Thursday, February 4, 2010


Throughout the ages men and women have been persecuted for the unforgivable crime of speaking the truth. This practice continues to this day. Yours truly is a victim of this form of persecution because I speak the truth about the reactionary right.

I've always believed in an open forum. All are welcome to come and agree, disagree, make a statement, brag on their kids, whatever they want. My kind and gentle nature prohibits me from censorship. Yet, my detractors choose to vilify me everywhere but here. Perhaps it's because they fear me or my uncanny ability to expose their deceit. Or they enjoy the cyber pats on the head for vilifying me at sites frequented by reactionary righties.

So while I enjoy being a small part of a group of left leaning, true America loving Patriots, I must admit that although I am not famous, I have achieved something just as impressive and awe inspiring. Like the great playwright and conversationalist Oscar Wilde, I am Notorious.

Thanks to all my reactionary right leaning friends who made this possible.


Infidel753 said...

Hmm. I think I've seen some of what prompted this. Not that I'm trying to make an oracular pronouncement, it's just my opinion.:-)

Well, some people don't respect the truth, and obviously don't respect Truth either, any more than they respect the wishes of the hostess.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Hi Truth. Thanks for the visit. While I must admit that I'm not a down-the-line liberal on every issue, I appreciate all points of view and, yes, try to learn from everybody. Keep being true to yourself is the all that I can tell you here......Well, that and, of course, CHEERS!!!

SJ said...

Go tell 'em, Notorious T.R.U.

SJ said...

Come to think of it, I did just the opposite to you at my blog yesterday... Cheers.

Leslie Parsley said...

Since I agree with 99% of what you say, I don't understand what all the flap is about. It seems to be working, though, so keep it up.

What cowards they are.

Sue said...

Truth, you are one of the nicest, smartest, most truthful, kindest and most gentle too, left-leaning bloggers I know. SO, those who choose to bait you, try and get you to stoop to their level of immaturity are just that, IMMATURE children parading as political savvy adults like yourself. They are JEALOUS of you Truth!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The support of people of intelligence and compassion makes me even more notoriously humble.

TOM said...

I used to write a fairly non-political blog. I would voice my political comments at others blogs. Then my non political blog started getting attacked because of my political comments at other blogs.
I tried comment moderation, that didn't help. The attacks kept coming.
Now, I have been writing mostly political posts (liberal) which calls the Republicans and conservatives what they are, and I don't spare the niceties.
I opened my comment section to whatever people want to say. Anything is allowed, although I do delete the advertisements. Those ads used to be about penis enlargement, now they are about how to make money.
Yet strangely, I no longer get attacked. I guess these Republican cowards do not like the openness of free speech. They would rather (and seem to enjoy) the secrecy of anonymity and the cover of not proving to others, how stupid and hate filled they are. Even the anonymous attacks have stopped.
For people who live on lies, the light of honesty hurts them. Like a vampire exposed to Sunlight, they must retreat, or die.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

There's your problem Tom. The rightie males went there for the penis enlargement ads. When you cut them out, you lost half your readers.

One Fly said...

Appears to me you got 'em squealing just right.

Holte Ender said...

I am nowhere near as outspoken as you are, but I got some terrible abuse, quite threatening so I shut down for a while for a while. Anyway being as you quoted "The Oscar" here is a few that I think suit you:

Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.

A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.

A man can't be too careful in the choice of his enemies.

An idea that is not dangerous is unworthy of being called an idea at all.

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.

And Finally

I am so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying. Just Kidding.

dmarks said...

Truth: Give 'em hell. Although my agreement with your political views can be close to the opposite of what tnlib described, I have zero patience with the cloud of gnats that is constantly spamming the blogs, can't spell the President's name without mispelling it as a racist insult.... a cloud of gnats which also thoroughly despises any conservative who is not a Birther.

Oso said...

I'm not sure what prompted this,but sure as hell I got your back man. You're level headed and fair, and when you write with emotion it's from the heart. I'm proud to chop it up here with you.

And SJ you beat me to the Notorious T.R.U. !!!

