There was an article in the paper yesterday about a guy that lost $270,000 investing in a "Christian" investment scheme. The guy said he researched it and did due diligence and all the other crap people that got burned said they did.
The simple truth is that anyone who believes in stuff just because the person representing it says he's a "Christian" deserves to get screwed.
In most elections the candidates have to discuss their religion and how important it is and how it shaped their lives and they pray before making any decisions and vote for me because I love God and Jesus. And for some ignorant reason, their are still millions of people in this country that allow themselves to be guided not by qualifications, resume and ideals, but whether or not a candidate is a "Christian" and is pro life.
I've believed since I was 17 that it was dumb to trust anyone that was too religious. Especially when they're trying to sell you something. Believe me. Jesus will not divinely intervene if the "religious" guy sold you a pile of crap.
Nobody understands more than I how desperate many people are to hear what they want to hear. A few preachers were in Uganda bashing Gays not long ago. Now the Ugandan government wants to hang gays. The preachers may not have come right out and said "hang Gays." But that's the message the Ugandans got and ran with all the way to the gallows.
And now the right wing preachers claim there is a battle for America's youth with the Gay Community. More people are leaviing The Church every day because of ignorant, bigoted, closed minded clergy. The Moral Majorty voted en masse for possible the worst president of all time, George W. Bush because he said he was a Christian.
If there really is a battle for America's youth betwen these right wing, religious zealots and the Gays, I'm rooting for the Gays.
Cross posted at American Nihilist
I'm with you there, rooting for the Gays too against those hypocritical bastards.
Speaking of which-who's Larry Craig gonna take his wide stance with?
On numerous occasions Larry Craig has challeneged the Gay Community to try and ram it's agenda up his ass.
So to answer your question Oso, I don't know.
Truth: I give you a thumbs up.
There was a minister of one of those mega churches - to which so many of these extremists are attracted. The guy bilked members of the congregation out of millions, including the retirement funds of the elderly. He went free and the church welcomed him back. Why? Because he went up into the mountains and prayed!
I had a cousin, now deceased, who was a highly intelligent soul, a liberal and a Methodist minister. He used to say that anytime anyone told him they were Christian, the first thing he'd do was grab his billfold and hide it.
Amen. It's amazing how organized religion more masterfully utilizes the "bait and switch" on followers than just about any other institution I can think of in history.
You show up to church looking for brotherly love and acceptance, but you walk out the door thinking you have to stomp on eveyone who hasn't joined up with you.
What the hell?
BTW Leslie said something about your pic bringing out your color, thought I'd stop by to check it out.
No offense man but if that's you in the upper right corner you look like Dick Cheney.Maybe you should invest in a Dodger hat like I did.
News flash: Jim Bakker just performed another miracle. He took a blind man ... and made him penniless.
[O]CT; Did you mean Penis-less?
The Xtian Kingdom Naysayers of today have become the saboteurs of society.
They were once the persecuted, now they are nothing more than persecutors.
My sister was scammed by a Plumbing Organization. It advertised as being "Christian". She was ripped off. I told her she shouldn't go with anyone that advertises like that. A TRUE Christian doesn't have to advertise. She learned an expensive lesson.
There are some good Religions and Religious Organizations out there, you just have to be careful. And as I said, a TRUE Christian or Pure Person (whatever the term is, I don't know, I'm not good with the religious stuff) doesn't have to advertise. People know if you are TRUE.
The Preacher said to his congregation: "I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is we have the money to complete our new building program. The bad news is, it's still out there in your pockets."
Oso: I was referring to the blue background on MadMike - NOT the Cheney pic here, although now that you mention it . . .
Good advice on not trusting those proclaioming themselves as "Christian" who are selling something. The world is full of "Christian" imposters who would gladly lead you over a cliff for a buck.
I don't think it's a recent development that the right wing churches are claining that there is a battle for American youth with the gay community. For awhile there they were claiming that if gays would just find Jesus they would go straight. Since that didn't work, I guess they've turned their efforts into an all-out war.
God wants you to read my blog.
It's written on my taco!
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