A common theme from pundits who in reality have no freaking clue WTF they are pundisizing about is their call for "leadership." Turn on a talk show and one of these jokers will decry a "lack of leadership" or some variation of that theme. Translated, that means these they have no clue but don't want to come off as without answers because that would make them look stupid.
The problem with government from the federal level on down is not lack of leadership. The problem is too much leadership and not enough "followship." The greatest leader in history would be just another loser if he had no followers because the followers thought they should lead.
Al Franken just said he was going to Washington to be Minnesota's Senator. Not just one of sixty. Good for him. Bad for America. We can't all be in charge. We want health care reform? We want out of Iraq? We want our economy growing? We want to stop polluting? We want all kinds of wonderful stuff. Fighting for TV facetime so everyone can see what a "leader" you are is a worthless pursuit. We have a leader of the Democratic Party. He is also President of The United States of America. It's his job to lead. The rest of the Democratic needs to be good followers. Then President Obama won't have to work compromises with assholes like Mitch McConnell or John Boehner.
There is a time for rogue behavior and a time for closing ranks. The Republicans closed ranks for years under Bush and we are in the worst financial shape since the Great depression. It's time now for the Democrats in Congress to learn from the party discipline of the Republicans and fix what Bush and the Republican Congress broke.
Too many chefs in the kitchen......
I agree that if we want to accomplish anything we have to stand behind a good idea, no matter what side you lean to! Everybody wants the spotlight/credit and that creates a congress that puts crappy ideas out there for the sake of putting anything with their name attached.
Perhaps one of you lefties here could tell us about Obama's leadership. He's in way over his head. No substance whatsoever. Carter all over again.
I've noticed that lately, more and more people I encounter have no qualms about expressing negative comments about Obama and his policies. These people normally wouldn't say "dirt" if they had a mouthful. I do think the bloom is coming off the Obama rose - it's happening rather quickly, and it's pretty wide spread. Even the dimbulbs among us wake up when they notice there's nothing left in their wallets.. The Blame Bush time is over Mr. Community Organizer.
We have a leader of the Democratic Party. He is also President of The United States of America. It's his job to lead. The rest of the Democratic needs to be good followers.
Truth: Obama is the President of ALL Americans. He is the leader of Democrats, Republicans AND Independents. Everyone in Congress NEEDS to follow,YET they also need to come to the table, along with the President, and give ideas and compromise when necessary ALL for the betterment of OUR country and the American people. This isn’t about Democrat vs. Republican. It’s about what is best for our Nation. Congress has forgotten that they work for us. And we, the people, have forgotten to make them accountable. It’s time we woke up and time they began to do what we elected them to do.
What you said herte is true Pamlela: "Congress has forgotten that they work for us. And we, the people, have forgotten to make them accountable. It’s time we woke up and time they began to do what we elected them to do."
I'm speaking as the partisan I admittedly am. The Republicans, and the woosey Democrats, allowed Bush to do as he pleased six of his eight years. The Republicans now will be as obstructionist as possible to stop Obama and anything on his agenda no matter how good, well intentioned, or mundane. The Democrats must have the party discipline to close ranks and fight for progress and solution to the issues I brought up. For Reid, Pelosi, and a score of others to try power and headline grabs is bad for my party and worse for America. Democratic infighting is music to the ears of the Right. It stalls progress. Which I have pointed out numerous times is the right's goal. Less government through chaos.
When will people stop blaming Bush?
Take a look around Truth! Obama is the president now and the Sky is falling.
Eight years of Bush booger ups means we can blame him for eight years minimum. And for crying out loud Sarah G. Your side is still going back to FDR with blame stuff.
It's akin to my old friend Gray Headed Brother. He reminded us of painful incidents because we needed to be reminded. We can't be allowed to forget lest we commit the same mistakes again and again.
Thank you for stopping by.
This one is a boring post .
If I do one that excites you then all your psycho friends pop up Tookie. I happy with around a hundred hits a day and commenters that can comment without having to include the F word and "teatsucker" in every sentence.
TRUTH 101 said...
It's akin to my old friend Gray Headed Brother. He reminded us of painful incidents because we needed to be reminded. We can't be allowed to forget lest we commit the same mistakes again and again.
65 years of a sorry ass idiot?
250 years of sorry ass racism. Look at what just happened in Philadelphia with the black kids from the daycare being told they couldn't swim in the private club's pool. The club took their money but when the black kids showed up they were shown the door. It still happens today Sarah. Ignoring it isn't making it go away.
TRUTH 101 said..."It's akin to my old friend Gray Headed Brother. He reminded us of painful incidents because we needed to be reminded. We can't be allowed to forget lest we commit the same mistakes again and again."
Oh bullcrap and you know it.
It was evident that he is very racist and does not like white people You just like that phony bastard and not because of his past, but because of the hate that he preaches.
White people were slaves here before black people were...you don't hear white people going around saying everyone owes them something all the time because of it. If a white preacher were to get up in church and talk about black people the way Barack Hussein obama's preacher talked about white people, the black people would be outside the church marching and protesting against racism.
Anyone that likes that racist is also a racist.
