Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Many times my confounded integrity and sense of fair play have gotten me in trouble not just with the deluded right, but with my friends on the left as well. Sadly my friends, this is one of those times. But the good news is this will piss off righties as well and that's always a good thing.

I am a capitalist. I confess. I own stock in the evil Exxon Corporation. I also own stock in an evil bank. I own Turner Original Pocket Tees manufactured by TAO's company in anti union Kentucky. Plese click the picture of Kojak on the right. It will take you to the Turner Original website where you to can order your own fashionable and quality American made pocket tee just like Truth 101 wears.

Now that we have that established, I have to admit a sense of congratulations toward Sarah Palin and an even deeper affection for America. Where else could someone of such limited intellect, scope, and all around mediocrity make it so big. She's reaped millions from her book. She'll reap millions doing guest spots on FOX. Fox will reap millions selling advertising from her guest spots. Don't worry. I still believe the train wreck is coming. Everyone has a grandiose self image of their own intelligence. Remember Joe the faux plumber. A bigger idiot never walked the face of the earth. He parlayed his stupidity into a country music gig. Sarah is parlaying hers, or more accurately, FOX is parlaying hers into a fortune.

What will piss off the righties though, especially the ones of reasonable intelligence who put thought and effort into their blogs, that's why I have them linked, is that Sarah's success shows you don't have to study and work hard to get ahead. You mostly just need a feeble old man to make a rash decision and voila! You're running for vice president and the dreams of Avarice await you. Nice legs help also. Especially with the Fox News gig.

So I'm sorry my right leaning friends. No matter how hard you work. Whether it's serious minded, well thought out and defended blogging, or just coming up with a new attack on me, Shaw or TAO now and then, you will never be "discovered." You will never make any money at this. But as your friend Joe the faux plumber says: "You'd just have to give it all to the government anyway."


Leslie Parsley said...

"Where else could someone of such limited intellect, scope, and all around mediocrity make it so big."

It's only people with like scope, intellect and mediocrity who put her there. But I agree that the train wreck is probably going to happen in the not too distant future.


The Rattler - III said...

"A government of the people" It's interesting that the left put their trust in others they deem worthy to lead them... like a dog on a leash. I on the other hand will put my trust only in those that choose to serve. Yes you can poke fun that Sarah doesn't have that Ivy league pedigree like the skanks in office now. But then again neither do I. Just a masters in economics and marketing running my own business and paying my own health insurance and paying for the 40% who choose to just bitch and moan wait for their check to show up. But in your eyes I guess that makes me trailer trash or part of the mob. So when you call her one of limited intellect - then my friend I will stand with her while you strut your superiority an ddirect it my way calling me the same. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone in office talk to you rather than down to you? Or is it a submissive left thing that is hard to break the habit of? You should take the time and read about Esther and the impact she (of limited intellect) had on her nation. I pray if not Sarah, God will give us someone similar.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Wouldn't the rise of Sarah Palin at least give evidence of her savvy? She possesses the capability to reach people and have them put her in office, hire her, or buy her book.

She's certainly pulling down a few dollars more than me, so I guess I could learn from her. Not bad for a slobbering idiot I guess.

Good day sir.

One Fly said...

It was the pocket tee shirt you betcha Truth. Been getting mine from
Cabelas but they've been messing with the colors so I'm not happy. I'm going to give your brand a try as I take this a bit serious as it's what I wear most of the time when I can.

I get a kick outta shit like this.

Jerry Critter said...

Sarah could not even handle a small state like Alaska -- the most socialist state in the union. She quit under the "pressure". How can anyone believe that she could handle the pressure of being the president of the United States?

Dave Miller said...

Only Palin could charge the writers of the recent book on the 2008 campaign were a bunch liars when writing about her, and 100% truthful when writing about Harry Reid, and do it with a straight face, albeit a smiling one.

Leslie Parsley said...

Rat: Limited intellect has nothing to do with schooling. There are lots of people on this earth who've never made it through 6th grade. Most of them are not stupid, but they're ignorant as hell - meaning they haven't been exposed to education or training.

And then there are those who go to four different colleges and are dumber than a bucket of rocks.

The ignorant person can and will learn; the stupid person can go to school, learn nothing and still be stupid.

Palin is a mutt and a stupid one at that. BTW, the president doesn't talk down to me, so I suggest you may have a problem with comprehending basic English.

LAOT, my buddy: She does know how to reach people - she's a good speaker as long as someone writes it for her. The guy she ran against for Wasila Mayor had some ethics problems (must be in the pond water up there). She spit in the face of her electorate when she resigned; she really hasn't had an impressive employment career - that the position at Fox is so great is debatable.

It's been documented that a lot of people were given big bucks to buy multiple copies of her books, which has also been proven to be full of "myths." She needs to make a lot of money because she has a lot of legal fees to pay - and I predict she's going to have a lot more.

I can't say as I've ever seen her slobber but I can't say as I've ever heard her tell the truth, which bothers me because she claims to be such a Christian.

And I keep asking this throughout the blogosphere but can never get an answer. Who's taking care of the kids?

NC Wolf said...

There is truth behind your satire Truth. She owes all her success to McCains blundering. Not her own savvy.

I like the mix you have on your blogroll. Refreshing to see a mix.

Les Carpenter said...

As to the truth, very few politician ever tells the truth?

As to who's watching the kids, I guess that's her and her husbands business.

The whole Palin fixation is starting to get nauseating. If the liberals wish her to go away I wonder why they work so diligently to keep her in the news.

JBW said...

That's what you conservatives have never understood, RNA. We liberals don't want her to go away, we don't want her to shut up, we aren't threatened by her and we don't want to destroy her.

She's damn entertaining. I say have reporters ask her question after question, getting her views on every political topic under the sun. Then broadcast that shit and analyze the hell out of it. Have the news media do it's job for once and call her out for every lie and stupid statement she utters.

