Monday, July 20, 2009


Righties feel a biological obligation to bash anyone for being proud of anything but Republicans and Republican approved stuff.
If a black person says he's proud to be black, Righties have to jump all over the guy and call him a racist. Then they have to remind him/her how great America is and Africa sucks and Pat Buchannon is the real messiah.
If a Liberal says he's proud of our Troops, a Rightie has to jump all over him/her as well. They remind us that we were against the Iraq invasion and Vietnam so we must really hate those that did their duty for real Americans like the Righties.
The Righties wear their pride in assholism as a badge. They think they are the only ones with a right to be proud of all that is good and great about our Country. Their bodies quiver with glee when Dick Cheney gets presented a rifle at an NRA convention. They almost go into orgasmic convulsions when Cheney pretends to be pointing the rifle at something. It's a good thing for those commies in North Vietnam that Cheney had to unwillingly take those five deferments or he would have shot every last one of those pinko bastards dead.
Some of my hobbies permit me to spend time with several Republicans. None of them ever say they are Republicans with a happy face. They always angrily grumble that they are Republicans. Their reasons are never really because they want low taxes or less government. It usually comes down to they don't like welfare or The Jeffersons or something.
I love the irony when Republicans bash President Obama. They will raise hell about Mrs. Obama being proud that America finally has a black President. But then they are ashamed because America has a black President. They at least have the sense not to say that out loud among people they don't know. They just call him a socialist or not a real citizen.
Well folks. This Lib is just as proud to be an American and a Liberal and a Democrat as any Rightie is proud to be proud of stuff Righties are proud of. May God bless us all and may God bless America.


britgyal25 said...

Are you freaking kidding me with that blog crap "ONLY REPUBLICANS ARE ALLOWED TO BE PROUD"

Ya wanna hear about being proud? How about:"
For the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country."
And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction.

Are you fucking kidding me? The woman is 44-years old. And this is the “first time she’s ever been really proud of her country”? Really? How horribly pathetic.

* I’ve been proud of my country every single day of my life. So proud, in fact, that I volunteered to go fight and possibly die for my country. The day I enlisted in the US Army is the single proudest moment in my life. Perhaps if Michele or Barack had ever done anything as selfless in service of their country, they would feel the same way.
* The life and death of SFC Paul R. Smith makes me proud of my country and the people who live and die defending it. Michelle Obama could care less.
* She was nearly an adult when the US Hockey team beat the Commies in 1980. No sense of pride during that, Michelle? Heartless bitch.
* No sense of pride for our country during the horrific tsunami at the end of 2004, and the way that the United States responded — both our government’s response and the generous millions of dollars in private donations —- to help the victims? No sense of pride in that?
* When I heard about Todd Beamer and the other passengers aboard United Airlines Flight 93 who rallied behind a cry of “Let’s roll” — I cried with pride for my fellow countrymen. Apparently Michelle Obama was unmoved.

I could think of thousands upon thousands of other examples of when I was bursting with pride about my country. I’m sure most of you could too. I’ll bet the most cynical and jaded amongst you have moments in your life where you were immensely proud of our country.

But not Michelle. It took Obamasiah and the cult of Obamania to really make her proud to be an American.

Fucking ungrateful bitch.

Can you imagine the storm of media frenzy if Laura Bush had said that? Or heavens to bid if Sarah Palin had said it!
Lets see how long it takes you to delete this!
Or did I shame you into leaving it?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Why would I delete your comment britgyal25. It proves my point.

And why does your moniker start with "brit" anyway. We kicked their asses in the American Revolution. You should change the start of your moniker to "Amer" or something like that if you truly were a patriot.

Dirty redcoat.

sue said...

When are people going to figure out that you can care about the troops and support them - and still be against the war.

If I were Michelle Obama I would have said the same thing - about being proud of her country for the first time. Everytime I read blogs I read hate. People who love their country, but always hate. People who supposedely believe in God, but hate. So much of this is about hate.

Anonymous said...

Now I won't go as far as britgyal25.....but she/he makes a valid point.

For Michelle Obama to make a statement like that is pretty pathetic indeed. In her lifetime, she couldn't find things to be proud of?

I live in a country with complete freedom. I can pray to who I want, go where I want, say what I mean, and be who I am. 40 years ago today, we put a man on the moon...I am damn proud of that. There has never been a moment that I have not been proud to be an American. This country has made mistakes, done things that I haven't approved of but I've never been less than proud to be an American.

To be perfectly honest, I once held the opinion that you can't be for the troops but against the war but my opinion has changed since then. I've come to realize that is perfectly okay to be against something/idea but not the person/group involved. The exception is making our troops feel bad or less than worthy for what they are doing.

No one has the monopoly of pride. Just because you are a republican doesn't mean you necessarily have it, just as being a democrat means doesn't mean that you don't. Pride is an individual thing that one has to judge themselves and has nothing to do with one party or another.

I have always been proud and I'm not even a republican! :-)

Sue, your comment shocks me! You can understand why she has never had pride in her country till Obama? Really? I found her Michelle's statement truly horrendous and find it really odd to read that you agree with her. That you would have said the same thing.

I'm not a hating republican. Hell, I'm not even a republican. BUT if you can't find pride in your country in the last 30-50 years depending upon ones age, then you have a very different definition of the word proud.

Anonymous said...

Sue, I hate you.

sue said...

brit - It's hard to take your comments seriously because of the language you use. It makes you sound ignorant.

And you are assuming that everyone
feels the way you do. Being proud of our country certainly is important. I'm very patriotic, even though I'm not conservative.
But I also realize that people have their personal lives to live
and you can't know what was in MO's heart when she said that.

She is Black, you know. Does your background include the horrific
memories of how your race was treated.

I know where you are coming from, Brit. You are a conservative, and to you that's all that matters. Your heart is not inclusive of others unlike you.

The Wordsmith said...

sue said...
"When are people going to figure out that you can care about the troops and support them - and still be against the war.

If I were Michelle Obama I would have said the same thing - about being proud of her country for the first time. Everytime I read blogs I read hate. People who love their country, but always hate. People who supposedely believe in God, but hate. So much of this is about hate.


What the hell does the war have to do with what Michell said!!

She said, She was NEVER, and I repeat NEVER do you understand what "NEVER" means?

She was NEVER EVER proud of America until her Obamasiah husband was nominated!

Sue you need to go back to kindergarten and repeat it.

sue said...

Anonymous: Now there's an intelligent statement. Just
'I hate you.' Nothing else.
And you are Anonymous at that.
So you are hiding behind something.

I promise you this: If you knew me you would not hate me. You would like me and we would be able to talk about all of these things.
I don't hate you, anon.

The Wordsmith said...

sue said...
" brit - It's hard to take your comments seriously because of the language you use. It makes you sound ignorant."

Talk about the Pot calling the Kettle black!
What utter rubbish!!

sue said...

Jennifer - I do not know why MO
said that. But I believe that she said it for reasons that we don't know. I wouldn't be surprised that she would like to take it back. As far as my statement that I would have said the same thing, perhaps that is a bit rash, since I could not know now what I would have said then - in her place.

But for whatever reason she did say it, conservatives should be glad - because for them it just adds more fuel to the fire in this glorious obama-hate-orama.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I've been blogging since 2006. I've posted many things that were interpreted by my detractors in ways they weren't meant to be interpreted.

But just to be clear: Truth 101 is proud of President and Michelle Obama.

Wordsmith: "The pot calling the kettle black?" C'mon man. You can do better than that. That wasn't much better than the anonymous clown with the "you're stupid" comment. We've grown to expect more from you.

britgyal25 said...

TRUTH 101 said...
"Why would I delete your comment britgyal25. It proves my point.
And why does your moniker start with "brit" anyway. We kicked their asses in the American Revolution. You should change the start of your moniker to "Amer" or something like that if you truly were a patriot.

Dirty redcoat."

Thank you for your ignorant and name calling reply.

For your information,I was born in Great Britain, and my folks came her when I was a little child and we ALL became PROUD American Citizens.
I am a proud American because my relatives came here LEGALLY. They didn't BREAK ANY LAWS while becoming Americans. They didn't have the poor taste and DISRESPECT for their hosts to conduct street protests while waving the flags of the countries they came from. I'm fortunate that they had the character to conduct themselves in this honorable fashion and disappointed that the current illegal criminal invaders do.
I hope that answers your nasty comment.
Both of my Father and my husband, served in the USA military and my granddaddy fought in the army at war time in the Korean war. My Granddaddy worked hard for this country and like I said he served in the Korean war, he loved the USA as we all do. So please do not call ME a “Dirty redcoat” I am as much an American as you are...

As for my screen name "britgyal25"

We all pick what we think is cute screen names... even you.

sue said...

Wordsmith - We are talking about two different things. You are insinuating that my comments are ignorant. I am saying that the use of language by Brit, such as
'fucking ungrateful bitch'
is ignorant.

If my opinion is ignorant to you, so be it. I don't feel bad about that. I see a lot of opinions on these blogs that I think are ignorant.

