There is much ado on several right leaning blogs about how loathsome and vulgar I am. One of them cut and pasted a piece from the last post about the editor of Redstate being a shithead. I guess the cut and paster was offended because he himself is also a shithead and shitheads must stick together. Some crazy code among shitheads or something.
The reactionary righties then spout off wherever they can find a sympathetic blog about how President Obama is Muslim and wants to destroy America when they're not attacking TAO or me.
To all my right leaning friends who have made me welcome at their sites and are most welcome here, I beg your pardon.
To the reactionaries who think calling me or the President a commie or America Hater makes them the next William F. Buckley, I join our President in the message he is sending you.
Thank you for reading Truth 101 and may God bless America.
for the life of me Truth, I don't know why you visit conservative blogs. Even if the host is kind and polite to you it's the other commentors who are so damn mean and frankly, disgusting. I have learned to not comment, even if I'm compelled to read their nastiness! lol
Sue - As a right leaning, and true independent conservative, I always try and rise above the BS and name calling. Even when I find the individuals position utterly dumbfounding.
I visit liberal blogs like TRUTH and TAO precisely because I am an independent and just because one has different viewpoints does not make them necessarily a s*ith**d.
I am sure I get flack from other right leaning bloggers for visiting and commenting on liberal sites. Do I care, not at all. I SEE IT AS THE SIGN OF AN OPEN MIND.
Which, by the way many liberals should afford the time thinking on.
Truth - I appreciate the welcome you have given this conservative (true) blogger. As I said you are always welcome on Rational Nation USA. As I said, those who don't understand or get upset (regardless of the side they are on) oh well!
When the message is truth, all you can do is trash the messenger.
Keep the truth!
RN USA, you are the exception to the rule. I went to the blog Truth is speaking of and its shameful how this person is being bashed by her friends for speaking with liberals! It's immature to say the least! Thats the problem here in blogland, no open minds to be found!
(except of course yours Truth :-))
Wasn't it Truman who said, "If you tell 'em the truth, they think it's a lie. If you tell 'em a lie, they think it's the truth."
It irks me that the reactionaries that have no independent thought cause bloggers on my side to dismiss the opinions of bloggers like Rational Nation, Tom the Redhunter or LAOT.
I jump on Rush and Beck becuase they offer nothing but name calling and fear mongering.
In the end, Sue is probably correct. I can't hold my keyboard when I see ridiculous comments about hating America. It may be best if I stopped trying to change the minds and hearts of those that are satisfied screaming "socialist" instead of real dialogue.
But every now and then you just gotta raise a little hell.
awwww calm down everyone. it is just a blog strategy to get more readership most of the time. its a strategy used by both sides of the coin.
it is especially used by those who are seeking to earn more money from the ads on their blogs.
The truth can be a very awkward thing to deal with, just like medicine. So keep dishing out the medicine.
You need to put a Paypal donation button on your blog...
Tell folks that they can slander you all over the blogosphere if they donate...
You will be on easy street before you know it!
Damn that Griper and Rational Nation!. How dare a pair of righties say something that makes sense!
Could your factory print up a load of "Truth 101 is a pinko commie" tshirts TAO?
We can make money from Libs and Conservatives. We'll tell the Libs the proceeds are going to charity. We'll tell the righties that a portion will go to buying copies of "Going Rogue" to give to school children and homeless guys.
I believe Truman also said,
"I didn't give them Hell. I told them the truth, and they thought it was Hell."
If you are a passionate enough person to start a blog, type out your thoughts and post them for all to read and criticize; then you are likely to not pass by commenting on others viewpoints that seem so irrational to you.
First impressions are important. There are some I could have a discussion with, except the first encounter I had with them, they called me stupid, or some other insult. From then on, no matter how well reasoned their points, they are not to be engaged with.
That's what I got from Blue Pitbull. That's what I got from Pam's readers and comment threads. That's what I got from marks, and other bloggers.
That was my experience. Others had different experiences with the same blogger, and do not judge them the same as I have. Fine.
Seems the anonymity of blogging allows people the freedom to say things in a manner, they might not in person.
So I'll stick with civility, which means I have very tight comment rules, use comment moderation, and generate the lowest comment counts.
There are ways to control the level of vitriolic comments, but some seem to enjoy that kind of engagement, and that's fine.