SJ said...

I knew you'd do it if I didn't.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I don't have a clue about you new-found notoriety, but take it from an retired cop, you'll get used to it. Hell, everybody used to hate me. Now it's down to a small select group. We agree on very little, but we have always debated in a civil way. A small sliver does not a movement make. Buck up little camper!

Good day sir.

Pamela Zydel said...

Infidel: It's because too many people can't handle THE truth!

Truth: Being infamous is just as tough as being famous. But you handle it well! I won't let "them" get me down as long as you keep up your good sense of humor.

Teeluck said...

T 101, I salute you sir. You proudly stand and fight off your ignorant critics, and we got your back. There is real love here...Republickers beware!

sue said...

Truth - Yes, you are notorious. But that is just a cover up. I know other notorious people - and they, like you - speak the truth.

Just keep it coming.

sue said...

Holte - If I may, I'd like to add a quote to yours that works quite well for me:

This above all:
To thine own self be true,
Thou canst not then be false
to any man

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

You are the worst offender, the one who gives other liberals a bad name. When conservatives hurl blanket characterizations at me, they quote T101 as an example. When I visit Pamela's site and get dumped on, they quote T101 as an example. When "revenge trolls" attack me, they quote T101 as an example.

Maybe you think of the Internet as an ultimate video game, or an instant audience for jokes, but the fallout rains on me and others.

These days, talk is cheap; everyone has turned into an instant expert with an opinion; and there is no prerequisite obligation to read a book or learn something before blathering.

I should remind you that the Internet was once a medium for scholarship. All it accomplishes these days is the accelerated spread of ignorance through viral messages and cyber-bullying.

I cannot say you improve the Internet when you perpetuate the endless cycle of recriminations that has turned the medium into a Romper Room.

Taunting people and laughing at them, while these may seem amusing and entertaining to you, antagonizes others and accomplishes nothing.

Les Carpenter said...

T101 -Truth is often something quite hard to ascertain, and depending on an individuals interpretation of evidence two (or more) quite intelligent people will often arrive at a different truth.

Philosophy is a case in point. If truth were the same for everyone we would have only one philosophical basis from which draw knowledge.

Religion (or the philosophy of theology) is another case in point.If truth were universal there would be only one religion and only one sect.

And the same can be said of politics. The left,the right, and the various degrees of each all have a right to their opinions,no matter how wrongheaded some may believe them to be.

The important thing is that all viewpoints get their day in the sun, so to speak. At the end of the day everyone, regardless of their position should everyone should be able to leave feeling as though the received respect.

That is to say debate on issues should never become personal. The attacks should always be on the concept, premise, perceived lack of facts... etc. but never on the person.

While you and I disagree on much Truth, me being the independent "rightie" that I am, I continue to visit your site regularly in large part because you do allow for other viewpoints, and generally (other than occasional tossing about of names and off color language)you are respectful as well as passionate about your beliefs.

As I alway say, there is nothing like an independent conservative to keep a liberal honest. :-)

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Thank you Octo for your impassioned plea for internet acadmeia and discussion. We all aspire to your lofty goals.

I shall discuss this with our reactionary right friends over a civil cup of tea and perhaps a sip of Benedictine.

Yes. We should act more like republican senators and respectable people of rational opinion like Glen Beck.

Jack Jodell said...

Blog on, brother! Don't mind your detractors at all, especially if they don't have the guts to confront you on this comment page. The far right has demonstrated many times that it cannot deal with simple fact and truth. That's why they lie and distort so much. To hell with every one of them!

Green Eagle said...

I want to respond to Octopus, whose comments at Swash Zone I like very much.

One thing which people like Rush Limbaugh and Glen Beck understand very well, but which liberals have a hard time seeing, is that right wingers' beliefs are not arrived at rationally, but are the product almost entirely of emotion. For this reason, it is next to impossible to have a meaningful, fact-based conversation with them.

After forty years of arguing with conservatives, I have learned that, if you want to reach them, you have to do it through their emotions. Ridicule holds at least the possibility of making them ashamed of their malicious claims, and is the most useful tool I have found in discussions with them.

