Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Watching the rank and file Republicans obey their masters is both entertaining and kind of pathetic.

The Supreme Republican posts the days talking points and dutifully, all the little obedient Republicans repeat them.

"Remember to call all Democratic sponsored programs, no matter how important or insignificant, socialist." It would be really funny if that made it through as a resolution and Congress mandated a National Socialist Day of Remembrance for Ronald Reagan.

But you can really see the obedience in the well groomed look of many young and up and coming Republicans. You ever see Eric Cantor? This dude can rattle off a right wing talking points like Olivier reciting Shakespeare. His hair is perfect. The skin on his face doesn't even move when he talks and his suit is never wrinkled from his excellent posture. President Bush had excellent posture and wore very nice suits.

Mitt Romney, another up and coming Republican that has good posture. Wears nice suits and does a great job reciting right wing talking points. What's funny about him was that he was pro life and pro state wide health insurance in his home state before entering the national stage and prostrating himself before the Supreme Republican.

Sarah Palin learned her talking points well and the Republicans even bought her a nice wardrobe in anticipation of a long and loyal career. She's starting to become a joke even among the righties now though. Too many pictures of her in Wrangler jeans instead of expensive clothes from Sax 5Th Avenue. The poor woman lives in Alaska but that's no excuse to the high level Righties that demand a well tailored look from their stooges. Formality over function is a hard and fast rule.


Anonymous said...

And all this time I was under the impression that you were smart.... silly me.

Unknown said...

Well, at least things are back to normal.

You are misinformed, Truth. The people are speaking to their reps and if talk radio is helping, it doesn't make them bad for trying to keep things the way they are.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

So you agree with high paid insurance company ceo's that our Nation's health insurance system should remain the same Bluepitbull?

Very unsurprising.

Kung Fu Charlie said...

You suggest that the only other option is the one in Congress,Truth?

Are you going to rattle off your left-wing talking points that the Republicans only want the status quo and are not offering any ideas?

More importantly, can you lay off the freaking spacebar?

American That Cares, I am not sure where you got any indication that this guy was smart, but... this guy ain't smart.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Refute the premise of the post Charlie. Refute that Rush demands obedience from the rank and file. Ask Michael Steele about that Charlie. You won't because you know I'm correct. You know here and my old site I am and were always correct.

Okay. I was incorrect about the spacing this time but it was time for supper when I posted this.

Kung Fu Charlie said...

How does Rush 'demand" anything? Does he give his opinion? Yes. That's kind of what his show is about. How does he 'demand" anything?

So, here goes... I refute that Rush demands obedience from the rank and file. Because, that doesn't MEAN anything.

Explain what you are talking about.

Green Eagle said...

If you look at numerous major right wing websites daily as I do (I know, I know, get a life, buddy) you would have noticed that a large number of them, after months of promoting the birther nonsense, suddenly, in one day, turned on the birthers and started attacking them.

Just something to keep in mind, the next time you are foolishly inclined to believe that Town Hall, Red State, et. al. are independent news sites, and are not taking their marching orders from the usual Republican propaganda factories.

Pamela Zydel said...

Personally, I'd rather see all the men in jeans, too, rather than the stuffy suits! But that's just me.

I'm with Kung Fu, I hear Rush's opinion not demands, when I listen to him, which isn't all that often, I like Beck the best. Both sides have there share of talking points, which I hate! And when I heard Palin's speech the other day I really liked it, because she didn't use talking points, she spoke from her heart.

Unknown said...

Blogger Green Eagle said...

If you look at numerous major right wing websites daily as I do (I know, I know, get a life, buddy) you would have noticed that a large number of them, after months of promoting the birther nonsense, suddenly, in one day, turned on the birthers and started attacking them.

Just something to keep in mind, the next time you are foolishly inclined to believe that Town Hall, Red State, et. al. are independent news sites, and are not taking their marching orders from the usual Republican propaganda factories.


Really? Compared to the left wing media that runs this country and just woke up and realized they are losing business carrying water for a third rate president who couldn't even fill Carter's shoes? Gimme a break. Site some, any, examples. Or else I call BS

As far as CEOs, your buddy Franky Rains made out ok with the whole sub prime bus that got us in this mess, didn't he? More than OK? And he was a complete boob. So don't go bashing performance when you want to reward incompetence.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm not going to tell you that there aren't conservatives/republicans that thrive on every word that Rush, Beck, etc. say. I actually know someone that could repeat word for word, after hearing their show. That doesn't mean that most of us do though. Nor does it mean our representatives do. Where they stand on issues tend to coincide with each other because that is where their personal views run together. I couldn't even begin to tell you how they dress, because I barely watch TV. I'm more concerned with whats in their head instead of on it.

TOOKIE said...

Funny that your OWN GUy in your home town is against free speech .

But I would not want to be they guy that pointed out how much of a hypocrite you folks are . Your part of a sick political machine , and you get mad that a MFER like me will not stop until the machine is done .