If you think I should go back to kindergarten and repeat it, then
that is how you see it. That is a mild insult compared to some I've gotten.

What we have here is conservative
bullshit. From where I see it MO could say I'm going to
wear my yellow dress today and conservatives would jump all over her saying, fucking ungrateful bitch, that will make you look like big bird. You ass is too big.

Now this is what I read everyday on conservative blogs. And it really doesn't go over very well(except with other conservatives.)

The Wordsmith said...

Truth said:
Wordsmith: "The pot calling the kettle black?" C'mon man. You can do better than that. That wasn't much better than the anonymous clown with the "you're stupid" comment. We've grown to expect more from you."

You chose to take it that way Truth, it wasn't meant that way.
It was made in reply to Sue's silly remark to britgal

The Wordsmith said...

Sue, I won't even give you the satisfaction of answering that ridicules post.
I am grateful to Truth for saying
"We've grown to expect more from you."

And I wouldn't want him to think any less of me by answering you.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I guess if I would have called you a "fucking dirty redcoat" you would have had no problem with that.

Your faux outrage is unmoving Britgyal. But your posts are entertaining.

Thank you for visiting.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I don't want to say too many nice things about you Wordsmith. You might start losing followers.

sue said...

Wordsmith - It is always an easy way out, to say you won't give me the satisfaction of answering my post.

Either you haven't read the same blogs that I have, or you don't want to admit it.

Conservatives are playing some dirty games around the blogosphere.

I may need to repeat K-garten but I can still read.

Lynne said...

I can't get past the fact that Michelle Obama said ONE thing, ONE thing that you find offensive, for whatever reason she said it, she could have worded it wrong, meant something else but once it came out of her mouth, it was out. You NEVER said anything you wish you could take back??? You are perfect?

You all try to convince us that her statement is reason enough to despise her the way you do, but it's obvious it has to be more than that. Who here has never opened their mouth and inserted their foot?

Anonymous said... talk about one statement but that is all it takes. Take Letterman or Imus to see how one thing can cause a big commotion. She was trying to become first lady, I would think that in that position you would watch your words very, very carefully! I am not one of those that go around calling people names because I may not like someone, but that comment opened her up for criticism and I felt it is deserved. For the woman who wants to be first lady of the U.S. that was a really stupid thing to say. It's definitely not the way to get anyone to like and respect you!!

"I've been blogging since 2006. I've posted many things that were interpreted by my detractors in ways they weren't meant to be interpreted."

Truth, that is bound to happen to everybody and I think we all have said something and been called out for it.

With M's statement though, there aren't a whole lot of ways to interpret that.

Shaw Kenawe said...

This is what Mrs. Obama said:

Speaking in Milwaukee, Wisconsin today, would-be First Lady Michelle Obama said, "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback."

Then in Madison, she said, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change."

Those who come here and vilify her for speaking those lines, I believe, are misdirecting their contempt for her.

I don't believe for one instance they're angry at her for that innocuous statement, but rather they are angry that she is our First Lady.

There are many wonderful things about this country that make us all proud, but there is also a history, a shameful history, in this country of mistreating American citizens for having a different skin color.

No one knows what Mrs. Obama has been through or suffered in her life as a result of our endemic racism toward people of color.

I think many people who fulminate over her remarks are angry over being reminded of this sad and shameful history.

Anonymous said...

"Speaking in Milwaukee, Wisconsin today, would-be First Lady Michelle Obama said, "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback."

"Then in Madison, she said, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change."

Shaw, I can't speak for others but her comments are the only reason that I don't like her. Same with the Dixie Chics...Natalie's statement was the reason I dislike her and won't listen to their music. Same with Imus.

Even though she gave reasons (thank you for providing them, by the way) for her adult pride, it doesn't make it any less wrong nor does it excuse it. I don't presume to know what her life has been like, but we all have had times of trouble. We have all dealt with things that were hard. The excuse of color is just that, an excuse not a justification. I also have issues with the excuses themselves. Why would you suddenly have pride in a country that you live in, just because "people are hungry for change." I just cannot help but find fault with someone who has never in her adult life been proud of the country.

I am sure that there are people that cling to these words as another reason to hate her but I am not one of them. I judge people individually, not because of a D or an R in front of their name.

Anonymous said...

These right wingers are so passionate about their being right, that many are afraid they may become violent.

Oh, that's right, some have become violent.

It's America the way they define it, and no other definition is acceptable.

Why is it always the nut jobs on the right, that murder over political ideology? (Abortion, immigration, etc.)

Did the liberal nut jobs murder people when abortion was illegal?

It's intolerance. They will not accept any vision, or view of America besides their own, and they are willing to hurt America and Americans to get their way.

Issues like health care. They are willing to let Americans wallow in pain and bankruptcy, rather than have a system they disagree with made law, yet they give no alternative of their own.

Anonymous said... isn't right wingers. It's right wing radicals, emphasis on the word radical that are prone to violence.

"It's intolerance. They will not accept any vision, or view of America besides their own, and they are willing to hurt America and Americans to get their way."

That isn't true. Just because a vision doesn't necessarily coincide with yours, doesn't make it wrong. Liberals and Conservatives all want the best for America, but disagree on the way to go about it. You mention health insurance. Why should I go along with something that disagree with just because it's on the board. It does annoy me that the republicans aren't addressing this and haven't come up with anything that counters or even compromises between the different health plans out there.

Truth...sorry for taking over the thread, I'll go back to my little blog in blogland and let you have it back! At least I'll try! :-)

Lynne said...

Jennifer, I happen to agree with you that what she said didn't sound quite right, but Shaw is right, we have never walked in her shoes and maybe we just can't grasp her reasoning. I don't think anyone should be judged on one thing. It's just not fair. She's said and done a lot more wonderful things.

Again, sometimes people put their foot in their mouth and when everyone is watching its hard to take it back.

angry texan said...

Lynne said...

Jennifer, I happen to agree with you that what she said didn't sound quite right, but Shaw is right, we have never walked in her shoes and maybe we just can't grasp her reasoning. I don't think anyone should be judged on one thing. It's just not fair. She's said and done a lot more wonderful things.

Again, sometimes people put their foot in their mouth and when everyone is watching its hard to take it back

BULL-CRAP. We don't have to make excuses for her.
She said it and she can't take it back.
Like Jenn said, did they give Imus a chance to take it back?
She never was proud of America and it obvious..

Anonymous said...

If Republicans disagree the have an obligation to offer ideas as elected officials, not just be obstructionists.

Their position, is to do nothing and live with the system we have, that is unacceptable.

It is bankrupting America. Health care is 13% of GNP. When it gets to 20%, were cooked.

Not solving the problem is, and will, hurt America and Americans.

We will have to disagree with what is responsible leadership.

Ignoring the problem, or playing politics with such a serious problem, is poor leadership.

When Obama passes his bill without Republican input, let the Republicans answer to America why they refused to even enter the debate in a serious manner.

These right wing nut jobs causing violence are a minority of the right, but hate speech from people like Rush and Newt are egging them on and when the violence happens they don't condemn it. And again, we don't see that kind of violence out of liberal nut jobs.

Eric said...

TIME said:
"These right wing nut jobs causing violence are a minority of the right, but hate speech from people like Rush and Newt are egging them on and when the violence happens they don't condemn it. And again, we don't see that kind of violence out of liberal nut jobs"

Maybe you are not looking in the right places!

Frank said...

As a proud Republican, I'll probably cringe at the stupidity of everything you say, but I will defend to the death your right to babble it.

Anonymous said...


I'm open to examples of liberal violence based on their political ideology, please show me.

TOOKIE said...

Wow you pulled the race cars this fast . I think it's great that we have an American President . I like it more that our American President has regulated wack jobs like Jessie and Al into the obscure .

I think Republicans are proud to be Americans . We don't have to cast the net of divide and conquer . I think crap and trade if it see's the light of day out of the Senate will remind everyone that the far left has hijacked the Democratic party .

Anonymous said...

11 March 2003, Los Angeles, CA:
Peaceniks Destroy 9-11 Memorial

On Monday, three luxury “green” homes were set ablaze with explosive devices in a Seattle, Washington suburb. An EnviroCommunist group called “Earth Liberation Front” claimed responsibility for the actions. A bed sheet sign at the site read “McMansions in RCDs r not green”.
Earth Liberation Front

10 examples on the first page

Black Panthers

* 1967-1968: A number of shootouts between Black Panther members and the police, leave a number of both parties dead

* April 6, 1968: An armed confrontation between Black Panthers and police led to a 90 minute confrontation at a building housing Panthers. Eventually, the Panthers surrendered. Over the course of the day, at least four policemen were wounded and one killed. One Panther member, Bobby Hutton, was killed by the police and seven others were arrested.

ALF (Animal Liberation Foundation)


It's there, it is just the media doesn't jump all over it like it does for right wing radicals.

Anonymous said...

I can see why the media is not jumping all over it when you use examples that are more than 40 years old.

The firs article said it was done by communists. I would expect that from communists. I

Extreme animal groups are nut jobs, but I'm not aware they killed anyone.

