I was reading some of my history texts earlier when an odd phenomenon showed itself to me.
The habit of the Republicans to begin with an outstanding President, only to work towards the dumbing down of one of his party's successors.
Remember the great President Abraham Lincoln? Of course. We all remember and honor Honest Abe. His greatness started this trend because above all else, Republicans demand mediocrity. (Look at Sarah Palin) It didn't take the Republicans long to get Ulysses Grant elected President. He was a great general who also gained fame for presiding over as corrupt an administration we ever had.
Teddy Roosevelt was another of our greatest presidents. The Republicans had to cool their heels during the Wilson Administration but they eventually made up for Roosevelt's greatness by getting Calvin Coolidge elected. Just to be sure, they followed the detached, but he was an excellent card player and could have sex with his mistress in a small closet without anyone noticing, Coolidge with Herbert Hoover.
The cycle repeated itself when Eisenhower was elected. He was a very good president. Everybody liked Ike. He was so good in fact, the Republicans decided to run Nixon after him. Then they ran Nixon again in 1968. They would have run him in 1964 but they figured they would lose so they ran the smart Barry Goldwater instead. What they didn't understand was that Nixon was smart also. He was such a good shyster he hid it from the Republican power brokers. When they found out it was too late to stop Nixon but they put Spiro Agnew on the ticket with him so there would at least be a clown one heartbeat away.
1980 was going to be a banner year for Republicans. They could get a real fool in there. Ronald Reagan was their choice. They didn't even have to brainwash him or train him in old talking points. Reagan had them all memorized from his "Time for Choosing" speech. Reagan managed to keep preaching tax cuts and fiscal discipline for eight years, despite the big tax hike he had the year after his tax cut. Then for good measure the Republicans got the bumbling BushI elected in 1988. The Democrats were complicit in that with the nomination of the woefully uninspiring Michael Dukakis. (I voted for Jesse Jackson in the primary)
The ultimate culmination of the dumbing down of the presidency came with the election of George. W. Bush in 2000. This was necessary to the Republicans because Nixon, Reagan and Bush I, for all their lack of brilliance, just weren't bad enough.
The good news is that the cycle can now start over and the Republicans may well give us somebody capable of being President next time around. But unfortunately, many Republicans think even the brain dead Bush II wasn't dumb enough because some of them still sing the praises of Sarah Palin.
I have been long known for my humility as well as fairness and balance. I humbly ask the Republicans, if you insist on tailoring your message to idiots, please don't run one also.
Thank you for reading Truth Shall Rule.
It's understandable that Americans are attracted to politicians that pledge lower taxes, less spending, less government regulation, etc...BUT REPUBLICANS HAVE NEVER DONE THAT!
If they run someone dumber than George Bush (43)- Sarah Palin fits perfectly.
I hope they do. I would bet a lot on Obama winning an Obama/Palin election.
It's hard to understand that anyone thinks things are just fine, but the actions and legislative offers by Republicans tell us, they do think things are just fine.
The Republicans not only offer us one, or two dummies to run for office, they offer us a whole party of dummies to run for office.
Very nice synopsis, Truth. But, in Grant's defense, he was very drunk at the time.
And both parties seem to throw the presidency to the other party on a regular basis. It's not just Dukakis. Adlai Stevenson and Walter Mondale were intelligent and accomplished candidates, but there's not a chance they'd be elected.
Please, at least proof your titles...
Truthfully, I am so amazed at our buddy Bluepitbull and his last couple of posts that I have about forgotten about Sarah Palin...
See where Levi says it is the book deal (he is a bright boy but I have got a feeling that his acting career will be limited to a couple of porn movies...)
Not real sure how much they pay for "Lets ask Levi what he thinks Sarah is up to?"
There have been great presidents on both sides of the aisle. I really don't think that they will put Palin on the ballot for 2012. Then again I was surprised by McCain too. I think that the deciding factor on whether a republican takes the presidency is going to be the state of the country in 4 years.
There are always going to be good and bad presidents. The issues they have to deal with during their presidency make a huge difference in their ratings. Getting you through a war, or a depression tend to stick in people's mind more than when times are stable.
