Somewhere along the way the right managed to make "liberal" a dirty word in the minds of the republican base of bigots, homophobes and idiots. And what they've also managed to do unwittingly is make the word "conservative" a far dirtier word.
And the truth of the matter is that "conservative" is a terrible thing. It connotes backward thought. And hatred of all that is not simply explained.
"Conservative" is an apt description of many of the evil bastards that have disgraced the world with their presence. Ayatollah Khomeini was "hard line conservative." The Taliban are "conservative." Warren Jeffs was another "conservative,"
The republicans have realized that conservatism is akin to prickism so they have made efforts to switch their pet word "conservative" to something else. The new word(s) for them are now "Tea Partiers."
This is quickly coming to an end though because the Tea Baggers say exactly the same bullshit as "conservatives." They just call themselves tea partiers.
It's gotten so bad for these turkey's that not even the goofy Michelle Bachman wants to speak to them at their "convention." They have to pay Sarah Palin 100 grand to show up. So much for her dedication to the movement. But republicans should be rightly proud that she is trying to make money off these hypocrites that sat on their hands while Bush was spending us into the abyss.
Eventually the tea baggers will realize they've been duped. They're probably just hanging on to the tea party thing to put off acknowledging that I am correct about them being nothing but dupes for the rich and powerful masters of the republican party.
Locally we have a wealthy and powerful guy who just bought a bunch of signs that say "The Tea Party Difference" on them. This was a response to the "Union Difference" signs that are seen all over my town. But the tea baggers are blind to the significance of this. It just shows that a rich guy is as usual, controlling them while they stab themselves in the back. And while he's at the club with his rich buddies, the rank and file tea baggers are going to work at their jobs with less than union wages and at the mercy of the whims of their employers. Maybe these people think serfdom is a wonderful life. But this goes to show that "conservative" as me and my big brother TAO say, equal feudalism.
tea party movement... nothing but a stinking, messy, slimy, icky, bowel movement! (sorry)
rethugs love themselves just the way they are, they can't be swayed no matter how much we point out to the country just how delusional they are.
I thought the Republicans let them down (the tea partiers) because they were not conservative enough.
Who knows WD. I'm beginning to think it's mostly an excuse for dudes with colonial outfits to wear them anymore.
Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council, a conservative organization, was on Hardball last night, and he unabashedly declared that gay people should be treated as criminals. (Y'know, like the Nazi treated them, and Saddam Hussein, and other murderous dictators.)
If I had been in Matthew's chair, I would have asked Sprigg to say that to Dick Cheney's face--tell Dick Cheney that his dauaghter and her partner should be thrown in jail for being who they are.
That the conservative movement allows people like Sprigg to represent them is vomitous and should be unacceptable to all Americans.
Matthews: Do you think we should outlaw gay behavior?
Sprigg: Well, I think certainly it’s defensible –
Matthews: I’m just asking you: Should we outlaw gay behavior?
Sprigg: I think that the Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas which overturned, uh, the sodomy laws in this country was wrongly decided. I think there would be a place for criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior.
Matthews: So we should outlaw gay behavior.
Sprigg: Uh, yes! [laughs]
Did you notice, TRUTH, how quickly people responded to President Obama for saying the truth about not wasting a family's income on gambling in Las Vegas--he had to apologize for saying what is the truth.
Has that rat, Sprigg, been made to apologize for his hate speech?
It's actually 'reactionary' that should be the dirty word. Reactionaries want to roll back social progress. Many of the darlings of so-called conservatives in the U.S. - Sarah Palin, e.g. - are, in fact, reactionaries. Ugly reactionaries.
hear! hear! Truth! Good post. :-)
I've been home with a snow day today and I've been reading this article on 'what is conservatism'..http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/pagre/conservatism.html (sorry I don't know how to do the linky thing) and it's making sense.
The point you made about the people carrying the signs is probably the most valid example I've heard of: people being used to support an agenda they don't even realize they're supporting.
Clinging to the chains that bind.
Satyvati said "Clinging to the chains that bind."
Awesome. Can I borrow that sometime Saty?
Can I borrow that sometime Saty?
If I was a Republican I'd charge you royalties.
But consider it yours to use responsibly for the common good. :)
These people are too lazy to think for themselves and as long as that continues we will have plenty of conservative idiots to speak about.
