Friday, July 31, 2009


Who could forget the introduction to America of Congresswoman Susan Molinari at the 1996 Republican Convention. She was married to a fellow member of Congress. Nobody seemed to care about the residency details because she was so wholesome and fresh.
She walked among the crowd, flashing her wonderful smile and telling us how she wanted her baby to grow up in an America that was already what she wanted it to be. The conventioneers loved her. As she talked about her baby, none of the people had a naughty thought in their heads about her. There was no way she cried out with the usual "AAAGGGHHH! I'M CUMMING!" during consummation. Not this wholesome, all American girl. She cried out the pure "AAAGGGHHH! WE'RE MAKING A BABY!" when she was performing her wholesome, all American wifely duties.
We all were enchanted by her vision of the American Dream. But her dream didn't include remaining in Congress where she could help achieve that dream of wholesomeness and fine dental work.
No my friends. She reinvented the American Dream. She parlayed her new found celebrity and became a talk show host. Sadly for her, it was on radio and nobody could fall in love with her smile and wholesomeness.
A gig on FOX News is the dream of all Republicans. They can go there. Spew whatever rhetoric they want and never have to worry about being questioned. And the money's good.
Sarah Palin is the latest to try and parlay a good look and a good knowledge of right wing catch phrases into a talk show gig.
The other part of the American Dream is the goal of former legislators and high ranking officials to start lobbying groups and think tanks. There, these turkeys can strong arm businesses and other issue groups into giving them big money in thanks for steering legislation through Congress that benefited them.
I'm 46, but still, that's old enough to remember when it meant something to tell your kids they could grow up to be a Congressman or Senator. Now that's just a stepping stone to the real American Dream of being a lobbyist or talk show host.


Carl Wicklander said...

Of the two, I'd rather somebody like Palin go into TV or radio. It doesn't seem to have hurt Mike Huckabee. At least that's an honest profession.

blackandgoldfan said...

Truth, you are even a bigger asshole than I originally thought you were.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I have to admit I liked Mike Huckabee Carl. I think he played the down homw good ol boy thing too much.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You do know black and goldfan, that if a shithead like yourself thinks I'm an asshole, I must be doing things right.

Thank you for visiting.

blackandgoldfan said...

Damn that must have felt good to get that off your chest. I'm glad you said that I'm sure that you feel so much better now.

LOL, getting a bit touchy lately aren't you you ass hole you!

Did anyone ever tell you that you sound like a old opinionated woman, with an old chip on your shoulder? Well you do!

Do you also feel that way when you go on blogs and telling people the things that you do!

Anonymous said...

Your troll chickens have come home to roost T101.

blackandgoldfan said...

Anonymous said...

Your troll chickens have come home to roost T101.
Talk about Chickens,

Don't you just hate when you hold the ketchup bottle over your French fries and the first thing that comes out is red water?

And don't you just hate it when Anonymous CHICKEN Hearted people post about other posters!

This jerk sounds like someone that walks around with toilet paper stuck to his shoe.

Got Blog said...

No matter what color anyone is, we all have the potential to act foolishly. I’ve certainly done a foolish thing or too in my life. But then some of us like to take foolish to another level and act ignorantly.

Enter Henry Gates.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Do you have anything to add of substance B&G?

blackandgoldfan said...

TRUTH 101 said...

Do you have anything to add of substance B&G?

YES, I do,
To you Truth101 and the rest of you liberals out there, who insist on shoving your kindness down the throat of the little guy, I find your ideas demeaning. I always have. Every one has their pride. And please don’t insult me as you go into defense mode by talking about Third World countries or homeless babies or disabled people that could use a hand.

I am talking about able-bodied Americans looking for an assisted and/or free ride on the taxpayer’s dime.

