Of all the great con jobs, Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme. The guy that spent twenty years selling the Brooklyn Bridge to unsuspecting fools. The irritating lady in my hometown that says her car dealership wants you to pay less. These all pale in comparison the the greatest con job in American, and perhaps world history.
This starts decades ago with a book by a lady named Ayn Rand. Her book was called Atlas Shrugged.
The book is 1,100 pages long. But being well renowned for my exceptional ability to take the most complicated subject and reduce it to a few sentences that make more sense, I shall do that here and so you can spend the time it takes reading this piece of neocon propaganda on more worthwhile pursuits.
Rand's book basically comes down to these narrow points. Wealth is good. Extreme wealth is great. Government's role is to protect the wealthy and the property of the wealthy. We only go to war when rich people and their property are threatened. Other than that, screw the rest of you. You wouldn't be shit if it wasn't for the wealthy.
Rand's book has become a kind of life manual for the neocon movement. What is sad is that although only two percent of our population falls into the class of extremely wealthy, there are millions of others that call themselves neocons even though the movement by definition thinks they are shit.
You see. A tenant of neoconism is that less is always better. Less government. Less regulation. Less taxes. They know that less of these things equals more for the extreme well to do. They know that less access to health care for example, means they don't have to wait for their kidney or liver because the rest of us don't have access. They know that less regulation means less OSHA violations being found out and punished. It means less chance a worker injured on the job will be able to collect on workman's comp. It means workers can't organize because the Labor Dept. has nobody to conduct a fair election.
This all adds up to more for the top tier, and less for the rest.
The scariest thing of all is how the neocons accomplished their goal of less without anyone even knowing. (Until now that is. Your welcome.)
Look at how our elections have been decided since BushI. Willie Horton. Rumors about Kitty Dukakis being nuts. Bill Clinton's affairs. BushI was a sissy. (The guy was a WWII hero. Even I had trouble with that but it worked for the Clintons) The Clintons murdered Vince Foster. John Kerry was unfit for command even though he commanded troops in Vietnam and killed enemy combatants and had two Purple Hearts. The list goes on and on.
But the is not about the lies and innuendos both sides repeated. The dirty secret is that this entire scenario was orchestrated to stop government from governing.
Congress is now a useless body of men and women that hate each other. They no longer care about governing in the interests of America. It's all about the "jab."
The average American's ability to pay for health care is in it's death throes. What is Congress doing? Calling each other names. Guys that are real good at calling each other names make big money and have achieved celebrity status. James Carville. Alex Castellanos. Many others.
Talk show hosts and fake news show hosts are A list celebrities making millions. Sean Hannity could type the word poopyhead 100,000 times. Print it as a book and his followers would buy every copy.
The neocons have frozen our political system and our government and we never saw it coming. Our best and brightest political leaders blindly went down the course of attack politics with no ideas or concern for our Nation. Their advisors are not entrusted to come up with ideas that will make America an even better place to live. They're paid to come up with todays version of calling one side socialist or the other facist.
May God help us.
Spoken like a true Patriot!
I think you meant Vince Foster, although Stephen was a great composer. As for the rest of your rant, I have some problems with it.
Out of over 1100 pages to say that it was about all about neoconsism was a little short sighted. She was a writer of great intellect and she spoke to those of us who believe as Thomas Jefferson did, "That government governs best that governs least."
Rand is all about drawing attention to the evils of a totalitarian government, having grown up in that system. I'm sure you've read "Anthem." It is a very short and very scary novelette.
As for your contention that the "rich" or "very rich" are evil, I would make this point. I am now considered rich by the government.
I am a retired cop and currently a teacher. I spent my whole working life accumulating wealth to the point that I am now a target of my government. I am one of the evil rich.
I went into the military after high school and ended up in Vietnam. I left the military and got a job with the PD. I left the PD and I now teach. I am now one of the evil rich. Who knew.
Good day, sir.
I tend to be rather simple in my wants.
I want affordable healthcare.
I want job security.
I want the same freedoms that I have for my children and my children's children.
Sometimes, I think the more complicated we try and make things, the more we separate ourselves, and forget the common goal.....a better America.
Wow, that sounded a bit a too mushy for even me! LOL
Have a Safe and Happy 4th Truth!!
Law and Orader Teacher: I never said all wealthy were evil. There are selfish bastards and creeps at all levels of the social spectrum. Bernie Maddoff enjoyed a lifestyle that most of us could only dream about because of "less government."
I have no problem with wealth accumulation. Money equals security and I want everyone to be secure. I want everyone to have the opportunity to achieve that through prudent investing. Organizing and bargaining for better wages. Roth IRAs. The more money the consumer has to spend menas the more the entrepenuers have to make. And those that enjoy more benefits from the largesse of America should pay more in taxes. The better the middle class does, the better evryone does.
Thank you for stopping by Law and Order Teacher. As usual, you raise the level.
You have clearly shown you have not read the book.
Anon 10:58. The neocons have developed a system which paralyzed our government. They have invented an entire persona around this lady named Ayn Rand.
Personally, I think George Orwell's Animal Farm, was a far better treatise. Enjoy a happy, yet deluded, 4th of July my friend.
It's also clear you have no idea what a neocon is.
truth - Have a very happy 4th of July. Hope it's not raining where you are as it is here.
The average run of the mill neocon has no idea what or why he is a neocon. That is mostly because he is a dupe.
And sign in next time Anon.