Only then will she be proven to be no more than the incurious, winking beauty queen those of us who have actually been listening to her speak knew that she was all along; only then will we be out of the danger that giving her any real responsibility in national office would cause.

Let her have her FOX News gig, let her write as many vapid books as she pleases. Hell, put her on a box of breakfast cereal or the cover of her own translation of the Bible. Let her get rich like a good American should. Just make sure she stays out of elected office.

McCain screwed the pooch when he irresponsibly foisted her on the American political scene two years ago, she'll eventually talk her way off of it if we just give her time.

The J Mopper said...

I guess this is why she left her gov post - to land a deal with Faux News that will undoubtedly pay her very well. Perhaps she's interested in participating in some "gotcha" journalism herself.

Les Carpenter said...

In as much as Palin rightly deserves to be called out' so do the equally unprepared and lacking in any real experience politicians on the other side of the political deserve the same.

Especially from the lame stream government/media complex. And we both know that does not happen most of the time.

Perhaps if the media had done it's job properly we would actually have a man of intelligence and integrity in the Whitehouse right now.

Of course that alone would not have accomplished it because the powers that be in business, as well as in politics and government would never allow a man deserving of being the leader of the free world to win.

In 2008 that man was Ron Paul.

Palin will likely go away because while interesting and entertaining she simply lacks the gravitas to lead a nation as large and complex as the U.S.

Holte Ender said...

Republicans always pick someone to run for the Presidency who, they think, is electable. Nothing to do with smarts. e.g. Reagan and W.

Pamela Zydel said...

I watched Palin on O'Reilly last night just to see how she did. I thought she used the same old "answers" as before even though Bill brought up a few "new" questions. I felt she was "spinning" even though she was in the "no spin zone". However, she DOES have a pretty big following that will hang on her every word and this is what Fox is banking on. The TV relationship may not last long, but for as long as it does last, Fox and Palin will make a few bucks.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"Perhaps if the media had done it's job properly we would actually have a man of intelligence and integrity in the Whitehouse right now."--RNUSA

Right. How much more admired would this country have been had we elected someone like the woman who, last night in her debut on FAUX News, had this to say about President Obama and his poll numbers:

“Of course, they're sinking. It was just a matter of time before more of that reflection of the people's uncomfortableness that they feel towards this administration is manifesting in these poll numbers."

Brilliant. It is evident that she still has the unfortunate habit of losing her way in the forest of her garbled syntax. As for her pronouncement on Mr. Obama’s popularity, I would suggest she look at her own dismal numbers. Her unfavorable rating is 52%, down from 53%, which still doesn't ignite a lot of optimism for Palin-lovers.

She’s popular with the minority radical right wing of the GOP. As conservative columnist for the New York Times, David Brooks, said “She’s a joke.”

THE RATTLER WROTE: "So when you call her one of limited intellect -then my friend I will stand with her while you strut your superiority an ddirect it my way calling me the same. Wouldn't it be nice to have someoneWouldn't it be nice to have someone in office talk to you rather than down to you? Or is it a submissive left thing that is hard to break the habit of? You should take the time and read about Esther and the impact she (of limited intellect) had on her nation. I pray if not Sarah, God will give us someone similar."

I read and re-read TRUTH’s post and nowhere did I see him “strut” his “superiority” and direct it your way. Those are your feelings you imparted to TRUTH’s critique of Palin. You seem to identify so closely with her, that you believe any criticism of her intellect is a reflection on your own. TRUTH doesn’t impugn your intelligence--you introduced that comparison, not him.

I find it strange that you believe President Obama talks “down” to people. This is, again, an opinion based on your own feelings, but where do those feelings of being talked down to come from? Then you make an unfounded (you give no evidence) assumption that Lefties enjoy being “submissive.”

You're making a lot of assumptions not based on evidence but on your own biases, about TRUTH's motivation in writing this piece on Palin.

Leslie Parsley said...

RN: As to who's watching the kids, I guess that's her and her husbands business.

It wouldn't be any one's business if she herself hadn't exploited them so much during the campaign - and if she didn't always talk so hypocritically about being a good mother and how important it is to be a good "mom."

I just posted a video of an interview by Lauer of McCain from this morning's Today Show. Even I could not have made this up re his part in the vetting of that woman.
I refuse to even mention her name anymore - and my apologies to Truth but it's all related.


Infidel753 said...

Rattler: When I need a doctor, I want someone who's been to medical school and practiced for a while, not someone who knows no more about medicine than I do.

When my car needs fixing, I take it to a trained auto mechanic, not somebody who knows no more about cars than I do.

I certainly hope that the pilots of the planes I've flown on had been to flying school and know more about flying planes than I do.

So, when it comes to the people that run the government, I'd rather have people with relevant education and experience. Maybe you think that's being "like a dog on a leash", but I think it's no different than the other instances.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

In Rattlers defense. And in defense of myself and the speak; we're both sharp guys. At least sharper than Sarah Palin when it comes to expressing our opinions. Not to defend or attack Rattler's views one way or another. I think he's a good blogger for his side. That being said, he and I together, as much better at articulating our opinions than Sarah. Both of us put together will never make as much as Sarah will her first six months as a FOX News contributor. Life is not fair.

What gives Rattler a better chance than I to make a living at this though is he can dumb himself doen as Palin is. Then he has a shot. He could still sound smart like William F. Buckley or George Will. But we all know those are just the same foolish talking points deliverd with an Ivy League accent.

Me? Too much work being as well informed as Rachel Maddow. takes brains and hard work to be a paid left leaning pundit. Leisure takes up too much of my time.

Green Eagle said...

I read above:

"Perhaps if the media had done it's job properly we would actually have a man of intelligence and integrity in the Whitehouse right now."