Just remember I do like you , I just HATE your blind eye politics .

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Your evil cabal is only for free speech that is on it's side Mr. Tookie.

The first time a citizen goes before the council ripping one of your buddies they will all demand order and the "pinko" be thrown out.

Any refuting you offered was already addressed in the original post BPB and others. I suggest you all open your eyes and minds.

Britgyal said...

I think you should look at the Comrade in Chief when you say that!

Liberals, this is what happens when you select a racist, who sat his a s s in a church of hate. Who pals around with terrorists like Ayers, Dorhn, Farrakhan, and Rashid Khalidi. We on the right pointed out that this idiot RAISED over ONE MILLION DOLLARS to help his Marxist/Socialist cousin, Ol' Ray Odinga, get elected. Immediately thereafter, he established Sharia law, roughly 1,100 Kenyans were murdered, and Christians fleeing for their lives. But you were too busy drinking the kool-aid. YOU OWN THIS FOOL, LOCK, STOCK, and BARREL!

In fact, wasn't it YOU LIBERALS that crowed that electing Comrade Zero proved that America had become less racist?

The Declaration of Independence gives us the right to revolt against an unjust ruler. Is it coming down to this? Obamadinejad is a tool of Soros, handled by Axleroid and Ballerina Emanuel, with a complicit Congress, imposing their will upon the American people. He’s taken control of GM, seized control of banks, and is working to impose the so-called “Fairness Doctrine” and/or “locality” on talk radio with his minions (stifling freedom of speech), acting exactly like a dictator would. Obamadinejad health care will be rationed, as it is in Canada and Britain, and as Social SUCKurity does, will work to keep Americans under his thumb. He has his minions (Eric Holder for one) working against the Second Amendment night and day and his lack of transparency works against the First Amendment.

David said...

Here is a teachable moment. This is your moment. Now is your time. Quit the hate. You simply magnify or exaggerate every actual and alleged flaw so that you have the same regard for Obama and Liberals that you have for manure and yet many of your targets are so much more accomplished than you.

Not hating does not equal worship or even agreement with. One can seriously disagree with someone and not hate. The people I read have serious problems with Obama's views and policies. But unlike you, they don't use it as a reason despise him or his liberal support team.

You like most of the liberal bloggers I read show in most of your posts the combination of someone who was never in the military with the authoritarian personality of someone who was. Give you a weapon and that is a very dangerous combination.

If you knocked the hate, you could actually write intelligent posts that would put the focus on Obama rather than draw attention to yourself like a crying child in store draws attention to himself.

The Gray Headed Brother said...

Race? Disorderly conduct? More likely police misconduct

How easy to hide a misbehaving officer behind the heroes who do their job every day. Sure the officer was doing his job when he arrived at Dr. Gates home but once he was there he forgot for whom he was working. The officer is employed by the public. Which other employees are allowed to mistreat their employers? As soon as Dr. Gates identified himself, the authority was only his not the officer's. From that moment on, the officer was speaking to his employer and owed him all the respect afforded to him. We must not forget that police officers receive their temporary authority from the public; and that authority always belongs to the public. When the officers forget that basic premise, they begin to believe that they are the law... or worse that they are above the law.

Anonymous said...

Hey man your bias is showing.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I seemed to have touched a nerve. All my right leaning friends repeat the same old and tired nonsense Supreme republican Rush has been spewing for years. But damn anyone that points that out. They are the "real Americans." Nobody tells them what to do.

Eg. All of the righties say almost exactly the same thing about the Gates/Crowley controversy. Look closely at what what Truth 101 has said. "Enough stupidity to go around between the three of them."

Who's the independent thinker folks? In your hearts, you know I'm right.

Unknown said...

So....lemme see if I've got this straight....because many on the right and center and even some on the left have come to the same conclusion about the Gates case, we must all have swirly eyes and listen with baited breath to everything Limbaugh says?

Wow, that's brilliant.

Or, could it be (bear with me for a moment) that common sense is the foundation for true Conservatism? I'm gonna have to go with the latter on this.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

A closer analogy for conservatism would be a blind, naive belief that if you ignore problems, they don't exist.

This explains why you and most of our right leaning friends link your site and dozens of other righty sites while refusing to link sites like this.

Thank you for stopping by Bluepitbull. You're always unmoderatedly welcome.

zabob said...

Man, I thought you were smarter then to buy into this phony's BS.
But I guess a lib is a lib and you can't change a leopards spots...

You can take the community organizer out of Rev. Wright's church, but you can't take Rev. Wright's church out of the community organizer.

Penn St. Dutchman said...

You do have the best trolls T101. What is your secret?

Unknown said...

TRUTH 101 said...

A closer analogy for conservatism would be a blind, naive belief that if you ignore problems, they don't exist.