Otherwise, by apparently taking their arguments as serious enough to justify a thoughtful, fact-based response, you are simply reinforcing their belief that those arguments have some rational basis. People who believe that Obama is a Communist, or a Muslim terrorist, or who believe the earth is six thousand years old, obviously didn't arrive at those beliefs through rational thought, and they will never be led to abandon them through rational discussion.

Infidel753 said...

People who believe that Obama is a Communist, or a Muslim terrorist, or who believe the earth is six thousand years old, obviously didn't arrive at those beliefs through rational thought, and they will never be led to abandon them through rational discussion.

Obviously true in the case of those particular beliefs. My only quibble would be that rational conservatives do exist, who don't believe those things. Right now the rational conservatives are being drowned out by the crazies, but they do exist.

Different people have different styles of dealing with the opposition. I think there's room for a wide range of approaches.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

I have no interest in jousting with reactionary extremists, whom I regard as a waste of time.

However, I am very motivated to talk to rational conservatives, who crossed over in 2008 to support Obama. Rational conservatives such as Eisenhower's granddaughter, Goldwater's daughter, WF Buckley's son, and Colin Powell.

Rational conservatives and independents are the swing voters who determine election outcomes. But how can we talk to them when there is a clown, i.e. loose cannon, in the room cracking "fart jokes."

This is juvenile, offensive, and disrespectful ... and no way to hold a civil and dignified discussion. BTW, did I use the word, "COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!"

Leslie Parsley said...

I agree with parts of the sum but not all.

Truth has a right to say whatever he damn well pleases on his own blog. People have a choice to visit or not to visit. They do not have the right to copy and paste his comments on another blog and make personally disparaging remarks. This is not only disrespectful to and insensitive of the blog owner it is unfair to Truth or anyone else. It is unacceptable and it is bad netiquette - something that was practiced not too long ago. But, IMO, a person who engages in this kind of cheap sneak attack has to expect a rejoinder and they can't expect a sweet how-do-you-do.

Yet, while I too think "discourse" has fallen to a new low - a reflection of our society these days? - I don't think scholarship is necessarily a requirement and sounds - well, a little "elitist." If a person wants this level of discussion there are 1000's of blogs of that nature. I enjoy them as well but I look for these blogs for opinions as well as facts and even fun, by golly.

If we lose our sense of humor, we lose life.

I do not enjoy the name calling, the cliches - both of these items include "Rethugs," "Repubs," dumbshits, assholes, MFers and the like - or the personal insults and the shouting. The message gets lost, nothing is accomplished, and again, it is bad netiquette. Usually I make the choice to move on. It says and means absolutely zero.

Just as unwelcome are the droppers and poopers and - the one or two liners who say "Great post. I agree with everything you say."

Bad netiquette also includes shouting - that is the use of CAPITAL LETTERS. I will delete these as fast as I do Anons and insulters. Personally, I do not have the patience or time to explain or warn. The rules of the road are in plain sight.


Infidel753 said...

Truth101 does sometimes employ colorful language, but -- at least as far as I've seen -- not out of line from what one fairly commonly sees around the politically-committed blogosphere. And not as insulting as what some (not all) of the right-wingers direct toward liberals in general. Not even close.

Leslie Parsley said...

Infidel: "Truth101 does sometimes employ colorful language, but -- at least as far as I've seen -- not out of line from what one fairly commonly sees around the politically-committed blogosphere. And not as insulting as what some (not all) of the right-wingers direct toward liberals in general. Not even close."

"Truth." I've been known to go off myself but, just in my opinion, I'm never sure this is best tactic. This is a smart guy, our friend is - talking like he's in the next room - and I think what these people do is reprehensible but he is a master at the craft of writing. I think he has the ability to call someone a f*head without them even being aware of it.

I also think the blog owner should be in better control of their blogs and delete disparaging remarks asap, so there's no need to up the ante.

"what one fairly commonly sees . . ."

