A disturbing trend in republican talking points is their use of violence to get their deluded points across.
No matter what the program, they have to frame it as a "killer."
We want out of Iraq. republicans claim people will be killed. I guess they haven't been watching the body count.
We want health insurance reform. Republicans call it a "job killer." Hell. They call everything a job killer.
Legislation to set limits on pollution. They call this a job killer. I suppose the republican that came up with this "killer" thing figures pollution doesn't kill anyone.
The Republicans have been proclaiming the death of America is imminent if we adopt programs that help Americans. The only good thing about the "death of America" talking point is that it pisses off the old time militants in Iran who think they own the copywrite to anything resembling their infamous "death to America" chant. Screw those assholes.
The Republican hierarchy is good at talking about killing stuff even though many of them never had to kill anyone because of draft deferments.
The best irony of this though is when asked about sane gun control that keeps firearms out of the hands of felons and psychotics, Republicans say "Hell no! Guns save life!"
Republicans live in Bizarro America.
I am happy to throw out the first pitch. First, 300, great movie. A guy who loves war and has a hot wife is interesting.
I too, don't like the rhetoric of those who are so quick to go to war as long as it's someone doing the fighting. When Ford pardoned the people who went to Canada to avoid the draft I choked on my anger. Don't join, get a deferment, but don't run away. I digress.
I see some of the policies of this administrations as job killers, oops, job losers? Either way, the more you restrict business the more it contracts.
I have a friend that owns the single most identifiable restaurant franchise in my area. Every soldier that returns home says " I can't wait to get some Skyline Chili." As a small business he files as an individual.
When the tax increases kick in on the "evil rich" he will contract his business. He can do nothing else. Check this out, when the raise in the minimum wage kicks in later this month it puts him in a quandry. Raising the wages by government mandate forces him to raise the wages of his long-time employees who are paid more on the second and third levels of his pay scale. Costs rise.
Money he planned to plow back into his business will now go to increased government mandated wage increases. His planned expansion of his business that would have employed more workers is now on hold. Elections have consequences.
Good day sir.
Are the gun-rights guys actually opposed to laws to keep guns out of the hands of felons?
Law: A side comment on 300. Some Iranian ultra-nationalist kooks claimed it was an anti-Iranian slam, because the Iranians were portrayed as villains in it.
Well, the Iranians in the movie, and in history (ancient Persians, really) were present in Greece, in large numbers, far from the Persian borders. They were there to pillage, rape, and slaughter Greeks. How is it possible NOT to show such Persians as villains?
The Iranians might have a case if there were some movie who showed ancient Persians defending their homeland in Persia as awful villains.
Law: How does that guy feel about the minimum wage hike, which in his case is like the government is mandating that he give people a welfare (unearned) payment, whether or not the wage earners are in poverty and need welfare?
That's what the minimum wage is: a welfare program where the payee is strapped small business, and the beneficiaries are often quite well off, and only occasionally poor.
I have not been able to figure out the gun thing. Why is it so important to the gun lovers to have guns.
Who ever started the ridiculous saying that guns don't kill people, people kill people?
Guns do the dirty work for people.
They were there to pillage, rape, and slaughter Greeks. How is it possible NOT to show such Persians as villains?
Seriously, dmarks, what group of ancient peoples DIDN'T pillage, rape, and slaughter? All conquering horde were villianous.
The Greeks did their share of slaughtering and so did the Macedonians, Persians, Romans, and every other freaking "civilization" that came after them.
That's the point of dmark's statement. The Iranians getting all huffy about the depiction of the Persians in the movie is bogus revisionism. There were no pure civilizations in the ancient world. It was all about conquest. No civilization had a corner on the purity market. Conquerors was the proper name for the whole world. Don't even get me started on the "noble savages" in the New World that were "plundered" by the evil Europeans.
The hallmark of a republic is to arm itself against government oppression. The second amendment has its roots in the ability of citizens to check government power.
The founding fathers basically numbered the Bill of Rights in order. The first amendment being the hallmark of a free republic. The third amendment dealing with quartering of soldiers doesn't ring with us, but to the founding generation it represented the symbol of oppression, maintaining a standing army within an oppressed population.
Their only defense was the possession of firearms to ensure against oppression. Hence, the second and third amendments.
You have to put history in its proper place to understand. The Bill of Rights is a very instructive measure of the feelings and concerns of the founding generation.
Good day.
He obviously isn't in love with government mandates regarding his business. I don't know about welfare, but generally Americans should get paid what they are worth.
If you take a job that is of low worth you will get paid what you are worth. I don't subscribe to the theory that all work is equal.
When one spends vast amounts educating oneself riches will follow. Lest someone think I'm tooting my own horn, I knew teachers didn't get paid a lot when I went into the profession. Trade-offs are made everyday. I love what I do so I will sacrifice some money.
Sports stars are the epitome of free enterprise. If I could do what they do, I'd make that money too. If owners are stupid enough to pay them, more power to the athletes. They are selling their product. One I don't have.
Your 7:26 comment is well stated LaOT.
As for minimum wage increases, I don't have the answer. If it's too high the incentive to better ones self is lessened,
Dmarks: I'm a supporter of responsible, law abiding citizens rights to own firearms. My problem is with a gun lobby that fights to protect unscrupulous dealers at5 gun shows selling guns to anybody with no strings.
I'd have to have more information before making any comment on the restaurant owner that makes loads of money but is worried about paying more taxes LaOT. It sounds like a good problem to have to me.
Shaw: True. It is hard to find a civilization that was not this way. Very hard.
What you can find are truly heroic groups within the civilization at times. The ancient Greek society had democracy for only the very few, and the Spartan lifestyle was brutal and fascistic.
But the effort of the 300 Spartan warriors and their allies to hold off the Persians at Thermopylae is truly inspiring, I think.
I loved this one from World Net Daily a couple of days ago:
"Texas congressman: Seniors die sooner under Dem plan"
Vote Republican or Die!
Now, that's a convincing argument.
here is some "Truth"
There's a line between pandering, bigoted, polite and condescending. Depending on how you look at the video, there's something for everyone to find both naughty and nice.
Thank you for your comment Mr. Tookie. And may I say, you have a fine desk sir.
Faster Republicans! Kill! Kill!
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