It doesn't come close to the murders and bombings that have happened by anti-abortion groups over the last 30 years, and importantly, just recently.

It's also important that these anti-abortion groups are directly related to the religious and political mainstream of today's conservative and Republican parties.

Black Panthers were far from the Democratic party of 40 years ago. And at the time the Democratic party spoke out loudly against violent groups of the time.

Something missing in the Republicans of today, is their voice of condemnation against the recent killing of an abortion doctor, or the racist that killed the security guard at the Holocaust museum.

I wrote a post about it at the time. Explaining how I had visited 65 conservative blogs AND NOT ONE had even mentioned the killings, not even condolences for the families.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I agree with one part of your post. I don't feel good about the Republican party at this point. The party doesn't resemble one that I can be proud of.

The rampant spending under Bush and the Republican congress was disappointing. I don't believe in excessive spending regardless of what letter is behind someone's name.

Unless we get our spending under control we are going to go down. I don't get what's hard to understand about spending money you don't have being irresponsible. That's what bothers me.

Dick Cheney can have all the guns he wants and Obama can close Gitmo and move them all into his Chicago neighborhood, for all I care. We won't have the money left to give them the all-American trial they all deserve.

I don't even mind spending my share in taxes, but we've got to get a handle on this spending. Forty percent is confiscatory.

When money is short simply stop spending.

Law and Order Teacher said...

No one condones killing by right or left wing nuts. That is just a silly argument. The fact that no blog that you checked posted on the killing is a product of the fact that it isn't necessary to say killing someone because you disagree with them goes without saying.

I investigated quite a few homicides in my day and I don't recall very many that were done for a good reason. Mostly they were irrational acts by people acting irrationally. That's called a criminal act and society condemns it.

Irrationality has no place in society, but it exists from Cain and Abel. Still, it is an aberration.

To try to paint all conservatives as condoning murders by nuts is a little out there. Put the paintbrush down and step away.

Anonymous said...

I find it an interesting question of psychology why right wing nuts kill more than left wing nuts, or the left would talk about killings and the right would not, in fact the purposely avoided the subject.

Anonymous said...

First you didn't say you wanted them from a certain time frame. I'll give you that the Black Panthers was years ago, but I was trying to show you that it wasn't just right wing religious groups. You wanted examples of left wing violence (not killing) and I provided it. Extreme animal groups are violent, and that is what you asked for, is it not? To dismiss them because they haven't killed anyone is just making an excuse for them.

No one here is arguing that there are right wing radicals that believe in killing/violence in the name of some ideal. It goes both ways. There are radicals on both extremes. To sit here and say well your side has more than my side is just plain ridiculous.

"Something missing in the Republicans of today, is their voice of condemnation against the recent killing of an abortion doctor, or the racist that killed the security guard at the Holocaust museum."

Why should I have to publicly condone it. Do you post everything that democrats do that you don't approve of? I can check but I believe the answer will be no? Why then should we have to? Someone killed someone else....why would you think that we would have any different feelings than when anyone gets murdered. Are people that are killed by radicals somehow more important in your eyes. I value all human life, and it does not depend on whether they just happen to be left or right. Murder is murder regardless of the how or why.

"It's also important that these anti-abortion groups are directly related to the religious and political mainstream of today's conservative and Republican parties."

Where does true conservatism have anything to do with radicals? It doesn't. Either does being Republican. Religious groups that take extreme measures, Islam included, are delusional, and radical. Fred Phelps has nothing to with Christianity and if you can't see that, then there is nothing I can say to make you see different. You either don't understand radicals or you don't understand Christianity.

Anonymous said...

If you want to go back in History fine. Who shot Mckinley, a right wing nut job. Who shot Kennedy, a right wing nut job. Who shot Lincoln, a right wing nut job. Who shot RFK, a right wing nut job. Who shot King, a right ring racist. Who bombed churches, killing children, right wing nut jobs. The KKK certainly were not lefties, but they lynched 100's of blacks. It's not liberals who beat to death gays.

Your avoiding the evidence and the question.

You don't read my blog and until you do, I'll ignore your uninformed opinion of it.

To say it goes both ways, is to ignore the evidence that it is a fact that it comes from the right much more than the left.

You would like my point to be ridiculous, but the facts say different.

I ask the question because the facts point to a conclusion, not that I merely want to bash conservatives.

I'm curious why people who commit acts of political violence come from the right more than the left, and the facts say they do.

Decent people condemn murder, they don't keep silent about that kind of crime.

It's not different feelings, it was a lack of any feeling at all.

I can't explain that from decent, normal people.

It's not normal that 65 bloggers would not even mention a murder that the whole country is talking about, and every TV station, radio station, and newspaper made front line news.

Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, etc., they are direct leaders of religion and politics.

The Republican party embraced them. Stated Republican policies are anti-gay. That inflames people.

Words do have consequences. People are easily incited.

Why wouldn't decent people speak against those who spew hate? Like someone who says a person with a terminal disease, is faking it. Call a long time judge with an excellent record, a racist. Call the wife of a President a bitch. Tell a Senator to fuck off.

I'm not picking on conservatives, they are the ones with this kind of behavior. Why?

They spoke the hate for a legal medical procedure, that inflamed the idiots that murder, by calling doctors murders.

They spout the hate for gays that inflames the violence towards gays.

Because they claim to speak for God and that gives the actors of violence the supposed righteous of their violent act.

I don't condone violence even if it is not murder, but don't compare the stupid acts of PETA and other liberal groups to the acts of murder, bombings, and terror.

The Black Panthers is a bad example. They were against the government left, or right. They came to power when LBJ was in office and grew under the Nixon administration. And as your article pointed out, they didn't kill, they were killed.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

As much joy as I get out of pointing out right wing folly, there are nuts of all political persuasion. When I do that I fully expect righties to joyfully point out keft wing folly. On the whole, I think your nuts are nuttier than ours Righties.

Carl Wicklander said...

There certainly are instances of violence on the Right. I’m not familiar with the background of Scott Roeder, the alleged murderer of George Tiller, but chances are good that he probably identifies himself with the Right. It reminds me of the Stalin quote, “One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.” This leads into my argument that although there are isolated incidents of violence on the Right, there have been more numerous and more heinous acts of political violence perpetrated in the name of far left-wing ideologies. For example:

Lee Harvey Oswald was a Communist, not a right-winger, who idolized Castro and for awhile lived in the Soviet Union.

Sirhan Sirhan’s declared motive was Robert Kennedy’s support of Israel against the Palestinians in the Six Day War. While I do not wish for the U.S. to take a side in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the common perception is that conservatives support the Israelis and liberals support the Palestinians.

The anarchist Leon Czolgosz’s stated reasons for his 1901 assassination of William McKinley were the exploitation of America’s poor by the wealthy. While true anarchists are more likely to be on the very far right, Czolgosz was employing Marxist reasoning to justify murder.

A more recent example is James von Brunn, the D.C. Holocaust museum shooter. Von Brunn’s writings indicate that he hated Christians nearly as much as he hated Jews and it appears that his plot also involved bombing The Weekly Standard, a magazine I don’t care for, but is still considered right-of-center. And he was no devotee of capitalism.

But if we are to discuss the violence that was perpetrated in the 20th century, the bloodiest century in history, we can see that it was instigated by movements on the left, not the right. Stalin was responsible for perhaps 20 million dead while another 9 million are estimated for the Russian Revolution/Civil War. Mao Zedong sent an estimated 30 million to the grave through China’s communist revolution. The Holocaust alone accounted for 12-13 million while the Second World War itself, including wartime atrocities, numbers around 50 million. And America’s involvement in the wars of the 20th century (WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam) was through Democratic administrations of varying devotion to liberal ideologies.

Source: Twentieth Century Atlas

I’m not here to say that right wingers, or those who claim to be such, are incapable of political violence. At least a few have done so, and to judge from the time and energy spent demonizing the so-called haters in the media (O’Reilly, Limbaugh, Beck, etc.), one might be led to believe that mass murders take place daily, which is clearly not the case. To say that these “haters” bear some responsibility for any particular act of violence made in the name of a right-wing cause forgets that millions of other people, who let’s say also oppose abortion, do not murder abortionists. Those that do commit such acts are worthy of condemnation (and prosecution if what they do is a crime), but there is no reason to label political violence as a uniquely right-wing phenomenon.

I’m not even saying that this country’s average liberal Democrat is sympathetic to communist-inspired violence, but it needs to be known that if someone wonders why it seems like only conservatives perpetrate political violence, it is because they are using a very selective reading of modern history.

I Ain't Got No Blog said...