We do have such a person in the White House, finally. All of your right wing lies and smears cannot change that fact.

You guys gave us two lying, incompetent, corrupt fools in Bush and Cheney. We're not going to forget that, and we are not going to fall for your deceit when you try to tell us that Obama is the same thing.

The Rattler - III said...

Truth, I would much rather have a conversation with those whom I don't agree all the time. These are the individuals that either cement my beliefs or chip away at them until they convince me of my errors. That is why I enjoy stopping by and chatting. Thank you for your kind words. But no, I still believe Palin to be an exceptional patriot and a benefit to this thing we call a government of we the people. Just remember, the greatest leader of all time also was not an excellent orator. In fact he stuttered so bad he used a substitute to speak to his nation. Today in our society of "People" Magazine leaders, Moses would of been treated no better than an ill spoken village idiot.

The left won by 5 or so points and consider it a mandate. The current changes in health care are opposed by a margin of 20. Yet the left claims they know what is best and regardless of support they will pass it regardless. This my friends is talking down to me. I do not desire a parental leader in office.

Yes I do agree that I want a doctor smarter than me actually way smarter than me. The same with a pilot. For the most part I can work on my own car. Yes I guess it's that hick thing. But please don't tell me that there needs to be an education litmus test for office. I will take wisdom and honor over educational hype any day.

Anonymous said...


I would like to ask, what is a 'patriot?' and why do you consider Sarah Palin to be an "exceptional patriot?"

I have asked my conservative relatives who go nuts over her and my brother in law who supports her undyingly...

No one has been able to answer a single question about why they hold her in such high esteem...

Would you care to explain why you believe that this woman to be a 'benefit to this thing we call government by the people..."

Share with us, educate us....

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Rattler says:

"I will take wisdom and honor over educational hype any day."

Add character and conscience to your requirements and I will join you in support of that person.

(Character and Conscience courtesy of James B. Webb of the fantastic blog, Brain Rage. Linked near the top.)

The Rattler - III said...

Great questions. Without looking up the definition of patriot, to me it is someone who makes a personal sacrifice to defend and uphold the principles that make us uniquely Americans. It is making a vow to protect our constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. This I am saddened, both parties have failed at. To me, we are unapologetically, the greatest country on the planet. The key thing I look at is "to uphold and defend." As such I have not seen anything in her words or writing that would diminish my belief that she intends to do just that.

"We the People" Like I have stated, I think the ivy league educrats have pretty much run our country into the toilet. Our founders wanted a citizen government. Teachers, doctors, farmers, housewives (who have had to balance a household budget), business people (who have had to borrow on the credit cards to make payroll), someone who went to junior college at night while they worked during the day, plumbers... people like you and I... and maybe even that Truth guy;) But not career political hacks infesting the crapitol today.

If you look at where Sarah Palin came from, it not a ciderella story. She worked hard in running a family and her own business. She wanted to make a difference in her community and ran for local office. She accepted a position in state politics when others saw her drive and convictions. And she chose to serve(key word serve) as governor in her home state. Her accomplishments there many. She chose to step aside for the good of her state as the machine set out to destroy her. Remember, legal fees in Alaska are not paid for by the people.

Sarah Palin exemplifies me and my beliefs. (and just to rile the progressive a little more here, so does Michelle Bachman!)

Thank you TAO!

The Rattler - III said...

Truth, as always, we need a little bit of humor and humility thrown in also.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I concede thatSarah Palin loves America.

I still stand by my beliefs that she is of limited intellect and imagination. Se was in the right place at the right time and handlers have made her a cultural icon to the reactionary right.

I can see Missouri when I stand on the roof of my house. I understand interstate commerce better than Sarah Palin.

Her logic. Not mine. Anyone on the right still think she's smart?

The Rattler - III said...

I concede that Barack Obama loves America.

I still stand by my beliefs that he is of limited intellect and imagination. He was in the right place at the right time and handlers have made him a cultural icon to the reactionary left.


Leslie Parsley said...

Rattler: Obama is a pragmatic centrist with a vision and intellect that most people are incapable of comprehending.

I don't see where Palin has sacrificed anything for the country. She's made money. She's not ethical. She massages the truth. And she ain't too bright.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'll concede the right place and the right time for Obama. The rest was him. He won.

Leslie Parsley said...

By the way, since when has belonging to the Alaska Independence Party a sign of patriotism? Oh yes, she denied that, too. That gal must love her massages.

The Rattler - III said...

It was her husband who belonged to that group but please disregard the facts.

Leslie Parsley said...

Sorry, Rattler, but I don't think you have your facts straight. "She" said her husband belonged, which he did, but so did she.

Leslie Parsley said...

Rattler: My sincere apologies. I checked and you are absolutely right. From factcheck.org

The party's chair originally told reporters that Palin had been a member, but the official later retracted that statement. Chairwoman Lynette Clark told the New York Times that false information had been given to her by another member of the party after she first told the Times and others that Palin joined the AIP in 1994. Clark issued an apology on the AIP Web site.

The Rattler - III said...

tnlib, thank you.

Oso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Oso said...

Just deleted a rant. I can't understand how seemingly intelligent people can have staggeringly stupid thoughts.

Free country so who the hell am I to bitch I guess.

Jason said...

Very nice blog you have here. I like reading political blogs for some reason. Anyway, I have a site myself where people from around the world come and debate on popular issues. I feel as if this will give citizens some form of power, letting their voices be heard.

I'd like to exchange links with you to help spread some traffic around between each other. If you'd like to, please leave a comment under our "Compadres" page when you've added our link and we'll return the favor.

Until then, keep up the good work.


sue said...

truth - 'Stupid like a fox?'

I say just plain stupid.

JBW said...