Stop trying to assuage whatever guilt it is that haunts you. And don’t tell me you don’t have guilt. EVERYBODY has some form or other of guilt. EVERYBODY has guilty acts and/or thoughts to live with. Some of us live with it quietly while others have seizures with it, skewering the general public with their ideas and actions.
I firmly believe that Barack Obama has become one of the greatest dividers of a country ever seen in American history. But making matters even worse has been the BIASED REPORTING BY OUR MEDIA.
Now if you want to reply, try giving me an argument without mentioning Bush’s name... Otherwise, don't bother.

Anonymous said...

Black and Gold:

Maybe you're feeling guilty because you're a selfish prick. Yes everyone feels guilty but you're assuming that the only reason people want to help others is because they feel guilty.

It coudn't possibly be that there are people out there who actually WANT to help others because it's the RIGHT thing to do. Or because everyone needs a little help now and then. Or because their religion teaches to help others without asking for anything in return.

I wonder how many of you conservatives who oppose universal health care, etc. are Christians? Surely a lot when you consider most of the people who oppose health care are conservatives and most conservatives are Christian. Did Jesus charge people for his "miracles?" Did he ask the sick if they had private health insurance? Did he turn people down because they were homeless? No, no and no.

When the day comes when you lose your job, can't find another one and get cancer of the asshole you better hope someone is feeling that "evil, nasty Liberal guilt" to help you.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You most likely have followed me around recently B&G. If you had read closely instead of the usual right wing thought process of making up what you want about others and just believing that instead of listening, you would ackowlege that I have no use for those that abuse government programs.

But you won't do that because close mindedness is easier.

Watching Fox News is easier because it tells you the media is biased. But not them because the good all American folks at Fox would never lead you astray because they tell you what you want so desperatly to be true. Regardless of truthfulness.

Guilt? If I had deluded beliefs that led to good people being denied help because a small percentage of people are scumbags and might get a handout, I would feel guilty a you do my friend.

JBW said...

Where do you dig up these wingnuts, T101? And how are you going to refute such a well researched and nuanced argument like "You're an asshole!" Check and mate, amigo.

Incidentally, did you hear that Clear Channel decided that they won't give Palin her own radio show because they're afraid she won't be able to fill three hours a day? I'm pretty sure they're right but I'd love to listen to her try.

blackandgoldfan said...

Isn't it funny but when Truth101 called Pittbull names as he did and still does to others, no one call him a troll or a wing-nut!!!!

And when he blogs about republicans being asshole and other stupid terms, not one calls him a troll or a wing-nut!!!!

Why? Because he's a hypocrite or just because you people drink the same koolaide that he does.
Or both?

How is it that people who can't even manage to pay their taxes properly are being nominated to run huge government agencies? The first requirement for government service should be competence, not name-recognition, popularity, or political loyalty.
Everyone flipped for Obahma and rushed to elect a man we knew absolutely nothing about. Now his brother has been busted for drugs, his own Aunt is an illegal. all his friends turn out to be tax cheats. And if anyone has seen what it is he wants to spend the 900 billion bail-out money on, its time for a recall and lets get a real president because , my friends, time is quickly running out. By the way, Obahma has dropped 20 points in the polls in the two weeks since he was elected. If everyone is starting to wake up , its a little late.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm a colorful advocate for progressive policies that make America a better place for all. Those that hate progress and want to remain in their little world of the blond status quo, think that color is brown. Thus, they call me an asshole. I wear their vitriol as a badge of honor.

You're all over the place B&G. Do you hate President Obama because the economy is impoving and you liked the bad one your hero George W.left us?

Are you mad because the cash for clunkers program was a success. Perhaps you are a used car dealer and couldn't benefit from that program.

blackandgoldfan said...

All Of The Above.

blackandgoldfan said...

If you really believe that economy is improving, you are even nuttier than i thought.
Try telling that to the millions who are out of work or the millions who have lost their homes.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It took your hero G.W.B. 8 years of mismanagement and ignoring problems to get us as close to another Great Depression as we've ever been B&G. You expect President Obama to heal the deep wounds inflicted on our economy be G.W.B. in six months?

blackandgoldfan said...

