Several of my fellow bloggers have already broken the story about Sarah Palin becoming a contributor to FOX News. From a business point of view, I think this is a great idea. As tragic as they are, we all have to stop and look at a train wreck.
Sarah's gaffes, lies and misstatements will add to her legend. It will be interesting and give us bloggers great fodder to watch how FOX shelters her from real discussions with anyone of substance. She'll mostly just read whatever talking points are given her as though she came up with them or have a chef on during the holidays to show us how to cook a moose.
But the train wreck will come. She will say something so incredibly stupid that even the reactionary righties will have to make a show of disowning her as the rational right leaners ones have disowned the republican party. Well. They will disown her at first. Then Rush or Cheney will send out the memo that she was misquoted or under stress. She will spend time in Alaska "to be with her family." After a while all will be relegated to the recycle bin and we can get on to the next subject.
I think it was the Peter Principle that said people will rise to the level of their incompetence. Thanks to the good folks at FOX News for giving Sarah "Train Wreck" Palin the opportunity to prove Peter correct.
Great post.
Stop defiling Lynda Carter.
I was going to post this at the Swash Zone and then I thought, "Do I REALLY want to call any more attention to this mangler of rational thought or the Faux News degenerates?"
Nope, don't want to do it; so I let it slide.
what's frustrating is so many on the right will reflexively defend her, or infer that we are obsessed.
The most deluded will claim the Left is anti-woman.
IMO it's a combination of the train-wreck thing as well as stupefaction that the Right takes her seriously.
I can't find anyone comparable on the left. I mentioned Pee Wee Herman on Leslie's site as comparable but Pee Wee doesn't have a following. Seriously, is there someone the left looks to who is also a total idiot ?
Seriously ?
Octo would have been offended anyway Rocky.
But there was no way I was going to let the latest Sarah story and this picture go to waste here.
You owe me a steak dinner when President Palin (and vice president Bachmann) takes office in January of 2013. That is if your chosen one has not suspended the constitution as I fear. Wait a minute... he already has...
I thought the Wonder Woman thing with her Whip of Truth was great irony SJ. Sarah wielding a Whip of Truth. Classic.
Question: To whom does O'Reilly whack off more - Palin or Coulter? Or maybe Malkin?
Or maybe Billo can't get it up to whack anymore.
Just thought I'd put that image in your minds.
You're welcome.
TRUTH: She will say something so incredibly stupid . . .
Beck can say something stupid without even opening his mouth and the lunkheads still keep him.
You are exactly correct.. we can't stop staring at a train wreck.. and that's exactly what she is.... One of the other blogs I read had a write up from a commenter at Sully's blog... She was a school teacher and taught advanced students... one of the subjects they discuss is politics and she stated that even though they all can have an honest discussion about everyone in politics except Palin.. and when they start talking about her, the conservative leaning students just go stupid.
The eyes go blank. They seem starstruck and smile a lot (girls and boys.) They do not dispute evidence that she was unqualified or ill informed; they just ignore it. When they returned from an appearance Palin made nearby, four of my students behaved like they'd seen Miley Cyrus, not a potential leader of the free world. When it comes to Palin 2012, they tend to nod knowingly with a little secret smile and say "You'll see."
That's a direct quote and so I put it in Italics... That's scary when these kids are intelligent and wise and can carry on a conversation and write about everything else with no problem, but when it comes to the Twitter Quitter as she is called... they lose all rational thought.
Palin/Bachmann 2012??? No way on Gods green earth that will EVER happen, in fact it's friggin hilarious!! Palin will definitly be sheltered and given assignments like salmon spawning season, and hunting tips, "how not to shoot your hunting companion". What a joke she is....
You pick the steakhouse Rattler. But if Palin/Bachman doesn't happen, I get to run your blog for a week.
Just when I start getting bored, something like this happens to perk me up and keep me in the game. Having the keys to Rattler's The Snake on the Flag. Yes. I'll be around for awhile...
Sue: "how not to shoot your hunting companion".