Happy 4th to you also Sue. Yeah. It's raining here also.
You are not understanding. I said YOU don't know what a neocon is.
I yhink you remember my last description of what a neocon was Ryanon. If you're so into this I know you have the computor skills to look it up. Just to help you out thougn buddy; add the words "lying" and "sniveling" to you google search.
Happy 4th...
You make no sense. It would be better if you just admit you don't know, or better yet, look it up yourself.
Been there, done that friend of ryanon. Happy 4th. And happy anniversary.
I don't consider myself a dupe or a neocon really. I tend a little more to libertarianism, but without the live and let live aspect. Libertarianism would be the perfect political philosophy if it weren't for kids, (not mine, Jonah Goldberg).
I have always had a little trouble with labels, so I don't really know what shingle to hang outside my house. I am definitely pro-union, having been in one since 1976, and a union president for 5 years.
But I do have a problem with unions that are no longer unions, but political entities. Taking the secret ballot away from union organizing is, I think, un-American.
I will give unions their due in having had a hand in creating a middle class. Although, I think the GI Bill did as much or more for that as unions did.
As for Madoff, I think it was a government agency falling asleep at the switch, the SEC, that allowed Madoff to rip off billions. It wasn't less government, it was inept government.
I would assume then, that you are for Ron Paul's bill that opens the Federal Reserve Board to the public. After all, more government demands more government monitoring.
BTW, I'm no Ron Paul fan as I don't have enough tinfoil to go there. I just think government should be open to all of us. As Obama said, he wants the most transparent government in history.
Good day, sir.
I agree that eliminating the secret ballot is unwise LaOT. All I ask is that union elections be held in a timele and fair manner. Both sides having their chance to state their cases without threat.
I'm all for open government as long as national security issues are not comprimised. We don't need to know how many soldiers we have where or when they will be sent. We do need to know our legislators are funding them and other programs properly.
I think we are on the same page about union political activity. While I am all for the voice of labor being heard, some Unions put political activity at the forefront and the dues paying members take a back seat. If the choice is between a $5,000 donation to a candidate and having to spend $5,000 on a loyal dues paying member who's getting the shaft, the dues paying member should always come first.
Thank you for your visit.
Who is John Galt
I doubt Truth read 1100 pages , I did just re-read Atlas Shrugged
Enjoyed it again
It comes down to the personality cult of William F. Buckley Tookie. Just act bored. Pretend insufferably long books are intellectual. And use a bunch of obscure words. You wingers are just mad because I exposed you for the dupes you have been. Now do something not deluded like rallying your troops around a single payer national health insurance.
See, I told you he didn't really read it.
What the f#$k is the deal with this book anyway? Is it an inside joke?
Well you can't go around calling yourself TRUTH if you can't even be honest about which books you have or haven't read. Geesh!!
I was forced to read Atlas Shrugged by an evil civics teacher. Truth's analysis is in fact close to what I took away from it.
I actually enjoyed the story , I also read long boring historical books .
J.L. Laughton
Close to what TRUTH took away, huh?
Where does your analysis depart from his? Where do you disagree with how he interpreted the book?
What Tookie and the anonymous pair prove is my contention that the average neocon deluded fool has no clue what they are for. They give no opinion. They offer nothing. I guess they're waiting for the underground Cheney/Wolfowitz website to provide them with their arguments and talking points. But it is the Fourth of July weekend and Cheney and Wolfowitz have to pretend to care about the soldiers. They must be too busy to tell their minions what to say. I challenge Tookie and the other two jokers to prove me wrong.
Oh. I forgot that Ayn Rand was a scrawney and shrill woman. In the same mold as Laura Inghram and Ann Coulter. That is why the deluded right deifies her. She fits one of the molds that turns them on.
No, what's been proven is you didn't read the book.
What's been proven is I won't play this game with you. Either state your case against my condensing of Atlas Shrugged or go away.
I won't try to discuss a book with someone who hasn't read it. So good day, sir.
The two most brutal reads I've ever read were The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich and Atlas Shrugged. Mr. Moore was one of the three finest teachers I ever had. He was also an asshole. If I would have stayed in college and pursued a career in teaching, I hope I would have been a teacher like him.
Good night.
I won't try to discuss a book with someone who hasn't read it. So good day, sir.
Does that mean he has really gone away? I'm pretty sure most of the knuckleheads out there threatening to go Galt have not read the book. If they're going to go, I hope it means they are not going to be on-line either.
I can see from your anonymous troll infestation why you are no longer Kind and Gentle Truth 101.
I really enjoyed Goldberg's " Liberal Fascism "
I will admit he stretched a bit ( well a ton) at his core argument , but none the less it was a good read.
They will be back when my next speak, exposing more Ayn Rand myths hits the blogosphere ExDLB. With truth and wisdom comes great responsibility my friend. It also comes with trolls.
I was hoping you would debate your troll T101. It was pretty obvious he never read Atlas Shrugged. It is morons like him (them?) that keep me from posting under my blogs name.
Truth, Oracle, Dr. Beeninya: I went through your bloglist. It's a gigantic improvement over your last sites list. I'm happy you are doing well my friend. T.L.
Hey I haven't read the book either
Into each life a little troll must fall.
Good to hear from you again TL. I hear things aren't going too well at MWP. And I think I spelled the last one Bininya. I forgot the code anyway.
Eventually this joker will get bored and go away ExDLB. Maybe he'll renew his viagra and have something else to play with.
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