Yes, but this is one of my objections. I'm interested in a war of words that say something and not a bunch of name calling that says nothing.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I am blue collar. I don't try to represent myself as anything but a small time guy who's worked to get his small time Democrat friends elected. I never amounted to much and am perfectly content with that. I take care of my family and try to treat my friends the way I want to be treated. If that means buying a few tshirts. Supporting their blogs with hits and a few comments. Or ripping on someone who's ripping on them, I will never apologise for that.

If someone has a problem with my method, you have my understanding. But no apology for that either.

Infidel753 said...

Everyone has their own style and their own way of talking about the opposition. That's the way it should be.

Yet, my detractors choose to vilify me everywhere but here. Perhaps it's because they fear me or my uncanny ability to expose their deceit.

This is really the point of the post. People who were actively trying to stir up conflict on Pamela's blog, and to discourage her from tolerating liberal commenters, were coming here and copying bits and pieces of stuff Truth101 had said, out of context, and pasting them into comments over there.

I once had the experience of someone doing that with bits of things I'd written, in an effort to make me look bad in the comments section of another site. It's a pure troublemaker's tactic. I'd hate to see what the blogosphere would look like if everyone wrote all their posts while worrying about that happening to them.

TOM said...

Truth 101,

You have nothing to apologize for.

But (let me cause some trouble) based on your reply to my comment (truth as usual from you)

"Republicans are a party of men with small dicks, but man, are they pricks."

Send your complaints to my blog

Leslie Parsley said...

Truth: "I am a blue collar worker . . ." . . . "I never amounted to much and am perfectly content with that."

And you're one smart fellow, dang it. You have a right to your opinion and to how you choose to handle whatever. I'm just expressing my opinion and what works for me.

I wouldn't want you to be anything but what you are. I'm just different - a little ole southern belle who used to be a union gal.

Green Eagle said...

Are there rational conservatives? Maybe a few, but as in the past e.g. Germany in the 1920's) the threat to our country comes not from the few rational conservatives but from the masses of irrational ones.

They are the ones that we have to find a way to deal with, and it is not going to happen by quoting statistics and such things.
sorry, but I have been at this quixotic activity for several decades now, and I have learned this sad lesson.

TAO said...

The internet as a forum for intellectual pursuits?

Sure, thats why porn sites and social media are the most visited locales on the internet.

Personally, I think Truth 101 is an absolute genius with his use of language...

I am positive that more folks THINK after reading one of his posts than they do after reading someone's dissertation.

So, what is blogging all about?

Is it about changing the world? Is it about educating the 'masses'?

Or is it an opportunity to have a little fun and socialize with other people?

So, Octy goes and posts to Progressive Eruptions and Pam's site....guess what? Those are troll breeding grounds....

If you want to have a rational debate with conservatives then go to Rational Nation or LOAT blogs to name a few.

If you want to comment on the blogs of paid political hacks then go to Left Coast Rebel or The Humble Libertarian...

There are probably 15 billion blogs out there and if you go to Pam's blog you are going to get hit by trolls...don't go there if you don't want to bait the trolls.

Truth, my dear man, keep up the good work!

Freedom of speech is your gift and you use it like DaVinci would...

Sue said...

I like what TAO says, is blogging a chance to socialize and have fun, or educate the masses? I blog to voice my opinions. I am not a writer and my posts prove that(LOL), but I have fun and I am true to myself by being myself. I drop the F bomb quite a bit on my blog because that is how I talk, I guess my friends are used to it because they continue to visit me. Be yourself Truth, it's your blog, IT'S WHO YOU ARE and we love you!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

God I love blogging. I almost look forward to golf, fishing and tennis season being over so I have more time to blog. I have two computers and two laptops in the house so everyone leaves my computer alone so I can blog, and follow my investments which TAO thinks I should sell and get out of the market.

I learn from everyone I follow. I really enjoy it when some of the incredibly capable righties like LAOT, Rational Nation, The Griper and Tom the Redhunter try, and sometimes succeed in taking me out of my element, which is speaking from the heart.