Just like with Obama. He didn't put us in this mess, he inherited it. What he does to get us out or further in debt as the case may be will be a huge factor in his rating or even his re-election. It's just going to be a wait and see.
When you have presidents like Lincoln, Roosevelt and Eisenhower, it's only natural that they are going to be followed by those that don't measure up. It's inevitable. People notice where they lack and then vote in a democrat. You can reverse it and use the same argument for democrats. When one side of the aisle screws up, then people vote the other. It's actually pretty predictable if you look at it over the years.
Oh yeah, humility my ass!!!! LOL
You spelled politics wrong you fucking GED retard.
As much as I (non ghey ) love you , don't f*** with Reagan on my watch . I am the anti-christ to the dumbocrat machine .
As I said befour, if a word is spelled rong, I dont kare.
Reagan was overrated Tookie. He did make us feel good thought. I'll grant you that.
Jennifer: I humbly accept your critique of my humility. I humbly than you for your interest.
TAO: I didn't know Bluepitbull was still blogging.
As I was sitting in church waiting for the start of the service, my grandpa came walking towards me pointing his finger. No matter how old I get, and no matter how long he’s been out of the U.S. Navy, that’s still an intimidating sight. As he approached me, his voice quivered as he said, “We saved that continent twice...how dare my president apologize for this country’s arrogance.” My grandpa is right. Americans need not apologize to the world for their arrogance; rather, Americans should apologize to their forefathers for the arrogance of their president.
Barack Obama’s first foreign trip as President of the United States has confirmed the naivete so many of us feared during the election cycle. But worse than that, it has also demonstrated that our president suffers from either a complete misunderstanding of our heritage and history, or an utter contempt for it. Neither is excusable
This is the legacy that generations of Americans have left. If President Obama seeks stronger relations with the world community, perhaps he should begin by reminding them of these very truths, rather than condemning his own countrymen on foreign shores.
This “obsessive need to put down his own country,” has caused blogger James Lewis to call President Obama a “stunningly ignorant man” who has evidently never spoken to a concentration camp survivor, a Cuban refugee, a boat person from Vietnam, a Soviet dissident, or a survivor of Mao’s purges.
Unfortunately, I can no longer bring myself to give Mr. Obama that benefit of the doubt. Not after looking at the pain in my grandpa’s eyes...a man who still carries shrapnel in his body from his service to this country.
If Obama wishes to continue trampling the presidential tradition of showing class to former office holders and publicly trash Bush for his own personal gain, so be it. But all Americans should make clear that no man – even if he is the president – will tarnish the legacy of those Americans who have gone before us. Ours is not a history of arrogance. It is a history of courage, self-sacrifice, and honor.
As a student and teacher of history, I recognize that America has made mistakes...plenty of them, in fact. But one of the great things about our people has been their courage and humility in admitting and correcting those mistakes. God willing, they will prove that willingness again in four years and correct the mistake that is the presidency of Barack Obama.
Why always BS about Republicans, Why no criticize Obama,
For instance I just read a blog about Obama always taking his fat butted wife along with him where ever he goes and costing us tax payers all that money for it.
And why this classless boob always looking at other womones butts that are better looking then Michells fat butt? Have you ever noticed that whenever Obama meets Beyonce he's always viewing her butt. The man always got butt's on his mind.
Hummm, answer that Ole wise and truthful one! If ya can!
Ha, ha, ha, I saw those pictures. All I know is that Michelle is gonna whoop his scrawny little ass when she sees those pictures. .
Time said...
"It's understandable that Americans are attracted to politicians that pledge lower taxes, less spending, less government regulation, etc...BUT REPUBLICANS HAVE NEVER DONE THAT!
If they run someone dumber than George Bush (43)- Sarah Palin fits perfectly."
Humm, TIME, it really took a Dumb Ass to post that question. So you seem to fit the patten very well.
I didn't post a question dipshit, just facts.
When you learn to read, try again.
Jeffs Jots, that fool name fits you.
I'm with Jennifer. Every President has done good and bad. Obama's report card has yet to be printed. His critics are quick to give him an F and his fans are just as quick to give him an A. It's just too soon. The stimulus has only been out, what, 140 days? We haven't even seen if that has worked yet. Obama did inherit a bad economy and is still reeling from it. Once it's HIS economy, then we can judge him more accurately.