Really? Even though that's not the case, there were solutions to all of this put into place by republicans.

Meanwhile, talk about people being blind, deaf and naive....your guys had to admit today that their wonderful social programs aren't as good as purchasing plane tickets to move the homeless other places.

As usual, thank you for granting me service to your unmoderated site. And you are always welcome to comment at mine, but it will stay moderated, so sorry if it bugs you so much that you mention it every time I stymie you.

Remember that alot of your audience is here due to your exploitation of a feud that you assisted in. So, perhaps dont bite the hand that feeds you so hard.

Green Eagle said...


Sorry to take so long getting around to answering you. You request "Site (sic) some, any, examples. Or else I call BS," in connection with my assertion about the right blogosphere turning on the birthers in one day. Here are eight:

Red State: "Taking Down the Birthers"

Town Hall: "Close Encounters of the Absurd Kind"

Don Surber, via Instapundit: "I call them birfers. Like 9/11 troofers only dumber. Others call them birthers. They are the people who believe that President Obama was born outside the United States and therefore is constitutionally barred from being president."

Confederate Yankee: "And the Obama Birth Wars Continue..."

Gateway Pundit, "Forms of Madness"

Matt C. Abbott, Renew America: "Obama 'birthgate' ain't goin' nowhere"

Joel B. Pollack, American Thinker: "The political alchemy of Birtherism"

The Editors, National Review Online: "Born in the U.S.A."

These are all from yesterday and today.
Will that do?

Catch ya later.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

They all visited Blue pitbull. Then they would leave for your site to comment about what they read on my site. They new your moderation would protect them from my bludgeon of truth.

If I was consumed with hit count though, I'd go righty. Look how many followers Matt Rose has now. And I'd be real popular with some local dudes that would bump hell out of my hit count. But my loyalty to truth and progressive ideas that benefit all Americans, not just the privileged that you and your friends schill for, keeps me from taking that route.

Thanks for your visit BPB. And if some asshole disrespects another one of our blogger friends of the fairer sex I hope we can work together again to teach the bastard a lesson.

Unknown said...

Green Eagle said...


Sorry to take so long getting around to answering you. You request "Site (sic) some, any, examples. Or else I call BS," in connection with my assertion about the right blogosphere turning on the birthers in one day. Here are eight:


I won't repeat the whole thing. The birthers are the far right, I'm not.

I have enough problem with the government in it's current form.

By the way, just like all leftists you couldn't help yourself when pointing out my dead obvious misspell. (sic)

If that's your game, lets get it on.

Green Eagle said...


In response to my post, you say, "I won't repeat the whole thing. The birthers are the far right, I'm not."

That wasn't the issue. The issue is whether I was lying about what I said. I wasn't, but you decided to just dodge that issue.

By the way, lots of supposedly non-wacko conservatives have participated in the birther idiocy- Congressmen and Senators, the most major radio talk show hosts, ex-presidential candidates, commentators on cable news networks, the most prominent right wing writers, even ex-vice presidents' daughters. So don't try to brush this off as a fringe phenomenon.

Now, about the "sic"- I'm sorry if I offended you. I honestly can't figure out what to do about misspellings in things I quote. Sometimes I correct them, sometimes I just let them pass and sometimes I point them out. My basis for doing this is pretty random. It comes up almost every day on my blog, and I still haven't made up my mind.

Unknown said...

Well, given the fact that I've only had a chance to review one of the articles you've brought to my attention, I'll get back to you keeping in mind that you had over 24 hours to come up with that list.

Your (sic) comment is everything I expect from a leftist. Condescension is the biggest weapon in your arsenal.

I hope you have read the articles, also.

Unknown said...

Green Eagle - I read the articles and for the most part they were a refutation of the so-called 'birther' movement. Only one article provided any sort of weak evidence of the president being born out of country. If anything, they were being neutral or supportive of the president, but we won't let facts get in the way.

This isn't turning on anyone. No real member of the republican party who wants to see it get back on it's feet believes or even cares about his birth certificate.

The Wordsmith said...

Ah, but as I read on these liberal blogs they want to destroy Lou Dobbs now for Heaven forbid questioning the right to see the birth certificate

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It's not Lou's "right" to look at anyone's birth certificate. Obama displayed on his fight the smears website during the campaign anyway.

Lou has a big staff and big budget also. Can't he find something legitimate and relavant to jab President Obama with? Illegal immigration. The abomination of a "health care reform bill" going through now. Getting our Troops out of Iraq sooner rather than later.

I guess birth certificates and Michelle Obama's outfits score better ratings.

Green Eagle said...

May I summarize Bluepitbull's last two comments about me:

"Your (sic) comment is everything I expect from a leftist. "

I.e. truthfully citing eight sources to back up my claims.

Telling the truth- "everything I expect from a leftist."

Those devious bastards!

Unknown said...


There was no 'slamming' of the right against the right.

Once again, you have it wrong.