T101, first: Brain Rage thanks you for the plug. As always, you're too gracious. Second: I'm sure my own character and conscience would be roundly debated by many (although in my defense, several of them would probably be ex-girlfriends, so we won't count them as legitimate detractors) but I digress...

Rattler, you seem an intelligent, decent fellow for a conservative but I have to take exception to several of your points. As I don't agree with you, I'm sure that you're rapt with attention.

Obama won the 2008 election by over 7 percentage points. Bush won by a third of that and (in)famously declared that he had a clear mandate from the American people, yet I have a sneaking suspicion that you didn't denounce him at the time with nearly as much vigor as you do Obama now. If you did, I'm wrong and I apologize.

Also, your numbers on health care reform support seem to be a bit muddied as well. The latest CBS poll shows that more Americans think that the current legislation doesn't go far enough towards reforming health care than think that it goes too far.

In other words, those poll numbers you site lump dissatisfied liberals and Democrats in with dissatisfied conservatives and Republicans without denoting the demographic breakdown.

In other other words, if Obama and the Democrats in congress had just stuck to their guns and insisted on a public option, optional end of life counseling (you probably know this as "death panels") and the other items on his agenda instead of caving in like spineless pussies when the Republicans yelled "Boo!" health care reform would be much more popular with the American people.

The left realizes this and that is why they're still fighting for this legislation. It's not talking down to you, it's trying to fulfill the will of the people, decided last year by a democratic majority vote. For an example of a leader talking down to you (ie. as if you were a five year old) see Bush, George W. and "freedom, they hate us for our".

Wisdom and honor are surely prized attributes in a leader (as are character and conscience) but contrary to many right-wing talking points education is not always hype and neither is it someone else's way of saying that they think they're better than you. It's another valuable commodity and this nation's deemphasis of it's importance is one reason we're slipping as a viable world power in the 21st century.

I'll forgo addressing your praise for Palin and Bachmann because at this point it just feels like shooting winking fish in a barrel but I'll end with this: Every time someone tells me that they desire a leader they'd want to have a beer with I tell them to look to their left and their right the next time they're sitting at a bar and ask themselves, "Would I want that guy running the most powerful country on the planet?" I know my answer.

TAO said...


Our Founding Fathers were the wealthiest most powerful men in the country at the time of the founding of this country.

Had they wanted the common man/woman to run this country they would have formed a direct democracy and NOT a republic.

They did nothing in the constitution to give women or blacks the right to vote and they did nothing in the constitution to over ride the laws that states had enacted to limit the right to vote to land holding educated white men.

Facts are facts...our founding fathers wanted this country to be run by the best and the brightest not by mob rule...remember, Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000, more people voted for him than did for George Bush...but Bush became President.

To you Sarah Palin represents anti establishment...which is exactly what George Bush represented in 2000...and how did that turn out?

Basically, you are anti establishment, anti intellectual, and feel alienated...

You then bundle that all up and call yourself a patriot and you are fighting the good fight: That is exactly what Don Quixote was all about!

You view liberals as those people who take everything away from you and give it to poor minorities.

They are latte drinking, effeminete, book reading intellectuals who have never had to work for a living and have been given everything they have...

It is impossible for you to realize that Barack Obama may have achieved what he did because he fought harder, tried harder, and worked harder than Sarah Palin did.

No, you want to believe that he was given everything while people like Sarah Palin and George Bush 'fought' for everything they achieved...

Sarah Palin's legal bills were so high because 75% of them were due to one lawsuit THAT SHE STARTED HERSELF to keep the state legislature from investigating her dealings with her ex brother in law.

Michelle Bachmann decries socialism and everyone depending on the government for handouts...yet she accepts her annual agriculture subsidy every year...

Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann are as much 'the establishment' as Barack Obama and Joe Biden....

On one hand the right goes on and on about the trashing Sarah Palin gets at the hands of media and then they go on and on and trash Barack Obama the same way...

You want to believe that "the left put their trust in others they deem worthy to lead them...like a dog on a leash." While YOU and your kind are too smart for that, too manly to be fooled by words and thus you only "put my trust only in those that choose to serve."

You have turned Sarah Palin into a rock star and you have become a groupie....and thus you have allowed the constant rant of Fox News to blind you to reality just as much as you believe that liberals have been blinded by the intellect of Obama...

When the going gets tough...the tough get.....

A book deal and a cushy job with Fox News?

Do Patriots quit?

Do Patriots whine whenever they find themselves up against a corner?

The Rattler - III said...

TAO, your day starts really wound up. Mine starts with a prayer that God keeps our president and his family safe today and give him the wisdom to make sound decisions. Even though I do not agree with him, he IS my president. TAO, we disagree. But I respect your opinion... and conviction. Thanks

TAO said...


I start my day all excited by the potential of the day....then I end my day in quite prayer asking for guidance on how I can improve for tomorrow.

If you sit back and look at it you were disappointed by GWB and now the democrats are experiencing the same disappointment from Obama...

GWB, Obama, Palin...they all are decent people...

I sometimes wonder why would anyone want to hold elected office?

I cannot imagine what it is like to listen all day to yourself being called a socialist, a messiah, a muslim, foreign born, and hearing all about how fat your wife's ass is...

I am sure that Sarah Palin sometimes wishes she had told McCain thanks but no thanks and I am sure her kids wish she had...

I just believe that 'we' the citizens of this country are the cause for a lot that is wrong with this country....and we like to beat up each other as a way to cover up the truth...

It seems we like to blame the political system for all of the dissatisfaction we find in our own lives...

Not a whole lot of difference between a 'welfare queen' and a person that constantly 'blames' the government for limiting their freedoms, and benefitting others more than it benefits them.

Its as if whining has become an entitlement program!

Les Carpenter said...

Truth - What an awesome comment thread!

I need some of whatever Sarah is drinking, or whatever, to generate this much commentary.

Gravitas is not necessarily required, nor in hight demand these in these days I guess.