Time,You sound deranged. You are asinine, ridiculous, and absurd beyond that, it's political extortion! Why don't you consider this situation in totality with Democrats' ass-kissing of Hispanics with this Sotomayor nomination; their futuristic efforts toward passing immigration reform [and a motor-voter style fast tract of illegals to legal status; their use to date of corrupt organizations such as Acorn to stuff ballot boxes; all toward the purpose of facilitating Democratic Party voter registration and the elections of Democrats. Additionally, Attorney-General Holder call all of us A NATION OF COWARDS concerning his interpretation of racial inequality. Americans elected Obama as the nation's first black president partially due to their misplaced historical guilt over the slavery issue, and Obama and liberals are taking full advantage of America's stupidity by expeditiously as possible placing POWER RE-DISTRIBUTION mechanisms in our culture in order to maintain their power base. Since monetary reparation for slavery isn't possible to date, Democrats' political power grabs are the next best thing. It amazing that Democrats screamed bloody-murder about the fictitious voting irregularities against Republicans in 2000 in the state of Florida and filed numerous lawsuits and legal actions thereafter to redress their being wronged; but now are totally silent and unaware after all the MSM hasn't reported about these Black Panther voting intimidation's and back-paged Sotomayor's opinions concerning the voting of felons of these happenings!!!!!
You insult other people who comment such as Jennifer, Eric, and the Britygal25, you throw those dumb terms around such as, “right wing nuts”. But when anyone calls you a name you get all nuts and all but put on your Brown shirt!
I find myself wishing that someone would've told these Black Panther schmucks to preform an unnatural act upon themselves.

Ok. We'll revisit grade-school English for you Liberals who were too busy picking your noses or had your hand in your pants to pay attention: Get real and wise up.. It's no wonder that The BluePitBull guy sticks it to you!
It is utterly shameful that you could have grown to be an adult and still be capable of such ridiculous, such completely stupid and ill-informed nonsense.
-no one wants to see your constant/imbecilic, one word LABELING of bloggers whose opinions that you disagree with. Go join your fellow liberals and kiss EL CHOSEN ONE'S gluteus maximus! ( that means "his ass" )

Carl Wicklander said...

Oh, I do have a comment on the post itself!

I would say that Republicans don't necessarily have a problem with anyone being proud of being black or a wise Latina. At least I don't. What irked many, including myself, was that Sotomayor's comment (and others like it) suggested that she had better judgment or greater wisdom because she was a Latina and not a white man. The difference to me is that she wasn't just proud of her heritage, there is nothing wrong with that, but that her heritage made her superior. It's the comparative nature (Latino judgment and experience vs. white ones) that is troublesome.

Anonymous said...

Clearly those nice big black gentleman with the billy-clubs weren’t there to support John McCain... Or maybe they wore military style clothing in honor of McCain's service.? Or maybe they were at the polls to impose a threat to McCain supporters? .Kind of to give the republicans a warm feeling all over.
I was always told that was called Voter tampering? I wonder what would have happened if a bunch of men wearing white robes and hoods appeared at the voting polls ? There are laws about loitering in front of polling places! Standing in front of a polling place, dressed like they were is intimidation.
The three black panthers, were King Samir Shabazz, Malik Zulu Shabazz and Jerry Jackson were charged in a civil complaint with violating the voter rights act by using coercion, threats and intimidation. Shabazz held a nightstick or baton that prosecutors said he pointed at people. Prosecutors also say he “supports racially motivated violence against non-blacks and Jews.
And let's not forget and let the "fair and free" press off the hook. Back when Jim Crow and segregation were "the law of the land" in the South, the press served as cheerleaders for all those kind, compassionate Democrats as they lovingly lynched black people by the hundreds on a yearly basis.

Small wonder that the press behaved as badly as it did, though. The people who ran those papers, which proudly featured the brutalized and desecrated bodies of black lynching victims on their front pages quite frequently, were all Democrats.

Today, whenever a Republican says anything that can be twisted by Democrats and race hustlers to smack the least bit of racism, the press is quick to pounce on him like Jesse Jackson on a bag of stolen federal dollars.
The audacity! The travesty! It's...outrageous.

How about them apples Mr. Time!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The original post has stood the test of several right leaning commenters and come shining through. As much respect as I have for Carl Wicklander (If his blod is not on your reading list, it should be) to somehow think communists or nuts like Sirhan or Oswald represent the left is stretch.

The others bring up big scary black guys.

Once again, Truth has ruled.

Senor Badass said...

And there he goes, ladies and gentlemen. He claims victory in a debate that never occurred all the while completely ignoring any salient points made by those that disagree with him. Take a bow, Oracle or Truth or Editor or whatever. You've done it again.

But seriously, what's with you and Tookie... did he stop paying for your drinks?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I took the first shot Senor. It's still standing. Will you be the one that says Republicans aren't proud? You yourself are as big a sphincter as anyone. You created an entire internet persona on that.

Deny the bumper sticker. Then tell me why once a Republican gets elected, all of a sudden they forget their campaign promises of fiscal discipline. Or if you have no answers, or as usual, you are afraid to go first like your old pal Tiger Mowen from up north, I'll be glad to give you another intellectual thumping with the next speak.

And it has been a while since your boy Tookie has bought me beer.

Julie's Jewels said...

I'm late to the conversation, but, let me put in my 2 cents...please. Wow! I don't even know where to begin here.
Taking my nine year old daughter to school the other day, she asked me, "Why do Democrats always think they are right?". I found this question to be interesting on a number of levels. As a life long conservative, I am suppose to be on the side that is identified as being the "know it all, evil, racist, and stupid side". Could someone with at least a 2nd grade education realize that something is not right here?
Why do liberal democrats always defend the indefensible? Just because Nancy Pelosi was seen at a NAMBLA rally, does that really meant that she defends pedophilia? My answer would be YES!
And let's take the time Machine to Inauguration day 2001, what did Democrat partisans do? They protested George Bush before President Bush even ascended to the office. The old Clinton administration all but destroyed the White House, they wrote dirty words all over the men’s room walls. They took all the “W” keys off of every computer in the White House. And it goes on and on. Protesters hurled insults, bottles, tomatoes and an eggs during the Inauguration.
And why didn't Democrats lift a finger to help Bush win his war and bring the troops home?
What I'm showing here is when the Democrats had the chance to be adults and work with a President they didn't agree with, they chose the easy, most politically expediant way: attack, attack, attack.

And wished him to fail -- find me a Kos post saying they wanted Iraq to be successful during 2003-2008.

There were many excuses why Democrats did not support Bush -- but he took up their ideology regarding the Middle East. Then the Left turned their back.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Even though she gave reasons (thank you for providing them, by the way) for her adult pride, it doesn't make it any less wrong nor does it excuse it."—Jennifer

To be fair, Jennifer, what she said was not “wrong” nor does she need to excuse herself for saying it. She has the Constitutional right to express herself. And she did. She said something that related to her experience as an adult black woman in a racist society. We’ve made tremendous progress, but the fact that there have been, since Mr. Obama started his campaign to become president, an unceasing number of racist emails—depicting and/or talking about them using racial slurs and racist language-- sent around the internet by certain rightwing politicians and private citizens proves to me that we have a long way to go to reach a point where we can all be proud of a racist-free America. We are not there. I don’t believe Mrs. Obama was “wrong” to acknowledge what she has experienced in our racist culture.

Angrytexan wrote:

“BULL-CRAP. We don't have to make excuses for her.
She said it and she can't take it back.
Like Jenn said, did they give Imus a chance to take it back?
She never was proud of America and it obvious..”

This is proof of what I said above. Her remarks were explained, but there are certain racist elements in our culture that don’t want explanations, but prefer to use what she said as an excuse to stir up hatred against this high-achieving First Lady. For angrytexan to write “She never was proud of America and it [sic] obvious..” proves my point. Angrytexan knows very little or probably nothing about Mrs. Obama’s personal life or how she feels about America. Angrytexan is projecting his/her dislike of the First Lady, IMHO, and judges her on one statement she made in her entire 40+ years. That's nutty.

Julie's Jewels said...

So now we're basically down to this.

Michelle Obama's defenders are saying that her comments were taken out of context. Some even allege that the word "really" was omitted from her quote (even though there are two clips because she said it twice, in different ways). But all of her defenders are asking others to believe that she did not mean that she wasn't proud of her country and it is unfair to assume that she is not a proud American.

And then many of these same people are making lists of reasons why we shouldn't be proud of America and/or why it's perfectly reasonable for Michelle Obama to not be proud of this country.

It might help if her defenders would make up their minds. Did she mean it or not?

The spinning on this is starting to rival that of The Clintons and their perfected double-speak.

Unlike Michelle Obama, I can’t keep track of the number of times I’ve been proud—really proud—of my country since I was born and privileged to live in it.
And no one hast to interpret the way I say that I am.

Anonymous said...

Like Michelle Obama, I am a “woman of color.” Like Michelle Obama, I am a working mother of two young children. Like Michelle Obama, I am a member of the 13th Generation of Americans born since the founding of our great nation.
We were both adults when the Berlin Wall fell, Michelle. That was earth-shattering change. Was that NOT something to be proud of America for?
I say shame on you Michelle for that SELFISH statement.
What anthem should we play for you?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Julie: your daughter repeated what you have said in front of her a thousand times. What you call being perceptive in this case, I call a duaghter wanting to be like her Mom.

