Friday, January 9, 2009


It is both tragic and humorous that religious right wing fools actually think the Republican Party is their ally. Since Reagan, these poor souls have voted Republican because they claimed to be "Pro Life."

What the Jesus freaks didn't realize was that they have been played for dupes. The number of abortions isn't going down. But these chumps still believe the Republican Party is on their side. It's not. Reagan went to church maybe a dozen times in his adult life. Cheney bows his head piously whenever the preacher says a blessing. But he doesn't spend any time in church either.

The religious have allowed themselves to be held hostage by the right wing for their blind loyalty. We would have laws on the books right now banning abortion on demand if exceptions for the life and health of the mother were made. But every time it gets that far, some asshole like former senator Rick Santorum amend it to outlaw all abortions. Rick and the rest of the right wingers know the courts wouldn't let that happen because it's an "undue burden." But they keep their issue that keeps the religious in the fold and cover their asses when asked why all these abortions are still being performed.

Things are starting to come around. Barack Obama made inroads in the religious voting bloc. The rest of them need to open their eyes to the true nature of the right wing that dominates the Republican Party. Greed and not love and devotion to our Country and moral and just rule motivates the people in charge of the Republican Party.

The Republican Party has not and never will look out for you. But there are still right wing bloggers, a good example is one of them on our link list, that have been duped into championing right wing propaganda in spite of the harm right wing policy has done to him.

If this post describes you please don't feel bad. The neocon right has fooled many. One of them a professor.


Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

I claim to be pro-life, and that's why I voted Republican? What?

You're embarrassing yourself with your sweeping generalizations.

You don't know a thing about me or any other conservative individual for that matter.

We believe in due process rights for American citizens and not terrorists. We believe in low taxes and strictly limited spending. We believe in individual opportunity and merit.

We respect the private property and wealth of our fellow citizens.

We believe that organizations and individuals -- not government -- should be responsible for giving a hand to those in need. The only exceptions are the poorest of the poor, who the government has an obligation to help.

We believe that government should stay out of the business of providing social services that should be provided by churches and major non-profit organizations.

We believe in representative government, not government by bureaucracy.

We are honorable people who know that America is the greatest nation on earth.

We don't make jokes about it. We don't belittle it. Nor do we make excuses for it when it is wrong.

That is why I vote Republican. Now you know.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

And when have the Republicans you voted for actually done the things you claim to believe in Pasadena CC?

You have been duped friend.

Van Zan said...

I believe in due process rights for everyone... in case they turn out not to be a terrorist.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Which of your innumerable blogs are you referring to Grace. I would be happy to add it to the link list.

Now back to the hard work of expanding government.

Tom the Redhunter said...

Truth101, I'm not clear as to the meaning of your post.

Are you saying that pro-life people are better served by the Democrat party? Or are you simply mocking pro-life people for, as you believe, being duped by the GOP?

What is your position on abortion?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Tom: if I could, I would make abortion as a means of birth control illegal.

I am mocking those that only cast their votes based on this one issue. The Republican Party has used this since Reagan to keep their votes and done nothing but pay lip service to pro lifers. Yes Tom. Voters have been duped by Republican promises of pro life and fiscal responsibility for,shit. As long as I can remember.

Moderate your comments faster or allow and delete them if needed Redhunter. Keeping up with moderation is a pain Brother.

Anonymous said...

"We believe that government should stay out of the business of providing social services that should be provided by churches and major non-profit organizations.".

Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

Don't look now but Reagan went to Bel Air Presbyterian, up the hill about 2 miles from here and he was there every Sunday he was in town. Attended a church in DC, too. Oops.

"TRUTH 101"??

And, of course, the Republican party is the only party trying to protect life but I know NO ONE who'd vote for Conservatives based solely on that one issue. They say they are but that's silly...they just can't admit they believe in self reliance and
remember our history in spite of the crap textbooks we're giving our kids today.

no point in sticking around here. You don't think......sad.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

So you believe only the religious need help the poor and disadvantaged TME?

You sure paint a good propaganda pic for the Republicans anonymous guy. Next rally you're at tell them thanks for the vast decrease in abortion since Bush became president. And tell your republican senators from the southern states thanks for preaching free markets and self reliance between getting great government subsidies and tax rebates for a few foreign owned anti union carmakers buddy.

Your allegiance to the aprty of pandering and lies is admirable.

Tom the Redhunter said...

Forget Republican or Democrat for a minute, Truth, I'm thinking you're a closet conservative!

I'll adjust my spam software to see if I can get comments to show up faster.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

EVerything's relative Tom. I live in Western Illinois. By the standards here I'm an America hating LIb. In northern Illinois I would probably be a better Republican than most of the ones that live there.

Tom the Redhunter said...

You interest me, Truth.