Hell, I shoulda been a hairdresser I guess.. :-)

TomCat said...

May she do for Faux Noise what she did for McConJob.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Every now and then I get lucky RN. It's people like you, TAO, Rattler and others that speak with authority and conviction that make a thread successful or not.

All I ask is that a blogger be willing to engage. Whether or not he/she likes to add some name calling and colorful language is up to them.

It's good to see JBW pop in. Huffington Post is going stale. If Ariana decides not to hire me, she should at least put JBW on the payroll.

Leslie Parsley said...


It is indeed good to have JBW around again - his insight and sense of humor are irreplaceable. And you're no slouch yourself, sir.

I'm not sure I'd talk about either one of you in the same breath with HP.

Tom the Redhunter said...

So why is it that so many on the left detest Sarah Palin? Let me tell you why:

1) She's an attractive conservative woman. For some reason, liberals are particularly vile in their attacks on women like Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingraham, Monika Crowley, and any blonde on Fox.

2) Class Snobbery. Joe Biden is dumber than a box of rocks, and is a walking gaffe machine to boot. Yet he sounds like a professor so he's forgiven. Sarah Palin and George W Bush speak with mid-western accents, and don't read the New York Times. So they've vilified. Liberals worship at the cult of academia, so if you have the proper degrees it doesn't matter how dumb you are. See Noam Chomsky as the perfect example.

3) She didn't abort Trig, her baby who has Down Syndrome. She's an absolutist on the issue, and abortion is the holy grail of liberalism.

4) She's always cheerful, no matter how vile and hateful the attacks on her are. Nothing gets her down, and she won't go away.

5) According to liberals, conservative women are supposed to be stay at home moms. Palin does it all; supermom, supercareer successful. Successful mom with career women anger liberals.

6) She's a Christian and is not afraid to say so. The only Christians liberals like are the socialist type who use the bible to justify redistribution of wealth or pacifism.

The Rattler - III said...

As I was down 12 - 1 (still ahead in my opinion), Tom steps in and delivers a ko. Tom, none of them here will understand this. But we do. Thank you

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Tom: we like looking at attractive conservative women. Listening to ridiculous statements like "You can see Russia from Alaska" as an example of foreign policy experience is what sets us off. Especially when hr right wing apologists defend this silliness.

As far as attacks and villification, I give what I get.

We don't care what kind of accent comes out of anyone's mouth. Only what words come out.

I don't know of anyone, right or left leaning in these parts that thinks abortion as a means of birth control is anything but despicable. Liberal women give birth to babies with Downs also.

I'd be cheerful also if FOX News gave me a part time gig paying loads of money plus what I made from a book. And just to stay in character with the original post. Sarah may be just to stupid to get angry. If you're not angry, you have no idea wtf is going on.

You got the stay at home thing wrong also Tom. It's conservatives that think women should be stay at home moms. Unless they're paid to repeat tired old right wing talking points on FOX.

And Tom my Man. I'm a Christian. I don't use The Bible to justify any of my beliefs. I mostly just talk about religion when poking fun at zealots who try and mold The Bible into their own deluded beliefs. And not to brag on myself or my little blog, but the liberals all seem to like me.

I hope this helps you understand Rattler.

Me said...

"Bible Spice"


The Rattler - III said...

Yes facts suck. But you can see Russia from Alaska. I can even see Mexico from San Diego. Go figure.


But even liberals need to open their eyes sometimes. Especially when there is change coming.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Our eyes are wide open Rattler. It is the conservatives that want to see only their limited view of morality and wholesomeness they think is America.

The true realists and pragmatists are the liberals. We are the ones that understand the evils in the world. We are the ones willing to work to change the world. Not just invade and bully.

We look for dialogue. Understanding and justice. But as you have seen from Obama's actions. The Afghanistan surge. His unhesitance to shoot the purates or send drones into Pakistan to kill terrorists. We don't screw around either.

TAO said...

Change, Change, Change....

I have been waiting ALONG TIME FOR THAT BUS...

Now The Rattler is promising change right around the corner...

Don't get too excited there otherwise you might find yourself getting disappointed real quick!

TAO said...

So, Tom....

You basically like Palin because she annoys a few liberals?

That's about the grist of it isn't it?

Jason said...

Adding you right now. Take care.


Oso said...

Your links say this Tom the Redhunter guy is sharp.

Just read his numbered talking points.

He didn't bring his A game.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Research and original posts are Tom's forte. I always thought I was better at leaving comments. When I went back to my original Truth101 moniker my intent was to just be a commenter but ego and the urging of others got me to do posts as well.

I find myself in disagreement with Tom often. But Iread all his posts because I find them well written and good reads. And Tom is willing to engage in conversation. He's a class act and I'm proud to have him on mine and be on his blogroll.

Oso said...

I really like LaOT and RN. Could be Tom just felt obligated to defend the indefensible. I know the feeling sometimes.

Pamela Zydel said...

I think that when Sarah Palin came onto the scene she was "different" than the elitists we were used to--a breath of fresh air. She didn't wear designer clothes, have her nails done in a salon, she hunted and ate the meat she killed, was a working mom and was happily married to the man that sired her kids. To a lot of Joe and Jane Citizens out there, she was "one of them" so they connected with her. It also helped that she was "hot as hell", if I may add, being a woman and all.

Now that the campaign is over and we've heard a few of her "whoopsies" and she quit her job as Governor, some of her "flair" has worn off and many of us now see a "regular" woman. I certainly don’t think she’s “dumb” or an “idiot” but I do think she lacks some qualifications that are required for the Presidency. Mind you, I’m in no way questioning her Patriotism or her love for America, because I think she has both. While I understand her reasons for quitting her job as Governor, I would have major reservations about voting for her as President. I do think she has a good personality and she’s a strong voice for the Conservative party and maybe that’s where she belongs right now, giving speeches or guest hosting on Fox.