Truth, it seems to me you are judging ALL Republicans as bad. May I ask why? There are a lot of good ones. Just like there are good Democrats. Why the disdain for Republicans?
Please take another look at my blogroll Pamela. Then tell me I don't respect right leaners.
AS for the other righties that think they're something special, What the hell is the matter with you jokers that you wouldn't cheack out Beyonce's rear end if given the chance? I wonder more about the guy that doesn't look at it. Especially of he's offended by it.
Truth: I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to come across as if you didn’t like right-leaning bloggers. What I meant was you seem to post about Republicans and all the things they've done wrong. And I was just wondering what caused you to dislike the Republican Party, not right-wingers. Trust me, I’m not really happy with the Republican Party right now, but then, I’m not happy with the Democratic Party, either. Both have a lot of work to do before they gain my trust!
Please refer to the previous post where I exhoriate individual Democrats for putting their agendas above the goals of the party Pamela. I'm an equal opportunity bastard.
But just to piss off a few Dems in your honor:
Always good to have you drop by Pamela.
Don't be so intimidated, T.
I promise it'll all be OK when Sarah Palin is elected in 2010 or 2014. You worry too much.
Make that 2012. Republicans make almost as miny typos as Dimacrats doo.
If all the righties were as logical and clever as you PCC, I'd be out of a job. Thank God for the blogless guy and a few others.
Not real sure that Sarah Palin is going to be running for anything in 2012 or 2016....
Other than that I am proud of the quick wit and humor that Truth101 always exhibits....
He is a class act that is hard to top....and he frustrates so many on the right....
Of course he could be accused of picking low hanging fruit....
TruthO has never let facts get in the way of a good putdown.
Tonto Star said: "Why no criticize Obama"
Me don't know.
I see that you don't have too much to say about Obami do you? Howcome? How come you have nothing to say abt him or Obami Sr.who served for a time in the socialist but not Marxist government of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta. Kenyatta wanted Kenyans to enjoy a degree of prosperity, and that meant not taxing the job creators out of the country. It also meant welcoming tourists into the country. (I spent a month there in 1977.) 0bama, Sr. wanted essentially a communist state and pushed hard for Bolshevik type reforms that would have sunk the entire country into squalor. Kenyatta, who had the power, sacked 0bama, Sr., who spent the remainder of his sad Marxist life drinking and driving until he finally steered his automobile into an immovable object and croaked. This ain't no way to treat a homeboy, bro!
But the cool-aid drinkers are still lining up to get their cup. Unfortunately,they are spewing their poison over the populace as they slowly die. Some are just starting to realize that the Kool-aid may be toxic.
Tell me Bro, Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago, or 8 years ago? Ya think?
Wow! Such intelligence backing "the One". What a bunch of losers! Do you bunch of asswipes think that becaz you spell better than me that your so freaken smart?
Well listen up you bunch of dumb azz ship of fools. I don't care that Obama is a Muslim. I don't even care that he's a dope smoking Kenyan.. . I care that he's a liar and a Communist. And you dumb azz's here don't seem to give a crap. If Charles Manson was a democrat and he ran for president you fools would vote for him also...Im so absoltly fed up with seeing obamas stupid ugly face everywhere i go i mean im sick of his stupid grins and im sick of seeing his jackass face everywhere i mean its a wonder their not placing his stupid face among the stars at night SCREW OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY
And as for that name calling Time Guy, let me tell you something
Your huffing, puffing and name calling won't get you a hill of beans.
Shame on you, for name calling.
Your mother says you weren't even born in 1977 so no chance of you being in Kenya...
As for tony.star...you are obviously just a racist and most likely you are bluepitbull hiding behind a new name....
Bluepitbull, as MJ said in one song, "...don't stop till you get enough...."
Love to see what others say about you?
Truth, where are all these nutcases coming from. Did a bus from Alaska get on the wrong road?
Yung Dre wrote this first:
“We saved that continent twice...how dare my president apologize for this country’s arrogance.” My grandpa is right. Americans need not apologize to the world for their arrogance; rather, Americans should apologize to their forefathers for the arrogance of their president.
