Okay. Okay. This is my last dig at poor Governor Sanford. Thank you for indulging me.
But on to serious business. In the last post, although most of us, Right and Left, don't believe the sexual practices of our elected officials should matter and they're none of our business, the fact is that the sexual practices of our elected officials is big news and a big campaign issue.
I'm not defending the practice. I'm guilty of banging out four posts about Governor Sanford's peccadillo's. Interesting coincidence that that's how many times Mark banged his Argentine hottie.
But as long as this stuff generates readers for newspapers and blogs. As long as it generates viewers. As long as it generates votes from people with no clue or care about what's going on as long as they're voting for someone they think "Shares their values" we might as well accept it and have fun with it.
Thanks for not showing Sanford's peccadillo.
I was wrong. Hot girls will not make me run away, but these two certainly will. You really should put a warning in the title, it's that bad. I think I would have preferred Sanford. Ok maybe not!
For me personally, I don't think it's as much the fact that he broke his vows, that is his personal life. The lying factor is much more of an issue to me. It's a bit more difficult to trust him, then again, I don't trust any politicians!! :-)
Next time make sure they are hot, I don't want to make a habit of losing my dinner!
We are dealing with a very strange person when we are dealing with Sanford...
Its not just his vows...
This man is obviously very much in love with this soul mate, and he needs to give up the governorship, the wife, the kids and get down to some soulmating...
It is almost as if he wants to dangle this in front of his wife and hurt her as much as he can...
Its like we are watching an emotional meltdown in real time...
LOL Jennifer!
Truth101 disclosure:
**photo may not agree with meals**
Tao: I just said to my husband if that’s his soul mate then why is he trying to work things out with his wife! I mean come on. Or if he wants to work it out with his wife, why announce to the world that his mistress is his soul mate? Suck it up, work it out with his wife and shut up already or give it all up and go with the mistress/soul mate. You’re right, he’s a mess.
What can I say Jennifer. I wear many hats. Kind and Gentle. Benevolent. Fair and Balanced. But Naughty Boy is still my favorite.
Pamela gave me a psychoanalytical diagnosis once. She still visits despite that so I guess I've found the balance between naughty and harmless.
Well said TAO. Why his current wife would want to stay with him when his soulmate is another woman makes no sense. But I see damn few divorces that both parties actually move on either. They spend the rest of their lives in misery and trying to cause misery for their ex's. How sad is a man's life when he is willing to risk losing a great family. Endure his children hating him forever for what he did to their mother. All for a "magnificent pair."
Forgive the language but man, this guy is a shithead.
I've seen this disgusting picture on someone else's blog.
I don't think we should be concerned about the sexual practices of elected officials - except: if they are married and/or
have a family, and are carrying on, it shows a lack of responsibility, and the individual voter needs to take that into account.
If someone is cheating on their spose that makes him or her a liar.
And they could be lying (down) on the job.
I really hate to post under that grotesque picture.
TRUTH 101 said...
Frank: I find you inciteful and a talented blogger. If there comes a time that I call you a "deluded right wing fool" believe me Brother. It's just as much a compliment as a putdown.
Thank you...(I guess)
But I have to tell you that I was highly insulted when You or maybe it was your friend TAO made that remark about my condolences to Shaw.
That was really low and completely UN-CALLED FOR.
But that was a different day. If you came here to make peace, then peace it shall be.
I have to disagree. I can't get by anyone who cheats and disrespects their most basic relationship. As Jennifer said, I guess that's his personal life, but he has made it public by being in public office.
His conduct goes straight to fitness for office as it shows a monumental lack of responsibility. It is the ultimate "me first." I ask, "Does anything stand in the way of someone like that getting what they want?"
Immediately, up comes Newt, brilliant idea man, next president? Not with my vote.
As for your lady friends, I guess they're hot to some, but I can only contemplate the effects of heat on all that cottage cheese.
How would you expect anyone to bother to read this after seeing that gross picture!
Thought Lady: every time I put it up hits triple. Not that I get alot of hits. But it's nice to have the ego stroked every now and then.
Frank: As LaOT says, "we disagree more than we agree." Maybe. Maybe not. That doesn't mean I don't respect and like the people who visit here and who's blogs I visit. Good writing and interesting presentation of your side are what interests and entertains me. I think you do both well Frank. Thanks for stoping by.
LaOT: Who hasn't told his wife, or her her husband a few whoppers to save him/her an ass chewing or worse? Perhaps it's the degree of the infraction that matters.
The issue is not "the the sexual practices of our elected officials." It is honesty and integrity. We should demand both, and if we don't get it they need to be replaced.
Sanford should resign asap.
I'm with you but maybe for a different reason Tom. I've never made any bones about being a Democratic Party hack. Sanford is doing the Republican party more harm by staying on. An emotional apology and resignation to "repair the damage he's done to his family" would go a long way to helping him and his party in the long run.
Truth , your not even a good dumbocrat party hack . Your better than the peons I abused the last election cycle . Clearly there is a wide talent gap showing in the dumboturds .
What is the real impact of one small southern Governor ?
Blaggo ring a bell ?
At least the South Cack-a-lackys only had a Gov sticking it to South America , we in Illinois had the past Gov's sticking it to us all PRISON STYLE.
Yeah Tookie. Your guy parlayed your nattering negativity with a resounding moral victory for nattering negativity. My guy is still mayor though. And how's your friend Bud doing these days?
If you don't get rid of that disgusting picture you will not be seeing me here anymore.
Don't let them tell you lies about me brother.
Our sense in truth is shaped in what we believe.
AmigoJen: Tookie told me to leave it up until he can save it to his list of favorite pics on his laptop.
GHB: I still got your back Brother. Don't ever let them forget.
Any idea how credit crunch affected porn?
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