I was watching CNN the other day when the two representatives from the left and right were talking. The one on the right was the editor of Redstate. I wish I could say I never heard a more useless bunch of crap emanating from the lips of another human being but sadly, the right is full of idiots that repeat the same bullshit to the delight of their hoards.
I've been in on several negotiations in which someone that was ignorant of what was going on got caught and tried to mumble nonsense to get out of looking like a fool. This is what Redstate guy did. He mumbled the word "socialist" a couple times but offered nothing in the way of ideas or cogent observation. But no doubt this shithead went back to his big blog and typed how he told that left winger a thing or two. Then all his minions, actually his minions are the same hoard that are Rush's and Beck's minions also. Anyway, they all cheered him because they are also idiots that have no clue what the hell is going on. That's why most idiots voted for Bush. It's a peer thing with them. Only idiots allowed. Too bad their embarrassment at their idiocy causes them to post hate and ignorance on right wing blogs instead motivating them to get smarter by reading blogs like TAO's Radical Perspective or one of the other outstanding blogs I have linked.
One day perhaps, the idiots that follow and emulate Rush and the Redstate guy will understand that they've been duped. Then perhaps they will open their minds to truth and a better America for all. I highly doubt it though. They are after all, idiots.
Truth, you have lived up to your name on this one. Truer words were never said.
The Right is kind of like Tiger Woods is right now...
He had a good thing at home and a great life...
BUT NO! That just wasn't enough...
So he goes off and fools around with a bunch of other trollops and now he is probably sitting at home pissed off because all the this shit has come tumbling down on his perfect little life...
He probably sees himself as a victim!
There are three classes of people: The Retrograde; The Stationary; The Progressive.
We all know which of the classes Red State belongs to.
That's a great point you make about victimhood Tao. The rich righties sit at the club bitching about how they are the victims of the poor who have no health insurance.
I know some pretty poor folks and I know some pretty wealthy people....
NO ONE WHINES like rich people!
Its just pathetic at times...
A few years back I knew this guy who had basically inherited all of his wealth...his daddy was a great guy who worked hard and was successful...
Junior whined once about taxes and how everyone wanted something for nothing....
I just laughed and told him that was pretty much how he came about having what he had....
He doesn't talk to me anymore...
I do note that he is getting a few million in stimulus money/government aid to build something downtown that will make his property more valuable...
Hmmm...something for nothing...
Minions to the right of me, minions to the left of me, with a lot of a'h*les in the middle.
The only reason I don't pack it all in is basically because as long as their is a breath of rationality there is a chance.
Problem is the right listen to the right, the left listens to the left, and somehow or other they ignore the obvious.
At least most of them do.
I think any of you folks who really care need to go visit RATIONAL NATIONS blog...he has a great post, with awesome graphics, about the last decade...
It is something all of us need to think about!
I know some very wealthy people, heck, my Godfather is a millionaire, but you’d NEVER know it. And I know a few families who are just making ends meet and you’d NEVER know that, either. It all depends on how you were raised and how you view life in general. I know a few people who are constant “victims” or “martyrs”, and that’s why they are no longer in my life. I don’t have the energy for that type of person. We are all victims at one time or another but it’s what we do with that lesson that holds us above the rest.
Whining isn’t limited to the wealthy just as being a “sheeple” isn’t limited to the Right. We had idiots who voted for Bush just because he had a “R” after his name and we had idiots who voted for Obama just because he was Black. Then we have people who were informed and voted based on ideologies and values. It’s just too bad there aren’t more Americans who are informed. I’m hoping there will be more Americans getting informed, because I think it’s important to know what’s going on. I don’t like the “hatred” crap, but I do like knowledge. I’m thinking that a lot of what we read here in the blogosphere is the minority. I talk to a lot of Conservatives and I don’t hear them talk like that; they aren’t Reactionary Righties, which gives me relief and hope.
I personally know Erick Erickson , and he would Viking you Truth . Also Double E is harder on the right than you Commies on the left .
Progressives are as corrupt as ACORN .