And then at the end he/she totally contradicts him/herself:
"As a student and teacher of history, I recognize that America has made mistakes...plenty of them, in fact. But one of the great things about our people has been their courage and humility in admitting and correcting those mistakes. God willing, they will prove that willingness again in four years and correct the mistake that is the presidency of Barack Obama."
Mr. Obama's willingness to talk about our arrogance and our mistakes shows humility, which Jesus taught was an admirable quality.
Yung Dre seems confused: first he states America doesn't need to apologize to anyone for its arrogance, then he/she states that America shows humility when we admit our mistakes and arrogance.
Mr. Obama, as the duly elected representative of the American people has done exactly what Yung Dre has said he should.
Under Bush my health insurance premiums tripled. My IRA took a giant shit, almost as much as the big load that IHTSI typed.
But guess what shithead. My IRA is making a comeback. Slowly but surely thanks to the thoughtful oversite which calmed the market and investors under President Obama.
We're working towards a national health insurance plan. Single payer I hope. That will take the burden off American business and spread across the entire population. 310 million people is as abig a group as you can get friends. The rates should be much lower than what we're paying the HMOs that hold us hostage.
The Toni dude might be the same joker that's pretending to be Gray headed Brother.
tony.star couldn't stop himself from writing:
"For instance I just read a blog about Obama always taking his fat butted wife along with him where ever he goes and costing us tax payers all that money for it."
tony.star also has an inordinate interest in the size of Mrs. Obama's posterior. One can only guess why he obsesses on it. People who fantasize on things they can never have often do this.
Also, toney.star shows off his astounding depth of knowledge of First Ladies who accompany their husbands on overseas trips.
Bush Embarks on Longest Trip to Latin America - washingtonpost.com
Accompanied by first lady Laura Bush, the president took off from Andrews Air Force ... Washington Post, March 8, 2007
Kuwait City, October 24, 2007—First Lady Laura Bush met with students, faculty, and administrators of the English Access Microscholarship Program, a high profile initiative of the U.S. Department of State, during her visit to Kuwait this week.
Monday, Jun 09, 2008, Page 5
US first lady Laura Bush flew into Afghanistan yesterday.
Soon after arriving in Kabul, Bush and her entourage headed out to the central town of Bamiyan, home of the ancient and giant statues of the Buddha that were blown up the Taliban regime months before their ouster in 2001.
There she was expected to visit a road construction site, local media said.
Bush, who has supported efforts to help Afghan women, was also due to visit other projects before talks with Karzai at his palace in Kabul in the afternoon.
It is her third trip to Afghanistan since the US led the invasion that toppled the hardline Taliban regime for harboring al-Qaeda leaders behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the US.
She first visited in 2005 and also accompanied her husband, US President George W. Bush on a visit in March 2006.
Shall I continue?
20 November 2003
Laura Bush Talks with Reporters about State Visit to UK
Q&A with reporters at Buckingham Palace Museum Nov. 20
U.S. first lady Laura Bush, who accompanied President Bush on a State Visit to the United Kingdom, met with reporters at the Buckingham Palace Museum November 20 to talk about some of the trip's events and the stay in the palace as guests of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip.
Oh heck, why not? Here's more:
A Day in the Life of President Bush...04-02-08
Various; Yahoo; WH Website | Daisyscarlett
Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2008 4:19:17 PM by daisyscarlett
President Bush and first lady Laura Bush arrived in Constanta, Romania this morning, April 2, 2008. He and his Romanian counterpart, Traian Basescu, held a meeting and participated in a joint press availability in Neptun, on the Black Sea coast, April 2, 2008.
The President and Mrs. Bush then flew to Bucharest for the NATO Summit where the President gave a keynote address at the headquarters of the state-owned CEC Bank in Bucharest April 2, 2008.
President and Mrs. Bush attended the NATO working dinner at Cotroceni Palace in Bucharest, Romania.
Aparently Tony likes Laura Bush's rear end more than he likes Michelle Obama's. Thus he liked watching Laura go up the stairs of Air Force One. George was known to give his wifa an affectionate pat on the rump from time to time. That's one of the few things I respected about him. Nothing tells a woman you love her more than soft and sensual pat on the rump. Remember that ladies. It's our way of showing affection.