First of all, I NEVER said or implied that George Bush was "My Hero" YOU did.
In fact he did may things that I totally disagreed with. And I can admit it, not like you Obama-fanatics.
BUT, I will say that he (George Bush) has risen to the challenges presented during his presidency with courage and with enormous self-sacrifice.
And we did make grave errors in how this war has been fought absolutely without any question.
But was that his fault? I'm not so sure, was it the fault of Congress? I would have to say absolutely without any question also. Without Harry Reid, Murther, and Nancy whatsherface running Congress, things may have worked out differently. Bush wasn't trying to win a popularity contest like Obama is today..

TAO said...


Feel bad because the folks who are big on family values can't seem to stay home and sleep with their wives?

Feel bad about pumping billions into Pakistan for being our ally in the war on terror and at the same time becoming a safe haven for the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden?

Feel bad when a subsidary of a company that Cheney ran for years could not feel patriotic enough to make sure that our soldiers would not be eletrocuted while taking showers?

Feel bad about the fact that for 8 years while we focussed on giving tax cuts to corporations in the guise of 'creating jobs' we created a perfect storm for the biggest economic disaster our country has ever seen?

Do YOU feel guilty knowing that your hatred of Obama is secretly based on the fact that you don't want a black man as President? That you also would vote for George Bush again because he is the guy you would most likely want to drink a beer with?

Sort of like a car dealer in town who just six weeks ago was bashing Obama about destroying our economy and now he was just interviewed on television beaming with pride over the success of cash for clunkers and wanting to get more of that where it came from...

I need to call him Monday and remind him that it came from the same guy who he claimed was destroying our economy just a few short weeks ago...

Bitch about government when it comes to taxes but be the first in line when it comes to getting handouts...

Now if the government bailed my company out and then I got a bonus that was more than the profit my company generated in the last year THEN I might feel guilty...

The Thin Blue Line said...

George W. Bush may have been vilified by many, and supported by some, but to me he was a man of his convictions and I agreed with a whole lots of them myself.

Why do I say that? It's not because I agree with his domestic agenda, nit at all. It's not because I think he's done a perfect job in the White House, he didn’t.

George Bush showed me that he has courage. The President does what he believes to be in the best interest of the United States. He sticks with his beliefs, no matter how intense the criticism and invective that are directed against him every day. He was met with a challenge that no other US President has ever faced before.

The enormous defeat President Bush suffered with the loss of both Houses of Congress has not caused him to retreat from his position that the US alone now stands between a radical Islamic takeover of many of the world's governments in the next 30 or more years. This Congress that we have before us right now is the weakest that I have ever seen in all my life. And God forbid we get hit again by these Islamic Idiots, I think that we are in for a long bad time. Obama is not going to take the fight to the enemy as George Bush did, he’s going to kiss their behinds and apologize for what the USA had done to them in the past 1000 years.
Would George Bush close Gitmo? Never. And he would be right. It has been proven time and time again that Gimo is one of the best Prisons in the world. It is high tech and everything that Obama says it isn’t. So why close it? Why let these terrorist that murdered our men go? If anyone thinks that this pompous ass is going to be good for America, then they are living a dream. Or maybe you like living under a dictatorship.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

For years Congress cowtowed under Bush and Cheney because they were afraid of having the soft on terror label used against them.

Bush created more terrorists and terrorist wannabes with his policies.

Take the fight to them? We could have effectively sealed our borders far cheaper and at zero cost of lives rather than invade a country that was no threat. If Bush wanted to lift a few sanctios from Iraq to get Saddam to go after Bin laden that probably would have worked. And save me any moral outrage at that statement my right leaning friends. Reagan supported Saddam in the Iraq/Iran war. He dealt with Iran in the arms for hostages debacle. He let Iran off the hook once the hostages were released when he took office.