You say: "it is just a blog strategy to get more readership most of the time. its a strategy used by both sides of the coin."
This is patently false. There is nothing on major left wing sites that comes even close to the hatred and lies that pours out of the right on a daily basis. I look at many sites on both sides on a daily basis, so don't even try to defend your ludicrous contention to me.
And the efforts on the right are not primarily intended to increase readership. They are intended to make it impossible for Democrats to govern this country, no matter how large a majority they win, and no matter what the terrible cost of an ungovernable country might be. This is the same strategy which we see displayed openly by elected Republicans every day. It is a campaign of malice such as this country has never seen, and where it will end no one can now say.
Never stop. Never stop fighting till the fight is done.
While it might be nice to believe the Punk Ass Bitch Republican Party is in the last throes, we Liberals who have built and carried the Nation to greatness and prosperity know that wounded vicious rabid animals like Pete Hoekstra and Michele Bachmann are still dangerous and need to be fought until their ilk no longer infest the Nation and condemn the American People to a life of servitude to War and Profit.
Continue the Fight TRUTH 101!
Grung is so correct, the sickness in the rethug party is very dangerous. When they are backed up against the wall, when they don't have the power, they will play like a rabid wolf!
Green Eagle also is correct, liberal blogs get their share of trolls but I don't see the attacks and hateful comments in responce to them like I see on the conservative blogs. I have my own resident conservative commentors and as annoying as they are we either just ignore or I delete. My readers are the nicest, most considerate I have seen in blogland!
So Truth, if you like being insulted and belittled JUST for being liberal(thats all the right needs to start the insults, they are such hypocrites) then proceed to those sickening sites. ME, I cannot do it anymore.
Never forget, we are RIGHT they are WRONG!!!
Sue - The belief that "we are right, and they are wrong," while part of defending ones rationally held beliefs and principals is necessary, it can get in the way of finding solutions to our nations problems.
There is plenty of ideological fire in the Democratic Party and Republican Party.
Basically they are both corrupt and work to insure the statist status quo.
green eagle,
" so don't even try to defend your ludicrous contention to me."
he shrugs, "ok, i won't try. wasn't about to anyways. was just passing along some information, that is all."
Yes RN, I will give you that.
I don't know why you visit idiot conservative blogs, Truth. I'm talking about blogs that should give intelligent conservatives a sense of embarrassment.
Maybe your use of words like shithead bother the shithead bloggers most. I've always found it weird that people who spout off highly offensive and insensitive viewpoints can get their undies in a knot over a little profanity.
Well Mr. Stimpson. If Jesus could walk among sinners I figured I could walk among closed minded fools in an attempt to open them.
I probably should as I've been advised just stick to liberal bloggers and reasonable people of intelligence and dignity like Rational Nation or Law and Order Teacher. But there is something to be said for exposing shitheads to.
Truth I have to agree with several others here. I don't know why you visit Rightie Blogs. I don't even allow Fox Noise in my home and could never visit a conservative blog. It would not be good for my health. I am finally adding you to my blogroll. I can't explain why I keep forgetting!!
I thought it was an honor that had to be deserved MadMike. It took you a long time to put Stimpson on there and he's a far better writer and blogger than I'll ever be.
Truth trust me on this: you (and Stimpson) deserved being on my blogroll a long time ago. You are a skilled writer and I would love to have you as a contributor. If you would even consider it send me an email at madmikes1@gmail.com.
I appreciate you placing me in the good company of RN and Tom (Red). I'm not sure I deserve to be in their company but your post serves to make a good point.
I go to several liberal blogs and I get some comments on my about being a punching bag. But if I picked one thing from being a cop it's a thick skin. Really, I should care what somebody on a blog says about me?
I would hold myself to the same standards of open debate that I hold my students to in class. It's more educational being in an atmosphere that ecourages intelligent interaction.
As for swearing, I can hang with anyone in letting them fly, but I have some trepidation in using them in my blog or comments. Believe me, your use of profanity shouldn't offend anyone.
What offends me more is censorship of TV and radio. Obviously, there has to be some standards. If something offends you or you don't want your child to see or hear it, be a parent and change the channel. Be an adult. Don't depend on the government to raise your kids. That's your job.
Sorry for the rant. Good day sir.
truth - I wholeheartedly agree about Rush and Beck.
And I continue to be amazed by your ability to exude truth and wit.
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