It is humbling when I read the left leaning bloggers on my link list. Every one of them writes better than I do. There isn't day goes by when I don't say "wow" to myself after reading their posts.

I'll stop kissing everyone's ass after I thank everyone, right, left, middle, friends or foes that took the time out of their days to weigh in on this and all the other posts I've done.

Folks: I do have a boatload of respect for Octopus. Octo: It's clear you don't dig my program. Out of respect for you I'll avoid comment threads in which you are participating if you think that would raise the civility level in them.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

TAO: “ So, Octy goes and posts to Progressive Eruptions and Pam's site....guess what? Those are troll breeding grounds ....

If I can make it there,
I'd make it anywhere
Come on, come through,
New York, New York.

Several months ago, I posted this article, DEMOGRAPHIC CLUSTERING AND THE SELF-SEGREGATION OF AMERICA (October 26, 2009). You all missed it. Not one of the readers here read this post, or the discussion thread that accompanied it. Here is a sample:

Yet, we pay a price for surrender. Over time, according to Bishop, a preference for living with like-minded neighbors in extreme homogeneous communities incubates ever more extremist views. Voters in landslide districts tend to elect more extreme members to Congress while moderate candidates shun public office. Among highly polarized lawmakers, debates degenerate into shouting matches as legislators engage in obstruction and gridlock. That is how our most urgent and pressing issues go unresolved.

Due to clustering, we are less likely to converse with people holding different views and more likely to caricature them. Democrats and Republicans alike are more likely to assume the worst, each regarding the other as “incomprehensible.” Even in the judiciary, Republican-appointed judges vote more conservatively when sitting on a panel with other Republicans than when sitting with Democrats

And here is what ZIRGAR contributed to the comment thread:

I think simple empathy, a tiny bit of detachment and good old Socratic doubt are necessary to perform the balancing act of being either the stranger in a strange land or the one living with "the other"; when one is adamant and unyielding in one's ideological certainty one is less likely to be open and inviting of "the other". I too had a commenter express thanks at my even-handed treatment of his opposing view without making him feel like he was an idiot or that he was an unwashed heathen enemy of the all that's good and holy, and in the process gained a fan of my blog.” (2:06 AM, October 27, 2009)

(continued - next comment)

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

(continued from previous comment)

Clustering doesn’t begin or end with self-segregation. One must also recognize that our news media is now partitioned along partisan lines: Fox on the right, MSNBC on the left. People do not get the same news anymore, as it was during the days of Walter Cronkite. Those on the right only watch news and opinion that confirm and validate their views. Same for the left.

The result is the Balkinization of public opinion along party lines. With no more "objective" and partisan-neutral news, opposing sides become more extreme in their perceptions, and more intolerant. What good is "fact checking" and "keeping them honest" when consumers of news are partitioned? The Fox viewer is highly unlikely to crossover and watch MSNBC or CNN. Thus, they insulate themselves from another reality, which polarizes the body politic into more extreme camps. Unless ... you are sharing fact check info in in your weblog conversations.

Here is an aspect of political dissembling that probably none of you thought about. If you follow classical political theory starting with Plato (Allegory of a Cave), there are concepts known as "noble lies and pious deceptions" and forms of political discourse known as "exoteric" and esoteric" texts.

Exoteric is meant for the masses; esoteric is meant for the inner circle. Consider the slogan, "Compassionate Conservative." "Compassionate" is exoteric text meant to comfort the masses and win their votes; "conservative" is the esoteric text that targets the base. This is an example of double framing.

How do Republicans manage to turn the worst policy failures into election victories? Study the use of framing, messaging, and metaphors. Liberals don't understand these strategies and, as a consequence, have no antidote. And none of you are willing to learn by experiment.

You probably think I'm crazy. You regard these conversations at Pamela’s weblog as dumb and useless; yet you fail to appreciate these exchanges as a social and political experiment. Yes, I am trying to prove, or at least demonstrate, something. I want to see how a change in discourse changes attitudes and views.

