Friday, January 22, 2010


For those of you not from Illinois, this is Republican Governor Jim Thompson. Many of you may remember him from his membership on the 911 Commission.

Big Jim was Illinois governor for I think 26 years. So much for republican support of term limits. And every election he promised not to raise taxes. And then after winning, he raised taxes.

This isn't so much to make sport of Governor Thompson. In reality, his willingness to increase state revenue to keep paying it's bills was responsible governing. I commend him for that.

The real gist of this is that he was elected and reelected time and again for telling people whatever "shit" they wanted to hear. And when he turned around and did what he wanted it didn't matter because memories are short and Republicans are quick to forgive Republicans for anything as long as they say republican things.

We have elections coming this November. Republicans will be throwing out the same shit about less taxes and fiscal responsibility. The less taxes at least has some credibility. But that's only if you're very wealthy. For most of us it's a crock of shit. The fiscal responsibility is total bullshit.

But as always, a certain number of people will be sucked by republican nonsense. The republicans will fuck things up as usual. Then in their tradition of "reliability" they will blame Democrats. Which the same group of mindless fools who accepted their lies about less government and fiscal responsibility will believe.

I've always believed in the old phrase that one could never underestimate the stupidity of the people. That's one of the key principles on the republican mission statement. Unfortunately, it's been working for them since 1968.


Grung_e_Gene said...

When George Ryan got Six and One Half years for convictions from 18 counts of charges of racketeering, bribery, extortion, money laundering and tax fraud, Big Jim was right by his side. Ryan's defense was done pro bono by Winston & Strawn, a law firm managed by Big Jim.

And when Ryan was allowed to remain free Big Jim and Ryan hugged and thanked god they had oodles of money with which to fight the charges they had stolen oodles of money...

However! Even though Big Jim took the fight all the way to SCOTUS (which declined to hear the case) and asked Bush for a pardon for Ryan. George Ryan is now in jail.

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JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Thank you for stopping by Lawrence. And while I dig the "lesbyan" thing in your web address, I must tell you that I'm not into blogging for money, hit count or prestige.

If I have a blog on my link list it's because I respect their efforts and appreciate their participation from time to time in my discussions. I am also welcome at their sites.

No offense but I've never heard of you or your site until now. If after a few days or weeks of seeing your operation I think it's your's is a blog worth visiting regularly, I'll be glad to link you. But just to link because a guy I'd never heard of asked would be in my view an insult to those I've linked here because of my respect for them.

I wish you success and sincerely hope I can come to appreciate your work as much as I appreciate those I have on my link list Mr. Davidson.

The Griper said...

he chuckles, that's my link policy also, truth. we finally have something to agree upon. :)

TOM said...

Gov. Pawlenty ran on the "no new tax" pledge. When he took office Minnesota handed him a 600million dollar surplus. Now Minnesota has a 6 Billion dollar debt.
He did raise one tax - $1.00 per pack on cigs. Like smokers alone should pay the public bills.
He killed the General Assistance Medical Program, which covers the poorest of the poor. As of March 1st they no longer have coverage.
But he did offer up $250 million to pay for a new stadium for the Vikings.
Now he is a poster boy for the Republican Presidential spot in2012.
I'm sure he will run on his no new tax record in Minnesota.
Republicans truly have as their motto the old Scrooge saying, then let them get about dying and decrease the surplus population.
The only population that needs decreasing, is Republican politicians.

Jolly Roger said...

The Rushpubliscums celebrate stupidity, abhor intelligence, and think that facts are debatable.

Is it any wonder their "leaders" are all such idiots?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You know Jolly Roger; I wouldn't describe the republican leadership, the ones that actually call the shots "idiots." I really do think this small minority are evil geniuses. It's the deluded fools who follow them. Who are blinded by misleading attacks and the outright lies told to them by the Cheneys and Limbaughs who are the idiots. Which gives me an idea for a great speak. Thanks Jolly Roger.

Jolly Roger said...

Actually, Cheney is most assuredly an idiot, as the guy has never, ever, been a success at anything he ever tried. And I don't think one would expect to have any kind of deep intellectual dialogue with "Junket John" Boehner or "Mooch" McConnell, either.

Nah. They're stupid. But they're smart enough to remember what their owners tell them to remember. As for Oxy-Moron, he's all strung out; hard to tell whether or not there's a brain in there. But he proves that you can be a junkie and a waste and still remember your talking points...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I thought about perhaps calling them "idiot savants" but it just didn't seem appropriate. And I thought it might be offensive to idiots.

