We all remember the fine play My Fair Lady. The story revolved around professor Henry Higgins making a wager with his friend that he could turn Eliza Doolittle into a proper lady. One has to think that a similar bet was made among Bush, Cheney and a few elitists from Skull and Bones.
Only this bet was how bad could Bush and Cheney fuck up our Country in eight years.
Their foreign policy was a bad joke. It was almost as if they asked Condi Rice to come up with the stupidest foreign policy ever, then ordered her to make it stupider. I guess the Arab World didn't hate us enough so Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq. The biggest regret the Bush Team has is they weren't able to bring Armageddon here during his two terms.
The Bush answer to climate change was deny first. Deregulate. Then wait.
Bush said we were addicted to oil so he said let's do more offshore drilling and drill in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge for more. Finding alternative energy I guess didn't make as much sense to Bush as finding a junkie more junk.
The Republican party is at fault here also. It picked the worst possible potential president it could in 2000. They did it again in 2008. Remember the republican debates. They were asked a hypothetical question about a terror attack. One of these jokers excitedly proclaimed he "would be looking for Jack Bauer."
The rest of them gave him high fives and the republican audience cheered. Does anyone still wonder why these people think torture is good?
The Republicans could have gone with the one candidate that had a true belief system and knowledge enough to state his case convincingly. Alas. They made fun of Ron Paul and ended up with John McCain. McCain proved himself worthy of unworthiness by picking the woefully inadequate Sarah Palin as his running mate. That gave the Republican base something to be happy about. If they weren't sure about McCain being a big enough idiot, for sure Sarah Palin would prove imbecilic enough. They went on to pander to bigots, homophobes and morons and got 47% of the vote. Rush Limbaugh gave his belly thump of approval.
Sarah Palin is still the "front runner" for the republican nomination in 2012. The only way to stop her is if an even bigger idiot stumbles onto the republican scene.
Stay tuned...
If there is a gawd, then she will make sure that Sarabaracuda will be the Republican nominee in 2012.
Oh please, please, please!
No doubt, Sarah believes that by Divine Providence, she will be the next president.
I too will settle for republican nominee.
Loved the way the GOP smeared Dr. Paul as being the insane one. Only shows have much on the fringe these guys have beome. Not to say Paul doesn't have a few wacky ideas.
Is Joe the presidential candidate out?
I would pay to see her debate Pres. Obama.
Lynne said...
I would pay to see her debate Pres. Obama.
Don't make me laugh.
With or Without the teleprompter..Obambi would be buried.
Hey Lynne, do you still have any money to pay with?
LMAO, what a farce you are, and always have been
Elizabeth, you are hysterical.
Really? You think Sarah Palin would bury Obama? Riiiiiiight. You must not have been watching the VP Debates.
please tell me you are being sarcastic
Sarah is too busy "reducing government" and keeping an eye on Russia to debate anyone.
You are a cranky old liberal fossil with nothing better to do. I was paid to write this!
So, its true...you can make money blogging!
Not real sure I want to give up my day job yet!
There is no intelligent or sane person in this country who believes Sarah Palin is the intellectual equivalent of Barack Obama. Only the 15% of the country who amazingly believe she's a viable candidate for president still hang onto that foolish idea.
We saw the tragedy that is Sarah Palin on view during the Katie Couric interview. Palin couldn't come up with a Supreme Court decision she DIDN'T agree with, when only months before the Supreme Court had let Exxon/Mobile off the hook for paying the fine on their oil spill from years ago.
The governor of Alaska couldn't come up with that? Huh?
Shaw Kenawe said...
"There is no intelligent or sane person in this country who believes Sarah Palin is the intellectual equivalent of Barack Obama"
What in the world is so Freaken intelligent about that MORON?
I hate to say this Shaw, but I tend to agree with Mr. Smigel. Any moron knows President Obama is at least a thousand times smarter than Sarah Palin.
Thanks for commenting Mr. Smigel.
TRUTH 101 said...
I hate to say this Shaw, but I tend to agree with Mr. Smigel. Any moron knows President Obama is at least a thousand times smarter than Sarah Palin.
Right, all morons knows that.
This setup was too good to last.
Welcome LMAO Dude. Used to be Chalkline, didn't you?
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