It is an honor and privilege to have been a part of this great race. Both contestants are pricks of the highest order.
Bluepitbull: Your body of work as a prick is almost unparalleled in the annals of prickdom. Your hiding behind comment moderation is one of the tenants of prickism. It's interesting that your opponent, Time, also practices this.
But this is one race. If this were judged on complete body of work, you my friend Bluepitbull would win hands down.
But because of Time's hard work and relentless prickness since the start of this race, the Justice Clarence Thomas, Long Dong Silver Trophy for the winner of this years Prickness goes to Time.
Congratulations Time. You can now take your place along side other great pricks like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.
I'm not the only one that moderates comments. Good to know that you think so highly of me, though.
I suggest that TIME starts a new blog with a completely new name as his is SO damaged it is way beyond repair.
He should be wearing an orange shirt that says "PROPERTY OF COUNTY ASYLUM" on the back.
Your advice to Time shows a wisdom I did not expect from you Bob. Well said.
You forgot to mention yourself
Time? Pitshit?: I said you were the champion of The Prickness. I never said you weren't creative. Nice victory speech on your new blog dude.
I'm just glad school is starting again soon so that we can be rid of 'pit shit's hideout'.
I can tell you this: Accusing me of being a child molester is unclass even for you, time. Sad.
LOL.....Truth, you are just too much! You won't here an argument from me though. You should see the messages he is now leaving at my sight...such a classy guy. (rolling eyes)
Truth: I missed a lot while I was on vacation! Goodness all this fun you’re having. How can you even stand it!
What in the world happened to Time’s blog? Someone said it was hacked. Is that true, or did he do it all himself?
Wow, a meltdown in real time. This would be worthy of a reality series on TV. Extremely funny post, my friend. Well done.
I get it. You are one of those people belong the guy standing on the ledge yelling "jump."
I mean that as a compliment. And yes, questioning dirtbags was one of the truly great things about police work. Getting someone to admit to some heinous crime that you know is going to send him away for a long time and a much deserved vacation on the state.
The icing, having him feel good about getting it off his chest. I once busted a guy for rape who copped to an unsolved murder. He got 75 actual years.
So now we can say that "Truth101" "Bluepitbull" and "Time" are all one and the same?
Or perhaps we can say that obama and Tao are the same, they are a no show for votes.
Now you have REALLY sunk to a new LOW. You have shown us your true colors. And proved that Pitt is the better Man.. In fact he is the only Man.
You should be ignored, and never allowed to comment on ANY blog ANYWHERE.
You have REALLY shown who is the true winner of the PRICKness Race!
Who exactly?
I have entered this side-show a bit late but I think I have read enough to make my own judgment about what has transpired here,
I haven't too much to say but what I will say will sum up this retarded person (Time) in in sentence.
What Thin Blue Line said !
Time, I just visited your new SICK home.
You really need help badly. You are the sickest one I've ever seen that is not in custody.
My advice to you is to take a long walk on a short pier.
Yeah, now he has pics of young boys on his site. It's getting pretty sick over there.
Truth, the reason my site is moderated is so that I can read and answer comments. Sometimes I post three of four things in a day and it's hard to keep up with where everything goes. Then take into account foreigners who post on stuff two-three months old. There you go.
Oh bluepitbull...you moderate comments because you are a control freak and you love the power to decide which comments get posted and which ones don't.
Tao, give it a rest. You don't know my mind and it drives you crazy. You're the control freak. I can't count the number of times you've told me how to write my blog, but you always seem to come back.
This guy "TIME" is nothing less than a stupid little pervert.
His reaction to your blog just proves it.
He went wild and made up that perverted blog and insulted some completely innocent bloggers that had no dog in that fight.
I rate him right along with the "King of Poop" Michael Jerkson.
Now everything that he had said in the past becomes meaningless as he has shown us that he has ZERO credibility.
Good work Time, you proved Bluepitbull to be right.
The love fest will soon be over folks. I've got another expose' of deluded right wing republicanism coming shortly.
But just so everyone knows; the only person allowed to screw with Jennifer is married to her.
That Dalek/Limbaugh post was your expose'? You crap your dumb-assed opinion onto the keyboard, (along with an annoyingly generous helping of spacebar / Enter key), and call it an expose'? You have been watching too many McDonald's coffee commercials.
What you did was expose how much of a retarded government toady you are.
Yes, I do agree that TIME went way overboard on this one. But perhaps that PittBull guy drove him there, with his constant dribble?
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