Saturday, January 17, 2009

Congratulations Madam Secretary

Hillary Clinton has a more testicular fortitude than any man alive. I would have supported her had she won the nomination for President just as much as Barack Obama.

Hillary Clinton will be a great Secretary of State.


Jeffrey L Watts said...

I will say this...I'd prefer her as prez over Obama, and would rather have her as SOS over Richardson or Kerry.

Anonymous said...


Obama is suggesting that tough times are ahead and we will all have to pitch in and sacrifice. As a blind follower of the Chosen One, what sacrifice does he expect someone like you to make?

Anonymous said...

He is having his little train tour with all the people his policies are meant to help, (i.e. people he is going to buy stuff for). Why doesn't he let some of the folks who are going to foot the bill for all his goodies have a couple of seats on that train?

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Anon8:47. I'm against tax cuts. I will gladly pay more to attack the deficit. Take care of our veterans. Start a national health insurance program. Start a infrastruture rebuilding program. Unlike my republican friends, I'm willing to pay for government services.

Same guy8:48. I don't know who is riding on the Obama Express. I do know people like Warren Buffet supported him for President.

Anonymous said...

But you don't pay any income taxes now. You are willing to continue to pay nothing for Obama to buy health insurance for you? How noble.

I ask again, what are you going to give up?

Anonymous said...

Will you give up half of your gross wages, the way you expect those that work harder and earn more than to?

rockync said...

I have some misgivings about Hillary as SOS. First, there's a lot of Clinton baggage there. Second, she has cohones and large ambitions which might mean she'll quickly become dissatified in this position.
I may be wrong; she certainly rose to the occasion in throwing her full support behind Obama after the primaries -- but I'm still not convinced. Only time will tell...

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I have none. She had some great ideas about achieving peace through negotiation Rockync. Mutual defense pacts was a great idea.

I don't know who the 10;31 is. I don't remember ever showing anyone my tax returns or W2s. But I find his reasoning that a rich guy works harder than a coal miner or loading dock worker or plant operator a good example of the rich thinking they're better than the rest of us.
Thanks for coming by buttkisser to the rich.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Confidential to the idiot I have to keep deleting: Yes. I know who you are. It is out of respect for your brother, sister inlaw and Father I don't tell everyone who their pathetic relative is.

You want to post here I have no problem with it. I want opposing views here. No fun just me and the Nihilits telling each other how wonderful each of us are. You get that at The Professor's site.

You can get my email from any number of our mutual aquaintances.
If your problem is personal I recommend you contact me that way and we can see if there's just a misundertanding or if whatever I did needs to be remedied. Your call SB.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...

I've really grown to like HRC. I hope she doesn't become an Obambot.

OK, I'm pondering the scripture and the apocalypse. If I succeed in my lifetime goal of an anointing of sufficient clarity and power in the clear illumination of grace to unite the body of Christ in the full stature move of the Spirit, then I'm an integral "player" in the apocalypse. If I do not succeed in that endeavor - I'm just a person who has studied grace all my life of no greater significance than that in the larger scheme of things.

If I succeed, this seems to "confirm" that Obama is as I am sensing.

I just got curious about "times" and so I wondered if the inauguration is the beginning of the apocalypse 1/20/2009.

Studied, pondered, and blogged on that...


Senor Badass said...

In the spirit of the day, please see my blog for an answer to our current financial mess. I will gladly post it here if you prefer discuss its merits on your own turf.

It is quit brilliant, if I do say so myself.

Private Line said...

"Hillary Clinton has a more testicular fortitude than any man alive"

She should, after all she's a Lesbian

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Sexual orientation is nobody's business. That being said, I am a proud lesbian.

Tom the Redhunter said...

Ditto to what Batman says

Of all the people Obama could have picked, Hillary is as good a choice as a right-winger like me could expect.

I'm mainly just glad he's keeping Robert Gates as SecDef