Carl Wicklander said...

Ah, nothing generates interesting dialogue quite like Sarah Palin.

I must admit that when I first heard Palin speak that I was pretty excited about her and even thought about voting for John McCain after all, although I sobered up in time.

I feel like kind of an oddball when it comes to Sarah Palin - I don't hate her but I also don't like her very much.

I'm reading her book right now. It's not exceptional, stories about Alaska, her family, and the campaign trail, but I haven't found too much that resembles a guiding political philosophy.

More than anything, I think I'm just disappointed. Disappointed that she hasn't turned out to be the kind of libertarian-leaning conservative I thought and hoped she was. Also disappointed that so many conservatives, and a lot of women, have engaged in their own cult of personality when so many of us detested the liberals who had crushes on Obama.


Leslie Parsley said...

Pam: I consider myself a well educated person with a modicum of brains. But an elitist? Hardly.

Her first speech left me cold. I heard and saw a very shallow woman who didn't have one single qualification but "she's one of us." I don't want someone to be like me. I want someone who has a lot more experience than I have, someone who knows a lot more than I do about the complex issues facing us today, both nationally and internationally. I want someone who can lead.

I want someone with substance who doesn't make silly old jokes about lipstick. Being a soccer mom doesn't give one the qualifications to be vice president.

I don't even think she's a "regular" woman, whatever that is or how significant it is. I don't think she's an idiot but I'm still considering if she's dumb. Maybe, maybe not. But she is definitely ignorant. Even conservatives like George Wills and David Brooks haven't had anything positive to say about her.

You know, I think most of us here are patriotic and love our country. But that doesn't qualify us for a high political office, although there are some here who could do more than an acceptable job.

When you are elected to a major office, you sign a contract with the electorate to represent them to the best of your ability. This does not include walking off the job. If, by some miracle, she was elected president, it'd be kind of hellish if one day she got up and said, "well. that's it. I'm through."

"She didn't wear designer clothes, have her nails done in a s salon. . . So? Neither do I. Also, question how wonderful she is as a mom.

I think she's an opportunist with too many questions about ethical behavior and telling the truth hanging over her head. In the end she is a thinly diquised racist.

dmarks said...

JBW said: "Only then will she be proven to be no more than the incurious, winking beauty queen"

The first, the "incurious" insult, is rather meaningless. Just a vague way of saying "dumb" but with three more syllables. The second part is sexist, and is just like those who say that Katie Couric is just a cheerleader.

It does start to look like some liberals want to destroy her when they use meaningless insults, and go so low as to get into sexist bashing that they won't ever do for liberal women.

There are valid criticisms of Palin, and many have been discussed here. But I don't think mere vague insults and bashing her for sexist reasons really count for much.

dmarks said...

@tnlib "In the end she is a thinly diquised racist."

The disguise must be pretty thick, really. So much that no one here in this lengthy discussion of Sarah Palin's faults has mentioned any evidence of any racism.

dmarks said...

Pamela said: "While I understand her reasons for quitting her job as Governor, I would have major reservations about voting for her as President."

Well, one of my biggest reservations has to do with her quitting. If she can't hack it in her highest elected office so far because the other party was out to get her using underhanded tricks..... as if the problem would not be 20 times worse for a President.

She blew her Governor job, leaving it as an embarassing thing to leave on her resume. With it, looking back to the 2008 election, her experience and qualifications were pretty close to candidate Barack Obama's.

But now his resume is a lot better, and hers is a lot worse.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I think the insults directed at Palin are just as much directed at those who think she is more than "incurious."

JBW said...

T101 and tnlib, stop it right now with the comliments. You're embarrassing me and it needs to stop (just kidding, I secretly love and crave praise). I'm totally serious, cut it out (more!). Seriously...

dmarks, unlike many others who have commented here I do not think that Sarah Palin is dumb. I didn't think that George W. Bush was dumb either. I do however think that Sarah Palin is like George W. Bush: incurious.

Bush never had a driving ambition to be president, he wanted to get drunk and run a baseball team. Palin wasn't the over-achieving president of her high school student council, she played basketball and then went on to enter beauty pageants and become a sports caster.

Before she was chosen by McCain to run for VP, there was not one single documented or published comment by her on foreign policy of any kind. She was the governor of a non-contiguous state that bordered one foreign nation and was directly across a strait from another and yet she had never even uttered anything about her foreign policy views. Nothing (in W's defense, he had at least made excursions down to Senor Frog's in Cabo back in college).

And the reason neither of them knew anything about this topic is because they just couldn't be bothered. They weren't voraciously devouring books about government and history and geopolitics, they were too busy being Regular Joes drinking beers and killing moose and cracking bibles. They were incurious about the world.

As too your charge of my being sexist: And? But seriously, what grown up politician winks at the camera during a vice-presidential debate and still expects to be taken seriously by the country? Much less a woman and former beauty pageant contestant?

And maybe Couric was a cheerleader, how would I know? She's certainly spunky enough. But she's also one of the more accomplished and competent newscasters in her industry as well. One can hardly say the same of Palin and again, stop winking and I'll take you more seriously as a politician, despite your ovaries.

If you think that a female politician should be winking and flirting at the cameras then perhaps you should more closely examine your own views on women, and I don't think that it's sexist to point out her actual behavior. I'm not trying to destroy, just critique.

And as for my nonexistent sexist bashing of liberal women: I think that Hillary Clinton would be an absolute nightmare to live with. Could you imagine that annoying voice yelling at you every night right when you walked through the door, especially if you fucked up as much as Bill does? The word "harpy" comes to mind.

And what about Nancy Pelosi's scary ass face? Every time I see her features stretched back so tight like that I'm reminded of Katherine Helmond's character in Brazil. I always expect there to be a huge clothespin on the back of her head holding her skin back, tight as a snare drum. Satisfied?