Would her teacher be, per chance, that dude Cheney? Ah see.
You know Stimpson, Palin and Malkin okay. Maybe even hell yeah! But I want to be nowhere near Coulter in any tawdry situation. That woman gives me the heebie jeebies.
I wasn't saying any of those women are attractive to either of us, Truth. I was saying I'll bet O'Reilly gets hot thinking about them.
If Palin/Bachmann take office in January of 2013 I will buy you the whole fucking cow!
Bill has no doubt ruined many a good keyboard Stimpson.
Ruined many a good keyboard.
ROFLMAO. took a minute, i'm a little slow on the uptake.
Truth: I posted at a couple other "left" blogs that I think this is a good business arrangement for Fox and Palin. She's STILL popular so Fox is going to cash in while they can and Palin will make some money, too. So, it doesn't matter what anyone REALLY thinks because they are going by their "poll" numbers, which are already high, and Palin will probably only make them higher--some will want to watch the so-called "train wreck" and others will tune in just because they are HUGE fans.
Fox News' ratings have slipped a bit in some key demographics and MSNC is catching up. I'm sure Fox wanted to do this a while ago (like 5 minutes before she quit her job), but was saving it for the perfect moment.
And she'll do really well. The ratings will get a big boost for a month or two, and she'll eventually run out of things to say.
And that's fine because the hardcore righties will follower her every word, and the moderates will give her the big heave ho. And in the end, the left comes out as winners, just as we did in 2008.
I hear this saying somewhere, "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me." Or maybe it was Those who don't learn from their mistakes are condemned to repeat it?
I really did not want to dignify the Palindrone by responding to another post about her.
So I won't!
If her ratings slip she can always do a spread for Maxim like Danica Patrick.
"Palindrome" Awesome Octo.
What (O)CT(O) said.
But Pam is correct. Putting all Palin snark aside, this is a lucrative business deal for both Palin and FOX.
As I posted on another liberal blog; Hope for interesting, if not at least entertaining.
Other than that, YAWN.
Locomotive? Well, her motives do tend to be loco.....
It will be interesting to see if she can come up with anything so stupid that even teabaggerdom feels compelled to disown it. Like an irresistable force vs. an immovable object, only with dumbth instead of forces and objects.
They wouldn't dare put her on live, would they? I imagine they will pre-record "The Sarah Palin Show" so they can edit out all of her "I can see Russia from my house" moments. She will probably guest on live shows with a very ordered script, and instructions not to "ask her anything hard."
Another disgraced/disgraceful ex-pol/political hack on Fox...
I'm just not all that surprised...
(Just as I won't be when "FoxNews contributer Joe Lieberman" hits the small screen.
People are saying this multi-year deal will prevent her from running for office in 2012... ...but I wouldn't be surprised to learn her resignation letter was written before the contract was even signed.
Fox will make all kinds of $$$$$ from this unholy alliance!
Love it! Perfect match!! Great graphic!
Palin is NOT going to have her own show. She is going to be a contributor, which means she'll be floating around - the only thing she seems to do well.
Well, you didn't expect her to take a job at a conservative think tank did you?
TAO: Well, you didn't expect her to take a job at a conservative think tank did you?
She ain't the only stupid one in the crowd.
Soon Sarah will have more money than TAO. I have to give her some credit Leslie. Sarah Palin is stupid like a FOX.
"President Palin (and vice president Bachmann)"
you sir, are high.
"She will say something so incredibly stupid that even the reactionary righties will have to make a show of disowning her as the rational right leaners ones have disowned the republican party."
Being "stupid" only gets you in trouble if you're a conservative. Remember, it was Joe Biden who said "When the stock market crashed, Franklin D. Roosevelt got on the television and didn't just talk about the, you know, the princes of greed. He said, 'Look, here's what happened,'"
Except, of course, FDR wasn't president when the stock market crashed in 1929, and television hadn't been invented.
Seems neither Obama nor the left dumped Biden.
For Sarah, that would be a halfway intelligent comment.
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