And you blindly think I agree with President Obama on everything B&G. I think the health care plan going through Congress is an abomination. It's only goal is to protect the profits of insurance companies. I disgaree with any of his tax cut proposals. My generation has benefitted from the huge debts incurred by our government since Reagan. I am more than willing to pay more taxes to get my Nation out of debt.

Bush and Rove only cared that they were popular with the rich and powerful that they served. Their propaganda machine gave them small margins of victory but Rove said yo only need 50 plus one. They were never there to make America better for all of us. But as TBL proves, their tough talk appealed to just enough people to get Bush in the White House. But that's all it was/ Tough talk. At the end of Bush's presidency we were still in Iraq and Afghanistan with no meaningful victory or change in either country. Bin Laden is still free. A hard line prick ayatollah is still running Iran. Yeah boys. Old W. sure made em pay.

blackandgoldfan . said...

That is Bull Shit and you know it.
If you don't that I pity you, you are even dumber that I thought you were

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thin Blue Line: "Would George Bush close Gitmo? Never."

Except that he said that's exactly what he wanted to do. The only thing that stopped him, he said, was his fear that America couldn't keep the bad guys in a safe enough prison in the US. (The facts are that the American prison system has done a perfectly good job of keep dangerous criminals under lock and key.)

George Bush seemed not to hold our prison system in very high esteem. Maybe he thought the men and women who worked in them are simple-minded wusses? I don't know. I do know he had no faith that our prison system could do the job.

Also the facts are that George Bush DID release some of the Gitmo prisoners--they couldn't let them go to trial because the evidence would have been tainted by TORTURE. As a result of this--some Gitmo prisoners went free.

Thin Blue Line: "Why let these terrorist that murdered our men go?"

The facts are TBL, that we DON'T KNOW if all of the Gitmo prisoners "murdered" Americans. Some of them have been held without being charged and with no access to lawyers.

TBL: "If anyone thinks that this pompous ass is going to be good for America, then they are living a dream. Or maybe you like living under a dictatorship."

Really. You're being silly. Tell me exactly which of your rights have been denied you since Mr. Obama has been president? If you don't list them, then what you wrote is nonsense, and anything else you say should not be taken seriously.

We are not living in a dictatorship. And you know it.

You can go ahead and call the president any vile name you wish to--and nothing will happen to you.

More proof of your inane statement that we are living in a dictatorship.

The Thin Blue Line said...

Shaw Kenawe said...:
'We are not living in a dictatorship. And you know it.

You can go ahead and call the president any vile name you wish to--and nothing will happen to you.

More proof of your inane statement that we are living in a dictatorship.'

Google Shuts Down Anti-Obama Sites on its Blogger Platform

It looks like Google has officially joined the Barack Obama campaign and decided that its contribution would be to shut down any blog on the Google owned blogging system that has an anti-Obama message. Yes, it sure seems that Google has begun to go through its many thousands of blogs to lock out the owners of anti-Obama blogs so that the noObama message is effectively squelched. Thus far, Google has terminated the access by blog owners to 7 such sites and the list may be growing. Boy, it must be nice for Barack Obama to have an ally powerful enough to silence his opponents like that!

Many anti-Obama blogs were locked down by Blogger, supposedly due to their policy against "spamming." This is an outrage, but we're not going down without a fight.

We've set up our new place on WordPress. Coincidentally, we also called the new blog NObama Blog because we really, really like the name. Everything from here has been exported to the new blog (except for the graphics, but we're working on that)

*See below*

Thanks so much to everyone in the NObama Community for comments and support. Thanks to all readers for patience and understanding. We're all in this together! Please be sure to bookmark the new location: NObamaBlog on WordPress, and visit and comment there!

I Want To Set It Straight said...

TRUTH101, Your ignorance is showing.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Thin Blue Line.

You're somewhat confused.

Whatever Google does, it does as a private corporation. Google is NOT the US government.

You think or implied that we're living in a dictatorship. I asked you to provide me proof of your allegation.