JBW said...

Sorry T101, didn't see your last comment there before I posted but you're absolutely right: there are people lobbing stones from both sides of the aisle but Palin is the only one crying about it and claiming victim status as a result.

dmarks said...

JBW: Big points for remembering Brazil, and what the faces of the characters looked like! I saw it once when it first came out, and unfortunately can remember little more than ducts and typewriters.

Pamela Zydel said...
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Pamela Zydel said...

Dmarks: Palin quitting her job as Governor was a real "eye-opener" for me, too. When I said I "understood" her reasons for quitting, I meant the bogus ethics charges and how much it was costing to defend herself. I can't say what I'd do in that situation...I'd like to think I'd hang in there, HOWEVER, if she can't "handle" the heat as a Governor, how could she handle the Presidency? THAT would be unbearable!

JBW: Points well made about Hilary and Nancy (Pelosi). Neither winked or flirted at cameras and look where they are; both are very accomplished because they are ambitious and determined and both are viciously attacked by the Righ-wing, and neither have "quit". In fact, I think it gives them more determination.

I don't think Palin ever had intentions of running for VP or President on her own, but when it was dropped in her lap, she saw it as her "moment to shine" and ran with it. I’ve always preached about “character”, therefore, that’s a deal breaker. Palin knew deep inside she was prepared to be VP, therefore she should’ve turned McCain down. For me, that shows she was more interested in herself than “the people”. She could’ve stayed on as Governor of Alaska, had some media coverage that she HAD been 1st choice as McCain’s VP, then gone on to run as Senator and who knows, maybe one day she COULD have been ready. But now, I think she has too much baggage and it’s going to take a long time to get rid of that, if she ever does.

Leslie Parsley said...

dmarks: Just because nobody else mentioned her racism doesn't have anything to do with anything. For me, that's just another strike against he. Just google "palin racism" to verify.

Truth: She's smart as far as marketing herself but anyone who doesn't read, who can't name the Founding Fathers (MadMikes), and who says it was God's plan is not only dumb but ignorant. I've always said there's a difference but in her case I think she has a little of both.

Ten to one, neither she nor her defenders have read a history book since sixth grade.

I also get my back up when I'm accused of putting my trust in others I deem worthy to lead me - like a dog on a leash. I can and am allowed to think for myself and I do not suffer from blind loyalty. I do not have to follow a script and I don't have to sign damn oath.

Pamela Zydel said...

I can and am allowed to think for myself and I do not suffer from blind loyalty.

Leslie: I'm the same as you. I listen to Glenn Beck, and while he may like Palin (a lot?), I just like her. I'm not one of her "followers". I think it's extremely important to keep people in perspective i.e. Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, etc., because they have an agenda, i.e. ratings and cash-o-la, therefore, I listen with a grain of salt and do my OWN research. I consider them "entertainers", Palin, I'm not sure what I consider her now-a-days as she has gone from Governor, to VP candidate, to author and now to Fox Contributor.

Truth: I think this post is your BEST ever! The comment section has EXCELLENT contributors! And so far, NO trolls! I'm impressed! And jealous!

The Rattler - III said...

I was going to walk away awhile but had to come back. tnlib stated "I don't have to sign (a) damn oath". Our representatives DID take an oath to uphold and protect our Constitution. Not to change it... not to reinterpret it. Those on both sides have chosen to disregard it. As such I will fight to replace them all regardless of party. Your oath is your word. Maybe that's why in this administration (and the last) contracts and promises mean so little. The end of the Declaration of Independence had the writers state... "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." That sadly has been lost today.

Yes it is sad that history is not read more by both sides. I wasted many years (and brain cells) on stupid things. I have worn out my library card the last year and a half. I do not claim to know it all... yet;) And I will not disregard the opinions of those I disagree with.

Everyone, have a wonderful weekend and take a minute to say a prayer for all in Hatti. As sad as it is, when the world especially our men and women in the military use their(our) resources for good, it make me proud... and hopeful!

Leslie Parsley said...

Pam: You are what gives me hope. You are informed, fair and reasonable.

Truth: This is indeed a good post, with thoughtful discussion from all sides.

dmarks said...

"Just google "palin racism" to verify."

I looked on Google before I made my earlier comment. There's an amazing lack of evidence in the first several links. I find opinion by Beckish blowhard Chris Matthews, Earl Ofari Hutchinson's failed attempt to stick the racism label that uses (among other things) a "code word" interepretation in which anything can mean anything, something a relative (but not Sarah Palin) may have said, and old Wonkette piece that centers on the fake long-since-disproven allegation of someone yelling "Kill Him" about Obama at a campaign rally, and a lot of other examples that really contain nothing.

One "example" is pointed out in a New York Observer article from October 2008, in which a person being quoted uses pure imagination to conjure race out of a statement that had nothing to do with race:

"“They are trying to throw out these codes,” said Representative Gregory Meeks, a Democrat from New York.

“He’s ‘not one of us?’” Mr. Meeks said, referring to a comment Sarah Palin made at a campaign rally on Oct. 6 in Florida. “That’s racial. That’s fear. They know they can’t win on the issues, so the last resort they have is race and fear.”

To show what a leap of imagination this is, here is another example of the "not one of us" statement, found here from a leftist on a leftist blog.

If Palin was racist for saying that Obama was not one us, then Rosie O'Donnell is equally as racist for saying that Bush was not one of us. Hear that Rosie? You are being racial against George W. Bush.

There's enough stuff to criticize Sarah Palin on without stretching things to create racist statements out of thin air.

dmarks said...

Pamela said: "And so far, NO trolls! I'm impressed! And jealous!"

Trolls can't handle the truth, I guess. For all I know, they might have a funding problem now and will regroup.