Either way, you sound like a good Mom. It is an honor having you visit Julie.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I would have loved to have set you straight on the assassination rant you went on, but Carl did a very nice job of rescuing history from your dilusions.

The tag of left and right is as shifting as sand. They began with the seating of the National Assembly during the French Revolution. Anarchists have no political philosophy other than no government control. That is neither left nor right.

Most assassins are off the charts crazy and aren't necessarily espousing a political philosophy as they are trying bring about some narrow result.

LHO lived in Russia for God's sake. He was an avowed communist, his wife was Russian. Apparently, he was a "right wing" commie.

As Carl said Sirhan nursed a grudge for the Kennedy's backing of Israel. Maybe he was a "right wing" Arab nationalist.

Gavrilo Princip assassinated Franz Ferdinand and lit the wick on WWI. He was mad at the Austro-Hungary empire and it taking of Serbia. He must have been a "right wing" anti-monarchist.

Until the tags of right and left wing become fixed and they never will be, because it defies description, scorekeeping will be real tough.

Unless of course, you don't deal in facts and only wish to "win" an argument.

Anonymous said...


First let me address your statement regarding your blog. I have read it and even commented on it, but I see how you are trying to get around answering my question regarding you reporting on democrats mistakes. If you don't want to answer, just say so.

Okay, so you went back in history. Apparently you still are back to the "your side has more than my side" argument, which I said was ridiculous and am not going to keep going back and forth on.

"To say it goes both ways, is to ignore the evidence that it is a fact that it comes from the right much more than the left. "

Since Carl did so much better than I could on the comparison I'll just say see Carl's post.

"Decent people condemn murder, they don't keep silent about that kind of crime. "

Ok, so now I am not decent because I did not write a blog post about it? Wow! Silly me, I thought a blog was to be about whatever the writer wanted it to be. Please show me a list of do's and don'ts because I wouldn't want to be anything less than decent. Don't you see how silly that sounds? If I choose not to write about something that doesn't mean that in any way I condone it. Maybe it has been written by other people and I simply commented on it instead of writing my own piece? Did that ever occur to you. I do read both liberal and conservative blogs and not necessarily the ones that you do, to stop that argument before it even starts.

"Words do have consequences. People are easily incited."

Last I heard we had the right to free speech. Just because they hear someone say abortion is bad, it doesn't make them go and decide to bomb a clinic. These people are off their rocker, nuts, and to try and tie their radical actions to the conservative movement is stretching it quite badly.

"I don't condone violence even if it is not murder, but don't compare the stupid acts of PETA and other liberal groups to the acts of murder, bombings, and terror."

Stupid? You call bombing buildings stupid? Ah, that's right, it comes from the left, so lets play down their actions and focus on the right's.

Look, I am not denying that there are radicals out there. I haven't been denying it, so I'm not sure where you are getting all this. It all came from you asking for left wing violence and me providing it. I never condoned any of these radical things that have been done, so to judge all conservatives by what a few radicals have done is beyond absurd.

I would love to hear your rebuttal for Carl's post, he did a much better job proving the point than I did! Kudos Carl!

Anonymous said...

"To be fair, Jennifer, what she said was not “wrong” nor does she need to excuse herself for saying it. She has the Constitutional right to express herself. And she did."

I am not arguing that she didn't have the right to say it. Thankfully the Constitution gives us that right no matter how stupid they may be. (in general)

You say she doesn't need to excuse herself but I think she does. When you put yourself out there in the political spotlight, your words become very important. She can say whatever she chooses and I can think that she is very anti-American in saying it. If she has never been proud of her country in all her adulthood, why did she not leave? Why stay in a country where she found nothing in the 40 or so years of history to find pride in.

I don't care about her racial history. That may sound harsh, but it is the overuse of the race card. That is being used too often as excuses for things and the race card has been played out too much in my eyes. I have just as much dislike of discrimination as anyone else does, but this isn't about discrimination.

We have all had experiences that made us who we are. Not always good. Everyone is different and has had to deal with life. If I didn't do well in school and was teased mercilessly? Would that justify my actions if I chose to do or say something? What about the fact that I got denied a scholarship because I was white and was told so? Does that give me the right to say that I hate black people. Of course not! Would that justify my not being proud of my country? No!
I really tire of everything coming down to race. As successful and well off as she is, she still can't find something to be proud of?

You like her, I know that. Of course you defend her and that is fine. Just as my dislike of her should be just as fine because of my disgust of what she said.

Anonymous said...

Speaking in Milwaukee, Wisconsin today, would-be First Lady Michelle Obama said, "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback."

Then in Madison, she said, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change."
Shaw... I don’t believe Mrs. Obama was “wrong” to acknowledge what she has experienced in our racist culture.

The problem with your comment is that in her two statements she mentioned nothing about her struggles as an African American.
She mentions the words "hope" and "change." You are the one attributing racism to her statements to justify them.
"The original post has stood the test of several right leaning commenters and come shining through."

Truth, what have you been smoking? I want some too! :-)

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I toke on truth doobies Jennifer.

Look at the common theme my right leaning friends are hitting on. They all are mad at Michelle Obama for being proud.

And no matter how she worded her statement, the right would have been just as up in arms about it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I will agree that her statement has been the most discussed but it actually contradicts what you said in your post.

"If a black person says he's proud to be black, Righties have to jump all over the guy and call him a racist."

Actually nobody has done that at all. We've just criticized someone for admitting they aren't proud of America. It took a different turn but nobody claimed pride was only for the righties.

truth doobies....whatever they are, I'll take a couple! :-)

Okay this is soooooo, my last post over here! LOL

Anonymous said...

I want to start out by saying plainly, I love the United States of America. I really don't want to live anywhere else. America has been great to me and I want to return that favor by working hard to make this an even better country. With that being said, there are some serious issues
that need to be addressed and one of those is patriotism.
what does it mean to love one's country. To me, there are two clear aspects of patriotism when regarding love: blind unconditional love and conditional love. Blind love is exactly as it sounds: regardless of what is going on, you blindly love your country. It doesn't matter what it does or how it behaves, you love it. I relate this to a baby's love of their parents. They don't see flaws, they don't know any differently, they just love. Conditional love is a little different. You love your country, but you also know that there are flaws in it that you want to fix. This is like a parent raising the child. As a parent, you know that there are flaws in your child and instead of just brushing it aside, you try to fix it. If you really love your kids, you don't want to have them grow up as bastards who have numerous flaws. You punish them when they do something wrong, praise them when they do something right and you love them no matter what.

The reason that I bring this up is because of Michelle Obama's remarks that have caused conservatives to throw their arms up and call her unpatriotic.

A Proud Leftwinger said...

Michelle Obama made the comment that for the first time she is "really" proud of her country. She did not say she never had been proud of her country before. "Really" is the key word in her statement. Once you take that out, you change the whole meaning of her statement. Later on, at her appearance on The View, she furthered explained that she was proud of the way U.S. citizens were participating in political process. If you really want to be honest,you can be proud of your country, but not AGREE with EVERYTHING your country does. I come from a family of military men. I am most likely liberal in the whole family. the only I believe I have as much pride as anyone else in this country . However, I AM NOT proud of everything our country has participate in, from slavery to the Trail of Tears. Michelle Obama simply stated her opinion and it was taken out of context.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Ouyr backgrounds are similar Proud Leftwinger. You post was well stated.

In the interest of open mindedness and giving the other side it's due, the American who cares also brought up some good stuff. I appreciate his last sentence "LISTEN YOUNG PEOPLE, STOP BEING DROIDS OF YOUR PARENTS AND LIBERAL TEACHERS, LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE AND FORM YOUR OWN OPINION."

Excellent point Caring American. It dose work both ways though. Two of the best teachers I ever had were diehard conservatives. I had the good sense to see they were wrong on many things, but I learned much from them. As I learn from everyone who is kind enough, or pissed off enough, to leave a comment here.

Thanks for your visits.

Carl Wicklander said...


It's less of a stretch than saying that those people were right-wing nutjobs. Those people I mentioned may not have represented the left, but they were from the left.

I was careful not to paint with a broad stroke and imply that rank-and-file liberals like your kind and gentle self are sympathetic with communist murderers. But it is true that the ideologies of communism and fascism are movements that emerged out of the left.

And by "ideology," I mean its traditional definition of an all-encompassing worldview that substitutes itself for religion as the path to utopia. Unfortunately, "ideology" has become synonymous with someone's general political principles which is inaccurate.

Carl Wicklander said...


I'm flattered by your kind words. I'll be checking out your blog.


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Thanks Carl. I was unaware that Karl Marx was a Democrat before coming up with communism.

This could go on forever. A nut is a nut. Both parties have been infiltrated by them and always will be. Patrick Buchannon no more speaks for all Republicans than Cynthia McKiiney speaks for all Democrats. Personally, I think that would be a match made in Heaven. I wonder if their lunacy would cancel each other's out in their offspring so a rational baby could be sired from them?

Anonymous said...

Proud Leftwinger....