I got so tired of talking with these anonymous, right wing dummies, I stopped posting their comments years ago.
I currently have 115 nasty comments in my delete file, from just the last 2 months.
Kudos for truth posting them. They should be exposed to the public.
The only way to know what an idiot is, is to read one in action.
They must be falling behind in their own postings, to spread their garbage at so many blogs.
We are missing out on their intellectual writings about how fat Mrs. Obama's ass is (NY Guy's blog), or the rage against our President bringing his wife on a trip to meet the Pope (PIT SHIT'S blog) or the thousands of right wing blog dummies who think it's outrageous for a kid to wear a T-shirt expressing a view they disagree with.
Yes, I miss all this intellectual expression, but hey, I was in the biffy doing something more enterprising.
When they get back to writing about Mrs. Obama sleeveless shirts, I won't miss that, I'll be there.
I can't wait until PIT SHIT writes another post about me, that's always highly intellectual and full of hard to spell 4 letter words.
I enjoyed his post about Shaw (Progressive Diarrhea) although I thought it was a little crass to post it the day Shaw's sister died.
My life would be unfulfilled if I missed any of these right wing postings, with their keen intellectual insights.
I must sign up as a "follower" with these intellectuals, so I don't miss an insult.
Time: you're a man of keen intellect and observation. How do the righties keep up with all the blogs they follow? I'd have more sites linked but I don't have time to visit and read much more than I have now. I've been meaning to add yours and Pasadena Closet Conservative's for balance. Plus PCC isn't the usual right wing fool. He can conjugate verbs and write about subjects other than Michelle Obama's arms or ass.
I thought about adding Bluepitbull just to stir things up, but I only want bloggers of substance. I don't want Shaw pissed off at me either.
Truth: The ability to properly type "President Barack Obama" is another litmus test. These guys find it so hard to do without mispelling it or replacing it with some sort of insult that can end up either racist or insulting of the Presidency itself. One of the trolls over at Shaw's was calling him something like "Obamammy".
On to the other subject: "The rates should be much lower than what we're paying the HMOs that hold us hostage."
A monopoly (single-payer) holds people hostage a lot more effectively than one company (like your HMO) out of many hundreds.
There's a pretty good logic to the anti-trust arguments we've had for over a century now. The Left actually usually argued them more effectively than the Right. Now is not the time to roll over and embrace monopolies.
"Under Bush my health insurance premiums tripled. My IRA took a giant shit, "
You're a government employee who doesn't pay his own insurance whose wife is also a government employee and both of whom have defined benefit retirement plans and keep getting raises (I seem to remember you got a 7% raise last year). You got your job because your daddy was the mayor of that podunk town you live in. At least be honest.
TRUTH 101 said...
Time: you're a man of keen intellect and observation.
And the dumbest blogger on the web.
But stick around here, jerkoff, they love ya.
As long as you call rightwingers names, you fit in perfectly. GOOFBALL
提供上千種成人商品線上購物服務--專營情趣商品、男女自慰用品、性感睡衣、情趣用品批發、自慰套、SM商品、逼真情趣娃娃、跳蛋、按摩棒、同志用品、 TENGA飛機杯..,可線上刷卡及貨到付款。 ... 收到的東西會有情趣用品的字樣嗎? 轉帳之後,如何通知這筆款項是我付的
This basic means that you sound like man with his head up his ass.
攻擊不同意的一位保守主義者一切的自由主義者他們說。 您經常將發現他們責難的共和黨人是忽略貧寒,因為they'的無知的種族主義者; 再很貪婪,但是實際上, 以至于不能要瞭解他們的觀點的再太狹。
A liberal who attacks a conservative for not agreeing with everything they say. You will often find them accusing Republicans of being ignorant racists who ignore the poor because they're so greedy, but in reality, they're just too narrow-minded to understand their point of view.
I've kept quite and have been holding my tongue but this is absolutely ridiculous.
What is the point in coming to blogs you don't agree with and spouting off about how horrible Obama is and the creative name calling? (sarcasm intended)
If I go to Truth's blog, I am ready to defend what I believe, in an intelligent way. The name calling, simply put, makes it look like you can't defend your beliefs or opinions and result to name calling.