As a capitalist I appreciate those that can make money. Cheney has used his hypnotic powers over the weak minded and greedy to become one of the most powerful people in the world. The man is not an "idiot."

He is however an asshole. An evil asshole.

Jack Jodell said...

I've said for years that Republicans are so notoriously brand-loyal and so unoriginal in thought that if the party nominated Daffy Duck for public office, all the Republicans would unquestioningly vote for him so long as he wore that R on his chest...

TAO said...

At least 'stupidity' doesn't pee on your shoes....

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Jack's correct. Look at how they still fawn all over Sarah Palin no matter what silliness comes out of her mouth.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Nice play on words.

TomCat said...

Political success depends on two things: lots of corporate cash and a Doctorate in Bullshitogy.

Beekeepers Apprentice said...

McDonnel won here in Virginia by pledging that age old republican mantra "no new taxes" (well, age old since Bush I, I suppose). The problem is, the people in VA who actually can use their brains for more than just target practice realize that he's going to cut social and educational services to the f'ing bone, if he Doesn't raise taxes. Know what the right got their panties in a wad about here over the summer? Dem gov. Kaine closed a few rest areas on the interstates. frankly, from what I saw, he closed the oldest and scariest ones, so I personally didn't see what the problem was, or why such a big deal was made about it, especially considering the republicans crying "children in a car for 2 hours" evidently LIKE those SOCIALIST rest areas, because the first thing McD did upon inauguration last week was...drum roll please...he re-opened the rest areas! Once the flush the squirrels out, I suppose. Virginia seceded from the Confederacy in Nov. 2008, and went right back into the camp in Nov 2009...all because of those socialist public johns!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Anyone that can expose republicans for the true socialist outhouse keepers they are needs to be on the link list.

Welcome Beekeeper!

Beekeepers Apprentice said...

Well, thankya, Truth dearie:)

You're already on my list!

Ranch Chimp said...

Good Morning Mr.Truth! :)

And first let me say .... "When I'm not shagging my dog and smokin dope .... I'm reading Truth 101!" :)

No .... all shit aside Mr.Truth ... I love your style! My compliment's ... and of course ... nice posting.

I was posting a lil while back of the shit that will start to hit the fan out of the GOP, and let me remind anyone who read's this ... that I voted GOP most of my life as well, and am NOT some leftist who is just out to smash conservative's, I'm a gun totin, Hell raising, Texas redneck SOB. And let me tell ya ... when it come's to slacker's in politic's, you cant get any more sloth than out of a republican. Why did I vote for these loser's so many year's? Well even though I am pro same sex marriage, and anti organized religion and for a woman's right to choose, I frankly never did care who ran for office, or if they done a goddamn thing. I was living comfortable most of my voting year's, never needed gvmt for anything, never even drew any kind of assistance in my 53 year's. Never even knew ss marriage was illegal, frankly didnt give a shit if anyone marries or not, or give a rat's ass what a woman chooses to do with her body. I voted Bush strictly because I alway's looked at all politician's as mouthpiece's, in Texas he didnt do a damn thing and kept to himself ...the country was in fairly good shape, I figured in DC he wouldnt do a damn thing either. Man oh f'n man ... was I wrong!

Now we will see all these GOPer's this year ranting about the solution's they have ... yet they have NONE , if the MF's did ... we wouldnt be in half the goddamn mess we are in today.... their lack of oversight, and lack of management allowed all the money manipulator's to construct a form of international corporate communism. It's the GOP that has been acting like a bunch of commie's if anybody, letting these weasel's dictate to them.

Nice post ... thank you Sir!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Eloquently stated Ranch Chimp.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I'm appalled at the lack of empathy for the overweight. Isn't that what you all are all about, although Rush has lost about 100 pounds and isn't much overweight anymore.

But then again, maybe his opinions are in the same ballpark as all those fat, low lifes, that can't quit eating Macs and all that other fat food. Who wants to sit next to them on a plane, right?

Yes, I do have a sense of humor. I love a good fat joke. After all, they laugh at themselves and they have a good personality, right?

Good day.

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

The title says it all!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

LaOT and I have, as usual, found common ground. An example to evryone of different beliefs. We both like fat people that are jolly.

Anonymous said...

My Girl friend just broke up with me and I have uploaded every nude PIC I have of her to the net. Just go to Enjoy!