But, no, DAMMIT. None of you get it.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You're correct Octo. I must not get it. I didn't get when I described the Bush term "compassionatte conservative" as right wing doublespeak. Forgive me for not opening my handy thesaurus and coming up with exo and esoteric.

I must not be able to have a civil relationship with right leaning bloggers either. How did the links for LAOT, RN, Griper, Rattler, Blue Grass Pundit,Land Shark, Tom the Redhunter, Jennifer or Pamela get on my link list. All I do is taunt and act juvenile without provocation. I guess these bloggers like being taunted and juvenilized. Or perhaps old T101 isn't the cad you and the reactionaries want to think he is?

I look forward to reading the results of your experiment Octo. I hope I've been a cooperative lab rat for you.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Lab rat, indeed. Your defensive posturing is unnecessary and unappreciated. You still don't get. I suggest you sleep on it and leave your sarcasm in a cup beside your bed. It will be there, safe and sound, when you awake.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

And surely when I awake the condescending Octopus will still be at the ready to tell everybody what's wrong with them.

Hey! Octo was correct about that also. I woke up with a cup of sarcasm. An eight legged, prognosticating genius is he. Nostradamupus.

Anonymous said...


Making a pretty broad claim when you say:

"You all missed it. Not one of the readers here read this post, or the discussion thread that accompanied it.." Because I suspect more than half the people who post/read Truth 101 read Swatch Zone on a daily basis...

Obviously you are reading a new book and have had a "EUREKA" moment!

Glad to hear it!

Really glad to see that you have 'The Malcontent' and 'The Professor of Life' blinded by your intellect.

I used to post over at Pam's blog and I did so to share information to broaden the discussion but then no one responded to my posts but rather to the fact that they considered me a liberal so I do not post over there any longer, except for a smart ass comment from time to time.

So, feel free to go there and experiment all you want!

Why not go over to Right is Right or BluePitbull and try to convert the natives?

The self segregation that you so much want to rail against may have a very simple basis: SELF INTERESTS!

We have a political system that is geared for special interests. Our politicians no longer represent ideals, values, or individuals but rather attempt to appeal to groups.

We have unions, teachers, business interests, and environmental groups.

Our politicians attempt to appeal to the group and win the groups support.

So, what happens to the vast majority of Americans who are not members of unions and who work for a living? Who represents them?

No one!

Thus they become alienated and separate themselves from the existing power structure!

I have been watching the teabag convention news and I find it interesting how many of the individual members make comments such as "...we are against both parties" "....while we have too big too fail I feel like I am to small to worry about..." "...government isn't about the individual its about special interests..."

While the right is attempting to win over and dominate this group, this group could, if it can establish its independence become a Populist movement.

Scott Brown campaigned as a independent Populist.

Thus our politics is one of a Pandora's Box....the two parties and their hacks are losing the battle against the will of the people.

For your information the only reason you have changed the tone of the debate at Pam's blog is because you are attacking Truth101....which is nothing more than "an enemy of my enemy is my friend"

You cannot even discern who is real and who is nothing more than a troll on the internet....thus any attempt to change political discourse is flawed from the outset. It might help to notice that most of the posters who are taking your side over at Pam's blog are all from Long Island, New York...

Its the troll factory....

Infidel753 said...

You stick to your guns, Truth! The blogosphere needs authentic individual voices like yours, not a homogenized vision of how everyone should express themselves. Don't let the teabaggers turn you soggy!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

In the words of the late Senator Kennedy Infidel, The dream will live on...

Thanks for stopping by.

Les Carpenter said...

TAO - Wow, quite an impressive response to Octo.

From the tndepndent right, I couldn't have said it any better or clearer myself.

If I ever get back to my old haunts in Ill. I am going to have to look you and Truth up for sure.

Keep fanning the flames!

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Here is TOM’s quote of a Truth101-ism:
"Republicans are a party of men with small dicks, but man, are they pricks."

Let us rephrase it this way: “T101 has a small dick, but man, is he a prick.

Or perhaps we should rephrase it this way: “TAO has a small dick, but man, is he a prick.

Or this way: “ Infidel753 has a small dick, but man, is he a prick.