I truly think that these people honestly don't want change, they are looking for entertainment and attention. It ruins it for the few that actually want to argue the point of the post. I guess that is the difference between us, some of us actually care about the issues rather than using them as a way to bait the other side.
Jennifer said...
I've kept quite and have been holding my tongue but this is absolutely ridiculous.
What is the point in coming to blogs you don't agree with and spouting off about how horrible Obama is and the creative name calling? (sarcasm intended)
If I go to Truth's blog, I am ready to defend what I believe, in an intelligent way. The name calling, simply put, makes it look like you can't defend your beliefs or opinions and result to name calling.
And lets also call it EXACTLY as it is Jennifer. Pleeeeeease..
Has Truth NOT started blogs insulting and "Name Calling" other bloggers?
He has done this to me, and to Im Here To Say It, and to Bluepittbull and the Italian Guy as well as many, many more
( bloggers. He CAN NOT deny that!
Things like "Italian dude and his friend with the long moniker"
"I thought about adding Bluepitbull just to stir things up, but I only want bloggers of substance."
"The average run of the mill neocon has no idea what or why he is a neocon. That is mostly because he is a dupe."
"You wingers are just mad because I exposed you for the dupes you have been. Now do something not deluded like rallying your troops around a single payer national health insurance."
"Eventually this joker Bininya will get bored and go away. Maybe he'll renew his viagra and have something else to play with."
"TRUTH 101 said...
I just wanted to give them the pissed off rush Shaw. I didn't want to cause any heart attacks.
"The Lying dogs" Heh heh heh."
"I said no way anyone could be that stupid and desperate. I guess I was wrong.
Welcome to my blog David#999. Your reputation for intellect precedes you."
These are just the few comments that I found here in 4-5 minutes.
Does he NOT put his little stupid childish pictures and captions of republican/conservative bloggers on his side bar?
HE IS A Name-calling anti Bush, Pro Obama blogger anti republican Name caller. Just look at his side bar.
So please don't get on your high horse and say that it's one sided... What comes around, goes around!
He is the King of all Name Calling.
Thank you for stopping by. Your comments are always well done and thought provoking.
Hi Wordy Dude. Thanks for putting "The Best of Truth 101" in one package.
I was planning on selling that and the best quotes from my old site so I could quit my government job and go on the road advocating stuff Al Franken wants.
But to really entertain you; Time my friend: you stated that your were against single payer. You said it would make us bigger hostages than what we are to HMO's.
You stated your opposition to monopolies. I remember Ma Bell. My phone bill was $11 a month. Now it's $42 and that is just for local calls. No operators anymore either. Utilities can charge whatever they want now. Some of them go through a rubber stamp commission but they always get their rate hikes.
There are just some services that are vital to the well being of the public and profit should not be the motivating factor.
Thank you all for coming by.
Wordsmith wrote:
"HE [TRUTH 101] IS A Name-calling anti Bush, Pro Obama blogger anti republican Name caller. Just look at his side bar."
TRUTH 101 is a Liberal blogger. Why are you criticizing his blog? Do you have pro-Liberal issues on your blog? Do you call President Obama names and impugn his and his wife's motives as American citizens?
I copied this from your blog:
"He [Barak Obama] even brainwashed children into the cult of Obama and far leftist political ideology. He had the black community worshiping him so much that he got 96 percent of the black vote. Even Michelle Obama called on the young people to play a part in their country’s future now, in activities such as volunteering at shelters for the homeless, visiting elderly neighbors or writing letters of support to troops overseas. As if she really cared about the troops! This probably sounds innocent, innocuous, and even good for the country.
But it is part of a terrifying liberal agenda. And it certainly isn’t the first time we’ve seen this incredible creepiness from liberals in their attempts to turn children into little Obamas.
You do. And that's your prerogative. It's YOUR blog and you can say whatever and bash whomever you choose. And so can TRUTH 101 on his blog.
I don't understand why you criticize TRUTH 101 for doing what you do on your own blog.
As for the name-calling, that's done by both sides. So I don't think you, as a blogger, can occupy the high ground on that issue either.
