided.
Running Cloud
to palaceforaprincess@gmail.com
date Sat, Jul 25, 2009 at 5:51 PM
subject [Thinking Out Loud] New comment on A Few Funnies....For My Conservative Friends..
mailed-by blogger.bounces.google.com
hide details Jul 25 (2 days ago)
Follow up message
Running Cloud has left a new comment on your post "A Few Funnies....For My Conservative Friends.":
The stereotype description that fits you is bimbo.
You claim to care about Native Americans but write such a racist joke about them.
You are either a fool or a liar.
You seem to be both.
Remove this offensive "joke"
Posted by Running Cloud to Thinking Out Loud at July 25, 2009 5:51 PM
No one else was logged in between the time you visited and between the time that the comment was made. If you are not from Minnesota, then i am mistaken. If you are, then enough with the insults.
I have no obligation to prove it was you but I am tired of this crap. You have your proof, now I want nothing more to do with you!
I am saving all those lovely messages that you've been leaving at my site so everyone can see exactly what you are made of.
You have absolutely become unhinged. Now you are posting as Pit shit's hideout? Are you that stupid? I know when you are at my sight and I know when you post.
It's OK, Jen. He's gonna find out the hard way about maligning people in such a way, but let's not get into it too much.
I agree bluepitbull, I am so done with him and his drama! :-)
That is NOT proof, that could be anyone including PIT SHIT.
You assume a lot, that makes you an ass.
Now you claim to know where I am every minute of the day. What a fool.
Sorry, this is lame, and another lie.
The URL is not mine and could have been used by anyone.
In fact it's james URL and perhaps he did it. Like PIT SHIT he like s to watch people "take their heads off."
Their fun, like Truth, is watching, inciting, getting higher comment counts, and having a good laugh at these childish spats.
You need to apologize for making such a sick accusation without proof.
And I'm sick of a lying bitch cunt like you lying about me and trying to use such invented proof.
Where does it list my IP address?
By the way
lying cunt
She gave proof and the send WOULD be from Minneapolis from where you are.
Why don't you quit while your ahead?
If you don't live in Minnesota, what state do you live in?
Do you use Level 3.net?
I am brutally honest. If I am wrong, and you are not from Minnesota, then I will sincerely apologize.
What you seem to forget is I know what time you leave messages and what time coincides with my sitemeter.
Wow, Time. You are an asshole. And I don't call people that very often.
And you obviously can't read...blaming it on me...it says "referring URL" meaning that they got to her blog from my blogroll.
I cannot believe you. I'm glad I deleted you from my blogroll when you started all of this. You go around, lying about people like Bluepitbull, myself, jennifer, time, and tao. Everyone is sick of you.
I don't normally "psycho-analize" people, but all your comments about posting like a 4th grader...you sure are projecting. You are the one who dragged some feud across the blogosphere.
Time, you're not just an asshole, but the biggest tool of them all.
And now you've sunk to a new low...making your blog dedicated to defaming pitbull. I've flagged your blog and emailed blogger asking them to delete your blog. You are worse than the worst trolls out there.
Grow up.
Kudos to you for contacting Blogger James! That site is low and definitely needs to be removed along with him.
Yes, I can read quite well, thank you very much! Can you?
I didn't ask if you lived in Minneapolis, I asked if you lived in MINNESOTA. Apparently the answer is yes, if you are not answering my question.
If you live near Minneapolis, that is the signal it will pick up. You don't have to ACTUALLY live there.
Why am I even explaining this to you, you are in your own little world and won't listen to anything logical anyway.
The one who is not listening is you.
Take your nothing evidence and shove it up your cunt.
ASS ume whatever you want. You already have and you are wrong.
PIT SHIT is playing you, and you deserve it BITCH.
I can honestly say that I'm not playing her, pit shit's hideout, or whatever you're calling yourself.
She is an honorable person who has a sense of humor.
You are the one who had to try and make her out to be something she wasn't.
Just delete your blog, time, or it's going to end up in an anti-defamation suit which I know you don't have the money to back.
Think hard about it and then think about logging off...permanently. It's only going to get worse.
Eat some of your own childish crap. Write a blog post about me PIT SHIT, that's what you do to every one else.
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