Leslie Parsley said...

dmarks" "In the end she is a thinly disguised racist."

"Thinly disguised" is the key here.
You don't have to go around shouting the N-word to be racist. Even her own father said she left school in Hawaii because of the dark skinned people.

BTW, in my past life I was a researcher and had my own business. You cannot stop looking after just 3 or 4 entries - especially on the Internet.

JoMala "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Dmarks said "Trolls can't handle the truth..."

No doubt he means Truth 101. Why do you think they all go elsewhere to bash me? Panzies.

dmarks said...

"You don't have to go around shouting the N-word to be racist."

On the other side of the coin, there has to be evidence of racism for there to be any racism. The Hawaii anecdote so far is the only thing that might stick. That's possibly a smoking gun.

I've also read many other entries on this. The "anything means anything" logic of the abused "code word" idea is rather common. As are tons of "she's a racist just because I says she is" partisan attacks.

One interesting one I read about earlier was a claim that had Sarah Palin using the "Sambo" racial name for Obama. However, the person who reported this flat out refused to give the specifics of it (where and who heard it), leaving it in the realm of the most dubious Enquirer-style gossip. That would have been a serious "smoking gun" to the claims that Palin is racist, had there been anything to it.

TAO said...

I am voting for Palin whenever she runs for President...

Lets see what happens!

The Rattler - III said...

I visited Hawaii in 1978 for 3 weeks in the Summer and it was one of the first times I had ever encountered racism in my life. But this time it was directed towards us poi dog haoles. But then again if it is directed towards a white it can't be bad. I was glad to leave and have not since been back. I would of much rather had Puerto Rico as our 50th state than this one. Aloha!

dmarks said...
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dmarks said...

Tao: Depending on what state you live in, you probably wouldn't get a chance to vote for her if she ran for President. She'd probably finish 3rd in the New Hampshire primary, somewhere between Pat Buchahan and dog vomit in the next couple of primaries, and drop out of the race (due to the pressure of having political competition) by the time your state primary rolled around.

Pamela Zydel said...

I am voting for Palin whenever she runs for President...

Tao: I KNEW you liked her better than ME!

**sitting in corner pouting**

Leslie Parsley said...

dmarks: This is the second time I've had to eat a little crow on this blog - but I'm not giving into you entirely. She reportedly has often referred to the aborigines as "Arctic Arabs." While governor, in a meeting with some African-American business leaders who were asking why there were none in her administration, she said she wasn't going to hire any.

Here is an excellent site on Factcheck: http://www.factcheck.org/askfactcheck/what_about_that_anne_kilkenny_e-mail.html

Maybe this isn't very scientific, but if Palin lived in the south, she would epitomize the Southern Belle - who knows enough not to openly make a racial slur, but privately would refer to them as monkeys, Sambo, N -, etc. I know these kinds of people all too well.

dmarks said...

The Arctic Arabs one DOES look pretty damning, if it could be sustantiated.

The "While governor, in a meeting with some African-American business leaders who were asking why there were none in her administration, she said she wasn't going to hire any." needs some complete context. Perhaps she was referring not giving into demands for "affirmative action" (a racist policy of hiring people just because they are black, not because of meaningful qualification). I'll do some digging on these. If these are true, they are enough for me.

dmarks said...
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dmarks said...

There's a major disconnect between:

""While governor, in a meeting with some African-American business leaders who were asking why there were none in her administration, she said she wasn't going to hire any."


"Among Palin’s 417 appointments or reappointments to boards and commissions since taking office in December 2006, 240 have voluntarily identified their ethnicity. Eight are black, 49 Alaska Native, six Asian or Pacific Islander and one is Hispanic."

If she promised to hire no blacks, it was a promise she did not keep.

8 blacks out of 240 would mean 13 out of the total 417. About 3.3%. Which is lower, but not shockingly lower, than the 5% of Alaska's total population made up by African-Americans.

SJ said...

The last word on Sarah Palin's worth as a leader was written by Sarah Palin herself.

She quit her elected office.

This cannot be turned into a matter of opinion or rationalized in any way.
It's a fact.
She quit.

I think Republicans and others have to be honest with themselves and really think hard about continuing to support a politician who won't even stick out the position she duly elected to do.

Rattler and others can continue the spurious comparisons between Biden and Obama's supposed lack of qualification, or pretend they are not intelligent, -but that's just changing the subject, attempting to turn a conversation about Sarah Palin's worth into a discussion about someone else's. No one else's supposed lack of qualifications can excuse her. Mention whowever you like by comparison, eventually we have to concede the truth about her as a politician.
The GOP deserves better, and has scores of better policymakers and leaders, (many of whom I don't even agree with) to choose from.
I say that as a Liberal who votes for Democrats for the most part.

No one can deny Palin quit, they can only pretend it doesn't matter.

But it does.
It really does matter.

dmarks said...

SJ: I think the two main conservatives commenting here, Pam and myself, pretty much agree with that comment of yours.

SJ said...

-understood. It was wrong of me to paint the whole thread with that posture.
I look at Christie Todd Whitman, Linda Lingle and a few others (who I don't see eye to eye with by the way), who also happen to have been female governors (if the GOP wants to stick with female candidates with a gubernatorial pedigree) and no one, not one person on any side of the political divide in this country could deny those two Republican politicians are formidable articulators of policy, and results-driven administrators with proven track records.
I probably wouldn't vote for them because of some fundamental differences on core issues, but it wouldn't be an impossibility that I could because they are that good at what the do, -and were they were actually voted in?
-I wouldn't feel the least bit endangered or have any lack of confidence in either of them whatsoever.
...Not so with Sarah Palin.

Distributorcap said...

sarah is just one in a long line - beck, hannity - all limited intelligence.

but beck isnt a MILF - stupid sarah is to the GOP