Sunday, January 18, 2009


I just thought this was hilariously ironic. My good friend Professor Douglas did a post at his American Power Blog ripping a picture of President Elect Obama on an American Flag. He decried the desecration of our Nation's sacred symbol.

So Professor. Is Senator, and former P.O.W. and all around great American John McCain a desecrater? Does he hate America now Professor?


repsac3 said...
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repsac3 said...

Let's try that again, with a tinyurl, this time, so it doesn't get cut off

Is Senator, and former P.O.W. and all around great American John McCain a desecrater? Does he hate America now, Professor?

Maybe he does, and maybe he doesn't... (Last I heard, he can't recall.)

But all those Republican folks who had one of those on their cars?


It's true... I heard it on FoxNews.

The government will be rounding 'em up right after the inauguration, and after that, it's anybody's guess what'll happen to 'em.


After the professor's whole "Whitey Nightmare" post, all I could think of was this video:

For the record, I'm growin' that special mustache as we speak

Anonymous said...

try again maybe this time you will get it right!

Private Line said...

you are a pitiful brainwashed Obama supporting airhead

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Are you talking to me or Respac Private Line?

rockync said...

Ahhhh, another troll! Are they all actually different people or do the same trolls just pull themselves into new shapes and pick up a new face -- like silly putty...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I don't mind them if they post a real opinion to go with their vitriol.

repsac3 said...

Don't know whether shake yahootie there is a goof or just messin' with me, but that tinyurl works just fine, if you know how to paste it into your browser, anyway...

As for Private Line, that shirtless-in-the-sunset, Magnum, PI wannabe is makin' the rounds of leftwing blogs, posting essentially the same stupid message everywhere he goes. (Either that, or he's hot for my dragon meat, if ya know what I mean...)

I don't know why, but something about his pic, his screen name, his private blog, & his penchant for rightwing politics, puts me in mind of another right wing boytoy, Jeff Gannon.

I expressed the same thought last time I ran into him (about an hour ago?), Truth... Believe whatever you want, but learn to express real thoughts, rather than just spouting empty insults...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Brilliant Respac. Every deluded right wing website in the country knows about the tiny curl thing now. They're all going to post it on their sites and say it's true.

Private Line said...

repsac3 said...

As for Private Line, that shirtless-in-the-sunset, Magnum, PI wannabe is makin' the rounds of leftwing blogs, posting essentially the same stupid message everywhere he goes. (Either that, or he's hot for my dragon meat, if ya know what I mean...)

What is all this BS.. You and I NEVER met in ANY blog before.
I never hear of YOU and YOU never read me before so stop that BS.
Show me any place that you and I were at in any blog before.. You can't you are just full yourself you little lying LIBERAL twerp.

Just because I have to guts to call you out you call ME a troll!
You have never even crossed my path before no me yours.
You asinine lying jerk

Private Line said...

repsac3 said...

As for Private Line, that shirtless-in-the-sunset, Magnum, PI wannabe is makin' the rounds of leftwing blogs, posting essentially the same stupid message everywhere he goes. (Either that, or he's hot for my dragon meat, if ya know what I mean...)

Like where? You freaken lair.


You can't because what you wrote is not true.

As for your love for the Messiah, sorry but I can't feel the same love that you do.
The inauguration of President Obama is being treated like the Second Coming. Or to put it another way, like a Circus. With Oprah as the rig leader.
Of course it’s a great thing that America, with its history of slavery (remember that? Or was it to far back in history for ANYONE to remember) and segregation still a shockingly recent memory, now has a black President; the palpable joy of African-Americans is entirely understandable and deeply touching.
PS, I didn't own any slaves and neither did any of my parents, grandparents or their grandparents. And most likely not yours either.
So lets put that nonsense to rest.

repsac3 said...

And speaking of the deluded...

Private Line: Your proof, as requested:
This is where I first encountered you:
Sswashzone: Private Line said: So you are another Obama Moonbat - 7:11 PM, January 19, 2009

(Yes, you posted *here*, first. But I read & replied to you *there*, first, before ever seeing you here. Happens sometimes...)

That said, congratulations on trying to actually make a point and including the insults as a side dish, rather than do as you did on your last visit, where you spouted those empty wingnut platitudes as though they were meant to be the whole meal.

Now in return, perhaps you'll be so good as to show me where I ever called you a troll... ...though I suspect, you won't...

Instead, maybe you could explain where you came from, Private... Might you be an American Power (blog) reader? (I'm thinkin' that your showin' up on two blogs that Truth & I frequent can't be a coincidence...) Any chance you might explain how you came to be at both this blog & SwashZone?