You come back and tell me something about Google shutting down anti-Obama blogs?

Google is NOT the government. As a private corporation it can do whatever it wants. JUst like FOX News can employ people who consistently and constantly trash Mr. Obama. FOX is also a privately owned cable news station.

If the government started shutting down blogs and newspapers and other outlets, then you could be very afraid.

This is not happening.

Your example is not valid.

We do not live in a dictatorship--except maybe in your own mind.

You're a policeman? I would hope you'd know the difference between a private corporation deciding who and what it wants on its websites it supports through Blogger and the government infringing on our First Amendment right to free speech.

They are not the same thing.

Tantor said...

I have no doubt that they would aid and abet the elimination of opposition to the left’s messiah, Barack Obama. They censor and delete right-leaning videos and comments on YouTube and I’m not talking about raving racist garbage or death threats, I’m talking about people like Michelle Malkin.

Some Obama supporters are apparently taking advantage of Google’s terms of service to silence anti-Obama blogs.

Welcome to the world of change Obama is bringing!

No longer will you be trouble by differing views of the world. Obama will untangle all those disagreements for you by laying down a single party line everyone can follow. In this way, Obama reduces the confusion of the people.

And really, don’t you know these kinds of attacks on free speech is how the Left works? If you put a conservative bumper sticker on your car during election season, you can expect the lefty stormtroopers to tear it off or razor blade it up. It happenned to me a couple times in different parts of the country and its happened to other people. The Left wants a monopoly on all public forums. This kind of factional fight is akin to the Nazis attacking their rival Communist demonstrations back in the 1930s Germany.

Anonymous said...

I’ve been reading about this a number of places over the weekend..

The liberal assault on free speech isn’t limited to threatening to reinstate the so-called Fairness Doctrine. It’s going on right now on the supposedly un-regulated Internet, where supporters of Barack Hussein Obama are reporting anti-Obama blogs hosted on Google’s Blogger service as spam, causing Google to apparently automatically shut them down for review.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's a quick list of anti-Obama blogs I've easily found and which are NOT SHUT DOWN:

And here is a list of prominent conservative blogs that are still on the internet.

Shaw Kenawe said...

here's the link I didn't put in the above comment.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You guys are always welcome to post your deluded right wing views, and sometimes rational views, right here. The home of Truth, Wisdom and free speech.

God bless the Bill of Rights. And may God bless America!

Unknown said...

Why are you guys even here? I tried to give truth credit for being a place to discuss, but he's proven that he can't handle that burden...

With his lackeys in tow, that harpy shaw and that asshat from Danville and tao, what are we hoping to accomplish here?

Abandon this site and let them say what they will. No sense it letting them decide the battleground.

Green Eagle said...

Tantor says:

"I’m not talking about raving racist garbage or death threats, I’m talking about people like Michelle Malkin."

You've just gotta laugh. What else can you do?

JBW said...

"With his lackeys in tow, that harpy shaw and that asshat from Danville and tao, what are we hoping to accomplish here?"

I resent that, BPB. I may be a liberal, a nihilist, a pervert, a drunk, a scofflaw, a tax cheat, a dog fighter, a civil war reenactor and an asshat but I'm no lackey.

And I just live in Danville; I grew up in Texas. Oh, and I lived in cities with actual NFL franchises like any other decent Texan. Enjoy your fort.

Indiana Joe said...

And Here is a list of the Blogspot blogs that HAVE been shut down thus far:
* Blue Lyon @
* Come A Long Way @
* Hillary or Bust @
* McCain Democrats @
* NObama Blog @
* @
* Reflections in Tyme @

I have had it with these left wing bent socialists and now they want to censor anything remotely right wing regarding their 'messiah' Osama Bama on their search engine? Is this a step toward internet socialism? These dirty SOB's are stopping free speech...It's gone beyond Fascism and gone straight to Communism!

Indiana Joe said...