Or this way: “ Rational Nation USA has a small dick, but man, is he a prick.

Or this way: “Octopus has a small dick, but man, is he a prick.

(BTW, don’t ask what cephalopods have or how they do IT. That is very personal and private.)

Now, maybe T101 thinks he was making a clever joke. Congratulations, T101, your joke is clever, but you still miss the point. When your own words are turned against you, how does this make you feel? Do you feel emasculated, demeaned, offended? You are living inside your own heads. None of you consider how it feels when the same words target you.

BTW, thanks for the gang pluck, everyone. None of you get the point.

TOM said...

That was my immature joke.
After all the immature crap I've had pulled on me since I've been blogging (only since June of 2009)I feel I'm entitled.
For the most part I have played it straight and serious only to buried under a mound of bullshit. Not as big a mound as Pam, but just as undeserved.
Turning the other cheek when slapped, is to teach the slapper a lesson as well as the person slapped.
Since they haven't learned their lesson, or changed their ways; I refuse to be a slapping bag.
For me, this is not about a one time incident, it's about constant attacks. It's not about mere swear words, it's about insincerity, hate and evil.
I wonder if you were aware of my blog and the tone of my comments, before 6 weeks ago? Yes, there has been a change. You would call it negative. I call it responding to devious, lying bastards.
Save the Kumbaya for friends around the campfire, that's not what I have been dealing with.
On more than one occasion it has been unprovoked hate out of the clear blue sky. I didn't know these people before. They chose to address a stranger (me) in that manner.
Yes, that earns them a classification of jerk, which means I don't give them respect.
I speak about Republicans in generalities because the party has been a bunch of hypocritical, lying, insincere jerks. So they don't get my respect either.
The Professor (who I had never spoken to before) goes on a tirade against me about being an Obama loving liberal brainwashed idiot. He didn't have the brains to read my blog to find out I was against the Obama health care bill. I was against the Obama bailouts. There are a lot of things I don't like about Obama, but I'm just lumped in (by The Professor) as some Obamamaniac, and thus an idiot. Well fuck that shit. I don't turn the cheek for the likes of closed minded bigots like that. And he's not the only one.
It's not possible to have a civil discussion with people like that. And it's not my job to change their manners. I ignore them. Maybe if enough people ignored them, they might change their manners, because they are tired of being lonely.

(O)CT(O)PUS said...

Tom, I am will not pretend that there are not sociopaths out there, but lets be realistic. In cyberspace, it is difficult to discern who is true and who is false, but, if we tread carefully, we will find out in due course. It takes time. And patience.

I suppose one can make statements about instant gratification, instant feedback, and all. The converse is: Do we really want to risk alienating folks who might be potential allies. And how do you know, unless you first talk to them and find out.

But you will never find out if you come across as abrasive or sarcastic from the onset.

Generally, most bloggers are just ordinary folks wearing masks. Once you strip away the defense mechanisms of the mask, there is a real person worth talking to. Maybe not every time, but enough times to make it worthwhile.

Question is: Are you you willing to give it try, or just dismiss everything out of hand?

Infidel753 said...

Or this way: “Infidel753 has a small dick, but man, is he a prick.”

Good grief, I get two or three comments on my blog more insulting than that in a typical week. Readers don't see them because of the comment moderation, but I do.

If I were so thin-skinned that I let that kind of thing bother me, I'd have dropped out of the blogosphere years ago.

No, I don't like it and it's not my style (though I use other forms of rhetoric sometimes that I'm sure right-wingers would consider insulting), but I know other people do. Different people express themselves in different ways. It's absurd for one person to decide what the limits of correct forms of political expression should be and then run all over the internet trying to control everybody whose rhetorical style doesn't conform to what he has decided is appropriate.

Does Truth 101 make liberals look bad? Pamela judged his comments on her blog to be acceptable. The conservatives who comment here seem to feel the same way in most cases. Yes, some right-wingers like to quote things he has written out of context and use them to condemn liberals in general, but those are people who would obviously just use anything that was available for that purpose, and would find liberal ideas unacceptable no matter how they were expressed.