Always making excuses, pushing off blame. as long as we have far left, whining, and crying about blacks and slavery of 200 years ago nothing will never change. Get over it, it's history. None of us ever lived thru those years, so why do we have to apologize for it over and over and over again? Its been two hundred years since slavery. And they are still beating a dead horse to death. And they will until they see the color of money! I am concerned they were done a favor when they were brought over here look how they would have been now living in Africa. Look how Obama’s1/2 brother lives, in a grass hut with no heat or water. Wow what a trade off. They have a lot more today here than they would have if they had stayed in Africa. Even the presidency.
I'm sick and tired of people saying that crap-ol-la This blogger knows damn well he's comparing apples and anvils Day after day, these liberal bloggers preach the same old crap. Tell that to Michael Jackson who made Billions here in America or to Oprah!
If you don't like America then get out.
TRUTH 101 said...
250 years of sorry ass racism. Look at what just happened in Philadelphia with the black kids from the daycare being told they couldn't swim in the private club's pool. The club took their money but when the black kids showed up they were shown the door. It still happens today Sarah. Ignoring it isn't making it go away.
Oh bullshit. Tell it to the Marines, I don't want to hear any more of it.
I can tell you plenty of stories in reverse! And You damn well know it. So if you want to kiss the Gray heads ass, be my guest. But be sure and take a shower before you come back here.
I had enough of these America hating racist bigots.
Oprah is another one!
O P R A H goes to the same RACIST anti-American church as Obama and
Michelle... and Oprah is a racist also. She got rich hugely because
of white women, but she discriminates against white women.
When Oprah made a big celebration recently for "super achiever women"
she only invited BLACK women, Not a single white woman was included.
When Oprah built a school in South Africa, it is for BLACK GIRLS
only. There are lots of poor white girls living in the area but they
are not allowed in her school.
Oprah, Obama, support racist BLACK ONLY views.
Should the whites start a White History month? Or a Micky Mantel Day? Or maybe a White's only Beauty contest? Or a White entertainment station? Or white magazines? Why the hell not? Whats wrong with that!
Andrew Breitbart did a huge write up on that Philly Pool , and coming from a right leaning fellow it was wonderful.
But at the same time in Pa , a group of black youths beat up white folks in their front lawn.
The difference between the two is the youths were just plain old thugs and the pool folks were flat out social racists .
The pool folks should know better , yet they cling to old stereo types .
I'm not sure true leadership is possible in the 24 hour news cycle and the TV dominated world we live in. Everything that is said anywhere is on tv.
When we are speaking in beige and not saying what needs to be said, leadership gives way to fear. I supported Bush until he started spending money like a Democrat.
Pelosi, Reid, McConnell, and Boehner don't care about leading, they care about reelection. Period.
I hate to be cynical, but politicians will spend, spend, spend, because Americans require them to "do something" and most of the time they do the wrong thing. We have a problem.
I would be lying if I said I knew how to solve it. As the SSA spends glorious days at a five-star resort and tries to look like they are working, we go on spending on crap in multi-trillions of dollars and nothing gets done.
At the same time they misspend at least 4 billion dollars a year because of bureaucratic ineptitude. BARACKRACY indeed. Just stop spending. Please congress, don't do anything.
Good day, sir.
Truth: I seriously think they are all in this together, Dems and Reps. They are all impeding progress. They are more worried about their special interest groups and reelection. I have no trust in any of them anymore and I’m quite disenfranchised. We need someone on Capitol Hill to take a stand for us. I don’t care who it is or what party they come from. Just somebody do something for us!
L&OT: You hit the nail on the head. Our politicians don’t know what to do because they don’t spend time LISTENING to US. They just SPEND. They think the answer to everything is spend. I realize we need to spend some money, but 11 trillion dollars later and we still haven’t solved the problem; we have a problem. It’s time they stopped and actually listened to those of us who put then where they are or they aren’t going to be there much longer. 2010 will be a very enlightening year. I only hope it’s enough to wake up all the career politicians who think they are untouchable.
Well siad Pamela and Law and Order Teacher and Tookie.
I guess the Italian dude thinks bigotry only exists in the past except for his deluded opinion of Gray Head Brother. Wake up Brother. It's alive . Well. And living between your ears Italian Dude.
Thank you for stopping by.
TRUTH 101 said...
"I guess the Italian dude thinks bigotry only exists in the past except for his deluded opinion of Gray Head Brother. Wake up Brother. It's alive . Well. And living between your ears Italian Dude."
Oh really! I think that you and your bunch of koolaid drinkers have been suckered!
I think and your ideal and hero the Gray Headed Ass-Hole is a phony, he tell these stupid freaken stories to get the black people all upset and want to HATE. It's so obvious that a blind person could see thru him. But if you want to believe his crap than go on.. That's his game. Let the ignorance flow!
The blind, deluded fools are the ones like the Italian dude and his friend with the long moniker who only want to sweep the past history of hate against fellow Americans who's skin is darker than theirs under the rug.
Say what you will about McConnell, but he has made some rather principled and informed defenses of the First Amendment, in the face of McCain-Feingold (which criminalizes the criticism of politicians).
While I wonder about McConnell's motivations in this case, I will concede your point Dmarks.
Free speech is free speech whether or not I agree with what was speeched.
Thank you for visiting.
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