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's a quick list of anti-Obama blogs I've easily found and which are NOT SHUT DOWN:

Those that you have listed are petty sites.
Look at the real anti obama sites like the ones I listed above.

and here's another one that I forgot.

Shaw Kenawe said...

To Indiana Joe,

Here are the "petty" blogs that are in the link I provided and that are still up and running:

Drudge Report
Debbie Schlusse
Gateway Pundit
High Hewitt
Human Events
World Net Daily

Those are among the most heavily traffiked and most popular conservative blogs on the net--and you called them petty?

If you and the other conservatives have a problem with what's going on at Google, I suggest you take it up with that corporation instead of coming here and whining about commies and socialists.

You have no understanding about our First Amendment right of free speech.

Google can shut down any blog it hosts because GOOGLE ISN'T THE US GOVERNMENT, IT IS A PRIVATE CORPORATION. Private corporations have the right to decide how they run their businesses.

Why do so many conservatives NOT understand this?

Google isn't infringing on you First Amendment rights.

Indiana Joe asked:

"Is this a step toward internet socialism?"

No, dear, it's not. It's called free enterprise and capitalism.

It's easy to throw terms like "socialism" around; it's harder to learn what they actually mean.

Throwing Stones said...

Shaw Kenawe said...Why do so many conservatives NOT understand this?

Maybe because as YOU and Truth101 said
We conservatives are so stupid, we didn't even have the sense to vote for the Great One?

And that's My Sarcastic Opinion.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"With his lackeys in tow, that harpy shaw and that asshat from Danville and tao, what are we hoping to accomplish here? "--bluepitbull

TRUTH 101,

I don't talk to or mention on my blog the above-cited commenter. I come here and give my opinion, and the above-cited commenter cannot resist attacking me again.

I'll just copy and paste what that commenter said in a comment here on your blog:

"Even when I try to leave you alone, you seem to mention me. Hell, I could care less about you, but it's clear that you need me to argue."

As wise man once said: "Those who chronically claim unfair verbal injury from their opposition are always themselves the first to most ruthlessly and eagerly inflict it upon others."

Shaw Kenawe said...

Shaw Kenawe said...Why do so many conservatives NOT understand this?

Maybe because as YOU and Truth101 said
We conservatives are so stupid, we didn't even have the sense to vote for the Great One?
--My Sarcastic Opinion

That's not sarcasm. Apparently you guys don't understand that term either.

SARCASM: "A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.

What you wrote didn't cut, wasn't ironic and didn't wound. There was no wit evident and the language was more of a whine than a sarcastic statement. If I was the intended victim, I did not suffer contempt nor ridicule, just detached amusement.

So you want to learn to be sarcastic?

Suggestion: Read Oscar Wilde or HL Mencken, for starters.

Throwing Stones said...

Whatever you say!
After all you are the Little Lambs · the Busy Bees · the Twinkling Stars · Sunbeams ·the end of the Rainbow · the Shining Light · Happy Jewels, the disciples of the "Great One"

You have become one of Messiah Obama’s Disciples and you have made your commitment to follow the Messiah as he travels around the country, preaching, teaching us poor uninformed republicans the right things to do.

Please forgive me for doubting you in the past.

Shaw Kenawe said...

My Sarcastic Opinion wrote:

"You have become one of Messiah Obama’s Disciples and you have made your commitment to follow the Messiah as he travels around the country, preaching, teaching us poor uninformed republicans the right things to do."

That is YOUR misguided opinion and characterization of me, based on fantasies percolating in your obviously frustrated and frightened mind.

I don't follow anyone around the country, and I'm no one's disciple.

When George Bush was president, hundreds of conservative bloggers defended his every action and all of his disjointed statements. When he left office hundred of conservative bloggers posted touching, loving farewell pieces in his honor.

Good for them.

When liberals do exactly the same thing, i.e., support their president who represents, mostly, their political philosopy, certain conservatives will have none of it, and they make up foolish statements about why we are as loyal to our Democratic president as they were to their Republican president.