A blog is first and foremost a means of personal expression. If some people get offended by a blogger's rhetorical style and make wild claims based on it, well, there's no way to avoid that. I could start a blog posting nothing but pastry recipes and there's probably somebody, somewhere, who would take offense at it.

It's not true that we miss the point of the criticisms. We get it. We just don't think that the point is very important or that the criticisms are valid.

Pamela Zydel said...

Truth101 said: I never amounted to much and am perfectly content with that.

That about broke MY heart! HOW can YOU say something like THAT? You, my friend, have been nothing but kind and respectful to ME. When I was sick and fell off the blogging radar, WHO wrote to me to see if I was okay? YOU! Don’t you EVER say THAT again! I’ve gotten to know you, Truth101, over the last year, through emails and facebook, and maybe that’s why I don’t take your “one-liners” as anything but “jokes” because I KNOW you have a heart of gold. The trolls and Righties DON’T know this. They only know the Leftie that writes about the “Right wing fools”. You DO treat your friends kindly. You treat your family with love and support. And THAT, my friend, is MORE than MOST people will ever accomplish in a friggin’ lifetime!

[If you were afraid of me before, now you’re really gonna be scared!]

Truth101 said: [to Octo] Forgive me for not opening my handy thesaurus and coming up with exo and esoteric.

Truth: I don’t think Octo was putting you down. He does write in a very distinguished manner but we all have our own unique writing style. Take yours for example. It too is unique and gets people, as Tao said, “to think”. I don’t believe any style is incorrect as long as the point is made and people become engaged.

Personally I don’t like the blogs that rant and rave like a bunch of radio-show talking points. There are hundreds, even thousands, of blogs like THAT! And the comment sections are filled with cheerleaders that parrot “Yeah you’re right”, “I agree”, “100% correct”, and “I love your blog”. Your comment section, Truth, is filled with intellectual comments from the Right and the Left which keeps the readers engaged, and to me, that is a really great accomplishment.

I believe the point that Octo was trying to make, and this is strictly my opinion, is that you make rational, thought out statements in your comment section when replying to your readers, so why not do that in the comment section of other blogs—like mine? Just a thought because I’m not trying to tell you what to do. As you’re aware I don’t want anyone telling me what to do. We all have to walk to the beat of our own drum and do what we feel is best. I’m an outsider just trying to give you “my take”. I hope I didn’t offend you as that is the last thing I would ever want to do.

TAO said...

No Pam,

You are totally wrong...

Octy meant to demean and humiliate Truth101; Truth was his whipping boy.

If he wanted to make the point about making the blogosphere a more civil place he could have done it from the Swash Zone and spoken in generalities...but no, no mention of it there...

Rather he goes to those sites where Truth is a valued friend, such as your blog, my blog, and then your blog and attacks Truth.

On my blog even even went so far to tell Truth to "STFU" (Shut the fuck up) which needless to say is not all that civil...

I think Truth is a decent man with a genius touch is 'commonizing' what most of us feel...he is able to capture the essence of a situation and speak to a higher truth.

Humor is a gift that few people have and like Jon Stewart that humor can be enlightening.

Octy speaks about 'the other side' and Truth talks to this 'other side' on a daily basis. His blog is also linked to by more conservative bloggers than the Swash Zone could ever dream of.

Everyone visits Truth101 to see what new witty essay Truth has come up with and we all read the comments because he is brillant and entertaining.

He makes all of us life as we become overwhelmed by our own inability to change anything....

Because of Octy and the elitist tyranny of liberals I have quit blogging, and I have left the Swash Zone.

I will remain in contact with those whom I consider my friends but I refuse to be labelled a liberal and thus associated with the arrogance and elitism manifested in the rantings of Octy...

I admire Truth101 and I consider him a dear friend and I refuse to allow his name and his reputation to be dragged through the mud by someone else for their own benefit.

This 'campaign' by Octy has only one purpose: to slam Truth101.

Leslie Parsley said...
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