"Michelle Obama made the comment that for the first time she is "really" proud of her country"

You do make a very valid point on this quote. Putting really in there does indeed change the context of the statement. This is the other statement though and doesn't include really.

"First Lady Michelle Obama said, "for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback."

A Proud Leftwinger said...

Thank you Jennifer

TAO said...


I vote with Michelle Obama...I ain't seen all that much about this country in the last 25 years to make me all that proud either...

BUT, I am real sorry that I have been out of town and missed all this is so much fun...

I can't believe that bluepitbull did not interject but I can only assume that he posted in 'drag' under one of his many other names...

Anonymous said...

TAO said...
"I vote with Michelle Obama...I ain't seen all that much about this country in the last 25 years to make me all that proud either"

I guess that you and I differ quite a bit. To quote Chris Mathews, I still get a thrill up my leg when I see hundreds of new Americans from all over the world raise their hands to swear an oath of allegiance to this land of liberty, has been a moment of pride for me. These people have something to find pride in. But not Micjelle Obama?

So have the awesome displays of American compassion at home and around the world. When millions of Americans rallied to help the victims of the 2005 tsunami in southern Asia—including members of the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group that sped from Hong Kong to assist survivors—my heart filled with pride again, but not Michelle Obama! . It did again when the citizens of Houston opened their arms to Hurricane Katrina victims and folks across the country rushed to their churches, Salvation Army, and Red Cross offices to volunteer. Whites took in Blacks and visa versa, this didn’t mean crap to Michelle Ma Belle!

How about American resilience? Does that not make you proud? Only a heart of stone could be unmoved by the strength, valor and determination displayed in New York when those buildings came down and in Washington and Shanksville, Pa. When that plane went down with all those brave men and women on September 11, 2001.
Funny but for years, we’ve heard liberals get offended at any challenge to their patriotism. And so they are again aggrieved and rising to explain away Mrs. Obama’s remarks..
And to make things even worse, Barack had to come out and defend her with his non-apologetic, spin-doctored, half-brained, “out of context” argument to get her off the hook. Give me a freakin’ break!! The woman clearly demonstrated what she really thinks about this country…and it’s not good! Shame on her!!
You can say what you want to about John McCain, but you would NEVER hear his wife wife, Cindy say anything but “I am very proud of my country.”
Well I say, For the fist time in my adult life, I have a bone-headed idiot as the First Lady of my Country!

My Files said...

TAO said...

I vote with Michelle Obama...I ain't seen all that much about this country in the last 25 years to make me all that proud either..."
Well isn't that great! What National Anthem should we play for you?

Anonymous said...

Time said...
"These right wingers are so passionate about their being right, that many are afraid they may become violent."

are you a idiot or do you just play one on the blogs?

Unknown said...

You know, even when I stay away from these sites, my name comes up.

I happen to be reading and watching Time finally get challenged for his total ignorance of history and then the village idiot, Tao has to bring me into it.


Anonymous said...

What bluepitbull said about TIME is correct....
where in the world do you get that crap from Time?
Don't give me that crap,
because I won't buy it! The nest thing you'll say is that Charlie Manson was a Conservative.

Why don't you talk about this:
If Obama really cared about the health of our economy, he would be doing something to help private enterprise create jobs, not taxing them into their shells, or worse, to death. He should be cutting red tape, reducing taxes, and reducing other barriers to entry for creating and expanding business (AKA, creating jobs).

But Obama doesn’t care about the health of our economy. In fact, a tanking economy serves him and his ilk very well. Is it so much to ask for a President that cares more about the welfare of the nation than about how to get more people on welfare?

So please don't tell us about things that happened 35-50 years ago.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

TAO speaks with cynicism because he pays attention to what's going on.

While I see the good and greatness of our Nation everyday, I also see many things that need improvement so we can have in the words of Jefferson, "A more perfect union."

We cannot use patriotism as a blinder.

I thought about a snarky reply to "Just Keep on Walking" but that guy looks pretty tough. I think I'll do as his moniker says this time.

TAO said...

No one gets more goosepimples singing the national anthem and or saluting the flag as I do. No one flies the flag as much as I do nor shows it as much respect as I do...

But PRIDE? I love my country for what it could achieve and the greatness that could be ours...

Tsunami? Yeah, we rushed right in and I would not expect Americans to do anything BUT what we did; you all get so choked up over things that should come naturally to this country.

Any of you care to bring up Katrina? No? Then why not? That pretty much was a disaster that none of us should be proud of...

Fighting to give the Iraqi's freedom? Hey, why not get our buddies in Eqypt and Saudi Arabia to do it first...

Really want to see a dictator and a country that deserves to be freed then go to Burma...those are really GREAT people and they deserve alot better than what they have gotten and no people would respect us more if we went in and cleaned that mess up...

Think your healthcare system is great? Well, I think it could be better.

So, while all the rest of you are sitting on your sofa's all proud to be an American and all that it has ACH0IEVED IN THE PAST...I prefer looking into the future and seeing all the challenges we face and I realize that we ain't up to the task...

As far as economic policy, what we have been doing under the Repbulican supply economics for the last 25 years has brought us to the situation we are in now and I don't like what Obama is doing but it is a plan and it is definitely different than the crap we have been doing...its all we got and it is a hail mary pass if I ever saw one...

I will match my patriotism and service to my country to any of you any day of the week...but I am not going to sit around and blow smoke up my own ass about how great we are and how proud I am of what we accomplished in the PAST...

That was yesterday and the future is all that matters....

So, you keep looking at the past and feeling warm all over...I will look to the future and figure out how to achieve past greatness there...

Bluepitbull, just checking to see if you visit...and you really are so easy to bait...

Anonymous said...

I could have cited many examples of lefties who have used violence to reach their political goals, but Jennifer turned this into the right/left argument.

I was only pointing out that the right was more guilty of it, than the left, and I stand by that.

The question, which I will repeat for the 3rd time, why is it that the right is more involved in acts of violence to voice their political views, than the left?

It's not a political question. It is a question of persons psychological make up.

The fact that you turn that into a right/left argument is your fault. I never said that the left was not guilty of the same.

The SDS used bombings and arson to foster their political views, anti-war.

This is the kind of violence I am talking about, not some PETA idiot splashing paint on a fur because they are against certain treatment of animals.

The tree huggers who put spikes in trees so when a lumberjack cuts into a tree they can get seriously hurt, or killed.

This is the kind of violence and death I'm talking about, not some lefty who spray paints a tombstone.

Seems you find it acceptable to call these high school prank vandalism as comparable to real violence and death.

Jennifer does not want to speak for herself, but let Carl speak for her, fine, but disappointing.

Jennifer your short stop at my blog does not educate you enough to say what I write about lefties. You commented once on one of my posts, and my stat counter tells me you have not been back since. Please visit more. If you want to stereotype me, that is your mistake.

Of course you can write whatever you want on your blog. What you write, or what you don't write does say a lot about what kind of person you are.

The right to free speech comes with responsibilities. If you don't know what that means, ask Carl.

A list of do's and don'ts: If you don't know how, or what constitutes being a good citizen, it's a little late now.


Anonymous said...


PIT SHIT: is a perfect example of a right wing, White, ex-military, angry person, who uses threats of violence. I know because he has threatened violence against me. He lies when he says he never uses anonymous names to post comments, and I proved that on one of TAO'S threads.

I Ain't Got No Blog: is just a spewer of hate. I don't post his comments on my blog, and I won't debate him here.

Eric Eyes: You wrote a post about how Obama is breaking the promises he made. I responded giving examples how the Republicans have broken their political promises for decades. You never responded, but it has been days. One idiot did respond, not to the facts I wrote, but just to simply call me an idiot. So try defending the points I made about your Republican leaders.

Carl, it's interesting that you start out talking about the misuse of political labels, then go right ahead and do it.

I don't accept, and I doubt members of academia would agree with your description of murderous Communists, or Socialists, as being comparable to the American political left (Democrats). In fact, it's absurd.

I agree with TRUTH:

"to somehow think communists or nuts like Sirhan or Oswald represent the left is stretch."

I guess just because Sen. Byrd used to be a member of KKK you would call them a liberal group.

It's hard to admit that a political philosophy you subscribe to has so much violence attached to it, maybe that's the question you should be asking yourselves and why you support that party and philosophy.

If the country blames Republicans for our financial downfall, that's because the facts tell us that.

Abortion clinics have had over 4,000 acts of violence against them since Roe/Wade became law.

That includes 8 murdered doctors.

NONE of those convicted of those acts of violence against abortion clinics claimed they were of the liberal political ideology, all of them admitted to being and doing their acts of violence because of their religious right, or politically right convictions. (U.S. Justice Dept).

It's not unreasonable for a person whose ancestors were enslaved and treated as less than animals for nearly 400 years by this country, to say that she was not proud of her country's actions towards those human beings.

Then finally her husband (a black man) is elected President of the same United States that fostered and made legal that kind of Holocaust like behavior towards humans, could honestly have pride in a country with such a horrible past towards her race.

Anyone who is proud of every act this country has done in it's History, either does not know History, or is demented.