The Tea Partiers and their slogans and their banners, hammering the government, supporting corporations who rip them off, if the equivalent of The American Revolution in reverse: "Give us more tyrants, we want our lives to be run by powerful forces, who we can't fire, other than our elected officials, who we can fire.
You've hit on some of the issues that I have with conservatives. Even the name itself is problematic.
In additional to meaning backward, "conservative" can also mean traditional, and in that sense I am happy to apply the term to myself. But it also means support for the status quo.
This is where it's problematic. A lot of people who consider themselves conservative say they are against the status quo and want a roll-back of the federal apparatus. Rather, it seems like they favor a roll-back when Democrats are in charge and look the other way while a Republican expands the government. In that way, maybe conservative is the right word. It's those of us who want to see reduction during Republican majorities that might need to consider a change in moniker.
You also have to remember that the tea party movement is a product of FOX News... in fact, I'm willing to bet a significant sum that no one would know what that was if not for Fox's hype.
By virtue of being a fox sponsored movement (both literally and figuratively), the movement lacks substance and is chock full of lies, inconsistencies, and misinformation.The irony is the republicans probably didn't anticipate this movement taking off. But the lies it spread about the way government works (even the name "Tea Party" is a misnomer) are too big for even the stanchest republican to back up, so in typical fashion, they used these people to promote an agenda, and left them high and dry when they were no longer useful.
For the last 30 years, I kept thinking that the more Republicans opened their mouths, the more people wold denounce what they say. Unfortunately, it seems Americans agree with all this bigoted bull crap.
21 out of 30 years Americans have given the White House to the Republicans, not to mention the Democrats just recently got the majority in Congress.
The recent results of the questions asked of Republicans, would be laughable, if it were not so serious.
Americans believe that raising taxes will kill economic growth. That is simply not true, and the economic History of America through the last 60 years (I call that recent History) proves it.
Speaking of beliefs:
Who do you believe is a bigger bimbo? Palin, or Bachmann?
I invite all y'all to come down here to Nashville tomorrow when the big shew begins. I have an old press card around here somewhere. Maybe I could sneak us in.
It's going to be interesting to see if the whole shebang falls apart before the first gavel. There's been a lot of dissension within the ranks.
It's funny how they say they are "tea party", but they're registered as republican.
The "batshit crazy" party might be more fitting. A "party" bought by the health insurance industry last summer to kill healthcare reform, manned by the 20%'ers (the 20% who still thought Bush was doing a bang-up good job when he left office), is doomed to failure. Thank goodness, because that bunch actually scares me a little with their spitefulness and vindictiveness.
Truth -Should I put a larger bullseye on my back?
This is precisely why I call myself an independent conservative.
Reference Carl Wicklander's comment. I concur with his response to your post.
Truth, they don't hide from themselves...they rather metaphosis...
They are delusional and become whatever it is that they want....
Michelle Bachmann rants against socialism and then she deposits that agriculture subsidy check every year....
I think the problem you are addressing in use of labels. They can be connoted in any manner by anyone. As you know, my allegiance is to the constitution not to a political party. They both are sorely lacking in my opinion. As for a label, I refuse one. Sorry.
As for the "Tea Partiers" you run into the same problem when you try to label a group of people that are not monolithic in their beliefs. There is no identified leaders or ideology. Labeling and ideology are left to the two political parties.
"icky, bowel movement!" A bar of soap might be in order. :-)
Good day sir.
Carl is an impressive son of a gun RN. I'm not so much rooting for Rand Paul in Kentucky as I am for Carl Wicklander.
And notice how starved we on the left are for civilized discussion with righties like you and Law and Order Teacher RN. Many of my friends have both of you linked to their sites.
Now off to Pamela's to stir up a few reactionary righties.
I know LaO teacher, I regretted it as soon as I clicked publish, way too graphic and gross! :-)
Truth101 said: Now off to Pamela's to stir up a few reactionary righties.
Truth: You could not and say you did!
I’m in agreement with Carl, L&OT and Rational Nation on this. I don’t like labels either. I prefer judging the “issues” in and of themselves. However, if I have to give myself a label, I believe I would be an Independent Conservative like Rational Nation.
Agreed. Remember, if you don't have a solid argument (or much mental capacity) then just berate the opposition with childish name calling like "libtard" or "libturd"
Holte said: "The Tea Partiers and their slogans and their banners, hammering the government, supporting corporations who rip them off"
Have you seen one slogan or sign from a tea partier touting a corporation?
I did visit one of the rallies. There were some signs critical of the bailouts.
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