Tuesday, January 13, 2009


On the home front, an exciting thing about the Obama presidency is is commitment to working families. He is showing that with the Card Check Bill. This will level the playing field with anti Union management.

Anti Union businesses like Walmart spend millions to keep it's workers from organizing. They use illegal tactics. They intimidate. They threaten to close stores and move. They can be real pricks. And sadly, there are those that have been beat down so much, Walmart and other anti worker companies have them convinced that all they're worth is the poverty level wage with little to no benefits they are paid. These companies use fear and intimidation to beat down their employees and the Department of Anti Labor under George W. Bush allowed them to get away with it. Department of Anti Labor Secretary Elaine Chow is an asshole who can go shit in her non Union made hat as far as I'm concerned.

Anti Worker organizations and right wing propagandists have done a good job spreading lies about Unions and Union Members. In reality though, there is nothing to fear from workers organizing. A contract is a good thing for labor and management. Job security means conscientious long term employees which means good and productive work for ownership.

Baseball players have contracts. CEO's have contracts. University Professors have contracts.
The key is Labor and Management working together to make the business, the team, or even the University better.

The only things about the Card Check bill I take issue with are for one, I think the secret ballot should remain in effect. This would keep much of the coercion factor from happening. It also calls for a simple majority to recognize the Union. It should be at least two thirds. If you don't have at least that big a majority of people committed to the Union, you don't have shit.

On the whole, the Card Check Bill is good for Working Americans and goods for all America.


(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Walmart and other anti worker companies have them convinced that all they're worth is the poverty level wage with little to no benefits they are paid.

I find it curious how many wage-earners side with corporate elitists on a spectrum of economic issues, not just labor. When they vote for supply-side economics, they vote against their own economic self-interest. When a right wing politician convinces them that health care reform is "socialized medicine," they believe it. They still believe that old Reagan mantra about doing away with regulation, i.e., "get government off the backs of people," although deregulation got us into this mess.

My point about this digression, working people really need to start figuring out which side of the bread gets the butter ... or else they will bankrupt themselves (and may have already done so given the state of the economy).

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I've had people in minum wage jobs for years tell me they don't want to look into organizing because they fear losing their jobs, or say the boss treats them well. How well is the treatment if all the boss is willing to pay is the minimum required by law? But all you can do is move on and wish the parson that's willing to settle for the minimum good luck.

Capt. Fogg said...

And of course that minimum wage exists only because of the "Libs" they've been trained to growl at.

American Democracy, says Chomsky, is a system by which people are trained to support the interests of those who exploit them. I find it hard to disagree.

Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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Laura Lee - Grace Explosion said...
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repsac3 said...

You're a damned nihilist commie, and the the great spaghetti monster in the sky loves, loves, loves you for it... (Where did America go wrong...?)

You wear it well, my good man... You wear it well...

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Your arguments are tired and lame Grace. You buy into the crap that anti working family groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce push. That working Americans are worth only whatever the boss feels like paying. Read your silly post again and you will understand why I say that Grace. You discount the efforts and dedication of the employee while deifying the employer. I'm sorry you don't share my outrage at CEO's making up to 500 times the wages of the corporations average employee. Golden parachutes and all. I work with some great people that make our workplace more efficient and productive. It's not because the CEO is guiding our efforts from his office. It's because these people give a damn about what they do and they deserve a fair wage and benefit package. Your view that all goodness and success in a business begins and ends with the boss is naive and is an insult to all hard working Americans.
Shame on you.

Anonymous said...


you work for the government, you idiot. what ceo are you talking about?

Tom the Redhunter said...

Ok, this post is just silly. Grace Explosion is the only one who makes sense.

Let me explain some basic economics here.

Workers are paid what they are worth. Fact is the people at Walmart don't do work worth more than they are paid. Ditto for any other company.

Unions are good only if their purpose is to push for safety standards.

Agitating for higher wages may result in some workers being paid more. Corporations then increase their prices to offset the wage hikes, or they cut costs elsewhere, such as R & D, new buildings or plant, or cut back on air travel, or something.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "No, they should cut profits! Cut executive salaries!"

Two problems with that.

1) if you cut profits, no one invests in your company. This is bad.

2) if you cut executive salaries, you end up with a bunch of incompetents running your company. Think it's bad now with some companies? Remember a basic rule of life; things can always get worse.

When workers are paid more than they are worth, businesses lay off the less productive workers and force the rest to do more. Because noone will hire these less-productive workers, unemployment increases because a substrata of permanently unemployed develops.

Unionized workers who get higher than market wages also cause their companies to become less productive. A perfect example is the US auto industry, where the UAW has made GM, Ford, and Chrysler uncompetitive.

I could go on but I'll stop here.

One last point - Truth101, your use of foul language is getting old and boring. Stop it.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Nice job propagandisizing for the anti working family right wing Tom.
Why you and the other right wingers have a problem with people trying to improve their situation though bargaining strikes me as ironic from people that claim to be capitalists.
I appreciate hard work and dedication and believe these men and women have every right to fair compensation.

We live in an unfair and sometimes cruel world Tom. That we seem to agree on. For working people to be able to level the field with management is in their best interests.

And buddy, show me one person other than a Rockefeller that hasn't had themselves or close family member who was thankful for the security and benefit of Union membership. The Unions helped make the middle class what it is in this Country Tom.