Sure, we should be proud of what we have accomplished, but not with blinders on.

ME! said...

TAO said...
Bluepitbull, just checking to see if you visit...and you really are so easy to bait...

Time said...PIT SHIT: is a perfect example of a right wing, White, ex-military, angry person, who uses threats of violence. I know because he has threatened violence against me. He lies when he says he never uses anonymous names to post comments, and I proved that on one of TAO'S threads.

TAO said...

No one gets more goosepimples singing the national anthem and or saluting the flag as I do. No one flies the flag as much as I do nor shows it as much respect as I do.

Where? Up your ass?

Time said...

Time said"

PIT SHIT: is a perfect example of a right wing, White, ex-military, angry person, who uses threats of violence. I know because he has threatened violence against me. He lies when he says he never uses anonymous names to post comments, and I proved that on one of TAO'S threads.

You are both full of Crap.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for proving my point PIT SHIT, I mean ME.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Not that Jennifer needs my help but this is my blog Time. I find her to of open mind and very pragmatic for a conservative.
There are times someone else does a good job articulating how you feel about an issue. Jennifer gave a thumbs up to Mr. Wicklander for that. I do the same for you, TAO, Shaw and others from time to time.

TAO said...

Gee, 79 comments!

Whew, who would have thought that an intelligent black man in the White House could create such anger!

Then there is going to be a Hispanic Justice on the Supreme Court....

Before you know it we will have openly gay folks serving in the military....

WOW! So much change can make you so dizzy...or angry...

Then you got all the Bush supporters giving economic advice...hmm, folks you had your chance and it didn't work....

Keep up the good work Truth and Time, once again I am impressed.

Hey, how about Sarah Palin...she has $300,000 in legal bills due to all her ethics charges and $187,000 are for the one ethics charge she filed against herself to keep the issue of her ex brother in law out of the state house...

Hmm...can't help but believe that may not have been all that wise of a move...

Anonymous said...

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time....And your government when it deserves it."

Mark Twain

Unknown said...

You never had a point. You're a twit, Time. Funny that you have to resort to posting under a different name to get anyone to agree with you.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I told Jennifer that when LAOT and Carl visit it raises the level for a while at least. I fuess that while is over. (See Bluepitbull's previous comment.) You're a twit? That's weak on any level BPB.

ME said...

TIME:, who gives a flying shit what you think?

Anonymous said...

Amazing, PIT SHIT and Me both must wake up just bubbling over with hate.
The first thing they do at 4 in the morning is rush to print vulgarities at some faceless blogger.

TAO said...

Time...and thats on a GOOD day for them...

Bad days are when there is absolutely nothing on blogs for them to respond to so then they have to resort to kicking the dog, beating the wife, or some other sort of senseless violence...

Law and Order Teacher said...

Geez, the thread that will never die. Apparently you have struck a very sensitive nerve on all sides of the political spectrum. Given your affinity for enlightened rhetoric, you must be in heaven. Well done.

Unknown said...

I could say more, but apparently I;m an angry, white ex-military guy. Love the way you tradition hating douchebags stereotype and then pull the race or EO card like the pussies you are.

I love the 'enlightened rhetoric' comment. Prolly flew right over time's flat head.

ME said...

Those of you who agree with the sentiments of this blog and it's author are so small minded and full of hatred that I'd feel sorry for you if you didn't epitomize the very lowest of the lowest level of the human condition.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

No amount of thanks and homage to you for your military service can change the fact that you still are a shithead Bluepitbull.

Thank you for visiting and thanks for your service to our Nation.

Anonymous said...

"Not that Jennifer needs my help but this is my blog Time. I find her to of open mind and very pragmatic for a conservative.
There are times someone else does a good job articulating how you feel about an issue. Jennifer gave a thumbs up to Mr. Wicklander for that. I do the same for you, TAO, Shaw and others from time to time"

Truth...Thank you for sticking up for me! In this case I actually did need it because my anxiety has been kicking my ass and I haven't been on as much as I like. It actually means a lot! I do appreciate it! ((hugs))



"I could have cited many examples of lefties who have used violence to reach their political goals, but Jennifer turned this into the right/left argument."

You asked for examples and I provided that, I'm not sure how I started it, but if it makes you feel better to say so then be my guest.

"Jennifer does not want to speak for herself, but let Carl speak for her, fine, but disappointing"

I am not so vein to admit that others make points better than I do. I don't have the education or experience that some others may have and if they can explain it better than I can I let them. I really didn't see anything wrong with that.

"The right to free speech comes with responsibilities. If you don't know what that means, ask Carl."

This is just down right low. I have NEVER insulted anyone on here, including you. I do my best to listen to all opinions and am very open minded. I may debate things with people, sometimes I win sometimes I lose, but I always leave with a respect for the other person. Even my most liberal friends I have great respect for! I will not continue to debate you because I refuse to lower myself to insults and will not debate with somebody I can't respect.

Anonymous said...

Your comments were loaded with insults to me. You made this about my liberalism, which you know nothing about. I was the one insulted, yet you claim the basis, so now you won't discuss.
How fake, how false, how insulting YOU are to me. You turned this whole conversation to something it never was. Baiting me with your false claims of left/right, using examples of History, then blasting me for the same thing. And on, and on, and on, with the dishonest debate style. Yes, please don't speak to me again. I have no time for liars and idiots.

Anonymous said...

"liars and idiots"....thank you, you just proved my point perfectly!

Truth....Thank you for the always RESPECTFUL debate that I can count on with you! :-)

Yes I agree with you Tom, L&O and Carl bring a level of intelligence while they are here. Their blogs reflect the same!

Anonymous said...

This statement leaves the impression that you have thoroughly read my blog and understand my politics, which is a lie, not to mention the false accusation (insult) of me ducking your question.

"First let me address your statement regarding your blog. I have read it and even commented on it, but I see how you are trying to get around answering my question regarding you reporting on democrats mistakes. If you don't want to answer, just say so."


Example of a coward:

"Since Carl did so much better than I could on the comparison I'll just say see Carl's post."

"I am not so vein to admit that others make points better than I do. I don't have the education or experience that some others may have and if they can explain it better than I can I let them. I really didn't see anything wrong with that."

If I wanted Carl's opinion, I would have asked for it. You are certainly not afraid to give your opinion, I HAVE read your blog.

Example of baiting and misleading:

"Ok, so now I am not decent because I did not write a blog post about it?"

When I said 65 bloggers,

And insulted me by the false accusation that I called you not decent.


"Okay, so you went back in history."



"so to judge all conservatives by what a few radicals have done is beyond absurd."



"I would love to hear your rebuttal for Carl's post"



"That isn't true. Just because a vision doesn't necessarily coincide with yours, doesn't make it wrong. Liberals and Conservatives all want the best for America, but disagree on the way to go about it."


"(TIME)"The right to free speech comes with responsibilities."

(Jennifer)"This is just down right low. I have NEVER insulted anyone on here, including you."

"The right to free speech comes with responsibilities."


"I don't care about her racial history."




To bad you don't know how to carry on an HONEST debate, without insulting me and lying.

In the words of your blog roll buddies like:
PIT SHIT - your a twit.

I just showed you the facts of why I call you a liar and an idiot. It is not adhom - it is the facts of what you wrote.

You really are a disgusting person.


Unknown said...

Wow. Finally Time is attacking someone else. Well....there you go.

Anonymous said...

I only respond to the lies of dishonest people like you, PIT SHIT.

John said...

Time....I am a liberal but I just can't take your side on this one. I have been looking around at the different blogs and I have read the posts and I actually felt bad for you at one time. No one likes you! Now I understand why. I've seen you fight with bluepitbull and James on Pamela's blog and pretty much attack everyone for not picking up for you. Your nasty and unbelievably stupid comments regarding Jennifer was totally in the wrong in this post. She did nothing but defend a position that YOU asked for yet you blame it on her.

"I'm open to examples of liberal violence based on their political ideology, please show me."

Remember that?

Ask anyone around and I think you'll be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn't think she has class. I don't agree with all her viewpoints but Pamela and Jennifer are always respectful. Even the blog host picked up for her. You have issues with James, Pittbull, and pretty much every other conservative you come across. You give liberals a bad name. Truth is a liberal and yet gets along with conservatives like Pamela, Jennifer, Law & Order, and Carl. You throw insults out to anyone you don't agree with, yet you still blame it on other people.

You are a joke and everyone knows it, except you. You are a bully and you go around the blogs picking fights with everyone. You called Jennifer a liar and an idiot when she did nothing to you. When you can't win an argument you twist words and call other people names. I don't go from blog to blog arguing with people but I won't sit here and read your attacks on people that don't deserve it.

You call Jennifer a coward for knowing her limitations and acknowledging that someone else might know something more. I call it being noble. She says she doesn't want to debate you and yet you still hurl insult after insult at her. The worst part of this is that everyone sees it but you. You have never insulted me personally, probably because our views are somewhat the same, but I just can't sit here and let you do it to others and think you get away with it. Someone needed to take you to task for it. Call me names, I could care less, it's no more than I would expect from the likes of you!