MSO, you have to come to terms with the fact that Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party won the last election--the American people put them in office.

It has nothing to do with messiahs or disciples, but everything to do with democracy.

I'm sorry you're feeling so awful about our democracy.

Thank you, TRUTH, for allowing me to come here and engage your visitors in a kind and gentle discussion.

LMAO said...

Shaw said:...I don't follow anyone around the country, and I'm no one's disciple.


You must be kidding!

Ciao Baby said...

Shaw Kenawe said...
MSO, you have to come to terms with the fact that Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party won the last election--the American people put them in office.

Who are "THEM" The Cheats and Crooks and Liars that Obama APPOINTED?

Shaw Kenawe said...

Ciao Baby,

You too need to join the realm of reality.

The fact that you actually wrote what you did is so very sad.

The problem with the GOP and the conservatives is that they can't accept the fact that the American people voted for Mr. Obama and the Democrats. Apparently you and a lot of conservatives believe only the GOP should run the country.

You've forgotten how you all effed it up to a fare thee well, and how disliked Mr. Bush was when he left office and how the rest of the world had lost its respect for this country, thanks to Bush and his administration.

You're living in a delusion.

Your party is still hammering away at the insane idea that Mr. Obama is not a natural born American and that he wants to kill granny.

And I read that some lunatic pastor is pushing the idea that Mr. Obama is the anti-Christ because of some ridiculous passages he tortuously used to make that claim.

Really. Look at yourselves. In the mirror.

Your group believes Mr. Obama is not an American, that he wants to kill granny, and now their pushing the idea that he's the anti-Christ.

That sort of deliria usually puts people in padded cells. Not in elected office.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"...and now THEY'RE pushing the idea..."


JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Relax on the typos Shaw. One of the first things I posted here was that I don't care about a misspelled word.

Just kepe giving the deluded fools hell Sister.

Leslie Parsley said...

Weee. I just dropped in. I hope you creeps don't come to my blog.

Oh, B&G - your comment: Did anyone ever tell you that you sound like a old opinionated woman, with an old chip on your shoulder.

I am an opinionated old woman. My opinion is that you're a dum sob.

blackandgoldfan said...

Leslie Parsley said...

Weee. I just dropped in. I hope you creeps don't come to my blog.

Oh, B&G - your comment: Did anyone ever tell you that you sound like a old opinionated woman, with an old chip on your shoulder.

I am an opinionated old woman. My opinion is that you're a dum sob.

Take it easy Leslie, that is just a slang term, and it was meant for TRUTH101, not to be taken literally.
And not to worry, I won't be coming to your blog.

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and go! Let`s take this option together to become rich

Anonymous said...

Hello !.
might , perhaps curious to know how one can collect a huge starting capital .
There is no need to invest much at first. You may start to get income with as small sum of money as 20-100 dollars.

AimTrust is what you need
The firm incorporates an offshore structure with advanced asset management technologies in production and delivery of pipes for oil and gas.

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I take now up to 2G every day, and my first investment was 500 dollars only!
It`s easy to get involved , just click this link
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Anonymous said...

You may probably be very interested to know how one can manage to receive high yields on investments.
There is no initial capital needed.
You may commense to get income with a money that usually is spent
for daily food, that's 20-100 dollars.
I have been participating in one company's work for several years,
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Please visit my pages and send me private message to get the info.

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Anonymous said...

Hi there!
I would like to burn a theme at this forum. There is such a thing, called HYIP, or High Yield Investment Program. It reminds of ponzy-like structure, but in rare cases one may happen to meet a company that really pays up to 2% daily not on invested money, but from real profits.

For several years , I make money with the help of these programs.
I don't have problems with money now, but there are heights that must be conquered . I get now up to 2G a day , and my first investment was 500 dollars only.
Right now, I managed to catch a guaranteed variant to make a sharp rise . Visit my blog to get additional info.

[url=] Online investment blog[/url]