Jennifer: Your blog is set so it does not allow comments, and I tried to tell you by your email address, and that is invalid too.
Wordsmith said: ""[TRUTH 101] IS A Name-calling anti Bush, Pro Obama blogger anti republican Name caller. Just look at his side bar."
Thank you, Captain Obvious!
Shaw: Thank you for pointing out Wordsmith's attempt at a racist smear of black people.
Truth: About Franken, I see that they have finally elected a buffoon to Congress.
That's a first... Oh wait....
Shaw Kenawe said...
Wordsmith wrote:
"HE [TRUTH 101] IS A Name-calling anti Bush, Pro Obama blogger anti republican Name caller. Just look at his side bar."
And you said.."You do. And that's your prerogative. It's YOUR blog and you can say whatever and bash whomever you choose. And so can TRUTH 101 on his blog.
I don't understand why you criticize TRUTH 101 for doing what you do on your own blog.
As for the name-calling, that's done by both sides. So I don't think you, as a blogger, can occupy the high ground on that issue either."
This all may be true and I am NOT denying it. HOWEVER I was replying to what Jennifer said... where she was accusing the commenter's "HERE" of name calling.
As if "Truth" was such an innocent person.. And that all others are the guilty ones. So bottom line is, yes there are guilt ones on this board, but also call it as it really is, Trugh101 does the very same thing not only here but on the boards he comments on and he also intimidates others, by blogging about them.
I truly feel that his agenda is to piss off conservatives. And to start trouble.
As for what I said about Barack Obama I feel that I am entitled to if that's my opinion .
I never questioned anything Truth101 says about Bush or Reagen or any other republican Pres. Only what he says about Conservative bloggers.
Also I never made the INSANE accusation like he did calling me "An agent for the FBI or whatever it was that he called me"
How utterly ridicules that was.
Thank you for allowing me to express my thoughts and to vent a bit.
Now to watch the ONE SIDED The crooked hearings about Sonia Sotomayor. And may I add that I shudder to think of the damage her confirmation would cause to America.
dmarks said...
"Shaw: Thank you for pointing out Wordsmith's attempt at a racist smear of black people."
You are a lying FOOL!
Wordsmith: Any insults I have heaped on any blogger have been in response to an attack. You seem to be quite interested in my wherabouts. Look at my blogroll. See how many right leaning bloggers I visit. Look at the times I've posted comments on their sites and look at the respectful, sometimes reverential treatment they deserved and without apology I give them.
You will also note that I have posted numerous times that we (bloggers) aren't going to change anyone's life. The most realistic thing we can accomplish is just a good conversation and entertainment. I enjoy giving the jab and I enjoy just as much taking it.
As for intimidating others? Idon't get that much traffic. But if I posted something that pissed you off, post something that pisses me off and we'll be even. If I truly posted something that you thought was intimidating, I offer my apology.
From Wordsmith's blog:
"He had the black community worshiping him so much that he got 96 percent of the black vote"
That's pretty crappy. And racist.
First, this is truth's blog so when I make a statement about name calling, of course I am talking about those that have come here. I also have been very vocal regarding name calling on BOTH sides. I call truth on it when he does it too. I've written posts about it regarding BOTH sides. The stupid name calling happens on both liberal and conservative sights and I find fault with BOTH sides.
dmarks...My blog allows comments, so I have no idea why you couldn't post???? Also, I am curious what email you tried??
Jennifer: Your blog still does not allow comments. The verification word is contained in a non-standard frame of some sort, and is mostly "off the edge", so I can't even see the word to guess at it.
And the email address in your profile (through which I tried to tell you that comments are still disabled on your blog) is still invalid and bounces. No such account.
Jennifer: if your're looking in, your blog still is not allowing comments due to the comment verification code not being visible. I liked your post on illegal immigration.
I actually had some comments on that. I tried to leave them twice, and gave up. I am actually less anti-immigrant than most.
Truth and dmarks....I am so sorry! I have no idea what is going on but am looking into it!!!! :-(
Ok me again! I took word verification off and changed my email address so hopefully everything is okay. If you read this and still have the patience to try again, I would truly appreciate it!!!!!
Thanks, it works! And thanks Truth for letting this post be used for the off-topic discussion.
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