P.S. : Look for a shoe to drop this week on Big Government
not that I would know
I know plenty of conservatives locally. MOst of them I get along very well with and we have found common ground several times. My vitriol is directed at nuts like the troll from Long Beach New York who posts under dozens of difeerent monikers. Or idiots that rip on their fellow right leaning blogger for visiting here or TAO's blog.
All opinions are welcome here. I won't throw the first stone and I'll rip anyone, right or left that does.
Don't let Tookie fool you folks. The reality is that he would be a better Democrat than most of the Democrats I know.
Corrupt as ACORN is a compliment,since they are probably less corrupt than most American corporations and also do good work.
Unfortunately the irrational right chose to villify them without knowing a thing about them,easier to parrot Beck than think.
ACORN organizes on behalf of poor people for a living wage, against predatory business practices and registers people to vote.
All of these practices go against the grain of the neocon/teabag Right.
If there are any real Republicans around, small govt fiscal conservatives, I would not expect them to attack those who work on behalf of the poor nor make hysterical and untrue attacks for the sake of a morally bankrupt ideology.
OK let the attacks begin.
conservatives are the biggest self-righteous hypocrites. Why do they despise celebrities who do so much to help others less fortunate? Why do they call liberals immoral when it is the religious right always in the news for their dispicable behavior? Why do they condemn organizations like ACORN? Could it be the color of their employees? It all sounds so idiotic doesn't it, but thats what the right-wing of today is, idiotic...
I've mentioned elsewhere that 90% of my family are born-again righties. But I can't see them at one of these Tea Parties.
To them, becoming informed is listening to Fox and their minister, period. Heaven forbid that they would even consider reading Schaeffer or even Kingsolver.
A RR gal lived in my complex and I once offered to loan her a book. "No thanks, I'm not much on reading." This thinking is typical of the RR.
There's just so much mean-spiritedness, rudeness, threatening and in-your-face behavior. You don't have to be a shrink to see that these people are angry and paranoid - that a lot of this is coming from the fact that the president is black, despite the fact that so-called studies say it isn't. Bull.
Frankly, I find them threatening to me and they scare me shitless.
I am very tired.
The person from Long Beach, is a frequent visitor of my blog. Their visits always coincide with comments I have to reject.
I do apologise for those on my side of the spectrum that choose to use attacks and lies as opposed to facts and ideals when posting their arguments Truth.
I took a look at my comments and posts after you pointed out to me that others on the right can get their message heard by being civil. If I can change, anyone can.
My prayers that you and your friends have a wonderful new year Truth. Thanks for making me welcome to your blog.
I would hate to think that some would generalize when they criticize those they disagree with. Conservatives aren't all hypocrites, just like all lefties aren't commies. I think we all spend too much time talking about each other rather than talking to each other. Just a thought.
Good day sir.
I took your advice long ago LAOT. Find a lefty any more welcoming and accomodating to right leaning bloggers than I am.
Ole Tookie has been more key to ACORN document grabs than anyone , trust me they are 100% corrupt .
Whitney National bank
want routing numbers ? What the internal IRS doc that they did not file ? Want the books that were 'detroyed in Katrina" , yet existed very much in full in Dallas ?
No Justice No peace
Obligation to free speech does not end by simply securing peoples right to speak. There is an obligation of the speaker, to be civil; and an obligation to listeners to discern truth from fiction, and speak out against lies.
I tried to look into Whitney/ACORN but couldn't find anything legitimate.Fox/National Review only.Do you have any links?
"Ole Tookie has been more key to ACORN document grabs than anyone"
Reminds me of someone else in history who was always declairing he had a "list" in his pocket . . .
Tailgunner Joe is now Tailgunner Tookie. Great observation Leslie.
The supporters of the right are two types: the Actively Ignorant and the Violently stupid.
Fear mongering and Lying (with a smattering of racism) is their bread and butter and the Punk Ass Bitch Republicans, Racist Limbuagh and Erick Erickson provide them with their daily bread.
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