Sorry Truth, I know this isn't on topic but I felt like he butchered Jennifer knowing she wasn't going to come back at him. I know you respect her too.

Anonymous said...


Stop impersonating human beings and go back to being PIT SHIT

Unknown said...

Need a tissue time? No one likes you because your always angry and you lie, lie, lie.

I don't need to impersonate people. I can post for myself.

You, on the other hand had to post anonymously just to act like someone agrees with you. Sad really :(

Anonymous said...

I already proved that you post under multiple anonymous names, that's what makes you PIT SHIT.
Glad to see you took my advice, don't become a humane being, remain PIT SHIT.
Thanks for proving my point!

Unknown said...

No I haven't. It's you. You are the kind of self-loathing human being that would lower yourself to do this sort of thing time. I actually have integrity and have even apologized for our little fight earlier. No more.

If you are going to be ugly about me, I can give better than you can, I promise. Keep pushing and you'll find out. I can keep you tied up in knots for years and years and laugh at the screen, so please, for me....keep calling me pit shit and attacking me. You are quickly becoming the most reviled person online.

All of your lies about me won't help either.

Anonymous said...


Shove your threats where the Sun don't shine.

This whole thing started because you threatened me with physical violence.

I wouldn't let you get away with that and further threats only prove your hate and that you are actually dangerous.

Your obsession with hate now has you threatening me for years and years.

Bring it on PIT SHIT.

Your probably used to getting your way by bullying people, but you picked on the wrong guy, now.

All your buddies and minions who support your threats against me, and attack me on your behalf, are just as bad.

How low and stupid can people get when they support a hate filled person like you, that threatens physical violence against people?

Thanks for another threat I can add it to the many others from you PIT SHIT.

If standing up to a sick, hate filled, dangerous bully like you makes me reviled, I'm glad to be reviled.

Now your on record again, you'll be attacking me for years.

Will it be the same tactics as before?

Physical threats, anonymous hate messages filling my blog and posted where ever I comment.

You truly need help you sick psyco.

I don't runaway from bullies, but you are obviously to stupid to get that after all these months of your attacks on me.

Shove it PIT SHIT!

Continue your threats of violence against me. Do what you think you can do, all the time proving my point.

Wimp ass!

Unknown said...

Perhaps you should stop posting anon, time shit. Then you won't be so self loathing.

I'm not a bully, but you are a little pussy.

Anonymous said...

I don't post anonymous PIT SHIT, you do that and I proved it.

Prove where I posted anonymous.

I don't need to post anonymous. I can tell you to go fuck yourself, in my own name.

Unknown said...

Real tough talk from such a wuss.

You are without a doubt the angriest lying person I have met on here. You pick on a moderate like Jennifer, you give James a hard time and you cry and whine constantly and never have anything interesting or even factual to say. Change your name to copy paste. At least that's accurate.

Anonymous said...

Your the pussy.

Won't even post my comments on your cut and paste blog.

Hey if they are liars like you PIT SHIT, they should be shown up.

James's post about who's right and wrong between Gates and the White cop, is funny. He wouldn't even reprimand you for threatening someone (ME) with physical violence on his blog, and then laughed about it. Now were supposed to trust his objectivity about this situation?

Funny how you never deny anything, just change the subject.

I guess you can't read either.

Why do you keep starting this argument again every time you run into me at a different blog?

You have said many times you wanted nothing to do with me, yet you keep attacking me where ever I comment.

Who's the angry ass hole? YOU!

Unknown said...

Nah, it's still you, outta time.

Maybe it's the fertilizer on the corn fields getting into your little brain or something, but I don't lie. You do.

Not only do you lie pathologically, you attack people for their views and you hate everything and everyone that disagrees with your narrow world view.

The best thing you could do for yourself is to get some therapy. There are amazing advances in psychotropic medicine to deal with your paranoia and malignant narcissism.

Anonymous said...


What did I lie about PIT SHIT?

Why don't you answer a question instead of changing the issue?

Talk about attacking people for their views that's your blog MO.

You write whole post attacking people.

Don't you get tired of inventing (lying) things to divert from having to answer a question?

Your late for the "birther" meeting PIT SHIT!

Heard from the family lately PIT SHIT?

Unknown said...

TIME :You write whole post attacking people.

Trying a hand at spaghetti western Apache now?

You should stop lying. You can't get to me, and your embarrassing yourself kid.

Going for my family? LOL, I knew you couldn't resist.

Hey, I have an idea for you....follow me for a sec...

Perhaps you should post under a different name as you did in many above posts agreeing with everything you are saying about me so that you have some reinforcement.

BTW, I still have plenty of family. Something tells me that you don't because no one wants to be around a pathological, angry little guy like you. Have fun in your sad sad life you wuss.

Anonymous said...

I don't post under anonymous names, like you, PIT SHIT!

Track the IP address, but you won't, you would be caught lying.

Anyone can check your blog and read the whole posts attacking me or Shaw, and others.

How about the "diahrrea" post about Shaw? Written the day her sister died, that was added PIT SHIT class.

A bad father reflects a bad man.

There is no worse man on line than you, PIT SHIT!

No wonder no one will talk to you, if your family won't, why would anyone else?

Your late for the "birther" meeting.

Unknown said...

Time, I have no idea what that means. Shaw knows why I posted what I posted about her. She played victim just as you do when it got too hot.

Birther? Huh?

My dad is a bad man, but he wasn't around, so you can forget that one.

At least I have family. You need to stop lying and posting under anon names to get people to agree with your lunatic fringe views.

BTW, time? Your late for your Che Guevarra fan club meet. I hear you get plastic bayonnets as a door prize. It could be empowering.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Far be it from me to interject myself into your feud gentlemen, but I've seen plenty of prickness from both of you. Bluepitbull: you revel in prickness. I don't condemn you for it becuase it looks like it works for you.

Time: you can be a prick yourself at times. The way you smacked down Jennifer was way out of line. She's always been polite to me, Shaw and other Libs. She deserved better than what you gave her.

Now if you two want to continue mother fucking each other, I don't really mind. I find it entertaining. But find a good issue to motherf%cK each other about. There is no definitive way to judge who really is the bigger prick.

Thank you both for visiting Truth Shall Rule.

Unknown said...

Truth, your a bigger butthead than me on any given day, but I think it's about ratings with you.

I won't tolerate the bullying these guys do to others and don't get away with me.

As long as this little douche attacks others and calls me pitshit and says bad things about my family, i'll keep him in knots...and you know he is stressin hard. It's fun for me because information ops is kinda my forte.

Nothing against you, Truth, but I choose the battlefield and if my name gets mentioned, I come back.

I ended my Truth 101 feud a while ago, so it's up to time shit where it will end. If you don't want me here, just ask.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Pitbull: I have endured attacks from truly wretched assholes. I don't count you among that ilk. Nor do I count Time among them.

If you can take my calling you a shithead every now and then, I can take you calling me Truthshit or something also.

Let the games continue.

Unknown said...

It's a little more than that, Truth.

It's cutting the weak calf from the herd as well. You know each part needs that sort of cleansing.

If it happens at the top, it can happen here as well.

There are one or two that claim to be on your side that don't really have anything constructive to say about the political process.

You should thank me for helping you make them go bye bye.

And I don't need to call you Truth shit to get my point across. The only reason I came back is due to a few people that need to mention me to keep their sites alive.

Anonymous said...


If you can't tell, then you haven't read the threads.

PIT SHIT started it, and every site I comment on he has to start it again.

PIT SHIT likes to threaten physical violence against people, if you think I'm the same sicko as that, you are wrong.

If he would shut his PIT SHIT mouth, I would not say anything, but I don't bow to bullies.

Jennifer turned the whole thing into something personal, which it was not. It's her delusion that I was talking about her. She insulted me by claiming I was talking about her. That's the same crap I get from these conservatives, and it's false and insulting. I see no reason to put up with it, you can.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I am not and never have been so enamored with myself that I believed anyones life or opinion will be changed because they read my blog.

In my case, this is mostly for personal entertainment. As I think it is for just about all of us. I'll keep doing what I'm doing as long as it's fun.

You two are taking this far too seriously.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I am the same. I laugh at the fools and bigots all over the blogosphere.

Unknown said...

Do you really? If you don't take things personally, then why are you still on the attack, time?

You think calling me pitshit is making me angry now? Not in the least.

You can talk about me anyway you want.

You can't escape and you can't keep blaming me for something I apologized for already. Unless you want to be the playground wuss, which you always have been in the past. But don't try and make me the bully.

You lied in your comments to me originally and then tried to call me a liar and your standard name calling. I just had enough.

But now, you get angry at moderates like Jen as well and try to attack them because you hate everyone. Get over yourself.

Your blog suck...and your life sucks...admit it...

Anonymous said...

I don't lie about you PIT SHIT. I don't have to, every thing I say about you is in print for everyone to see.

I'm sure Jennifer seems like a moderate to a right wing, White male, ex-military, angry, spewer of physical threats, bigot like you.

Unknown said...
